Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1956, p. 10

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i i j i 1 page ten 1i the acton free press acton ontario rj thursday april wb imc dogcatchers continue making the rounds here the first instalment of taxes is due now deadline is the first of may perhaps the latest year ever ice disappeared from fairy lake on april 21 in 1836 there was ice until april 18 and that was considered a record weather continues chilly there is still frost in the ground and the upthrtciiing spring flowers are re ceiving very little encouragement from the thermometer a stolen car was found aband oned on a sideroad near rockwood last week taken from damascus ontario it had been stripped of tir es radiator and other parts a most successful season con cluded the night school committee is already planning for next years classes and organization a meet ing was held monday evening in the high school in recent weeks actons asses sor o lamb has been making the annual census for compilation of the municipal roll the census is now largely completed except for scattered back calls acton ratepayers association held a very successful dance in the legion hall last friday at the recent ys mens conven tion in owen sound g w mcken- zie who has been district aovemor for the past two years waspresent- ed with a set of luggage by fellow members in recognition of his ser vice rsheila paul was awarded first place in the violin solo class for contestants under 18 years at the sixth annual ki wards music festival in hamilton last week this adds another prize to miss pauls list of laurels when highways minister allan addressed the annual meeting of the ontario motor league he stated that the burlington beach skyway may not be opened to traffic until 1958 because of difficulties in pro curing steel in magistrates court here wed nesday afternoon two convictions were registered on liquor control act charges bringing fines totalling 40 and costs also two convictions on highway traffic act charges brought fines totalling 26 and costs four other traffic act vio lations were remanded personal notes of acjbnlans visiting outoftown point and of visitors in acton homes mr and mrs eldon morrow and mrs len brooks who have been spending the winter in this district left tuesday for nut mountain sas katchewan following a visit with her son in victoria bc mrs in arizona visiting with mr and mrs m a tyler of phoenix are mr and mrs bob tyler miss velma lombard hostess at the latin american dance studio in toronto visited mr and mrs bob i brooks had spent some- time with martin of roseford terrace on the friends in acton arid georgetown weekend i new arrival from the uk mr mr and mrs george white elgin jack carpenter is staying with mr mills and mr and mrs reg spir- i and mrs frank watts at 2 blackham es of carville visited mr and mrs st lakeview heights he intends roy aniott and family over the taking up residence here in acton weekend a well known entertainer in eng land he hopes to continue on radio attending regional conference and television in canada of the catholic womens league in elorn on sunday were mrs e hef- three of canadas provincial fernan miss m gibbons miss elma capitals are situated on islands braida and mrs pat kenney they are st johns nfld char- lottetown pei and victoria bc aci lome roberts son of mr i and mrs w roberts acton left for churchill manitoba this week where he will be stationed for the next few months with the rcaf clearing auction sale mr and mrs bill wilson have left q mmoat new power implements for montreal to meet mrs wilsons dairy equipment stable eqnlp- sister miss jean warrior due to arrive on the empress of britain for a six months vacation in cana da former warden george leslie and mrs leslie of rr 4 observed their 35th wedding anniversary with din ner parties at hawthorne lodge milton and hilltop lodge erin they received beautiful gifts for the occasion ment hay and furniture lost and found fount sum of money owner may have same by proving identitv and paying for ad phone 10m a42 lost 1 female hou 5 milo southeast of acton has black body tan head and ears and back tan ticking on legs and chest phone 290j3 a41 maintenance pipefitter experienced journeyman know ledge of high pressure steam gas and hydraulics necessary pump experience and automatic controls an company paid blue cross and physicians services coverage for employees and eligible dependents life insurance and pension plan cafeteria services apply in person or in writing to hourly employment and services department administration building ford motor co of canada limited the undersigned have received instructions from daniel carter to sell by public auction at his farm 1 mile north of no 5 high way on the 9th line of the town ship of trafalgar on saturday april 28 commencing at 130 oclock sharp the following farm implements etc hi d w6 standard tractor with lights and tires loaded runs and looks like new forano steel thresher 24 by 30 with high elevator shred der on steel used only 2 seasons