Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 31, 1957, p. 8

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1 legion news thari ware nine ablaa at euthra lint rrldar nim at th lallon tni harvey uambart won flrat prlza with 7 polnu j chapman wcond with j pont and don greta look flftrilare- w1 i p tord won the conaolaoon prlie confttuutiona are in order u thi week to ted elliott hugh smith frank holmra and dude untar on winning the iro hy in the zone 07 nonkrr tournament held at the brampton leion 1 the artm member continue to win thru- 7one laur nirnnla a larger ahowtaae will ltlo to hold all in oiituaiv dies in 100th year trophna hailm shall reptt henry ciiaaleu both in lus 100th yeiir hitirr clirts kolli pihtlinj a hl home in that n h i jpu rvi ii ration m j on ilrni m i hwpilal rotary club of brampton bat at tit annual project trr world t largctt orchid thow of more than 100 000 blown thi sunday al sofifhl prviw dale ftfatr n brampton the mid mur 11 i winter dilplay at dw estate dffodt tuipt inc ludn previews of and hyacinth i p 1 7 mn bit i pfci nflrr lu ninl ilot trwll an ttn in sunnjbm iri j lr1 h n jam- been hut ia would enjpv nuiiitmr vinl him at his hum it chun h st tmd mintorr t j ih tnt old da all aictiberi whit wvi 25 if continuous pant up m nibcnlitp arc requested t lcaye their mm i with th pniidnt vie pirtm k arv ml mi otihoti in hip of lh7 nj ni a it lr7i trrilr 1 v t fl lw i t mix rut al 1 h kv mi 11 11 wll 1 m tv tlodf tk m now t il d tf i ll run rl i j it w i um on j mil ii 1 it sk iflli k off iii follow 1 t w dlu free press want ads for quick results iatii no charge for annouttrjnnts of ituthf uarriafrs death and engagements in ajentoruin tic plm icte per lis fur venca article for ale rent etc 1c word minimum cash 40c box fjo to this office 23c additkatial cuming events 75c mm i mum fur first 5 line additional line 10c cards of thanks 75c hilling charge of 15c addad to all mtmiiiu if not paid uptii after insertion and add ed for each bill renderad- lalea ttw a isawrllia i pav weterada births marriages deaths etc okn iiln t u rt ry personajnotes t v i i oulof it vvm ontt anrl o wittor m on momt ii mr und mi c vuhinji u tit i ui uyon in i u i r mi u m- all and st fltt i i 1 1 with mr txt mm m on suru1 mr and mr j v hjut k f ylunuvihc iitcl ith mr and mrs johnnie k ranch arwl ihcir mt grandaon mi hararki ltlim r irul mm hon giuopif of litlton pnt thr week rnd with mihi mih frl irwltrka mim iixru alun ami mr mu bcoyrvc ipr1 mu uiiknl ludgetiiwn with ihr latli i mi llr and mr slrtt sotc mlir with mr and mta t a y liii iiiitl fumllv i r mr and iv mi lul nrilmtn mid family from ii c lon ami tuir and mr t i hoilm iihii from poll unlit mr t aittit nnd mn s dale aittn nnd mn ik end ml li e march 1 rtit nifmlx r in ton 1iiin minoi tiitk pl f in or spoili h h w v tali ha hi tin hillun jil iin n ol onl t illlxsrrr m lit ktrnnl llptun t i in i lud ii ti ln rrritt junli r ar t ii i- il u hi pntttn rr 1 niiu n vi non itolh loronlu llrthkhincton cn january m ttri7 ml the wlllry huaplt til imontl tu ann- iuu minted wife irf john id therlngton a djukpl r t iry rliathi illkk mi iyl mm huf it llm k f vir in k all hi n stial j id la ii 1 ll m it 1 w1l tl y j nut ir j m tin i l u ii o- 1 ut ih u foi 1au cawlintwf toh fiix pair btr skate are 7 ilionr 47 w2 a so i roii flalkrrraii kiued bef b r i hie guarli r cut and wrapped f 1 itolukm attd phone 73urlz u lti mt salr 40 l1fit mdan i ffkal iiulitnn skkl apply 212 tltufi hill nt a io- wanted ii- 1 iii k ii save 25c on riasifiid advfkiisc minis of alrllcif ob saik vaniid fic by fayino ah virn okdib lir saiiikijay of imc vmk ol iiiiik allot 1 m coxe humwno hcattmo lavesttouommo pm oaf s olf runwewg oat water tank fre ftlmalei fhonf 35 kcton hi r