r rnf page eight tie acton free press acton ontario thursday september 20 1936 kather1ne merry rr1 5 milton receives the louada farms trophy for showmanship at this years canadian national exhibition trorn duncan campbell of moffat girls pipe band at petrdii band tattoo the georgetown girts pipe band- were in detroit recently as part ot a mass band tattoo and highland games presented by the st and rews society of detroit the rirls joined 23 other bands brass bugle and pipe in the univ ersity of detroit stndumi for the tattoo and later n parade in the downtown seetion of the city in the stadium 700 pipers and drummers gathered to ill the air with the stirring strains of scottish marches and take part in the high land games and band competitions the georgetown rirls did not com pete of the 23 bands at the meet 19 were from canada the four amer ican bands in attendance were all pipe bands one each from flint and ridgetown and two from the host city a highland ball saturday night wound up the meet the largest ever staged in detroit due to a very crammed schedule the girls had little time to take in the points of interest of the metropolis and had to confine their tour of the town to the parade route aowjttc georgetown building slack this summer building continues slack in georgetown this summer in august permits were issued for only two new houses plus a number of alterations nd repairs and total value wis only 42583 ac cording to a report compiled by building inspector harold camp bell to date sl481095 is the value of 1956 permits issued in 1955 the town had an all time record when the year ended with s3825075 as the grand total legion ladles sept 10 legion tidies toed the foul line for the start of their sea sons bowling and it was fireflies making it two and totals from doodle hugs in the other go it was a brittle of tire wits with half wits taking two fast games from dim wits unly to drop the inst spasm when the opposish ral lied to avert a zeroing no triples but in the singles department weic l toth 275 d fowke 240 j buch anan 234 e masales 214 p jordan 222 e roach 204 league standing half wits 5 fireflies 5 dim wits 2 doodle bugs 2 ledgers iga sept 10 ledgers kings and dukes started off their season of rolla bowla ball willi the dukes making it two and totals from the kings dave manes was the spark plug for the dukes with a 831 tri- count best singles were trundled by e lawson 207 and d mckay 209 league standing dukes 5 kings 2 mason knit sept 11 the mason knit femmes hadhcmselves a social eve of maple mauling before starting the regular schedule ret ween nibbles and sups of refreshments courtesy of george mason the gals chucked a few ehiickers and came up with some fair to middling scores top ping the triples were boyl creighton 624 ony hulford 614 on the singles it was iirruping lois tuikosz 231 reel goodwin 211 blondic mccrea 205 little eva williams 215 teeny jones 213 mirgie ware 200 dolly tvler 216 and babe tyler 239 ilcadpin highlights billy the kid williams eyes popped when son andy tripled a 697 to pick up the mccutcheon haberdashery award marilyn hilts nee woods has the right idea for keeping the family larder stocked won lodgers iga award with a 284singlc efficbowraancleaned up for the tops cleaners award with a 638 triple snicc going my friendlies and for now adios am- igos trafalgar appoints planning director trafalgar has hired nnev plnn- niiir director edward cuuinin of tortynto who will take up his dut ies on october 9 mr cummin has worked with the north york plan ning hoard and the metropolitan toronto planning board the townships newly formed committee of adjustment was leg ally constituted to give special eolisideratiou to lots coming under the heading of nonconforming uses members of the committee are thornier llolden doi brown de- wart fleming emerson ford jos eph wickson victor hall and mrs j i stewart saskatchewan entered confeder ation in 1905 take notice the period of daylight saving time for the town of acton will e nd on sunday september 30 at 2 am this is in conformity with the surrounding municipalities which revert to standard time at ihis time e g tyler mayor 441 boys and girls who showed champions ahhe cne recently are shown here from halton county at left grant baker bailinafad first kathsrine merry milton second and caroline gard- house far right of milton who was third class was for shorthorns u near 400 teachers responsible for instructing halton pupils alsco nearly 400 teachers have returned six room m z bennett school to their halton classrooms this j the village of bronte is planning a new school and the school board is now in the process of engaging an architect a four room separate structing the countys school pup- ils according to figures released