th acton fre preti thursday may 16th 1957 tigor cat cuw jumlr way to maor lmquv cfompionfjtip th tiqr cart emerged from the acton major league at the acton bowling unev t champion the league held their banquet m the legion auditorium test week and presentations of trophies and individual mementoet were made pictured left to right are ken hulford cyril ryan mike bennett team captain bill william harry phelan ross morton and don grein bowling news astest mica may i inuw mrnl final joker romped to an my win over the are every fimc wesa winning onc wuh die final outfall toeing joker sqm ace tm the big three for jakrrs were d grein t73 j ran ru dough 636 j mclean 001 for the area e ryans ml stood out in the other go terrier disposed of rock n rojl with a toul pinfal of imt againat 1a c ryan wilh etd was beet for ter rters rr rock n roll it waa d williams m may 7 coming back the follow ing night in the finals it waa ter rier jumping the gun for the first two game snd had jokers hanging on the ropes by 79 pins in the third game jokrrs kept plugging away and their efforts paid off as thry wrapped up the game by 113 1lns to annex the championship h 38 pin flrutl pinfall was jokrrs 2jt7s trmrrs 2flott tip triple hmitrr wtrr d grein fir the win nern 804 and r hulford 632 c rv an fjtc for ihe ihmo boat kindles v ii c m lh e it tuifin 303 i 51 lstiitir 231 hjuli in 230 j miln zltt i legion ladles i tlrenies win in heml i inal 2977 b stewart s 000 trirourrt featured the win kntking oft the singles or the winners rre w ridley 2m d hill t unaale job for uic lra g walker johnetooe 214 oakes jw tried hard tea agere beer cass hee draaresks ta ptaaj llay ll in the first game drag on stefiped out in front with a 71 pin lead and were wtiooping it up in anttckoatlon of an eauy win in thr aocond game however the sit uation took a reverse dear cats were hitting the head pins for strik es and spares while dragons were i hitting thr headfftnj for just that hound dogs managed to hang on to cop the vcrdw 20a2 to 2637 ttw the winners it waa m huret with s triple of 70s and r come vnth s uncle ejftjfjttscing the teem for the liiuni it va g hulford with 622 snd t artnca unicli of 200 in the otlur half of the m iiu final him kin bloucr pukid up a 4b pin lead onlv i ha e j k4 m rl toix r thm b 2ha pinit in the mi mid triil ilth hikh thi himr roll- t k k inn u in th third i k m rt of 1 1i thi file t i imh1 t third hiird pin it 2vt i i ill i mi ii if wilt l k ml i ii t t ill i k ik i ut 11 it thi ll vi i ikl h if v it thml nik1 hutu hv one- iit i ipo i th pinf ih t i mitt i tttti m i thi mij1i ind il l i mimdhtiimj 314 j hull ugh 2tt t mlsii sob 1 auli 11 sou it k 2io a w hit i i jiw and m t urn 2lw mason knit ileehle jeehlee deed iteau win i mji llii to lit liu- nil ii td bjt- ii r ii it ff in thi fin of th xi s n ktul h ajiii j i wit- w i ni mil uul ut lit off twol tn w tv t piik iw i lli pm i di t i mi into thi 1 ist k inr j7 1 imt rotiivcd t in countitl out of thi pi tun i ml i k th i it i go h ht in- tmt s h id t mi tin l i ihltd hi itx tit 4t n for thi ur ii in k lis mil i ufft utl n r c ctwn 2fts ml zm mnk i ff rl rfinhtt m vi out for tin mm r it the mnglit of t willi uns am ind ioii jl in ihr it hi r o hitblt jevhh i tok fir om nmi litrk btrik foi p7 pin i net the ixirkm turmtl th l i m llu second and wtrt ml vi pirn oft a thi i t thi foul inn fr th third go tbii iiftiiew git to rollini in thi j i one and blighted th iukn hopxo with a total pmfill of 2 723 ajfuine 2m2 the slnndmit tnpl and juiikuh in thi gx trn ct hul ford h d tvler 2ttl u mrtilu wn 217 11 turdir km hr the win nen- niwl s owtn 2116 j moc ree s uklll up i tin r n n p n rt tw it ihr w in fin i 1 nfall k r 2k12 it kkn in w rs h h ii n i in i i uind rkr f t n lh first b itli pins rron ih it m klditl l th i lot h i m n the mttiml oik r tn into in 11 th i 1 whin on n t ul in hrl id mil 1 i i tin t h i m rv high hrhool mound dags end jokers lick jomi whin tli fiml four bit the dm ittnir t ili i id ljit llu 1i i ha tt 1 pirw fir the lot i pnfll nmili of hi r c lti 1 vm iri 14w for th u mm rs the miijjis of h a w 2hl c mnilii t i ihiffnld mu1 udri a and 1 kimti iju win the ki off rii thr iiim rs and trinc h ird win k milrwsl h flirnhird jl h ivd is u c v ilkt i 102 t lliml 1v1 mil r m i ton 12 1 is ni trundling b th mh 11 f md wljli ful ntlit imit le u lo mm r tin in pn ht l lom i tin local o ac students obtain their degree the following itxej students have suciieefully completed their final r kami rust mns in the fourth year at the ontario agriculture collra and are recommended to the sen ate ia the university of toronto to teytt ttieir deee e tteehesoeof science in agriculture ibsai at cunvrwlton at the o a c tomorrow ifrtdwyi at 2 pm first chum honors d m pellet teno milton w g graham ge gc snnond class honors h dnas hock wood ii m meulen milton srhotnrshtp e wards canadian feed manufwctureni association