eightysecond year no 45 acton ontario thursday may i6th 1957 i tan paget sevan cenis bruce andrews of acton running for the cuelph legion track team lait saturday bah rtkorfj placed filth at mehamilton steel car 2 mile race and alio knocked eight seconds 2v4 mtu rac off the previout record local runner breaks record at track meet bruc andrew of acton run ning in the national staai car road hamilton laat saturday again twought honor not only to lb oueapb laejton track club ba represent hut to his horn town in iht two and a halt mil road rbc six runners bast the previous record with bruce andrewa plac inf fifth end breaking the old re cord by slant seconds tbe record been ixjs john brown and ron i ley wa ef acton running for th oosrph dub were dot behind the just l end frank uertaoak and john tripp ran well for the y jsula track teem bruce who is only it years ol competing against young men who are aantar to him m age and experience not to ba outdone by has competition bruce trains conscientiously and faithfully keep himself in condition board opposes proposed plan for service station in new area principal reports on kp enrolment principal garnet mckenxie re port 63 applications to diu for the kuadergarlen clw at the public school for the coming season swolinent will take plate on the je- oi uiy at the public school the pirwti will receive notice and invited to accompany thalr children in order to talk to the school nurse and have an interview with op oo that public school staff have you paid tta tw ewrks artlee rsaerts a tetal f immt eejleetesj to tarn te date aai use first tessal- amamu da mar u- three atawr saelslsesa fall dee as jely i swplesea is am ntawr li dewlopment of th proposed aaopplng area atrip adjoining lh olsmle subdivision posed a prob lam for numbers of th acton ptan- nlajj board on tuesday night air hyda representing the owner f the proparty presented a plan to allow a taity fnw shall ser vice station and a llrewers wsre- houar on th site he noted the praam 1 financial encumbrsnees on th property could not be c la red until the amount of land had been aold presented earlier nh a similar plan mrmbtti of the board had rul ad against including a service sla- tlon in th area at aside for a hopping centre the poaalbillty of a artvice road parallel to no 7 highway with ac ceaa at meadvale road and church ill road was reviewed and reject ed other poaalbuitiea on develop ment of the site were coruidered but the board maintained its orig inal decision not to allow a service uton in that area sid fiscn was prrarnt to request clarification of zoning laws regard ing piece of proerty owned by him xrea requirement regard 1 n g building on this alia ware pointed out to mr elen and dlscu at length by mr claen and th board a request for future develop ment of his present store site was presented by mr risen it was re viewed and pointed out that an ad dltlona 1 000 square feet could be granted on the second storey a revolution allowing the e l ituddy aixn company to erect a re plactmint pan 1 sign board and the same to be removed within 10 day if notified by the planning board this was allowed for a pi nod not greater than the balance of 1967 urban board reviews dog control notes fire agreements end july 1 member of the north llalton ur ban board comprifting rrpreacntit ives of milton georgetown and action council agreed they were surprised to learn of the work the oakmlle and district human soc iety is doing in the north part of the county when director koaa iv and ahrlterkeeper alan macneb appeared at their meeting in georgetown last night to give a report on the progress in the dis trict the humane society delegat ion had been called when members laat month noted there were atlll a lot of dogs running loos in the three towns mr macnab reported that since th firm of this year hi truck and drier had covered 166b miles th trlurwp area a total of ft dogs had been picked up of which only 11 war taken back by their own- re of th rest two batter dog mere placed in oakville homes and the raat had been destroyed he aid that in view of the figure u looked a if the nvongrels had been cleaned up and suggested only th better type of doga now roam- d th streets mr macnab as id when the drlv or returned to the oakvtue shelter from hia north llalton trip if the truck ww amply it wm bacaua ther werent any dogs running at th tame h pointed out that each tow la visited at least twice a weak by th truck- the driver eomeiiffnea cornea at six o clock in th morning and sometime at mid night in an atort to find the stray dogs only eight complaint hate been given to police since the first of th year and each of these was i fully inreaitjjtated e seeing loose dogs should report