on l huixlf iuioii i aw s in i 1 i pi c ih uiikh n i i ijli n ml tiopit d ii mi v 2u iu17 a r f i cariih of tiinkh wan i i i 1 t mi id i uov 1 i jo liaumtn poimittv ilttjii 11 in 1 llr r 1 r ilnl l iltiy uilim kr1 trncl ai1 1 ut no it in milltfi til 4401 i wantk hut 1 wlkin d rflfr f thl m i so tu 1 t iupaiiy ti oino ful limr aiilv tty letter i r ii miijjll mry st oh th- lull ii 1 if j ii m i- nil nvt t il 1 lllvr nixl ifivfn tifj arimiiitt rtr i ni id wor dy fllvinr cash rate 50c foi 17 wocds 3 cant jiddittonal word r j- 1 11 ii t ih i ml ii in niu i uho v ill in isl fl moon h t v mnt ut an irwin 1 li ip in i turn nt foi h m1on1 i uhuh ih ihint hi it i xrrnn mr- ah i p ititorn ill it illo i nix t ill ndlntc lh i o1 of nl ir ular situi night dime on ft tirunt 2 nv out and meet thi se frllow menitw r nnd hue an injoyuhle cmlnji the one h7 bowling tournamen will be h hi in at ton on sntur dav february 0 itrfreihinenu am luiuh will b aervel al ihe iuoi nft r ihe competition poets corner it mihillm l nfmaur taylnr in st j i 1 i iih kin in ii n t i it atl rt fn nf- txl i i il it i flo m kn inh t i di s lltnt iiaikthk hi hlt hoc f t h l l tl mol nl li ol i tu m j u 11 a t u 710 r f i l i a iuhi i ii 1 fr 21 h ur k rn lit iik1tm k t vt lomptl f aloto il n 1 i ok 11 1 1 1 k1 111 i- it i i 1 1 1 real estate jtinl like ff 4 1 mil hi k h ti u l rir-f- i l ea l buchner optometirtst in actow evory wod afternoon 4 mu it t acton howf i 30 a f v mnr by apporitfn t roll aiifilnlaff nt i tfuphone 11 mr and mrs kusm11 artrtr pcnt nt sundajr wjth frnmu m relalixe f mr mr if arbi n mrs tth trnrnvrnnjrmt tttlirtt sfliir clfltrd tllcrlr from a toiwil owrati n n among ihe rrlntie who cither mr it ed at thr ouin it f 1 njil ind in i r h r ii t in for th mi oto n of mr unit mr jin will rivtiun n hl h ii j t i ntrrfcar on autijojt wire mr tiit i i and mr hum kotnoiii jam u s and i lit ifi i t accidents kill lrlisixirldjs rict ii uii n ii uith ttiik n rttindi ur fmi 1m and th i i rhil iiuinv f lh y 1 m y r 1 anv mnrr tu if yriy on f hit head n pr i mr nr vmi in mtmorlam oll 111 tx v uowljti in luvini jiliiiui nf a 1 ar hui1 nut and ulhi r who ii imud iiwnv tuddt nly jiinuar v 211 iw4 ml nt thouuht mrtt ttir t in lili mi miirv ivir 1 ir linn jtk- niiy tin edj1 of griif hut mnnnrv turna bairk rvrry trlf alvk o ii i i 1 ii tl of anil in it th umtm n ni ii lutnti ihtt ialtl t twl aallil jtvjllullllvil juiluuilujui nyi kftoy itik whit lkk pi 1 hi t ml i uh of tr ifti r fi in batrk rrry trlf i1 hy wif unl 1 m1 i aihis n 1 moii y o tnintj in fmliiiird ttinlory in 1 iii i mltimi 11 f i mlbtlou- wii n i ii avon prhit mkti t luiniiniiioii wrilc ijilril t xi hi ic r mvi 7irghr fjorflk apt ulph kivini phn a 2u 2 dfad a vim a i j tt 12 no earh for dead nr disabled cows and liorw 1 old iioehfji u ul j ontif our lntck aafclna mii wn m lltnt ttiinii cntr hi rk cotlaije new nil fiimne m rn rtwirenlenc om nlri tlwncr will hld hjlanrt over til v ar mortkjit on m m rou t mi ul lw mtlil virv rliw to miui hxatnl on luitjy mmlh of arlun mi m out on our ii t ton who ihoji th rtitti of il ult nl h md ayy iy fl ttru moil ti ol h a paaave rur dlatrirt dnllv call itefwood rrtl ii ipli 1 a 4 2uth or r mo 231 w ii ellert 4 hmir ir tlm-i- ltlbatin if r wavrrit hit hxt ti prims for ih it oi h 11 f lmtv oil iiorkih 4c 1 a i rmm m brtcfe n w ruodcrn kllilxll houkr i u drforte ttiiktt r hkld hardwood fl in yl m yrniih 1w ttm entnttt tor it rd and ran vlluiilt ul aal4 kttxumi akw i imikmi iim l ttll l 4 uuilitv uih tit htxt nd will r to i1 ii vky tcl it i 1 ll ll nt 11 us in 1qcal news hydro employees are trtmnitnc trre ttn lota lilt thto link twin limli win torti at the farm of arthur i riffin it ii 2 aclon a wik ai fv r thii ol piitil ur subtrades suppliers now in