page two the acton free press acton ontario thursday june 7th 105 1 qujp arton jffm flrraii founded uv487j and published avery thurs day at m mhl st x acton ont member of the audit bureau of circulation the cw na and the ontarioquebec division of the cwjia advertisunc rates on request sub scriptions payable in advance 300 in canada s400 in the united states six months 173 single copies 7c auuiorixcd aa second class mali post office department ottawa ramtaked by the tnctac lbuaatnt oe uaaued g a dills editorla chief david r dills production manager jamea a dills john black associate editors and editorial office ph 000 acton buaine may it spread more and more lh decoration dayiervico held in acton in early june is becoming apprec iated in spite of disagreeable weather on sunday last there was even more participation than a year go the cemeteries saw more decoration of the graves to those who arrange and work on this occasion a great deal of credit is due it is a time for honoring memories it pro vides an occasion for rhahy from out of town to meet friends under circumstances that bring back hallowed memories each yea sees more new graves in the local cemeteries and more faces missing from the gathering that meets acton has pioneered in this district in holding an annual decoration day to those who origi nated and maintain it an appreciation is due to those towns which have not yet held these dec oration days we heartily commend it we hope it may spread until it is nationwide an appreciation we often wonder if the general public f ully appreciate the effort of that tireless group in town and district who make possible the staging of public events crowds line the streets for parades quite often and then go back home without lend ing further support to any event lost week in oakville a big band event was staged it is re ported that owing to the weather there were 2o0 present when a crowd of 3000 was expected such things have happened in most every town end the big disappointment is that in every case the workers who staged the event have an ad ditional burden of meeting the deficit we can fully appreciate the reasoning of folks who do not want to be out of doors on a cool damp night we do not write in any critical way of them or the weather but we want to just put in a word of appreciation for those citizens who arrange these public events we dont know that anything can be done to correct the situation but we do hope that the day will never come when our town and district will lack workers who are courageous and enthusiastic in putting on such community affairs and not get downhearted in seeming failure it is such people who make many improvements and advancements possible money can never repay their efforts we just want to add our word of appreciation to the efforts of these publicspirited citizens whose work is rewarded often times only in his tory and satisfaction of having done their best may their numbers never grow less showdown coming whether we like it or not warns the financ ial post pretty soon we are going to be- forced to take a new and aftard and a long look- at this whole railway business were simply not going to be able to continue passing increased costs elong long ago the railways discovered that there is a limit as to what the consumer will pay for moving freight by rail already a lot of stuff that used to be moved entirely by rail now goes by truck or ship or through a pipeline and the high er rail freight rates are hoisted the more idusjness will go to competitors the railways know all about this but under the present setup they cant do much about it they are not free agents not by any means in effejct they are told what they must pay for labor and their freight rates minimum and maximum u are controlled by a government board some of them in fact like grain are controlled by a rigid agreement that goes back to our grandfathers time when wages were a fraction of those that must be paid today and when the cost of a whole train was little more than what a good box car costs now tima have changed and changed greatly in the railway business once these carriers haj al most an absolute monopoly of the transportation business they havent anything like a monopoly r today bfit we art still trying to run the railways v ir tfeiame old straight jacket of 25 or 50 ytars go thar must soon be a faceup of all the facts oh railway operations something new here last week acton council took the very unm- ual procedure of holding a special meeting in which by- unanimous approval of council visitors attending the meeting including the press were excluded we are quite aware that the case un der consideration was the long drawnout bran- kiewicz argument over a rightofway into lake- view subdivision which has already had a lot cf very unfruitful discussions both by council and other groups in town while thesa attempts at settlement have seemed endless we have en deavored lo report the story as it was told since it was public business in which- the town and con sequently every ratepayer was involved having duly reported the preliminaries it is ather