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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1957, p. 2

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mmim qllfr artnn 3ttt rtisfi tk anly aipac fwwtryrtllifcti t ai pounded toletsand published ev thuns- day at u uiu st t acton oat unbt of the audit bureau of clfcuutioma the cw njl md the ontarioquebec division of the cwjia advertising rata on request sub- ksipuow payabl in advance tloq in canada 4 00 in the united vuus ats months 1 75 single copies 7c authorised aa second clam mali insl office department ottawa romufced ay the oltu prtaug and rwuklng c uaaltod a dills editor inchief david it dills production manager jamrs a hall manaiting editor business nd kdtlorial office- ph 800 acton thursday february ut 1957 back to almanac lat thursday morning the paper predict d the we t her a sunny colder we re member that because iheve had ben a heavy mow the night before end it was snowing then perhaps you ii remember it loo be cause it snowed all day and we had the heaviest fall of thu winter we recall too that ihe fellow on t v who draws tre weath er each night and tells what pressure hi pushed which front what way from british columbia to the atlantic hadn i said ariyth ncj about the mow t nil in the part of the country in which we were interested a week before we were browsing around in a book store when a chap nmc in arjd wanted to know if they had one of them thar almanacs said fie wanted to have tome fun it was a day when we felt we could stand some iun to we bought one of these almanacs we ve had some fun too m the days since it seams this particular almanac has been published every year for the past 165 years besides the weather it tells a host of thing it claims over a million copies are sold each year we didn t buy it to get the anecdotes pleasantries photograph and wood curs it contained but to find out what the wraihcr was likely to be it intimated thai the fore casts were based on boston mass but we considered that boston m ght be ust a good a guesser as toronto not ust a day ahead but tor tre whole yar the almanac forerait the weater for the week of february 14 71 storms ind or very cold were forecast for 13 21 tarn was predicted well we conitdved boston and this section were hitting it off pretty well to gether for nexi week 22 to 25 cold and snow are due but about this t me when the seed cata log ues are arriving everyone is wonder mq about n xt spring j weather well the look sayi cold and late come spring we ii look for the prospects for next summer s weathtr by the end of the year we can perhaps decide whether boston or toronto is weatherwise we certainly don t know but as the fellow aaya yow ca alwa h ao w t fads are in the facts on canada are out they coma by wavpf the canada year boolf and mora compteta information could hardly be desir- ed including nearly 1300 pagan the com pendium of information on the institutions and the economic and social development of h nation covers canada quite completely while t covers the year 1s6 some or the figures go back to 1953 as the latest avail able figures tnet affect ihe north ha if on area from 1953 shpw acton with 20 manufacture ing establishments georgetown 17 and mil ton 14 georgetown has 1164 employees acton 1023 and milton 716 the average wage appeared highest in georgetown at 3 010 with milton at s 636 and acton at 2 589 of course these figures cover all employes male and female gross postal revenue received at the area posj offices shows increases in all three for 1955 over 1954 georgetown leads with 178 001 followed by milton at 35 40 and acton at 25 054 one other interesting thing we noted was that ontario s weekly newspapers almost equalled the circulation of the provinces daily newspapers the one difference was that there were 40 dailies and 256 weeklies the facts ane there too on personal ei penditure on consumer goods and services expenditure on food has gone from and these figures represent millions of dollars 919 m 193 to 3 875 in 1954 tohaxio and alcoholic teveragt s have gone iron 28 1 to 1 340 federal provincial ind nummp l fovi m menl expenditure igain in millions of dol lars has gone from 1 v19 in 1939 to 6 589 m 1954 brotherhood week thii week is