page two the acton free press acton ontario thullsday april mtht lflm the only jppervr pnbllalitd in aeton i founded in 1879 and published every thurs day at m mill st e actoh ont member of the audit bureau of circulations the cw na and the ontirioquebec division of the cwna advertising rates on request sub scriptions payable in advance 300 mi canada 400 in the united states six months 175 single copies 7c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa published by the dilu prlnnraf and pnblbhla co limited q a dills editor- in chief david r dills production manager james a dills john black associate editors business and editorial office ph 600 acton many better ways headlined in red the advertiser says that a tax strike is being considered in long branch where a ten mill lax increase in predicted for this year the strike method has entered a new phase its success in this field will be watched with interest but it would seem probable that force here will not be as great as in industry it appears to be difficult for the average citi zen to understand that rising taxes are a problem of their own making better roads more munici pal services bigger schools higher salaries are demanded in many cases spending is voted on and carried by large majorities there is only one place to meet these rising costs andthat is from the taxes collected whether it be at the municipal provincial or federal level for years we have been living under the as sumption that more services demanded were be ing provided by santa claus the tax strike is not the solution a more effective means would be to lower our demands on the public purse and the realization that we are the folks who put the fonds in the public purse its interesting to note too how loudly a tax increase is protested but what little praise is given to public bodies when a rate is maintained or lowered maybe that is the reason that it becom es more and more difficult to find publicspirited citizens so reluctant to accept public office recently we talked with a man who has serv ed the public for many years he was very pleas ed that a citizen had taken the effort to write a letter thanking him for attention that had been given a condition that required attention on a public street a letter of appreciation was so un usual that he was once more encouraged in his public service there are so many ways to get better public service than by striking against ourselves that its a wonder more consideration is not given them a distanc what makes the stars weve often wondered as we watched televi sion radio or movies haw many celebrities or stars wouldbe popular if they quit patting them selves on tjle back a big part of most every pre duction is used solely to tell what or who took part one sometimes wonders if the production ib as importanfas the producers we could well imagine how monotonous a printed article or story would be tp the readers if in the introduction of the article a review would proceed it telling who performed each part in the production for instance we might tell you that the wood from which this newsprint was- made was grown in quebec province and produced at grand mere shipped by cnr delivered by a- well- known cartage company- the ink was made in oakville and a story was reported by our camp- bellville correspondent and edited by one of the staff the type was set on a certain model lino type and by a star operator on the staff proof reading was by so and so and corrections were by another wellknown corrector page makeup and press makeready was by jim folding was done by another star and mailing by some one else on the team and delivery by the local post office staff etc by the time we get through all that quite like ly our readers would be in the same sort of re laxation as are the folks who have it presented before or after each production of radio televi sion or movie its the story that counts for more than the folks who bring it to you whp cares who made the costumes who did the photo graphy or who was the foreman in charge of the works but then where would the stars be born or the oscars thrown or where would one find out wrctwas a good dressmaker and who was good at makeup remember if those vwwwwwwwwtw n they dont know so long as the momentum of growth of the vanishing canadian might well describe this haughty figure who if he hasnt arfready is due for dissolution only snow that remains is to be found in sheltered spots or in the woods as aprils warm sun has put snow on the run and spring into the season the bible rev g p parson district secretary upper canada bible society no one would rend nny other book as many people read the bible skipping from one unrelated passage to another dipping here and there rending only snippets of canadian economy is maintained says the bank istorios characterizes what is too of montreal it is possible that as in 1949 and often caled readink 195353 recessions in this country might be both shorter and less severe than those occurring be low the border that seems to be a good forecast comments the financial post more evidence might be quoted as confirmation even