cockshutt 3furrow tractor plow jj5 no 5 power mower int tractor disc 16 plate md grain binder 6 ft f and w mower s ft mh circular saw and frame s int gra drill 1 hoe with fertilizer attachment int 1 hay veteran county editors to retire announcement was made last week that elgin a harris and his son george will retire from pub- lishing the burlington gazette ef fective april 30 announcement of jhe new company and the future policy of the paper will be made the week following in the issue of may 2 the burlington gazette was founded 37 years ago by elgin a harris 37 years ago he was joined by his son george and a few years ago the third generation richard harris came into the business the family has a unique history in the newspaper field not only in burlington but in canadian week ly journalism mr elgin and mr george harris are both ex- war dens of halton county and have served their town and the district well we join with others in wishing them well and continued happiness in more leisure time mr and mrs elgin harris recently celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary congratulations and many more years of happiness people buy the free press to read and read the free press to buy for rent for rent 1 room for single man 136 guelph st a42 free press want ads for quick results rates i no charge for announcements of births marriages deaths and engagements in mcrciorinm 50c plus locper line for verses article for sale rent etc 2c a word minimum cash ssc box no to this office 15c additional coming events 10c per count line 50c minimum cards of thanks 50c billing charge of 15c added to all accounts if not paid until after insertion and added for each bill rendered latest time for inaertien 1 pjn wednesday births marriages deaths etc born room and board available for 2 gentlemen phone 275r or call 98 main st n a42 f rent 3 luunu ill hilla bureh immediate possession 25 month phone 78r32 erin a42 for rent pasture for six months peter kroes rr 1 georgetown phone tr 73130 a42 for rent 3 roomed apartment with 2 piece bath space heater heavy wired for electric stove ap ply to wm cooper 76 main st or phone 214r a41 for rent unfurnished apart ment in rockwood 4 good sized rooms and bath built in cup boards rent 35 adults only mid dle aged or working couple pre ferred write box 37 free press a42 n cake plates 2 glass bud vases 9 loader 3scction spring tooth eu- pjapst cut crystal jug 2 cry- tivator wide set of seed harrows cockshutt grain grinder 8 plate cockshutt manure spreader no 4w on steel long extension lad der cement mixer with pulleys log saw with 6 hp gas motor fence stretchers 2 steel tired wag ons riding plow- 2 large sugar kettles gasoline barrel 2 walking plows scuffler posthole auger root pulper dump rake bench sleighs horse blankets set of heavy backhand harness set of new heavy team lines threshing machine tarpaulin model a ford coupe crosscut saw forks shovels chains and other small useful art- i icles auction sale of choice modern honsehold furniture etc the undersigned have received instructions from george bqnnett to sell by public auction at his home on no 25 highway 4 miles north of milton on corner of no 10 sideroad township of esquesing on 7 saturday mat 5 commencing at 200 oclock ds t the following living wrtom 9 pic tin- al sofa 2 large armchairs with slip covers rectangular coffee table oak finish 2 floor lamps oak finish 4 limed open arm chairs oak limed end table grey armchair oak card table round oak table nest of tables walnut mantel radio pineapple table lamp walnut footstool needlepoint rug 9x13 loopa twist grey rue 6x6 loopatwist grey 2 small hall rugs 4x8 kitchen moffat electric stove 4burner thermomatic control refrigerator 8 cu ft spin dry easy washing machine electric sweeper with attachments and pol isher quantity of every day dishes and cooking utensils dining boom dining room suite of maple in wheat finish im perial loyalist including table with extension end leaves side board 6 chairs ladder back tea wagon walnut celery dishes set of pink vista china 97 pieces large soup tureen ladle and tray stal ash trays cut crystal vase cut crystal fruit bowl large glass fruit bowls individual ash trays quan tity of silverware quantity of flat ware 1 pair of tricandle iron candlesticks quantity of table lin en including serviettes doilies tea cosies place mats and luncheon cloths lace dinner cloth sunroom rattan settee odd chairs 2 copper planter table lamps wrought iron magazine stand bedroom limed oak double bed with spring mattress and springs grey side table green hostess chair 2 grey chests 2 wall mirrors bedside lamps green scat- jocque to mr and mrs joe jocque at guelph general hos- ital on monday april 16 1956 a daughter shirley josephine thompson frank and olga are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter edna elizabeth at the guelph general hospital on wednesday april 18 mm knight bill and joan knight wish to announce the birth of their son kenneth wade at guelph ceneral hospital on mon day april 16 1956 a little bro ther for larry