broltcrhood week pit haps during this week we might pause long enough to review our own personal lelcf m brotherlkood it s not something thai can in- legislated it is rather an attitude the com ing to term j with reason and the voice of one s own conscience- we should review our feelings toward those who speak a different language have different customs and appearance many ur fortunate people have left their home country unable to continue under the persecution and torment of a way of life they could not ac cept a good percentage of these unfortun ate people have found their way to canada where ihey have been welcomed by many canadians there hove been difficulties in thetr ar rival for some there has been disappoint menl in not finding immediate employment or adequate housing others have perhaps had fcfntottunate experiences in the lack of a sincere welcome from present residents we recall that here all men are free to worship as they please our laws protect the rights and lawlul customs of minorities the frontiers are open to those who wish to cqmc and receive the privilege of citienship but we should not be too complacent of these jeals when we look over our personal views of ej the good old days back in 1937 taken freaa use leave a u free preaa tnaraday febelssf u iwl itmrntly ttl saskatchewan gv rtnmrnt airrhaard its first inuw nmbll nffu tally rraniilii thu i omimarutivt ly ritw innovation as a puhlll vlti lr p ailolllllt n mmiitils mi intriplanrtwry am k t lulu llir ruuiiitf- wal ml m it v 1 lllttl if kllow vi mi- iff hour hit ji for it if rslfiition i th llvjio hrlk ijiw down llr uilph kmii p taibvillr vntl mii it ii i unit tti tiwnlij pui hilt v k th iholi if llkmt unitil i iiim 1 1 ul m on ii in w k mt ll slllllftv ld pm rut i linti h dlmlfnft ii t in on rililuy hint hie it m i v i in tin arionjlwrl a il ulv iitix itmit itin lim tl i lick si 1 i v ffoi it l out o t t u 1 ihk slot v i llv vhlilr if ii n w in ii v t mo t 4 ij it l ihlllll illlll t i iii i ii hi i two mm y ik l l l r t ii mill- ii it ttui ii i it imm rnnri- i i hm t nii mill tx 1 t ii t ft f i ii it tail i v back in 1907 ttm frvaa uu laassa af use ffraa praaa thssraater paknsary tl 1m fur lw yrri mr t k 1rlea haa lr- muni inii rfflrf r of hie rorp uration lli dutir wrrr niultl fkolll auul ut ni frtmj ttttm to kifital mtlufamtion llr wi always uurlmii anj obllnma aikd took vrry lwticrilly tl atvf ao frr- timrntly trfml1 axatimtausly by liir nuntrmi i illi n who wtrv miioplrd wllti ttir frlifikt ult iltey hwt a prtaortal inla rt iii t fulfilioiru of liu ituti- ifi m limn iii to 4orihf hmt wltti thru liwllv hliml il4 h i hl i iii of of jw uit ttully hf h in tht imb loll mill vrry t iij a avall ult a hlly fcllinx look lr ii iikxijt utlrnot jt tht maliloh t ml j iii muml wtrn in milt utjl i i ml i himii jiirl in wlk with mi jol i it mkos ilf ibu i li it iltn iiv 1 fmi xy it v j m fjua furl lh ii it linlily jtln il hit i f 1 1 r i ii tl 1 o l h fhrtto byri out of season for picnics otjbil kf chronicles of ginger f quiet is lull before storm i fly cawrnalajtiit t larka k i i nv liinir with in uiiih h v ihh r thi tu h tl ml nt 1 still 1 n t in t im n it1 in m ti k aiwt ui h ivl l n m r i k m 1 1 ilh i lint mini ikt t kit till luftll h h moo hut thl unit nil n l nimi m m tin 1 mi thin u lit hut for uniril brotherhood we way c6ftctudelhal he s6urce of brotherhood is humility and this we must have in our approach to all fellow humans including those who do not speak our ian guage and go to our church tin i ii iimi i hitf mimnnn on th front limn n hivi nrl thi r or ui rnhil our wcorul rhllrfhoort we htt th imiw- min u is limit hv two htlh ht n int thir in tin r who wirr hi in with in nil i isi ik ni lvi tl mill ikm- 4hihirin snsm at two find t hilt nut mirh n1 i i moiitlt old tuu of uu nitist uiul hi pn st n nils niniu onlit w ml l i in is in tniil tnii un in id ph nt s of n s int i mi ihiif lirul hul irims spi mi hut m ni f rtiv ill th it if tlu rhilitm n h i i tn lisposilioni dhir int fmm v tinjsi n win i spit fill p i v istl iikt sx tli r win tune- list wik w it i this old pi in w ii n ill i nnd hnusc om d iv two nt ihl ihildrrn nmi lo iit tnd win n tht four of ihi m k prorrlv aequainte rjpd ctifjctl to pd hind h in ik in