the street and time of day to pol ice io that the next trip to town can be arranged at that time some board members suggested that perhaps th doga were get ting better educated and knew en ough to hide when th truck is in town others thought it was the owners ho were better educated mr pearen invited all member to view the shelter at any time and re what is done with the animals which are picked up discussing the fire area agree ment for the four township ac ton representatlee noted caqueslng delegates to a recent council meet- ing had argud against pr the town with funds to purchase a pew truck for th rural district mayor tyler of acton aald the delegation didnt appear too alarm ed when it waa suggested thy would b without fir protection when the prcaent agreement expir es eequeslng h reported offered to purchase actos flv year old fire truck and auggeated th town purchase a new on they also plained th townahip wants to deal with each aaparat municipality on the fire agreenttmla and not with the urban board it waa agreed that all three towns set a july 1 exptrjr date on their a and it is hoped that agreements can be renweed in the near fut ure it was agreed that each mun se ptal ity would petition county council to have a replacement made for magistrate k m lang don ree sun mien of georgetown reported a com of county council had met with the attorney the ahelterkeepcr auggeated any- l general in toronto yesterday re garding mor fees for county crow a attorney i d dingle of rtulington the hon mr roberts had tuggestrd that as halton has grown so large a fulltime crown miomcy might be the best aniwcr ilii drputv is to discus the matter wilh mr dingle obtains degree dr andrew moloul and wife re turned from england recently where he has been on a three year course h is a son of mr and mrs a muloul r r s acton attending imperial collrge in tjondon england he has romplrlrd his studlea and obulned hu phd and is now in ottawa working for the government on defence pro jects up 19 million county assessment 124750258 county aifsasor ford rogers presented his annual assessment re- will be an additional asasinnt of sis million added whan east fltm- port to halton county council tuesday afternoon and noted an increase in total assessment this year of slo 42j 1 can for see halton being the second ranking coupty in th province in respect to total tax value for this year he declared the assessor expressed appreciation to the local assessors the as seasors of halton are doing a splendid job and are recogalscd through out the province he said as well as this years total assessment of nearly 123 million there boro with 300 acres snd m people becomes part of th county on jan uary 1 lei the cast flam boro asaeasment u made up of 99s3tsl rrsidtntial 1700 000 commercial 833433 manufacturing 1409 77 farm and 9120 resort lands east riamuoro will pay 9 437 per cent of halton s idas county taxa tion and raises next year s total assessment to over s137 million follow ing is a table showing some of th figures of the report which rdera may find interesting tassble tssable tssable business rateable total fur t ot municipality population acreage land rulldlnss assessment 1057 lqualtsallon 1037 total acton j72s mw 1 491710 t ijtl wo t 400 570 i 43j4 700 14747 bronte xim ml 4mj75 1 520 025 t 113 073 2103 473 ifmll burlington 1s3 ti f 3 115 060 111722300 tl 041370 tl3sji3tlt 11 7340 georgetown 62u 275 1 imitu t 0 444 7d2 732 430 t 722 005 ooait milton 4410 1023 1 h07b72 t 4 410740 t 043 70s 1 5842 427 4 toes- oakvilu mot 021 t 5 470 304 112272 017 tl 014 005 153 000 i5817 esques1ng k7 mh7s t 1008 870 t 3213341 t 147 dot 3j3iis0 4 27u nassagaweya jim 44700 1 013230 1 0o5 15o 20 075 1000355 1 5310 nelson 12510 40310 1 0 0u h20 i13m7u7 t 5410m u0 7115331 it eoiss trafalgar list tint 110 702 m 23 37t 130 4 170 173 140j5i 173 32 2e4 tot a i j aoom 22w14 32 144 774 182 004 501 0 700 089 124 750 258 i0o0ooo attend rallies minv residents of the town and district were in attendance at the two rallies held in cuelph for john dlefenbaker mondsy night and prime minister louis st laurent oft tuesday closed monday tea effles ef tkla mwpae wui as alasssl sa mseasr may tt vlrlerta day ii waele ka craaily apsrsclatssl if raer asst 8001 fansets esale ba rsssle sa al as sarlr a aala as eaaalma la seslsr far all is ksuaar i easter seals net 980 to date walter woodbum treasurer of ihe acton rotary club raster seal campaign this week reported a net total of s0 collected with a frw more donations yet to comr in benefit dance big success a large crowd v as in attendance at junior farmers benefit dance on friday may 10 in the tovn hall th proceed were given- tt fu marshall junior farmer referee who was injured during