odd to miss out on the main bout it will be interesting to see if the new approach will be more successful theres an old chinese saying that a secret is not a secret when it is shared by two persons and it is quite applicable in the pre sent day we are not yet perturbed at the new approach but we are more than a trifle surprised at the at titude which is new to acton public business and the source of the motion which instituted the plan of barring the public from learning at first hand of dealings of council it may be there is need for investigation a need that had never appear ed necessary before the present year the public has a right to full knowledge of the conduct of its business we hope the incident of last week will not establish a precedent for this town its interesting to note that the withdrawal of citizens was orderly no one cheered or jeered there was no fist shaking at council nor any name calling we hope such tactics will never enter the public meetings held here wind and pipe mention pipeline and thoughts immediately turn to ottawa weve read thousands of words on this now infamous issue in conservative papers and liberal papers in hansard the official record of the commons debates in a report to the provincial government in the opinions of editors across canada as well as what has been broad cast to say the issue is clouded would indeed be redundant hansard has been jammed with de bate that is certainly unbecoming to those whom the voters appointed to represent them perhpps three things come into focus from the distant clouds the hue and cry of freedom being attacked is coming from the wrong side of the house there would appear to te a concerted ttenrpl to throttle the majority evidently there if little concern on the value of the pipeline itself because the lack of debate had not only been hit by closure but also by a windy opposition ap parently attempting lo stifle the elected majority while this session is being hamstrung with fist shaking at the speaker consideration of whether to steal the mace or not preparation of five hour speeches and constant consultation of the rule books no constructive counter sugges tions have been outlined by the opposition as a means of improving on the legislation now under fire a completely negative attitude rarely ac complishes much that a pipe line is necessary is indicated by at least one provincial government that of ontario premier frost discussing the ontario section in a speech in february of this year declared i think the present arrangement provides for the fulfill ment of a great opportunity which is before our people probably the one advantageous thing that has come from all the lack of self control on parlia ment hill is the fact that the citizens now realise there is a government that is not some distant automation predictions on the effect of all this turmoil run anywhere from calling a general election this year to thoughts that all will be forgotten by another year what ever the result we can only conclude that we are happy to see people more interested in govern mejajand more ready to talk about it brief comment the majority of people would go along with the idea of main highways bypassing the com munities but an adequate connecting road is by no means an unreasonable request hanna alta herald we keep having difficulty getting delivery of papers each week in centres ten or 12 mjles dis tant from town but in the distant places they have much better delivery time were sorry when papers are late but assure subscribers the fault is not local they leave here every thurs day night right on time heres just the thing to wear for this up and dowry weather we have been having in most of canada it is reports the financial post ah in sulated garment fabric which is a combination of wool acetate and daxron prevents matting or lumping and preserves insulating air cells it is said to keep the wearer warm in temperatures as low as minus 20 f and vet comfortable at ordin ary temperatures m f sbtt ia b rilolo liy esther tlr blossomtiaae usua lly here and gone a month ago has only the past week broken over trees in patches of pink and white in this district even in the niagara fruit belt the annually- anticipated blossom sunday was weeks late but this sodden spring has made lateness the rule rather than the exception essaroej the bible rev o r r arson district secretary edoy tipper canada bible social a new book now goes along with the pencils ink pens erasers exer cise books and staple readers in the hands of children leaving the store beside the guauijata bap tist church educational building in bolivia it is the new testament in aymarn or biblia aymaru years ago the only portions of the bible in this indian language were the translation of luke made over 100 years ago by a nriest and a translation of mark made some 30 years ogu by one of the metho dist national workers 2u years ago the- four gsopels were printed for general missionary work now the whole new testament has been translated and printed under bible society auspices a canadian kirl a languugt specialist ellen ross has worked on