triinsfcrre1 to a hdio projit in th it riilion 1 mipix si it will im ii ions unit 1h f i th i hildi n ui l irk i n ii t inn tin mor s llir pltv n ihitlolivi ttim tin hrlfirakuk i p tl t ir tori unit tin rtd in 1 i f tnkh ool 4 rath ihin urlunlv must t nn nffinltv bflmnn rtilll r n nnd tinirnalm 1ild in jut un krn if krundpi k hi th burn w ith un hiui th ri m r illy n hwl llul i t or ii tl udikt ihuik t know until u tiow thu k th l int piltn ii i ot n m imi i i r niiti juki in v i mi hi hull tf ll- i flit t i i it n ml v lilt mi i jolt m i m it 11 i t n in ls o miki m i j i m ii wlls i v lit m if w a i o fit is hi tl i m tl m m iv i i i s ii uo i i i v ill is iii t ll i i k i i m i i j ii ii i i i i tl a i 11 l i k v hit i v ii t v i f i th k it i tl i itllj i 111 t i i ill a 1 m ih it o li kl iii v il 1 i ll lit h ill th i 1 i lint ii ii f in f i 1 t iiik t it nn kl iiiii s t i w di i s1 v tvltutut ut ll vii tk thi ijuuib r th mh- i i i mj i iv w s pi mi on ahn on th i ki on in i pi mo lu t i v mis w ft in unit mis- mitftt hi i n mlmic hv mis 1 m k tot h miaj it hwlmics ml ml n ihs n howrr l mill i of mini i ana mi tmd mi m hy tin vi mi g ir oi f i j h r t llnahi tiawr l fartrii h iktt it u ho i pn t i i to y will taki op m 1 ii ii i ii no at th- t mo h i uih st- hit fnt i i y li k i iv 1 t ii m ton w 1 ui miiim att nt o f kat is nd flhlalla w i ulj m on f th r i i kl f llv o ll tl au i it it t i t k 1 1 j t i i mhi ml ai mi tl tenth in m ik 1 i ii 1 t o h n l it m ll i j ii i t nth n i k t i m j oi llin i- i i va i f at m i ii k i m i tt m i i i i tl y illi i i w i i- i 1 1 iii ms m t o t ii in v t di i a th o i mr ii l it m i i tiv f rot 1 i ii ll i i it in h il mi-in- titti ritiirti mln ftnr m h ipmn ftil akllr it iwopf mi ii ll i maon ut r i llr upt i will iihit1 s2it t i dry si th tl it v o 1 is k 1 ld i 1 1 i 11 tl i 1 m i 11 v nt in lh iwdi m a 1 1i ll remain w tirrf nrr thr a tciiihlum n 4iii ti iicrli 1 s itttitk mill m iji i a ii in r if yhinir frll vf ik iiwn int llir fas null n f j t ith f ml i itch ltdk s ilk n sl 1 f ju inik il m how run wp bdm to hi d ivj nl hi n life of con lr isti th hi d ivs v hen paw tin r ind i uluv ihlv ipii i hut it is ufcuituv th lull im fort a ntiirm a st inn iuiii is i h im just mhiitlimtl rn iitid h rhildvih ixotnrinrr nnd ki ii vm w i thu wnk tnd mil probihm n urn miittut m rrpt ttnt tn tnd huh mil tn up nt itln r u ittur por roidi hinhr tht ui w hi ti tin w iint to rutin mil tht usitiilli do if for n otht r n imin thin lo t1 i ti sunn hint s mi isk tin m if tht i conn i r hft us r lf tts ltt dtt ind v l th m tin i tnr rt t t tks from i lur th si th it our hi ns liv ivtn though w h it tin v pn for n mip posrd tn tx grade a ljirrt th v uiindi r whrrr the bir khi ri vt in pii7ihd bunt that too wc rn 1 am gy tnr bifi aa- hilif n nrlitit kllml ittltl loll thr niiuhtv of i mp limit mucht and th n wr r mu to potiiim iotntorn thul look tun in ihi ut mile bill luivt ini it vitia on thi innldi stimi hint dry lot or th im flnuuik of rintt ft nnd no bln k uhin ihn in hoihd tht f olmw n ii no i im mli tit i nilli dnhiis as ninnv thftctioni il n i si i n th nutsidt i ist mtk i h ii ht i sk k f pot it ki th il wt r it illi i id a tnjl tin win n t hit mo pot ihrin w hid n 1 1 f i i w ilhi r 1 ist m r ilunnii tl p t ilo trowint si isun s wi cm hitrdu til urn thi h it kr r tr thi p or ipuliti i ntwuhl i tht r pilv tin ni t r ll i 1 s tht v incttrnd ah w11 bomt ihuirs lmpro with tin m in i mu don t pot il ocs ftnd or ink m iv b ind rmr but r likt itu wav diilitrrn rr professional directory amd travellers guide lav i mhic at mimti inrot h dft w g c ktnncy rhlrun and nurimn oftm in sin on 111 k 41a mill si h arlon office fhfn l kriatnrr us f horrh kt t rtiuric is dp d a garpttt rhlrun and hurgn ni i r willow nnd km r sts l-litlalir- itivrr strirt arton ontario rbam ssi o bqbeb p auck rumtfy fonfral home i i or- rb nikht i hv llrurr t shmrnakri mprr guive m 1ampard a t c m it m t tvarhvr f plana a iris studio st all m if irnh iu1i 14 iamk avt im pit ph nr ta 2 mu ai ditino at otstinfi w h biggs fc trig arrdlta4 fabllr arraaataiit hrliiwn cr weather rotary is 52 the local rotary club will be otnmg 9237 other clubs in 99 countries this week s they mark the 5nd anniversary