Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1956, p. 6

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ttw acton fra prat thursday november 22nd 1956 vo ivw kif rasstrll iaussess halton well represented at royal as big fair concludes season queens guineas canadians may well be proud ot the royal agricultural winter pair personally we have run out of superlatives with which to des cribe it we were there on two dif ferent days and consequently did not by any means cover the bin show however in the depart ments we did visit the exhibits p wee the acme of perfection as one entered the bic coliseum through the flower show one was literally transfixed with the awe inspiring beauty of it all not to mention the breathtaking frae- lance whoever designs the plan for this annual flower show i cer tainly an artist in exerv sense of the word then tt one looked ovei the entries up on the second flooi in the crim uvtall mmxn etc one found it difficult to conceive how it was possible to have exhibits of the qualm to be seen on eer de in 1 ear like 1956 of donald pullen of perth county with the reset e kouik to rulph ontario had some 22000 youni i shuvv of kent county great livestock show people enrolled in 4h club work in 1m6 353 of these youni people entered their steers for the coveted queens guineas with the 253 club members came their parents and friends and as a result standing room was at a premium in the huge coliseum without question this class attracts the lamest ring side of the weeks livestock show and with it there is a tremendous amount of glamour in the shorthorn division which attracted 93 entries the lop award went to barr mcquillan of huron couiuv and the i esei ve to helen anderson of duf fei in count tin angus section bi ought gether to doddies and here yule scletted as his top thi the heietiud division brought out 78 white sweatered 4hrs and their lespeetixe white face heie konald mclnn of middlesex had the top and joan pettit of south simeoe the reserve in the final anatssis ronald mc lean s angus took the queens guineas with the leserve going to the champion shoi thorn exhibited b ban v mcquillan halton was i eprcsentcd b janet llcndcrshot ian nori ish and don moffat in the shot thorn section with the first named getting hoi steei in the red nbbon gioup lmmo coulter ev- eln and patricia mckay and san to i1 hepbui n in the angus division judge all of w horn had their steers fn the steer second pi ize group cs ce swtaaaissatiwbftsjj arira bertha watson is top speaker hei impromptu on it has been our privilege to see something of ftpaflx eer roval since the opening show back in i 1922 as ones nuroorv gies back evening novcmbei to that opening show spent though junui fanners nnuil public those who weie in atundancc at the milton high school on kridin 9th foi the great though it may have been 3t ears ago there is little resemblance between the two shows we havent heard how the 19s6 livestock entries compare w ith i previous ears but in our opinion judging by what we saw thus years event was the greatest live stock show it has ever been out privilege to witness i ion and in kural life i tlu ik h ittng topu was kesolx cd tti it a icdtution in the mimbci of fai in i miutuii would be in tlu bt st inteiests of the ontano fiinui in tlu firm debate the af flllilitim was upheld b the noi al team of halpli cunningham and how son liuddell wluu the p iwi nn lepiesentatives bill mar- speaking and debating competit ions enjoved a real tieat prelinuniirv competitions had shall and bnue t rrell took the been held inlhe local clubs to negn ii the palei mo lepreentat select the club lepresentatu es foi the count finals the ver excel lent program was ahlx chaired bv president jean peterson the public speaking cnmpetit ion brought together bertha wat in the classes we saw being son representing the acton junior judged there were no tailendcrs ira fact the bottom animal in most cases was of a type and conformat ion an one would be proud to ow n well represented as usual halton exhibitors were well to the fore in practical all breeds here are some of the hil ton folk whose entries we obserx ed shorthorns s g bennett georgetown reford gardhousc and w h merrv milton t c amns moffat angus dr w f james horn bv henfirds c f patterson nor- al ies latei took on the acton af- ftimatlnc team of reitha watson uul j uk blai k the affiimaie teams on i split decision won the decision in both cases the judges were also charg ed w ith the responsibilit of select ing four debaters to represent hal ton in the inter count debating series those selected were beitha watson jack black how son rud dell and bill marshall who will now meet lincoln counti in the first lound red polls leonaid couuon a tht oth annual meeting of the r coupler and geo readhead all ontario federation of agriculture of milton hc november 5 to 8 in toronto market cattle- sartdv buchan- com an usually heavv farmers kay merrx the milton club