back before the last war there were several occasions when busi ness eased off in the united stales with but minor repercussions here part of the explanation for this relatively greater statiility in canada lies in the fact that there has been less fluctuation in consumer rpending hoie than in the unitod states another big advantage for canada lies in tim ing almost invariablyjhese slowdowns start somewhere in the united states if they are short they will probably have run most of their course before the average canadian jiears much about them in that case there will be little or no shock c the timid and pessimistic on this side of the line who otherwise might have immediately clamped down on buying in these days when regulations of store hours i such a changing apd contentious matter among business men and customer s it is rather interest ing to note that in calgary the city council has decided that the regulating of store hours was no concern of theirs after more than 40 years of more or less successful operation the municipal restrictions have been lifted actual hours are now up to the good sense of the store owner himself and subject of course to provincial and federal regulations concerning sundays statutory holidays and hours of labor the trouble seems to be in most communities hat regulations are never kept in step with changing trends of the shoppers today much shopping is done after the huiband is home from work modern methods oi keeping perishables ollow buying in larger quantities with all our attempts at regulations municipal bylaws are far from uniform perhaps calgary has the answer to the problem in tossing out all regulations it will be interesting to observe from a great distance ust what the move will mean the experiment will at least relieve municipal officials at calgary of a bothersome question brief comment in a dny when fewer bibles are left to be dust collectors some sug gestions lor rending the bible are in order anions the first requisites is a book of convenientsize and weight with clear readable typo a definite period or amount cf time each day helps to form a pattern that eventually provides an indis pensable background knowledge a prayer for illumination before reading jjives purpose and loads to personal spiritual development what til read is often a problem the word hibje comes from the- greek word byblos nicaninu a library of hooks the now testa ment is i noodtlacc to start tin- book of mark is suggested bci-allm- of its vivid direct style and rapid art inn following the- story of llu- life of christ with the establishment and exploits of the early christians in arts leads to an interest in the growth of the early church- this is further portrayed in the letters of paul rind others in the old testament human in terest stones of people with rlig- lous problems not unlike our own are found their way of worship ping is seen in the psalms unci of working is found in the historical books and prophetic writing two important points rn rsttite reading should be noted one is another important point in uible rending is head hie passages that mean most to you such as the 23rd psalm a search for such pas sages becomes a pleasant pastime regular reading with an open mind with imagination unhurried ly without being disturbed when some isolated section is not immed iately iiivtterstood using standard bible dictionaries making notes along the way all these rules point the way to netting more out of reading the bible suggested readings for the week sunday acts 11 25m monday ails 17 115 tuesday acts 18 i- 1h wednesday aets iii 141 thursday aets 20 l- kriday aels 21 1 17 saturday aest 21 iii- 10 lawn bowlers name officers at the annual meeting of the ailiuv liwn bowling club held on april 3 w h rogers was elected president other officers are 1 wood secretary treasurer miss barbara wood tournament secret ary mrs c holmes ladies pres ident mrs m bell secretarytreas urer on april 12 today i delegates from arton milton georgetown knckwood and onelph are meet ing in acton to draw up a sched- e of inierchih pmw of m twenty years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday april 16 1136 in spite of anything hut fine weather the pinndc of easter fin ery went on its truly remarkable what will lie endured to maintain traditions that really dont menu much detroit finally won the stanley ctip well somebody has to win and again it looked like the best team reports of u romance which may lead to man luge between major edward howes king of the radio and mary garden pieen of the opera aie sweeping through the theatrical and nuenrftc circles of new york the nrnlor lo0om0 year man of the song and micro phone has been seen repeatedly in the company of the diva it was exactly 20 years ago that n number of aiistiinns came to ac ton from llraecln lln to work in the tannery but were not received with very kindly feelings several bundled citizens proceeded to the crescent where the aiistrians were quartered and demanded they leave town within 24 hours win dows were nmimlied but no hcrlimi outrages were committed if winter would only let go spring