from the office of ha in spector l l skuce complete fig ures for enrolment have not yet been tabulated but it is expected that at the end of september all of haltons teachers will submit en- toiiment totals to the inspectors of fice this year there are three pub lic school inspectors one indication however of the increase in enrolment over last year was given in trafalgar township where this months enrolment of 2439 struggling scholars is a 20 per cent increase ovex the number who left the townships schools- last year trafalgars school board monday evening discussed plans for the erection of five new public schools helping to cope with the increas ed attendance throughout the coun ty is the opening of new schools and additions in trafalgar two rooms have been added to the l l skuce school two others the e a orr school and the snyders school have been opened the new morden school is not yet ready for occupat ion and the pinegrove school is stiu-7- under construction in addition the township of trafalgar is making plans for building two new schools on qakyilles outskirts in burlington the new welling ton square school consisting of 14 rooms has been opened since june nelson townships clarkesdale srtitfol has received a four room addition and the fairview school boasts three additional rooms a newu room- unit in george- town named the harrison school is still under construction in the meantime pupils are working in stacitered hours at the wriggles- worth school in acton plans are completed and tenders are being called for the aluminum selfstoring doors and windows awnings and railings school is nearing completion there in trafalgar about four rooms of a new separate school are now in use and plans are surging ahead now on the new eight room school for miltons north end dont be disappointed we can guarantee at the moment 4 to 6 weeks delivery free demonstration free estimates in area of fresh water canadas five leading provinces are ontario- quebec saskatchewan manitoba and newfoundland acton no obligation pay 10q then nothing until jan 1957 j mcmullen alsco sales representative phone 66 robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly b p head frhone guelph 1924 5s st gtotgrt sq specials on our mmmmmmmimmmimmmmmmmm ittwwtttvwww childrens twopc dorneil durable snow suits cotton and nylon kasha lined knees rein forced sizes 3 4 5 6 6x chocolate brown forest green 795 shortie coats 14 only- sizes 1222 reg up to 2495 900 ladies suits vi off original price store soiled blouses 12 price now vamvv we have some good bargains while they last all on display priced for quick sale cash only t 41 mill st i id red bell ladies and childrens wear across from the y phono 230 it has to be right if its tablerite we have installed our own iga beef buyer in the heart of canadas cattle belt and we are now shipping into our iga markets only the finest grainfed beef re member only three out of every 10 cattle meet the rigid specifica tions of our beef buyers only natural aging guarantees you tender beef every time you save because every cut is table jtrimmedj ex cess fat and bone is removed before weighing its just better value visit your iga meat department and see for yourself the new im proved beef serve your favorite steak or roast from the new grain- fed iga tablerite beef and see the difference economically priced and table trimmed short cut first 5 ribs prime rib roast 57c lean minced beef lb 29c short ribs ofbhfkwisingp 25c breakfast sausage lb 37c frankfurters swift prwnium c pk 37c frozen food features booth 8 os pkg fish stix plctsweet french green beans 29c 10 u pkg california sweet crisp thompson seedless grapes 2- 25c cantaloupe salmon flesh jumbo 45s 19c sunkist oranges its doz 33c carrots siie 288 from bradford marsh m large nn sweet mild jlb bags afc hawes paste wax iga apple juice margarine white cake mix rib carton lib tin tin 48os bloc bonnet yellow quick monarch lib pkg iga ripe n ragged choice peaches sr 2ic liquid 32os bottle javex 23c salada pkat t tea bags 75c iga soebees shortening lib ty carton v green giant fancy peas i7c 15os tnr dr ballards champion 15os una dog food 2 for 21c 39c 23c 33c 9c important -t- notice of expiry all items in previous catalogue editions and their premium values will be maintained without change until saturday sept t 1956 all request for free gifts dated after that time must be claimed accord ing to our new catalogue listings smtf iga cash register tapes lie sue yon pick ap an official savings folder at your iga feed markv et then each tine yea shop at voar iga cash re sntttl yon have en to equal the vale indicated for any item in the prela cata logue all preamiaau may be t free in this banner with noth ing extra to pat mi mmmsm rl j 1 tv- mm 1vvsitjca