w inner and bill killv the w inner from the palermo club the judges namel george e elliott q c cecil a wood pi in ctpal of milton high school and agricultural representative j e wlutelock had a difficult assign the evenings program w is nit ment in deciding on the w innt i j abl balanced bv some delightful among the throe top spe ikers insti umentals bv ruth wilson and their decision went to bertha wat an enjov ible sing song ablv led hv son who in her 10 minute prepai dave wilson with wilma sim 1 nr ed speech spoke on transportat as aiiompanist no farm income rise foreseen atederatiivfhwal m would wheat champion william deurloo 20yearold granum alia farmer was awarded the canadian national railways chal lenge trophy at the royal agricultural winter fair in toronto here he is presented with a 100 cheque and engraved silver tray by cnr executive vice president norman j aaacaaillan qc assist ed by miss super continental carol chapman of saskatchewan miiwmmmmbwbmmmmmwmiilmmim iiiiii ii mm mi i mi institute honors its charter members was en- amos a very pleasant evening v joyed at the home of mrs t moffat by 20 members and five visitors of naxsagaweyu woinons institute during the business period mrs j henry gave her report of the urea convention and mrs a dia mond gave an account of the dis trict directors meeting she attend ed the roll call was something i lead from home and country mrs d mullen read the chapter early settlement m halton fiom pagws of the post the president mis a flunk turned the meeting over to the convener mrs ii price who in turn culled on a pudbury tit show his pictures of the southwestern states for a time members tra velled in imagination to tho grand canyon to salt lake city und oth er scenic places depleted on the bcreen the highlight of the meetuig was kept until the last when life mem bership pins und certificates weie presented to the only two churtei membeis mrs a pudbury and mrs frank itineliait mrs a dia mond in a few well chosen words told how the members appreciated the pai t eaeh lad hail played in the 22 vcurs since the biunch slatted lloth have been vol faith fill biaiuh members and have held blanch offices mis itlnehai t is d so a past president of the ilullon district at the urea convention in sept ember mrs hlnehurt became u provincial board member and at tended the piovineiul board meet ing in toionto recently mrs ii price made the presentation to mrs itinehurt mid mrs j robert- sou to mrs pudbury aftei the queen und the w i grace a tioclul lime was spent with the two happy lathes while lunch wus uei veil ftulw ywrl omivi imgwl otapby xmas carps boxed assortment x 59c and up personallzett cards from albums gift wrappings paper seals ribbons ornaments kennedys bookstore 125 wynoham st guelph ont shopping guide is distributed georgetown everv house hold in georgetown is now sup plied with the first edition of a shopping guide und municipal dir- ectorv issued bv tho chamber of commerce a group of scouts and cubs called at each home leaving a copv of the attractive 8puge book let which will be of benefit par ticulars to newer residents un familiar vv ith municipal serv ices it lists such public boards as council school hvdro and board of parks and loutains a list of or ganizations and their head officers there is a lengthy list of odver- ac- moifm caroljn gardhousc mil ton havsltd oakville dr w f james hurnbj cecit thccann mil ton w h merrv milton a n norrish campbellv ille j h will mott and son milton holsteins albert g hunter burlington h craig reid and howard gowland milton jerseys eatherstone bros aakv ille guernseji lovce bros milton hampshire j h willmott and son milton market sheep 1 h willmott and son and cecil mccann mil ton percheions stanlev max by wins trophy mere we are breaking our resol ution not to mention anyones avrards but don moffat is one of our 4h club members from campbellv ille and it gaxe us a bit of a lift to note in thi refrigerated show vv indows a hog carcass bear mg the grand champion avvflrd the exhibitor being don moffat who therebv vvon the todd challenge trophv in the reserve position in the same class which brought out 73 entries that of cecil mccann of milton ed snow of milton was anothei haltoman whose entry in the sanu ilass captured a red rib bom brethour trophy in this class the entries foi w such n ust be puiv bred barrow s or sows john wavibon of halton ville hiid two carcasses m compet hion both of whuh took red rib bcns market cattle the judging of the champion steers foi the a p westervelt memorial trophv along with the judging of the queen guineas classes would appear to be the highlight of the weeks livestock show in the big ring in any event spectator interest is intense as judge charlie yule of calgarv calmlv and vet dramaticallv picks his tops when the shorthorn champion steers were being selected all hal- tomans got a lift to note that from ue tout sections of the eight top steers two of them were from