Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1956, p. 2

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sr artrn jfrpp jrrbb tfee aaly paper ever published faa aetm founded in 1875 and published every thurs day at m mill st b acton ont member of tae audit bureau of circulatinos the cw na and the ontarioquebec division- of the owna advertising rates on request sub scriptions payable in advance 300 in canada 400 in the united states six mnoths 175 single copies 7cauthorized as second class mail post office department qawa rabuaked by the dula printing and publishing co united g a dills editorinchief david r dills production manager james a dills managing editor business and editorial office ph 600 acton help or hindrance a report of theunited states department of corrirrwrtehhrowsjsorne new light trading stamp business to operate a typical stampjrjr says costs between two per cent and three per cent of gross sales hence to make ithe deal profitable a merchant must be abje to boost his total sales volume by 25 per cent or be prepared to hike prices to cover the extra cost of stamps if he is unable to meet either of these conditions then the stamp plan is merely added cost that the merchant himself must absorb that being the case then the merchant serving a limited territory and facing keen competition may find that instead of rejuven ating his business the trading stamp plan has brought him a lot of trouble finally warns this report like the hunter with the tiger by the tail it is difficult for a merchant to drop stamp plans once they are started thursday november mffjgj a worthy activity safety need project result with the completion of the towns paving program approaching there seems to have been little but commendation of the project undoubtedly the improved rdatl system leads to better driving and less wear and tear on the vehicles that use the local streets roads and road conditions have been a problem of municipalities since the wheel was developed we imagine the speed with which the wheel revolv es has been a problem that can be attributed to the improvements in travel no doubt the speed at which wheels on acton streets will revolve will be increased considerably by the new pavement parents will have to exercise more care in keeping children off streets just as motor ists will have to subdue the urge to travel at maximum speed on the new pavement the erection of signs urging safety will have little effect if motorists do not exercise proper care in watching for children simil arly if parents dont keep closer watch on children a low accident rate may get higher the improvement of the towns road system has evoked a surprising number of favorable comments it would seem that of ten municipal projects garner their share of criticism and praise but so far we havent heard any serious objections to the road pav ing program the urgency of safety following the pro gram is the most direct outgrowth of the pro ject however picture indeed confused now they sail and now they dont per haps that might sum up the situation of con fusion that has existed in reports of the mid dle east crisis the sailing of course refers to the onagain offagain plans for canadian troops to go to the middle east as part of the un police force the thousands of words that have been written on this crisis that can quite easily develop into a third world war have not cleared the picture for the onthestreet ob server like ourselves if the heads of countries become a little crusty with the constant barrage of questions poured at them by reports we can under stand just as we can understand the job of the newsman in reporting every event to an anxious people it does however become increasingly clear to us that britain arid france acted wise- thai ly although the wisdom of armed interven tion is always open to challenge it does seem however that the armed interven tion far more effectively than words at the un prevented a buildup in the rtuddle east that would have resulted in the annihilation of israel it would also have ignited the tin der of world opinion that could haveexplod ed into world war iii it has how been revealed that the arms and vehicles captured in the israel advances were far greater than had been anticipated and the only thing lacking seemed to be the men to operate it all it would seem most unreasonable to com pare the englishfrench position with that of russia in hungary the problem there was not one of threatened annihilation but one ot a desire for freedom from the position of subservience that has been forced on them as a sattelite the world confusion is indeed confused it is not possible for us to determine the wis dom of all the present moves from all the flood of words poured at us over the radio and through the daily press it might however be a time to look at our local civil defense organization it is the men who take the time out from their leisure hours that give the youngsters of the community an opportunity to play hoc key it is a wellknown fact that the majority of hockey stars playing in the big leagues come from the smaller communities it is the same smoh communities with men working hard and lonja hours that are giving these young hopefuls their big chancegeraldton ont times star the annual interest in public speaking and debating generated through the schools as well as through the junior farmer organ ization is an effort of considerable merit there are many indeed who certainly do not welcome an opportunity to startdon their feet and thank a speaker or introduce one faced with an audience even though they are all personal friends