a game this past season a luck draw for a camera was won by ralph mckeown who do nated it to mr marshall dancing was enjoyed by all to ihe music of the rhythm ramblers who donated the music free wentworth annexation bid to be aired at september municipal board hearing solicitor j t weir engaged by th county of llalton to oppose the proposed annexation of flurllngton and nelson township to wentworth county has requested s september ontario municipal board hearing to air the matter this was reported by annexation committee chairman reeve stan allen of georgetown at tuesday s meeting of county coun cil thi solicitor also recommended that s brief be prepared on the pro pm d annt xalion it m suggested an inth icnt nt romullant should draw up the bruf and forward to art mimit louhty in the count v tin aupptltt f rsiaiuajituim m hit couim ii dim l u i 111111111 lit help build itx m all till i mltmt i f lh m l lor msi tint i hilt n rf n l to re turn r is hiiiibtro t w torth lh h ikm i uk itunt mifclil drop tl t onllnur present at in 1 of lln c mil ilia it km i sent 4ui kking piartici t nuiil iliroufihnul thi i sit id t h nicinii lit lit mmiil b i t tit llv girl guicu cootci day aiirr pnanr- on saturday tatt th girt guide held t annual cookie day in acton and the girls canvassed the town with their box es of goodies shown above are two of the girls during the canvass left to fight eleanor elliott and joanne mc kenzie mains til iht pi a ill b r n ct unlv in pre postal tin imrt mint f municipal aiijii chsir man ti adkm o ni imin n porn d that sivtn of thi nin county niunicipahtiis faired thi prt sent sxiini und until the muir system 1 mad mandatory ft it tiny would rathtr cunt in in thi old nrhi mr mr adkins tt rmd it unpiacucal tnhnvi mor than one t m u 1th in thi ci untv the rtsignation f thi super- intmdint and matron of llalton cintmntal manor mr and mrs h v clikr was acct pted and will be tffectue june h in a ittttr to council ihry explained thst for w have nu tw i county financed hospital schema hospital committee chairman fred atkinson reeve of burlington ex plained that a decision would be forthcoming soon and that the com mittee will meet next week the salarlrs committee recom- mrnded increases in the following salarlea effect e april i clerk william deans to fi 000 treasurer m maxted to 3 000 assistant clerk treasurer gsrfltld uruwn to 4 000 the committee also recomminded that guards si the county jail in milton b raised to 1 23 per hour and th bmustant matron a pay be raimd to 4 00 a day ahui klitr oukvilu trafalgar chamber of commerce president suggested halton might find ad vantage in issuing a small booklet showing the beauty of the county and including a report on the indi vidual munlcipaues industrial residential and commercial estab lishments he said his chamber would give voluntary assistance in the preparation of the booklet council decided to have mr klarar present at thrlr next meeting to further discuss the brochure a letter from the department of lnd and forest asking for an opt n season no deer in the county was turned over to the committee for forth r study wentworth to lose large area to halton assessor has fears f lumllg jiimt m bhckw count il tut if 1 it in lmh r t huiitiv 11 11 o wi ntworlh nnj thi w ilvvt rth witwr ll cord with the board of manage ment and said we fee we have not tnjoyed the confidence of the board as a whole ask llaapltal dectajaa fred walker of the milton dis trict hospital board appeared be fore council to ask if thrre would be any immediate action on the nut linu rmjnt o um il when the mono cloud rt githiring and in 11137 wi mm1 to iim ir htmiw in imhmtu nl iitui lo thi t ounty of hilton w hen thi south rn txirl of r ut miimtxmi aid rhhot tmvmnn u pirt of the twn of llurlinglon hi mid it was a condition whuh hhould im studied by ev rv mimnr of th ouncil as it wwikl haie luiffocl on the ptkkitbook o evtry tnxpayrr in the county final report mr 11 lack well who was present ing hii final equalization report said that the county s lulal asweas- ment hajnmn fnm 3l78o7u in ul ition of lh county had rlmn tim y ir by 1jm to a record 3710 thii in it tienlthy incrrnae he wild md iignin it is wmi thing whth khould be protected aa some f our tiuntt desirable ux payers are living in the arm wtuch wo atand to lose mr llluckwell aald that during th him yenr the taaseaamrnt value of the pounty had risen by l 0 000 000 more and more people he said were looking lo a suburb in way of living wentworth county has applied to the ontario municipal board to to hiive burlington and ihe town- ship of nelson brought into the tountv while llalton county tm declared lhal it will vigorously op- toc any such attempt yz qiirl guides sell 9600 cookies