the final corrections of the proofs during the past two years three young bolivians uf tin- canadian baptist missions staff at gualajalu did the work of trans lation and revision working in a cold little room wrapped in gaily striped woollen blankets finally the finished text was typed fur printing hvadaches were u part of this stage as well as during translat ion the contract was given t a man in mexico wliu while good at lunjguages was poor in persever ance it was three years before he delivered the goods and the biblia avmura arrived in bolivia it was just after easter that dis til out ion of the books began miss jaixl holmes another canadian working in bolivia writes and so as on the day of pentecost the hibli- society and the missions witli the help of earnest national christians are continuing under iml the miracle then and now re peated many tunes nuw hear we very man 111 his own tongue the wonderful works of d suggested readings for the wmk sunday acts i 115 monday acts 7 13i tuesday acts 7 i7i wednesday dent i 125 thursday deut 31 1h kndy acts 8 1- 2i saturday acta 2040 ik38 asassasfrstaess c isgvsctebuera old days of dairy industry were poor according to book things were tough in canada in 1686 acordinc to the dairy indus- i try in canada a book which traces the history of dairying since the j early days of the dominion there was scarcely a pound of butter to be found in the land although european immigration meant european agriculture with mixed farming cereals and live stock the early residents uf acadia saw little milk in spite of abundant natural hay and mild winters the book report that the cowi wtre small the calves milked them and the people were unable to make butter for themselves to make matters worse threat from kngllsh settlements often r shebenectoc had stocks of blark and white cattle minas had 3400 head and annapolis had 2090 thinns were looking up and as the yers went by knitter becam- a more frequent ltm on the menu war and the expulsion of the ac ad l wis however struck the early dairy industry a nighfatal blow even in 1774 dairy production wasnt up to much because raising oxen required milk for calves all in all it wasnt a very satis factory situation wen with what butter there was telling for eight pence a pound back in t934 taken from the laaue of bn free preas of thursday jan u mm guelph acton and milton hurul power districts over the winter and ettrly spring months added 47 new consumers to hydro service at the annual junior fvrmer blowing match and demonstration at the fm m of allan dixon nelson township last friday some len- did ridgea were turned the best four ridges were plowed by- ken neth peddle cjeorge mccormuck arnold iicket and craig held oth er prize winners were ksquetiing kenneth peddle craig held george alexander nassugaweya george simpson ivan taylor fred rinehart gilbert hunt nelson george mccormack fred ducun lyle dales grantbuker trafalgar arnold picket john dixon clar ence kingston last sunday eight young fnen were ordained at a service irt st- qiles united church hamilton among these young men was j elvin gamble of acton sonja henje ten times the hold er of the world fancy skating title has signed u five year movie con tract and her film career is lo be gin august 1 the new pipe organ has been in stalled at the united church mr g w masales is greeting a new and modern dairy house on his premises an main st the structure is of cement blocks and will house modern dairy equipment when completed lloyd dingle of burlington has been elected president of the llal- ton liberalconservative associat ion among those on the executive are george cleave w b puekett john allison w a irving j m mcdonald dr c a martin on tuesday mr and mrs george llavill marked their 50th wedding anniversary slot machines in acton are lo be assessed a 50 license fee the high school english prut- has been won by sheila breed acton lost a tough bull game last night to milton 43 while participating in bicycle races on guelphs new truck tom nicol hud a crash that rather uodly damaged his bicycle but he came in second the annual sewing meeting uf the eden mills presbyterian wom ens missionary society was lield at the home oin mrs stanley wilson mrs ml no is the president one large quilt was finished und sever al articles of baby clothes made last nights shower was badly needed back in 1906 taken from the laauar of the free fret af thursday june 7 ifmm for manycyeura the possibilities of fairy lake us a pleasure resort huve been talked about and var ious suggestions made but nothing definite has been done one citiz en at least has faith in acton- summer resort mir j carnochan with a view to pplajrizing our- beautiful sheet of water and in cidentally of deriving some pecun iary return has purchased an up- todate gasoline launch which he- proposes renting for trips ther launch is of strictly modern type a 10 footer with four horse engine which is guaranteed to drive hei- froin six to eight miles an hour ftiltowing are extracts from a targe advertisement set in large and fancy type with illusrtauons banks bairds magnificent scenic