there is always a cold shiver when one has to stand and speak certainly in this age where expression of opinion is of such vital concern public speak ing is a necessary study naturally some excel at it while others continue through life with that cold shiver that runs up and down the back when they are called on the training young people get through the school contests and junior farmer contest can not help but be beneficial in later years when they may be called on to accept posi tions of responsibility in various organiza tions probably more hours are wasted at meetings in a year through inability to ex press oneself adequately than for any other reason for that reason itself the activities of these groups in fostering public speaking and debating are indeed commendable emim bsfis vtmbt- the good old days back in 1936 back in 1906 photo by em her taylu and indians chronicles of gin farm young old enjoy santas parade county committee wise the formation of a county committee on who are the real children tho youngsters or tho grownups sometimes we wonder take the santa clans parade wity arc mo thers and fathers yes and even grandparents so willing to take youngsters to watch the parade that heralds santa clans entry in to town why indeed unless it is planning with representatives from each municipality in the county is a wise one its wisdom will be proven however only when cooperation on the part of all municipalities has been indicated planning and zoning are not things that can adequately be handled simply within a municipalitys boundaries it is essential that the boundary line not become a kind of high board fence beyond which no one is par ticularly interested not only is it imperative that planning be well integrated between municipalities but it is just as important that some spirit of co operation exist in the planning for the mutual benefit of all towns and townships the decision not to hire a planning con sultant for the county group is based mainly on the fact that each municipality already is paying well for their consultants and the ad ded expense would not seem justified on this point we can agree since the problem as set out becomes one of cooperation between neighboring representatives and that is some thing no consultant can alter no doubt some areas will hesitate to be gin planning sivice it cannot be done without some expense in most cases where plan ning has been in action for some time the reaction has been that money could have been saved if it had been started earlier rath er than wail for development to force its consideration a surprising number of people want a home in the country and in some cases this can lead to complications establishment of a number of houses in rural areas can lead to school fire protection and other administrat ive problems with halton one of the most rapidly de veloping counties in the niagara peninsula it is imperative that county planning establish firm channels for consideration of mutual boundary problems but cooperation is the only way brief comment admitting that the danger of inflation which the rise in the bank rate was meant to alleviate is present in some areas officialdom now must face the problem of whether this particular cure is not worse than the disease it must also consider some other antiinfla tionary measure might better achieve the de sired result campbellton nb tribune one reason that makes winter so objec tionable to many people is that they spend all fall worrying about it to follow the ad vice of one person who has overcorne this objection and now enjoys all seasons is very simple and effective this person simply dresses warm when it is cold and cool when if is warm rainy river ont record that kiddies and grown ups toooo enjoy equally well alt the fun and excitement of the big v- enl even if it is only possible to watch it on television you find just as many oldsters u as young sters among the viewers i must admit partner and i are among those who share in the fun saturday morning for instance we dropped our work and spent part of the morning watching eat ons annual santa claus parade- for the children there is all the excitement and fan fare but i really think it takes an adult to appreciate the beauty the pageant ry and the ingenuity that makes the parade what it is and what a wonderful touch of fun and fantasy it brings into our everyday world a world which of late has brought little but anxiety and distrust to the minds of men particularly to those who remem ber the pattern that preceded two former world wars we must perforce carry on with our daily work but we certainly welcome any distraction that takes us out of ourselves and makes us feel gay and carefree for awhile what a dull world it would be if we lacked the power of enjoyment imagine seeing a beautiful sunset a painting or children at play and yet not have tho awareness to en joy any of it or imagine living on a farm and only able to think of the work involved actually every season has its work and its pleasure on most farms at present there is the usual activity livestock that has been free as the wind all sum mcr must now be driven or cajoled to the shelter of the barnyard so they may be shut in at night stumld the weather get rough but cattle are peculiar creatures they resent sudden changes they balk at being tied up in strange stalls and will do everything but stand quietly while confining chains are slipped into place but once that has been done even a young heifer becomes as tractable as an old cow apparently she rec ognises her boss and the next day she puts up no resistance at all unless she has