of the formation of the first rotary club in chicago rotary is described as a world fellowship of business and professional executives who accept the ideal of service as the basis for success and happiness in business and com munity life the first club in chicago was organised by a young lawyer paul p harris he- want d to organized a club which would band to gather a group of representative business and professional men a club where the members micjht recapture the friendliness of the small town life many of them had known it was named the rotary club because originally the members met in rotation at their various places of business as numbers increased and it became too large for this ac commodation the weekly meetings were held around the luncheon table the first rotary club organised outside the usa was in winnipeg in 1910 tndica hve of the growth of the organization is the fact that during the last 10 years new clubs have been organized at the rate of more than six new ctubs every week the activities of the rotary club go be yond the weekly meeting into service- to the community the local club like the other wrvice club of the community does much in varlou ways to improve and expand facili ties and standards for local youth as they join their international organiza tion in celebrating its 52nd anniversary we wish them continued success and support in ha work they carry on for their community sppt were frustrated being away fom the hometown for a couple of weeks gave us a personal tnal of what our readers out of town get as a steady diet every week in the matter of mail service in canada and across the border ten years ago the local paper used to reach the same spot in two days how it takes a full week a letter posted by regular mail beat an air maj letter n reaching its destination a small parcel sent from toronto had 42 cents postage wth an additional 15 cents postage due added we enquired at the post office across the border and wpre mformed that all parcels coming into the united states from foreign countries have postage due stamps added for collection at the destination it would save canadians having friends across the border some embarrassment if they could place the correct amount on the pack age when mailing here it is not the usual thing when receiving packages in canada mailed in the united states in these days of air mail and better equip ment for handling mail on this continent what hat been gamed in speed over the old stage coach apd the penny postage days the improvement is not reflected on the cus tomers side u when your local folks holiday m plonda or elsewhere we can fully appreciate your disappointment in slow delivery of the home paper and mail we know just how you feel vhether its toronto or ihe- sunny south but we cant do a thing about it its frustrating after rushing around ail week to get it out andiimhe mail on time everythursday ahrickinc uiirhmn nnd rh iinn nch nthir through the roumi it ii rcilk ti mf ir th mine thinu hiipp4nrl thr sunda before whin divo tin out hcrr tht rrht of us sit back and mar- mi nt their i ncrr i rner ill nnrmiii to pet thi menfolk into n room h thtmtkiji so thcv can t ilk if thi uant to vihqut too much interruption mtcr tltt nnd hi r ritnll win lire lor n injt imt before heading north lo sudhur is hi r hu those wc ell nnd cettulruy r in 1 he as freih out ir an vtry mill ntified with the milk now that we hnvc to buv it homogenized milk is t mor patitable than freh m ik nlnirht from thi cow to iv noth in of jnu urlntlon and the nkim milk we buv for ourselves try k od indeed we hove also bet rj exit nmi ntinjt w ith citrous fruits ind jiiici i hi iiiii our morning kr itu fruit m liki nr m h m unit during thi da this sundays church calendar the anglican church of canada 81 ahni ckarth aclon onl rrv evan a jone ba uth imh sunday february 24th 1m7 isexagesrua sunday1 s 00 am holy communion 3 m church school nd bible class 1 1 00 am beginners class 1100 am service of installation of wardens sidesmen and ad visorv council f j 00 p m evensong aiion pentecost al assemuy- mtinin uie ymca ptor rev k j reld si cook st telephone mow sunday february mth idt 1000 am sunday school 11 00 am uornlna worship 730 p m evaniellsbe service wednesdajl s pm