halton caroljn gardhousc having the firt prize senior calf and katherme merr the second prize steer in the same class carol ns steer incidentally took the award of reserve champ ion shorthorn steer and moved on to meet the champion hercfords and angus however the grand champion award went to alex ed- 1 wards summer yearlingangus steer amid tumultuous ajrplatisc from the angus enthusiast ectors plus another 200 guests and count observers attended the sessions l those representing the halton countv federation were president bert dav idson and mrs dav idson farm forum secretarv mrs milton brown secretarv a rov coulter and nelson secretarv treasurer mrs vv lina norris ulod jasper president of the ontario federation of agriculture in opening the meeting predicted i that no appreciable rise in net farm income for 1957 is foreseen a l esolution among mam oth- horn- ers w i passed asking the prov inc- lal government to increase its fin ancial support of the department of economics of the ontario grtc- ultural college the meeting in resolution asked the ontario and federal govern ments that if anv additional mar keting legislation or amendments bv a supieme court decision this should be cariud out the meeting approved of thi in corporation of the onturio fcdei- ation of agriculture this will pro vide better representation to ont ario farmers and provide liabilitv protection to the organizations of ficer- if you need fuel oil stove or furnace grades call 69 thompson fuels acton your best health habit drink every day i acton jersey dairy don timmings prop phone 242 legislation requirtd ma be charles dkkens as gazing into a crystal or alu minum ball when he made this prediction a century ago about a strange new metal called alu minum he wrote what do you think of metal as white as silver as unalterable as gold as easily melted as cop per as tough as iron in proportion as the cheap pro duction of aluminum becomes more and more an established fact the more we shall find it entering into household uses for travelling purposes for in stance for which its lightness a no small merit very good charles espe cially that bit about cheap pro duction that day has amyed as alans vast production and world sales prove aluminum company of canada ltd alcaki users indexed imdei vaiious head ings the shopping guide was piepar- ed as u non pi of it activity cf the chamber w ith advertising rate- set as low as possible to cover cost of printing it is planned to be issued annually b the chamber pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving tohphow 2 62 wafer st north oalt e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon oflice at 48 mill st e acton hours i 306 00 evenings by appointment for appointment telephone 115 television service by r w grant pm one days 594 acton nights 762 located at watsons store fraalt theraaao bmms for tht ftrtara in 43 ycurv fnrcniit carpenter hranl itiorogooj htu seen many im provemcnt in building mcthoth power tools pre fabricated miiion ami the iil of new structural materials make all the diltcteiki sas mr iyioiokooj develop ments like these have simplified our work and make for stronger more lire resistant buildings in builtlni for the future mi i horogooil has emocd still another advantage ihiough the uulci i mge of financial protection he can give his family because of rruhtcrn- development in life insuramr i tfc insurance ites tod iy families many new benchts ll not f only auords them linanciul protcetktn that is ntrr flcubie but can aho provtlcmoncy fur ihc ejiildrcu i ilm alhmi for safeguarding the homy mortgage for arranging retirement income and for other purpoiei in tht r and other iwm the itft uwiiramc utmptiturs have with the tutu r prvgreised nuctttifi the itceth prupie in all natks of life 2 life iniuronce componiei are a maor tource of mortaoge i t funds for canadian famdiei i ait yar they invested four 1 hundred and sixty five million dollars in ihu way the lin insurance companies in canada t 1ju fully automatic duotherm incinerator a good drivbr gets rid of all garbage wet or dry and all burnable trash with fast anitary direct fire todays refuse is gone today saves you messy work ar d cutdooi trips discourages rats flies pests none of the fire hazards of back yard burnmq easily installed m basement garage yard works for a few cents on any type gas round design leaves no corners for leftovers triple wall construction keeps sides touch cool lasts for years if you follow too closely a sudden stop by the car in front can result in an accident if you fail to stop in time that accident is your fault good drivers make certain they have lots of stopping room whatever their speed how good are driving habits pay ga vocv gas bu come in and get your united free bugaboo bags suburban gas r department of highways ontario unhbdojs 27 mill e company limited acton phone 695 v jtr jr ta jsttflurtfjju- tk1 1 t3 1 w ti

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