been illtreated a beast that has been beaten in to submission is liable to give trouble for some time that hap pily seldom happens on canadian farms today almost every farmer loves his livestock particularly his cattle and horses if he has them he may call them ornery creatur es and make other uncomplim entary remarks but just let one of them get sick and the farmer will forego a nights rest to keep watch over his sick animals at any time and yet neither the farmer nor his family can afford to get overly sentimental about the livestock be cause the time inevitably comes when age or barnroom makes it necessary for some of the stock to be sold that is the situation we ire faced with this morning at this very moment a truck is down i at the barn loading cattle all of whom partner has raised from heifer calves born right here on the farm we hale to think of them ending their lives at the stocft- vards hut there is no alternative thev have ilullivcd their useful niss as milk rows and for breeding purposes but i suppose thev will taken from the laaue of the free prea thursday november 28 ibm negotiations huve been complet ed tills week whereby ex- warden a mnion secures the property known locally us corporation pond rum mr j dell who lius owned it for severnl years the water right ure uf real importance to mr mas on in the manufacture of under wear und it is also essential that the dam lie properly maintained to uvold flooding his factory n mawm plans to improve the piop- erty but it is not yet decided what form the improvement will take st albuiia mens club dixie ile- vtie wus a typical minstrel niiow with all the old favorites it is quite evident acton audiences like the minstrels becuuse the attend mice lost nikhl ut the town hall was one of the beat this seuon the quartette were miura simp- sun musules clifford and spiel vogel soloists were e an her hob anderson and the weaver suiteta messrs hmelhuiat cotton aiul al beit lillllltl tickled the guttata and bm hall appeared lit mouth oigari und guitar iiutnheis tom itotsof rattled the bones the end lliel were klllle coles chai les wllsol jack mcgcachie hill colcioai ji jim llh afutjiany jeans a lindsay was the mlex lo uv i1i h mason was dlieetoi aid lj lailflsbol outfit pianist at ihe incctlli of oul li i monday night it was repoi i d b the municipal officer that tin a- ena was badly in need ol iepaii tile work of pultlllji the let sui fai e on the aiciia lias already eon rneiieed the boys and gn is have had some splendid skating on curpoi aliun pond this week tile senior cu is club was 01 ganized at the y m c a at a suppci meeting on tuscday officers were electird as follows president betty walts vicepresident la verne smith secretary frances dills treasurer jean lambert the lead ers are misses mary chalmers and dorothy macphcrson when jones delivery horse was bitten by a dog and ran away monday night a number of accid ents were narrowly averted but forlunalcly nothmu worse result ed than a broken harness and a damaged vehicle taken from the laaue of the frw preaa thursday novaaaber mm j a tracy esvioesing license liupeclor has received a dastardly letter which contains a cowardh ihveat if something happens you will have yourself to blame mr tracy answers now mr ed itor if this man thinks he can frighten me out of doing my duty tie mistakes the man he has to deal with and if he intends to take a shot at me as he threatens my ad vice to him is to do it at mighty long range as i am a crack shot myself who wrote the letter the annual public function given under the auspices of the teachers and students of the high school on thursday but was a gratifying suc- eesa the capacity of the town hall was taxed glees were creditably suog by the glee club of upwards of 29 students mr owen a smily rendered humorous and tragic readings with splendid character delineations the solos by miss- lierlle smith and miss jessie nick- lln loeal glls are always apprec iated hoth weie recalled for en- fyes the tableau sung by two youn- laoles and 12 yoong gentlemen tiw torn in noises umfoims and the loue iu fojliiai i egiuientals was iiy well iju on till- tableau rep jesanlcj a nilitai y ramp with the tues urd tin soldiers lying at ease with l- sentry pacing in front and the nurses attending a wounded oftn ei the soldier boys sang with ood effect the well known ampmg song tenting miss fir ay was the accompanist ur tile evening a feature was the presentation of diplomas by h i moore receiving their matriculat alii were kalston brown and vin cent goodeve tlie proceeds of the concert were upwards of 88 the young folk enjoyed their lirst skating of the season last thursday both fairy like and corporation pond were in fine condition 80 additional boxes have been put in to fill the demand at the post office there was a big smash in the rail yards at georgetown saturday morning a double header crashed t tremendous force into a staiidillk train tin- fire brigade was called and the iniured taken by train to oictph later still make bee of a kind tw them cei tamly will a ing sold as butcher they heifers m few good steak this sundays church calendar united church of canada acton ontario rev gordon adams ma b d minister harsonage 29 boer avenue phone 60 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 sunday november 25th 196 900 a m morning prayer 1000 arh junior church and church school 1115 am morning worship the anglican church of canada st albans chnrch acton ont rev evan h jones ba lth sector presbyterian church in canada knox church acton t rev andrew h mckenzie ba bd sunday november 25th lb 945 am church school 1100 am