i about 12 girl cuidrs canvassed t acnx tmnts aub hrld their h l c0 tennis club elects officers airly 400 boxes of cookies 1 the girls worked from 1 930 am in the morning t j p m and covered the town lull n- 1 cixkie day is one of the many bership fees and it was agreed that pmjecu planned for the girl guide club house on wednesday may plans were ducuasrd for the com ing season andrt was agreed to en ter the lntercounty tennis league a discussion oo the rate of mem- about i 600 faith- senior membership would be t married couplea 10 students s3 and the juniorfeea tl the deadline formembrrship was to be set for june is the following officers were elect ed to office for its coming season prtthlent man- lasfrmrr itaturx group tresourer doris graham member- ship convener alajr- dumareb wih avtstatants bud iqs- gordon lee end jtao lindsay social convener stunbath jan a arlene xwtelty stated damage 400 in rearend collision district police reported damage unallina s400 reaolttng from a rear oorabn publicity xifficers bot orter and wayne- ridley the op ening night will be on irtijay may j highway when traffic ahead slowed at end collision on highway 7 at the fifth line intersection east of here friday driven of tbe two cara were charles qrenna of guelph and arthur morris of georgetown both cars were traxeuing west on he lup suddenly k acton rr hall grows i as worlcmsn lay blocks ttsff photo p3a actons new fire hall li rapidly taking on form at workmen work feverishly in s order to accommodate the fire trucks that are stored elsewhere at present jack crysriale is pic wed keeping ted elliott supplied with mortar as he lays the cem ent blocks for the struct u re ibfto his fiftyeit m fiooma thu year he aald that in seven years thif represented an increase of 187 per cent it had been achieved said mr n lack well deapite the fact that in 1063 the county lost over half the total asaeasment of the townahip of barton and a substantial portion ol the township of ancssstar to hamll ton and part of sakflaet in 10m to the the city he told the council you should leave no atone unturned to protect every dollar of asseaarnent the county poasessus he said that despite annesallona steady progress waa being made but the county could not afford to forfeit any more of its area paralalia sualag mr blackweu aald the the pop- new church plans halton prtsbrtrrr of ths unllad church last wsrk ava approval lo uir plans for construction of the new church hrrs also sppravsd in the session at applswood acres was int plan for st paul t church oakville discussing- ihe approval this wssk rev adsms sucgnled the working drswlngs for ths lire ac ton church were eipsctsd from ths architect by lata ma or esrly june at present demolition of he former pstrick house on the comer of mill and elfin st la nearlng completion allowing for the exten sion ot the church property ths ntv church will face on elgin st and the present church will become a christian education building county wide fire prevention pigarostadeci for the first time in the history of the province of ontario s fire prevention association was formed on a county wide basis in milton on monday representatives of fire depart ments from acton georsetossn milton oajrvillel trafalgar town ship nelson township and burling ton were present also present waa a vtnce chairman of the oak villa trejejgar bronte fire pre vention assocatnon and a khuer of the oekvluetrafslgsr chamber of caenrnerce elected as chairman of the as- eoclatjon was a x clement of milton and secretary john new ton of acton tl t s a vines a chairman of ths chambafof commerce representatives a klar chambers of commerce in the county- wiu he asked to send representatives to the next maatlhg td be held in milton on june i 1b67 to assist in the program and in the future projects cammlttsat ware appointed en s- high school student receives fracture harold held is yearold high school stundent son of rev nut mrs k j hod si cook si artoni rerriverf s frarturkd jaw in a fall from his bicycle yesterday l wed nesday i at noun while riding hia bicycle down queen street hill the front tire struck a stone caualng ths bicycls to swerve resulting in a fall to the ground causing painful injuries to his face n he was taken to guelph general hospital for xrays and a fracture of the jaw was revealed projects publicity literature chambers of commerce and in- pactions these committees are la brine beck their reports and re commendations at the nest meet- in heen fire department wui con tribute vepto handle cost of tro phies for fire reeventlon contacts and material neceanry to earrjroh the program it uj ales baueved that a saving win ba made by having pu and printing on a larger 4s mjjusiimujjl jllti