organization m ull if w i ulil lol im 1 sim lost and found john r holmes m i rntt ninitri l l in h m 1 llione 31 phone 28 acton ano u sum of thi bist a c i t i sanitone rrw ftkoe tmd rfaawwy lit phone ixo acton firmrr art tea hi r hrn x oortdhv stone pi ktd a p msi her garden at slawartutwn j before the cold np oiint ivvmrtl pohct no m jit mi in llm dntr witlnt viy of last week a deel on tu liv subtradei r into llic orkiintiatinn n nindo at n mo ting of the mind whit i h mtiful in i hft tkhind- fir n ni inliend t- k nneth nnd fnmiu ti liiini c 1 fi sif y iiilv tu for rent coming events mk jifst sini1 loinl apply 4ii vut cwlv formed north hnlton dutld imassagaweya institute hoars teaching methods tlu i uiuiri mii uiik of tin ni saot v 1 i h ll llt tin horn nf mix a putluiy miffat mi- attention ci uchl i t oo ih di fi lire mrm i om out riitliy niilit iklon m 11 milton il imcr 1rii s kiv n plr b 3tt it rk m w mt hi i st ju miscellaneous member if the cminatian kr formed church in ieorgetown arr- 11 ii k iillint anj miotind ttn foundation nf im new remodelling thi former ceorge t town datrv imtilding there as a thunh thfc mi nlnfll la cuntinuinj lti pnpit- ilmn for speru ait- imtiea at mi him centennial ci lo brat ion mn summer a btud grovtiig iont st begins thrre to inormw there are sign of sprang hut not tn actim a dutrlrt girl has puked a ikooipiel f punv a illws ni a man in totm i ix tve in saw n mhm lpiipnunt for extendint thi whll lh k ihmul dt pth of i tmn will on the third on ummmmi office clock t aih brok- line u now on the cite intimilion rn at 1 aat lh iuk trh th tinu u u r supply co ltd will dull main flout halie1 tirm m y itilt 1- p r in m ffort to augment the coure biutlt toyn w iter supply er ah iition hob mccolgm of industrial sand con pvtiu n ciniyil wu nnmed chairman of this membership committee while wm ii hamilton brvame gi neral memtrihip chntrman and hnrold fobitt sh tal concner seiretiry harold bairstow wni akrl lo prepare a draft bylaw for the mw ussot iation i i tr ink idn th thtr-i- ling fnltimd liy st w ut follct in unison thi tninutifc wro rud and adopt il thank on curds w rt n id nuimil frttm ahut mi re ni nihi ml ut cminalm la tim a motion yy ilish d instruct in a in mlm r to hax e the i liclnc stoy in tin- nnnniunllv hall rrpnired mrmtmti nyoeting tn the office i l tt al a d h hax e a rki iclrex dcmlopmenu hoard i r arirt lh n p i o inrtnx frulij nikhl fcbrniry itt at itambou irdini mora mum tn hob 11 ik r nnd his job i insnum 1h ihneing 9 30 to ino th mary i admismon stk- tx r twrson a h loor prjn a 30 i president ht x hcjilop report on the convention of the national house builders association which he attended al the mount royal hotel in montreal the local group is affiintcd with this mow bout that specialiy prepared for the acton free press rtmts is the ninth call fve mam to you people about my iteakins roof au my furnituae ib ruined s months a60 you poomised to jfix the jos you did i ast year ha acc0rdin6 to my iemcy ooomaj simms- v jv six months c- nics we wont have anytooy to stno out thtre swill th fundi aftir thi roll cell yyhich wj miwnd ly the farth at i have travelled from home mrf mylli n the imiytw for du cation i allfd n vn it j it on of moffat uho ky m int iimim tilk on thi nn t tmd tf t wtlfinic in tin pi unary gitd in tin- public hok in llnnullon yy hi i vh had litikht r i m i il y h ft ii 0ullri tlald i llaiptll in in th his m t r m muii n l i tli nolto ti nship is 1 ki i b t i l t iin- l b mn uhiti u foil wd ft 111 liiin f o tim ill it li vpit d th hrjli tl yy ill mt irj c tu imid munr i m it n m th n u futm mrs at mnhnn ia rmins con ymr giyimy thankid tin host and ihotcuho hul helped w ifh ti pioizramim th nu ting c d yith th qui in ind mi institute trjc