morning worship 7 00 pm- evening service s30 pm senior high fellow ship baptist church acton rev ray h costcrus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206w there should be on the market and so activity begins again af ter an unusually cpnet weekend we looked for the toronto folks but david had a touch of stomach flu so they didnt come maybe the flu was the result of too much ex citement his parents took him to the royal winter fair and while they were watching the saddle horses one man asked dave if he would like a ride dave being crazy about horses was all for it art lifted him onto the horses back and the fellow took him around the ring it is doubtful if any horse ever had a prouder mount as for the other small fry bob- took babs and the children to london fin sunday their last visit before leaving for elliott lake when that will be depends on how- soon their house will be ready watching day by day developments on a house you are waiting to oc cupy must be quite an ordeal be sides haying to move into it befwe it has a chance to settle however you would at least be n hand to discover and remedy the weak spols in the piaster ah there goes the truck with our ritth i little bit f ginger kami that we hall never see again we till h c a lew left but not ver i u an on rer he hit pl wil nclfc h it ie pre- p- n n hr bick the hn- i c tklik w jll vo11 bap- th v f iv ill ilnl 1 i aclvc c- lk recalls old days and travellers guide medical optical in postal office lskss sunday november 25th 1956 sunday next before advent 900 am holy communion 945 am church school and senior bible class 1100 am beginners class 1100 am morning praye 700 pm evening prayer more than 55000 canadians make their living in the canadian telephone industry which is pro vided by some 2800 separate sys tems sunday november 25th 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service 815 pm bypu wednesday 8 pm prayer meet ing acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lol hall crewsons corners ptor rev k j reid 81 cook st telephone sunday november 25th 1956 1000 ajn sunday school 1100 ajrr morning worship 730 pjn evangelistic service wednesday 8 pjn cottage prayer meeting and bible study wuhujpcg icii that was an odd one said dick hair recalling he firs a house the post office department constructed heic when he built it they install ed the aaults list then shipped the rest of the warehouse i sections from oltawa and assembled it ocr the vaults mr rit rctacd this ear after vi years with the pot office and its customs blanch he started work at 15 in that strange warehouse and in 1931 was transferred to the customs branch during his 3a years in the postal customs he estimated he handled 35000000 parcels which included everything from birds nests mail ed from china to leopard and lion skins from africa he says some parcels did not have to be opened to discover their con tents parcels from italy often an nounced their arrival italians are famous for sending high cheese to relatives in canada said mr barr he says its impossible to examine every parcel and usually an ave rage of oneintwenty are opened fellow employees presented him with a velvet case lined with newly minted silver dollars one tor every year of service dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 150 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon coiner of willow and river sts entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 dr robert d buckne physician and surgeon 39 wellington st actor ont phone 679 office hours 68 p m dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office ieishman block mil st office hours 9 a m to 6 p in xray telephone w dr h leib dental surrron olficc- coiner mil iri frederick streets i ufa hours i a m to ti p in telephone 19 acton real estate and insirance f l wright 20 wibur st acton ontario ihone 9a appnikcr real estate and insurance ww r bracken insurance agency 8 mill street phone 26 res 555r general insurance e l buchner r o optometrist 18 mill st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays 131 8 ck pin evenings by appointment lkfi ai c f leatherland qc barrister a solicitor notary public office hours 10 00 a in 12 00 am i ik p in 5 00 pjn saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone ii s 151 lever hoskin chartered arrounlanta 51 main st n brampton phones 2478 44 victoria st toronto km 49131 misckllankot s heated ambulance rumley funeral home ihone vj nuthtoi dav hruce e shoeiuikei mgt olive m lampard a t c m r m t v teacher of piano acton stunii st vban parish hul 14 park ave ccftph phone 296 j bert wood general and life la phone 585 77 mill st vetekinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and pesidence 24 knox ave acton phone 130 b d young bv sc c l young dvm veterinary surgeons office brookville ontario phoni milton tr 09177 v j travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton standard time eastbound 633 am daily except sun and hoi i 858 am 1133 am 2 iih p m 5 uk p m 6 33 p m 8 33 pin 0 0t pm sun and hoi westbound 10 27 am 1252 pm 2 57 pm 5 27 pm 727 pm 9 12 pm 1 1 32 p m 1 1 2 a m fri sat sun and hoi i canadian national railways standard ttaae eaatbrand daily 640 am daily except sun days 1000 am 713 pm sunday ony 801 p m daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 902 mjn1 637 pm daily flyer at george town 1011 pm westbmbrf daily 1144 pm daily except sundav 830 am 654 pm flag- stop 749 pm saturday onbruz pm sunday only 943 rm flag- 5top sunday only flyer at guelph 70s pm daily except sat and sun 610 pm llr- taa s j

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