lawson mr and mrs paul law- son nee peggy oakes are hap py to announce the arrival of their son edward scott on mon day april 16 1956 at guelph general hospital hill mr- and mrs don hill rr 1 act arc very happy to an nounce the arrival of their daughter- at the nursing home acton on tuesday april 24 mother and baby both well died in memoriams continued darby in loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother caroline a darby who passed away april 28 1954 april brings sad metnorjes of our dear one laid to rest and we who think of mother today are the ones who loved her best nevei forgotten by daughter ir ene and harry and family i darbtf in loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother caroline a darby who passed away april 28 1954 many a day her name is spoken and many an hour she is in our thoughts a link in our family chain is bro ken she has gone from our home but not from our hearts always remembered by daughter muriel telford and allan dryden at the guelph general hospital on friday april 20 1956 emily jane swackhamer in her 82nd year wife of the late john drydcn and beloved mother of mrs gordon grierson bernice and vera both of guelph funeral service was held in guelph on monday followed by in terment in woodlawn cemetery storey at the flynn nursing home ore wednesday april 25 1956 in his 87th year thomas storey of acton dear brother of david h guelph mary mc- glnufihlin saginaw mich- letit- ia brownlec thistlctown and agnes wilson pincgrovo resting at the rumley funeral home where the funeral service will be held on saturday at 330 pm interment fairview cemetery ryder at the guelph general hospital on wednesday april 25 1956 isabella millar beloved wife of edward ryder of acton and dear moiher o marguerite and donald of acton glenn of milton and dorothy and roder ick both deceased resting at the rumley funeral home where funeral service will be held on saturday at 200 pm interment fairview cemetery coming events the knox alert evening auxil iary are holding a talent and bak ing sale saturday april 28 in the vacant store next to the bank of montreal r a42 spring festival of massed choirs in the public school auditorium wednesday may 2 8 pm admis sion 50c auspices christian re formed church of acton a12 the friendly circle will hold their spring tea and home baking sale on saturday may 5 at 3 oclock in the united church sun day school room everyone wel come a422 the last euchre for the season will be held in bannockburn school on saturday night april 28 1956 extra prizes good lunch admission 35c everyone welcome sponsored by bannockburn wi a anniversary services at ballin- afnd united church sunday may 0 11 am 730 pm guest speaker for morning dr j b warr guest soloist elmer dredge evening service speaker he v stapleton of strcetsville special music hills- burgh quartette annual turkey supper will follow tuesday may 8 530 on a program will be pro vided adults 125 public school children 65c a422 i you are invited to hear don mc donald mla leader of the ont ario ccf at a public meeting on saturday may 5 at 730 pm in the oddfellows hall on wcsleyan st in georgetown thin ig y nppoi cards of thanks mrs william evans would like to thank friends and neighbors for cards flowers candy and all other kindnesses during her stay in hos pital and since returning home this thoughtfulness will always be remembered i wish to express my sincere ap preciation lor all yie many kind nesses shown to me by my friends and neighbors during my stay at guelph general hospital wi special thanks to dr r buckfn tunity to hear issues of the day discussed and to ask questions sponsored by the halton c c v association everyone welcome b48 for sale for sale baby carriage in- good condition phone 282 w a42 for sale manure reasonable lorne johnston rr 2 acton a42 for sale 20 pigs 7 weeks old john cole phone 51rls rockwood a42 for sale baby carriage first class condition like new 20 call 547 a42 ith er i furniture 3 wicker chairs j bed walnut with snrine mattress suitable for den or sun room lawn s rueht table dnl swing lawn chairs steel couch uufle p aulmrrf cook stove small size dresser bench and bedsidt tables in 1 walnut red hostess chair blue buildings stable equip- open arm chair and ottoman 2 ment lumber dairy equip- single beds and headboard beige ment and hay 2 buildings scatter rug bed lamps double beav suitable for workshop or colony oakj side tables 2 large dressers houses silo rods a quantity of new and used scantling hay fork car pulleys and new draw rope pres sure system with tank piping and new motor 6 beatty water bowls beatty litter carrier complete with about 120 ft of track hangers switches steel pole and bucket woods 4can milk cooler new mo tor 8 ton of loose timothy hay terms cash settlement with miscellaneous 2 metal lawn chairs extension ladder large pipe wrench pipe cutter 2 large screw jacks trunk quantitv of small flower pots garden hose steel wheelbarrow and other small garden and household effects terms cash settlement with clerk on day of sale note this offering