the host and her helper wry ed a di ljciom lumh thrre were 13 members apd five visitors pre tlie regular mietmg nflhe letf inn uidui auxiliary will be toll on thurmhw kbruarv 14 at 7 30 n m followed bv valentim pnrty u ith kui itt from milton tort cnilit and oikyille a 30 the duke of devonshire chnptrr i o d r w 111 hold its regular monthly mrcting nt the hinn of mm k knox bower ave on urdnesday iibriiary ul b p jo hnlton youth for chrut satur div k hriiairy 2 7 41 p m lh sjiturdiv niuht evungelist bill uittcok uill in our ipuikcr come hall cor b31 for sale liiinie t tx fi turni tkokkceping ll lli ormtoun lit 7 3151 a tf i tainting ml di- cohatino fjhinirttra gladly furnished wall- iwpi r sunipua and taint available no job too largo or phi small j it frank phone 377 47 frederick sl f s acton raw kitchfnfh urhoustkily i have your chesterfield suite re uuholatvnil bv us nnd aae re- finishing one week si rvice call uurd mccuuheons mens wear a ti ufimkh uphotastehy add likks and comfort with skilled re- i t ling your furniture can ba handaome and new again low cost all in one witk ser ice lhone m acton a tf htfh hfat la your heating ix mini wasting fuil dollars hrit inn your ihimniv itiilnm that lost h it thix will mere thi nnnftrl uf jmir h ine nmtmv ii in nu or fuimur dtad phoni wm u a bowl fr iveadraaf 1 make it a date for saturday night go bowling 1 a loiarl ror puamur f bawl for hum acton bowiing lanes mwaw tmj 0 mala b milt s ii- llid iv rrvson till manni r le a tf i iminlm mono doors 4u 75 istillit si if stoiiiit tmrm win mu mad lo imr mumirniiuil h m- pctt i 7 4 s it niu fr rn link uh itlmi iiu 1 nn si ttn i 1 umttagk ii vir if ou it hummvis lulp in to rvltrf ak x our druggist legal television service by r w grant phoni days 594 acton nights 702 located at watsons music store ci jt i fob nalf ok bent 7 rn stone hnum n a kih1 nad ivdro and pressure sxstem nulea from acton phone 17j12 new and rebuilt surge milker and vacuum pumps pipeline milk ers and milking parlor low down parmems with easr terms avail able horace tomllnson surge dealer d mclaughlin phone bram ptanlt2 i on monday ihe knox c c i t nuvting opened x uh recreation with mrs bucftner after which ve divided into two roups one for crafts the other fbr a working period then it warevered later everyone- fiajnered in the sunday school ntom for trie busin ess and the bibje study th roll eatl was rend with 12 givls n- swaring the girls tepeatsd lh co i purpose and hymn the ptf ferine was taken up and meeting closed with tops the safe buy used cars 19m plymouth 2 door savoy- 18000 mriv l owntr 1d55 uieor nuuira edan 30 003 nvile 1 owner 1 focd 2djwr radio 2aoo0 mile tn al condition 19u meteor custom lino smun -t400q- milea fnlly equipped automatic 1 owner toth motors ber rrank w bib tatk notice fo creditors in the tiuu of imt1ifr uit 1iif utdaw iecaed all prsonj hiving cl tims again the 1 ite of halhcr bitihie late of tbe toumhip of ksqucsing wid ow uho died on or about the rtth dax of june lflli are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned- on nr before the ifilh day of fibruary 1037 after which date the estate will be dis tributed with regard only to the claimsof which the undersigned ahull then have notice and the un- designed will not be liable to anv teron of whose claim he shall not then he notice duted at georgetown this 11 th dav of january 1m7 thomas charles edward ritchie executor of the estate of esther ritrhi by his solicitors dle v benn ett gorelow n ontario a 28 3 phone v or 363 make your gas dollar stltetch more economically drive the amazing volkswagen cii us for a demonttration acton motors g vqur slwmmkar vslvtwsaw ouur 6 mainst hkfif 17- ummiasismiibwilllwwb

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