would gel a ihnnec lo come norman hrnidn of aeton was one of the musicians in the 121plecf orchestra nt manse y hall lust night a very pleasant event took place nt tho home of mr and mrs nor- man spcnrc when the residents of school section no b nnssaguweyit mid the young people of the pres byterian church gathered to do honor to the tenehert mr w bridle on the nrcnnlfin of his op- proiichlng marriage mr w mc lean was chairman for a short pro- grain messrs j gilbertson and i inwtle presented mr bridle wltb two occasional chairs and two fxincy cushions a father mid son banquet was held nt rockwood united church when on earnest address wns given by mr roy austin of guelpti sunday evening nn eoster pag- ennt the easter finest wns pres ented nt knox church by the pastor nnd choir mr e h c warden formerly of acton hos been appointed to the principals of weston high and vocational school fifty years ago taken from the laaue of ihe free press thursday april m ims the orchestra of the methodist sunday school has arranged for an attractive entertulnment for moy day evennlii muy 1st next it is to be a grand exhibition and concert by the curey jlrou und their cin- emntogritph nnd stercoptiuun ly ing u splendid collection of sacred and popular moving pictures and illustrated songs this 4s a pure up- todate entertainment highly rec ommended by cducutlnnlbts and ministers kxreeve williams bus n family cow of which lie is very proud and the accomplishments of this village bovine justify his kindly feelings toward it hlie given an overugo of nenrly 4ft pounds a day of fresh milk the family of nine nre well supplied with milk and over bo ouiiiih a week are sold to neigh lioiti that cow earns as much lis some men and makes far less fuss about it uimim lr mrfiregor ol wuter- down paid bin official visit to walker lodke af and am on monday evening a recherche ban- liel was served at the acton house walker lodge is enjoying an era of gratifying prosperity tin last meeting of the band of literary ladles known as the ten nyson club wan held at the manse on monday evening the tings during the winter huve all been held at the manse arul in recognition of mrs wilsons hospit ality the members presentod her with a beaiitifiillyboiind copy of mrs brownings poems mm prin cipal stewart made the presentat ion in a few choice und witty phrases the annual meeting of the ac ton gun chili whs held last thurs day evening at c c speights store officers elected were as fol lows presidont w s chlsholm vicepresident dr gray secretsry- treusiirer w stark field captain c c speight referee j bauer the first shoot will be held on good kriday afternoon a series of merchandise shoots will be held during the summer hot x buns in the morning bells saw mill will commence the seasons cuts in a few lays professional directory 1 and travellers g roryl uidej mkdicai dr w g c knney physician anil surgeon office in hyuion block iia mill st k acton office phone 78 itrsldriier 115 church st k ihonr lr0 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and biver sis entrance river street acton ontario ihonr 2zh dr robert d buckner reading by units of thought rather even the makers of automobiles are affected than by chapters one of the must is i in takes about ik hy weather conditions and it is said the present booko n limbics for the coming season these promise to he very pleasant i tournaments i the acton club would welcome i any old bowlers or prospective i ones who wish to become members i the weather minutes to read the four cluipters the fee is only s0o i this should be read in its entirety weather permitlink the club when stirted the story of joseph hopes to start bowling on or before i genesis chapters 37501 and of may 24 i moses i exodus chapters 21ti re quire about an hour each 1 to 45 more than 48000000 trees have the been planted on unoccupied crown trucks these days might be well for car drivers booics o7 the bmc many of since im in their own interest to observe half usual speeds ik 20 minutes or less reements and save car damage until the- holes are filled t nd roads arc graded slowdown ol sales is traceable to the farmer is not alone any mere in his conibat of the elements and his crops half loacis are in effect for many roads for minutes is all that is needed by ii i i nvernge reader for each of tt of under reforestation ag- others have it a despatch appeared recently in the press stating that the queens university arts society had elected a nonexistent candidate as assistant treasurer the defeated candidate was an equal ly nonexistent nvatr news of the prank leaked out as election officials finished counting ballots from the society election when election officials sought to cqngratulate donald curtis on hrs electiorithey found he did not exist nor did murray thistle the group that organized the prank said it was designed to show student political irresponsibility- many of us who have watched elections over the years know thatrechp ate no con to college students but carry on info the conduct cf affairs where those of mature years are con cerned political irresponsibility js not some thing th