production uncle toms culn travelling in our own pullman sleeping and dining cars will ex hibit at acton on friday june 8 ira waterproof tents magnificent transformation scene of 19 mlnutes duration of eva in heaven escort ed by angels with the flower oc hoses the bower of butter flies the silver- lined clouds etc audience requested to renmir sealed the most beautiful picture uf a plantation ever depicted we carry every particle of scenery 6 munhunting siberian blood hounds 5 35 people 36 thrilling floating tee scene showing the es cape of elia with the bloodhounds in hot pursuit bairds military bund and orchestru street parade at 4 pm 1 have spared no expense in securing the first choice uf liist- one talent gorgeous and ap propriate scenery mechanical unot electrical effects etc obediently banks baird licked but not discouraged u the way one uf the members of the lacrosse team described the result uf saturdays game in guelph ther score was ul the acton buys played a remarkably gentlemanly game one of actons respected citizens mr abraham slauifer lost his life in an accident ut the tannery sat urday morniug wonderful growing weather the local comfiuny of soldier hoys is in good shape as usual and will proceed to camp at niagara oi tuesday the officers in charge wil be as follows captain ford iieul gamble cil sergt lynn struts culey cripps and waus- hrougti and corp swackhamer the recruits this year we mostly eng lishmen find scotchmen who have iuiix to town recently isattrwaaabesaa professional directory and travellers guide mkiwal uual dr w g c kennev rhyatlcuui and hurgron office ill syinon block a mill st k acton office phone 71 residence us church st k phone 150 dr d a garrett phyalctan and surgeon corner of willow and uvr kntrunce haver street acton ontario phone 21 dr robert d buckmer phyalclaj and hurgron 39 wellington st acton ont phone 67s office hours 6 ft p m 1 c f leatherland qc barrister kolltluir notary paklisb offic hours lucju a in 1200 ajrx i l oil p rn 5 0u am saturday ly aioiiitiiient only i jiff ice 22 1lkme ites 131 acion i sts iever hoskin bartered arcwuntaata m main st n liriimplori lhjs 247h 44 victoria 8t toronto km 4811 dental dr a j buchanan dental mwgmn officeiuhman block mill st office hour am lo 6 jim xitay telephone 148 dr h leib dental hargcan office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 8 a m lo 6 fim telephone 11 acton aa f manderson ba harruur hollelter ana notary rabltc 4 main st s phone tkiangle mihcellantcouh united crlurch of canada aetata omarm rev gordon adams ma b d minister parsonage 29 bower avenue i phone 80 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 8 sundav june lotlc 1956 900 am morning prater 1000 am junior church and church school 1115 ajn morning wonhip the amcucan cwutth of canada st albaai chorea aatan ont rev evat h jones ba lth presbyterian church in canada knox church acton minister rev a newton lleid avonton sunday jltne 10th 156 9 45 am church school 11 00 am morning worship 7 oo pm evenirij worship a warm welcome awaiu yu baptist church acton ray h costru paior parsonage 115 bower ave phone w8w optical e l buchneb ro optometrist 4 mill st e prion 515 i office hours wednesdays 1 30 fl 00 p m evenings by appontrnent vetemnaky rumiey funeral home healed aaabalaaec phone 69 nlkht or day serving the coromunity for 4fl years olive aa iaaapard at cm kmt teacher of plaa acton studio st albarit parish iui1 14 park avk ouklph phoritr 20 travetleks ouioi cray coach lines oaciiek lkavr acton f g oakes b v s veterinarian offc- and r-sid-nc- 24 krox ave acton phr 30 b d young bvst c l youug dvm veterinary knrgeaaa daylight having tlin kastaaana sundav tune loui 1968 j 2nd sunday after tkdoty- j 830 iun holy communion j 945 ajn church school i 1100 am bacinners claaa 1100 anv morning prajrer and sermon 400 pm holy baptism of infants i sunday jltne 10th 1954 10 oo ajn sunda schoot 11 oo ajri mominj worship 7 00 pm evenunj worship 8 15 p4mbyptj ttiursdat june 7 8 p m ordinat ion service jsl two firsts cochrane ont o the first troul ewer caught by 10-jrear- old joe micwouski was the first entered in th annual fishinc derbjr for this town 40 miles northof tirrirhihr acton etrncostal assemwy lleatioac in lol ball crewnocs comerr plor rev tc j reid 1 cook st telephone 8tfw reterlaait barge office brookvue onlajlo phone milton tr 89177 v i i rea e8tatg and ixgcbvvnce f l wright j lb wdbur st ri j acton ontario phone 89 fj3 an- ijtini has im iifi t n 08 pm 0 33 p m 8j3 p rr j- pm iun and hoi wntbaaaa 1027 r 1252 prn 257 pm 5 27 p m 7 27 m 13 pan 1132 pm i2im rrlsat bunv hd hoi canadian mattonal railways daily 340 ajn zhifr days iojoo aaa tii aja only bj1 pja dally aacant w r bracken sunday jufe 10th 19s6 1000 ajn sonda7 school 1100 jb- mominj worship tm pjnbvancelbrtic serrice wedaesday 8 pjn cottac prajer itweting and bible atodj phone is list your finna faoniwa 1 with us we aivrt you- to facilities is aecurtog apt i for your property at gtorjesoarn 8j7 pm daily plyer at day flyer at umrn 1011 pja daily 1l44 pv dauy suaator taj ul oa s fejj in m fteassr ilioi iiwto oaaisocx