of furniture has all been bought new within the oakville ontario c48 clerk on day of sale past 6 vears farm sold and the proprietor is nothing to be removed until set- retiring tied for hindley and elliott hindley andilliott auctioneers auctioneers b472 george currie clerk b482 k george curried clerk and mr and mrs kay thompson david cohen i would like to thank the many friends and various groups for their fine getwell cards cigaret tes candies etc received whilj in the toronto general hospital and i would sincerely like to thank my fellow comrades of the canadian legion acton for donating the 12 pints of blood to the hospital blood bank charles hubbell for sale cleaned erban oats s125 bus phone acton 119w3 w r fnrifht a4j for sale grey baby pram al so medium size crib reasonable phone 318j a42 for sale irish cobbler seed and table potatoes phone 197j12 at 12 and after a42 for sale building lots hydro sewers and water available ed jennings 104 mill st w for saie continued for sale beaver seed oats il25 bus phone tr 89305 b412 for sale cedar trees for hedges and a few clothes line poles a j mclsaac rr 4 acton phone 47j3 b42 c49 for sale 1950 chrysler wind sor sedan black semiautomatic custom radio and clock backup lights and signal lights fender mirrors clean throughout apply telford mcdowell lakeview sub division y a41 new and rebuilt surge milkers and vacuum pumps pipeline milk ers and milking parlors low down payments with easy terms avail able horace tomlinson surge dealer 9 mclaughlin phone bram pton 1872 atf wanted wanted to buy large childs tricycle phone 449m size wanted transportation want ed daily from georgetown to ac ton arriving acton by 845 sun phone 122 a42 halton poultrv prod ucts poultry and eggs wanted poultry custom picked cleaned and cut up phone milton tr 84401 special offer why bother to store your storm windows we will take them off for you and al low you up to 750 each when you buy aluminum selfstoring storm and screen windows from us for estimates phone 385 j a394 for sale certified and com mercial climax timothy certified and commercial umpire birdsfoot trefoil certified vernal alfalfa registered and certified la salle red clover supply limited ont ario variegated and grimm alfalfa certified rqnger alfalfa certified ladino clover certified brome grass peel brand pasture mixture all clovers and grasses for every purpose at attractive prices wil liam couse and sons ltd phone 18 streetsvillc b422 strawberry plants premier 20 plants for 100 premier 50 plants for 200 premier 100 plants for 350 a reichekt peru r r 3 milton tr 841232 b473 drainboard sinks special 25 x 54 double drainboard sinejc bowl white enamel steel sinks with a slight manufacturnig defect complete with chrome platid crumb cup strainer 2400 delivered just the sink for the summer cottage write dept afp for free plumbing catalogue s v johnson plumbing supplies streetsvillc ontario open mon wed and fri evenings till 930 and all day saturday a- 12 notice 55000 reward for the return o my bicycle and information missing since april 15 barry w mclsaac 115 main st acton a42 for sale manure 5 a load also gardens plowed ted jennings 104 mill st w phone 392w a42 inmemokum uarby in loving memory of a dear grandmother caroline a darby who passed away aprl 28 1954 loving and kind in all her ways upright and just to the end of her days sincere and kind in he 1 1 and mind what a beautiful memory she left behind lovingly remembered by grand son don and wife irene darby in loving memory of a dear mother caroline a darby writ passed away april 28 1954 gone dear mother gone forever how we miss your smiling face but you left us to remember none on earth can take your- place a happy home we once enjoyed how sweet the memory still but death has left a loneliness the world can never fill lovingly remembered by daugh ter elizabeth soninlaw clar ence and family darby in loving memory of a dear mother caroline a darbv who passed away april 28 1954 we do not need a special day jo bring you to our mind for the days we do not thiik of you are very hard to find if all this world were burs to give wed give it yes and more lo see the face of mother come smiling at the door ever remembered by william orval and dome darby in loving memory of my dear wife caroline a darby who passed away on april 28 1954 oh what i -would- give to clasp your hand i your dear kind face to see your loving smile your welcome voice 7 that meant so much to me no one knows thesilent heartache only those mhio have such can tell of the grief that is borne in silence for the one 1 loved so well lovingly remembered by hus band robert l darby for sale baled hay mixed alfalfa and timothy cecil nell is mill st acton phone 284j2 a42 notice the positions advertis ed in last weeks issue of the free a42 press have been filled for the present our thanks to all whe res ponded soquicklyrtheapplicsitions will be kept on file for any open ings- which may occur in the fut ure dills printing and pubirhi co ltd 56 mill street east a42 for sale registered female beagle good