is c to students in college in modern society the life of the public ser vant is seldom a happy one due to the changing processes of democracy his responsibility now seems extended from the elected representatives who hird him to the public at large grenfell sask sun several carleton place stores report a busy friday night shopping lastweekendmar4edfhe f irst time stores were closed on saturday evening the closing is now almost unanimous carleton place qnt canadian sunday or funday is it lords day or lost cay this heading appeared in a recent issue the yorkton sask enterprise such conditions are not confined to yorkton but have become common practice across the dominion people building houses and doing other manual work as wel1 as sports activities which if carried on- in years gone by would have been considered a downright sincampbellton 7n b tribune complete uniformity in municipal assessment may not be possible the orillia packet and times but the municipalities can come a lot i closer to itthap they are at the moment thetime may well have arrived when the whole matter of assessment should be taken out c5ffhe hands of the municipalities a few more years of ex- perimentingjwill bje required before a satisfactory manual has been found satisfactory even to the expertsi at tht united church of canada acton ontario rev gordon adajns ma ed minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 presbyterian church in canada knox chtjrch acton rev robert ii armstrong ma bd minister physician and surgeon so wellington st acton onl phone 679 office hours lih p in ilkntal dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office ieisbman block mill st office hours 9 a in to g pm xitay telephone hi dr h leib dental surgeon office coiner mill and frederick fjtreets office hours 9 a m to 5 p m telephone 19 acton i a i c f leatherland qc harrbitrr hiihcltor notary public orricc ho in- 1100 am 120o am i x 11 rn ji ix tim satiimla v- li v appointment only office 21 ilione lien is i acton lever hoskin chartered accountant 1 main st n hrarnptori phones 24711 44 victoria st toronto em 40131 optical mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave aqton phone 8 sunda y april- 15th 945 am churcr scnool 1956 sunday april 15th 950 amjunior church 955 am church school 1l15 am morning worship 7 00 pm evening prayer 1956 1 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening worship i they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength e 1 buchner ro optometrist 41 mill st e phone office hours wednesdays 130 6 00 p m evenings by appointment jveterinarttl f g sc i a warm welcome awaits you the anglican church of canada albans church acton ont rev evan h jones ba lth rector baptist church acton ray h costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206uv oakes bv veterinarian office and residence 24 knox av acton phone 130 w f aanderson ba ilarrlttrr solicitor and notary public 4 man si s ptorn- triangl- 72ic4 misriianrots rumley funeral home llratrcl amhulance phone lli niht or day st r rie the cornrnunit v for 46 yiirs olive w lampard a t f m r m t trarhrr of piano acton studio s albins parish hall 4 park ave olelih ihone jlfi travellers guide gray coach lines coacriles leave acton kanthound 6 38 am ft 18 am 1133 am 208 2 08 pm 5 oftp m 6 33 pm 833 pm 100k pm sun and hoi b d young bv sc c l young kvmr veterinary surgeons office brookvtlle ontario phone mitton trfi9177 westbound 10 27 a m 12 52 pm 257 pm v27 pm 727 p m 9 12 pm ii 32 pm 12 arfl fri sat sum and hoi tr st sunday april 15th 1966 1 easter ii 900 am holy communmo 945 am church school 1100 am beginners class 1100 am choral commumihv 700 pm fevensiong monday april 16 630 pm lads and dads banquet sijxday april 15th 1956 10 00 arn scjtvmv- j 1100 a rh morning worship i 700 pm evening worship i wednesday 8 p m mi-weekser- vice- acton pentecostal assembly meeting in l6ll giewjbns iptor 81 good corners rev r j reidl ephone 649w 1 sunday april i5th 1966 distinctive mark lanark ont cp a one- i 1000 am sunday school yearold houtein owned by hrt 1 100 am morning worship- jones and son of lanark ont lias 730 pm evangelistic service a big number 7 right in the middle- wednesiyri pjnl cottage pry- ofit forehead i- er raeetingandbihle studyr real jestate and insurance i f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 9s appraiser rem estate and insurance w r bracken real estate insurance phone 26 acton list your farms business or house with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchaser for your property r7 f bean limited keal eatale and inawance 83 soul st acton phone585 canadian national railways standard time east bo and daily 6 40 a rrv daily except sun days 10 00 am 713 pm sunday only 801 pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 9 02 ajn pm daily ftyer at georger towrr 1011 pm westboand daily 1144 p jti daily except sunday 848 am 655 pm flag- stop 749 pm saturday only 2j3 pm sunday only 943 am fla- stop sunday only flyer it guelph 705 pm daily except sit and sun to detrain passengers 1 from west toronto and beyond 6m pjm dally except sat- riy 6j pj f-