cottar pray- cr mwtin- and bible study 14 united church o canada ac tae oatafla rev gtrdon adams ma rd minuter paraonagc 20 bowar avmim phone 00 ur george ebtott orgnlt and choir leader 74 bourr ave acton phone fl sunday february 24th 1957 t00 am morntnc prayer 1000 am junior church ind church school 11 is am uorntni worthlp kapt1st church acton rev ray h coatenu pastor panonafe us bower ave hone sou saturday february s3 7 pm ad ult fellowship sunday february nth 1067 10 00 a m sunday school 11 00 ajn morning worship 7 00 pm evening service sis pm byj1t presbyterian church in canada knox chtjbcp acton rev andrew h mckenxie b bj sunday february mth 1067 045 vm rchurch school uoolun morning worship oumv minister mr wm belli too pm- ienlwgworshlp rsrvtxvrmw rtrrurrt now rnmnartfiu nun thlrk hrnvy clnthinjt bum rubbcri and over socks wrro the rxnt c had tn offrr now children hive padded nylon snow uiiu fur lined bootii nnd thry k nut warm ind unhjimpf nit the roll irmind tn the nom nnd nmijn w irm and dr the onl driwbick l 7ippuik thi ni into the hl vrl thtnci grnndmns netd a little oducalion to inrform that ol mm fullv i h im fimlli n irtud thi t ni of t n the nifimin iut of its cov i rintt but ki ttint it t k k m in un i mithir hor mil r h m r il ha ti c mi to tht r cne love chosen theme of wms meeting on frhnian 14 thi stnior ux iharv womi n a mimi nrv societ of knox prib ti nan church met nt the home nf mrs h it parker park ave the president mrs a j buchanan introduced the lead cr of junior groups and presidents of other church groups who rrr present as guesu mn h mainprtze ronvener of the program chose lovo ajt the fheme and the acripturs readme by mrs dougald kennedy waj the love chapter 1 cor 13 using phil lips translation mrs h l ben me led m priyer l continuing the study of the church in southeast asia the topic for the day was the phillipim seven thousand islands tn a trnp teal sea mrs robert bray thaw who had been invited to n present the subject did so in a most pleas ing and convincing manner show tng how within the islands the struggle goes on to preserve relig- tous and educational freedom and the democratic way of life plljrstrlaji aatf karreaa 30 uelllnrtnn st acton ont pbene c7fl officf hours b ft p m rral rstatf and irltact f l wrtgmt 20 wilbur st arton ontario phone l apprslfter beat fut anf insurance wm r bracken insurance agency 8 mill street phone- m lies smr gfnerau insurance j bert wood insurance agency ufa and general tsmrajtee phone stt 114 mill st after hours ta son gualph dental dpm leib drtstal 8mrgfm office corner mtll and frederick streets office hoursk0 am to r p m telephone jb acton thiancie 7 1031 sucrrsanr to a j bishop c p a iever hoskin cfcarureaj aeeennunu si maun st n 212 king sl w brampton t iron to i ihonn 24 7b r m 4 kill optic ala e i buchner ro opjnmrtrlst 4h mill si r pin nr 115 office hours urdnntisvi 1 50 fl no p m fvininm ty jph nlnii nt itgai c f leatherland qc rarruirr a tullelur ury faklto otficr hours i0w am 12 00 am 1 00 pm 500 pm saturdays hy appointmrnt otiiy office 22 phone hrs 151 acton travellers guide orat coach lines coaches leave acton w dally except sun- an hom ut am 1103 am 2 0bpm smpjn 849 p jn lit pm 1008 pm sun ana hol twothirds ot qahadiatn families still carry no installment debt and official statistics show that of the 1500000 canadians who are buy ing things on time onethird jtave savings greater than the amounts- they owe dr a j buchanan dental 8nrga office aa mill street office hoars 0 a m to 8 pm closed wednesday aiterjioon telephone 141 ve f g oakes b v sc- veterinarian office and residence 34 knox ave acton phone iso b d young b v sc c l young dvm valaruuiy bnrgeaaa office brookviue ontario phone milton tr i81t7 weaoieansl 10j7 am 12jt pnriljt pjn 377 p m tt p m 8 13 pnv 1143 pm 113 am frt sat sun and hoi canadian national t railways j suaslartl tins daily 840 am dally axcept sun days 1000 ajn 7 13 p jn sunday only bjl p m dally except sua day flyer at georgttowji 003 mjn1 6jt pm dally flyer at oaorgt town 1011 pm dally 1144 p4h daily tun sunday ofuytthb ajn flag- stopi sunday only rtynr ai gualph tab pjn dally except sat and sun c10 ptn r a n ffif h1 rlithatibmiijau

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