hunter will sell with first reasonable offer phone 165j for sale general electric re frigerator 9 cubic feet used nine months mrs walter bauer phone 387w a42 brooders miscellaneous dressmaking- ladies and rhjlciicns dresses made phone 75 alter 5 pm a4 piano tuning wanted danuser post hole digger must be in good condition or someone to do custom wark write and give full particulars to box 39 free press a42 help wanted man to assume parttime caretaker and firemans duties for local firm apply in writing stating age and qualificat ions to caretaker box 66 actoa a42 deadstock removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect georgetown tr 72741 or elmlra mohowk 95564 gordon yottno limited r deadstock service 500 each for dead or disabled horses or cows old norse8 4c lb for prompt service phone coffee freelton 22r23 or hannon 203 steve peeonl exceptional opportunity we would like to interview a man between 28 and 4a who wwiar a worthy business opportunity should have reasonably good ed ucation we are prepareid to invest in the right man so if you are in terested in earning from 3b00 to s4800 a year to start depending oa your qualifications write box 07 free press a4bs older men if youre retired or semiretireo and would be interested in a few hours lirht work evenings see mason knitting co 42 10000 to 15000 a year position i need an assistant with an ag- rlculiural background he must be- capable of handling training oth er men as well as having the ab ility to sell himself applicant must be between the ages of 3040 able to get along with other people must be able to promote and ret things done this is not an office position successful applic ant will be district manager in halton county he will be fully trained on company policies ad vertising and sales promotion our company is national therefore this job offers right man plenty of op portunity and scope man selected must be highly regarded citizen in his own community product is backed with national advertising is now being handled by some of the largest firms in this country product is used commercially by farms repeat business insures large earning for this man car es sential apply in e mclachlan vicepresident nachurs 2 langarth st w london ont b-41- real estate f0r 3 electric 500 chick ers 392w and repairs by experienced lech chick size also 3 range shell- j electronically lun- cheap ed jennings phone reld phone brampton 2366 a42 i for sale cnoiceyoungloml add ly to your killed beef by the quarter or cut in j vol surroundings and wrapped f e holmes and 9aluy products including cosmet- son phone96w4 a388 f a medc wr to fan ilex station c montreal a42 rockwood 9600 9 room stone residence on highway extra large lot all con veniences includes oil furnace low down payment 8900 modern runch home 3 large bedrooms 28 ft living room with stone fireplace equipped with circulating heating unit kit chen and utility room situated on half acre lot surruunded bv tall evergreens 4000 acton for rent 6 rtiomcd apartment- in for sale certified seed potat- j oes and table stock at the farm arthur griffin rr 2 acton lot 10 con erin phone 13r21 erin floor refinishing we now have a modern sander andedger we will refinish your floors or rent you the equipment to do the for sale a quantity of pow- job yourself j b frank phone price 377w 17 main st s acton er cleaned timothy seed 550 pet bushcl john r sprowl rr 4 acton- phone 191 w4 limited time only commercial anu a422 1 c upholstering add iook and comfort with skilled restylin yur furniture can be handsome new again low coat call us on week ervice phone 88 acton ii 56 buick rpadmaster has every thine regular price 5400 sale price 94150 contact john l kingshott broker harris st rockwood phone 177 or 48j at spring is here we have buyers we need more propertksi 56 buick 4door including dyna- t flow heater whitewau tires power brakes custom trim undercoat license etc sale price 29st 56 buick 4door with beater un- dercoat bik chrome discs lr- esse ect 2695 2q off all gm parts and ac cessories -r- low installation costs- lorne garner motors ltd phone 468 and 4j- acton kitchener upholstery have your chesterfield suite reup over nojst ered for as little as 99 re i finishing also rugs cleaned and re paired for prompt and efficien service call on gord mccutcheons mens wear one week service atf first and second mort- gages bought sold and arranged if you want to sell your first or second mortgage bring it or tend it along with the particulars of the property mortgaged to mair in vestments ltd 73 colborne st e po box 308 oakville ont dfal animals s5o0 each for dead or disabled cows and- horses plo hoi81s se lb one of our trucks pastes your-f-r- durtrict daily cu belwood 2srll guelph 4mw or fergus xuwtt collect m v hour service geo houses farms holdings small list now with our local representative johln watkins acton ont phone 33112 free spring catalogue hundreds of properties for sale write head office j a willoughby sons r 44 m union ave k toraite mtt i r v- i

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