prur- w g graham genrgetown gener proficiency award w g graham gsirgetiw n uieulenunl gnrrnorinnja d m 1cllrtu no milton chefin mcgowan award w g gneheuh corgvtuwn pio not r ristxi aw arttl firt d m iil li uecio milton w saun vandcr- cammtuviui hold baptism service at st davids church 4 intended for last weekl rev john murdock conducted a baptisms 1 service on sundsy at st davids pveabyterten church for the aun rf mr and mficbmrlct jaw chrll the son of mr and mrs ken neth moor and the daughter of mr and mrs cssude inglls mr and mrs david mahon and sons jamie and john of windsor spent faater weekend at their cot uge at crawford s lake campbell viue and went swimming every day that is a record wc think for so early in the season friends of mrs gordon currie will be sorry to hear she is tn the general hospital in hamilton wc uh her a speedy recovery mr and mrs david bevertdge appreciate the klndneaa of all the friends and relative who called during the past week end to extend brat w ishes mrs j howard hostess to wi the may meeting of the busy bees womens institute was held but thursday a the home of mrs j howard the president being absent the vicepresident mrs tithdaay took the chair opening the meetmg with the mary stew art collect and the institute ode the roll call waa answered by my birthday month and flower with a good reaponse minutes and correspond rnce waa read a letter from the home bconom ist services regarding training ir making lamp shades received con stdermkhi flower vers to be pur chased for the centennial manor flower plot a quutwmtqnuled and sent to a burned nut family along with a pair of sheets thv layette which is to be shown at the dis trict annua was viewed and ad mired delegates were voted to at tend the district annus st ilallln- nfad may 30 mra undsjay whot the w i r to the retarded children v school at milton then gave her report after which it waa unanimously agreed to send 30 them immediately snd their need be brought to the attention of all the w is of hiuum mrs allcti convener of sgrirul turt then gave a paper on s ll and their use and ithuae which wui very interesting r ollowing this she sang a aok sontfs my moth hang lo me which was mui h p predated and mrs m matltxl gave s pap r on spring thr rspontio ut ihc-jirda- jr er brougtit the rnitting to a ci ar mrs lindtoy llunkitl the hmlj for hi r loxily lunch snd hintul y iiihtorir voiumf whitrwood sosk icii mrs ttunnaa potla has a opy of u 200 year old text book from s otlnnd the accompt ivk of john r i liotl written in ornate handwriting rough cut paper and bound with home untied at leather hir mothi r brought it ti c inids m tuua ta people buy the free press read snd read the free press buy knx i lead pin illghllghu km off tin gordon ii iid win iiuurd uu unk a ung it b agnt umttled off i ht l smal 1 don criui nport th cord mi c utchron h ilerd mhrr l hi in hu 773 stand up fran iai heeds 271 hv tops for the lidus nd w ins ldmtr iga groeir giju hulford cluked for llu tops clcantm award ith a fw mount tlut it for th wtk m frundlirs except to a willi all the lrafiue lunquets i nin up thick and fst the old tmlt has to be let out a few holes adioei ainigia ballinafad couple honored by friends on 45th anniversary on wednesday evening may ftth mr and mrs robert uccnery were taken by surprise when 3q of their friends and neighbors dropped iu to help them celnbrae their 6th wedding anniversary and presented them with a dozen lovely red macs other gifts were a beautiful mantel arrangements of roses and baby mums from their sun and his wife and grandaon and a lovely hydrangea from the groom to his bride of 43 years ago they received a lovhy hand cul gioas sugar and cream from mr and mrs jot mathews and a mini ber of lovely cards of congratulaf ions from f rit ods the evening waa spent in play ing euchre winners were mrs henry iulla and mrs frank uub tm gibson and hubert mcfnery a lovily lunch including a wed ding cake the bride had made was served by the ladies who planned the evening doth mr and mrs mcfnery thanked all for the gifts and beat wishes and tw such a hnpy even log togotticr r vrryom joined in singing for thwy are jolly good fellows roys electric urvicm ud kagtaured master fletrteuua cornplete line of flectrical appliances and futures repairs to all makes of oil burners motnn and runtrou saijjj srrvicr iutaiils t fra ntlauua phoni acton 4j0 e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon office at 4 mill st e acton hours i 30 00 evenings by appointment hh appointment telephone iis grants motors power mowers all makes serviced and repaired time km spring checkup nd general repairs washing lubrication oil chang frte pick up and delivery 352 ouein st acton phoni s acton thursfrisat matinee sat 210pm biet maiti istraroiobmra mnmm umma vt wuunaauaucm miwainiinawkiw tennessee partner ti technicolor iuvikicori starring john payne ionalo maoan rhon0a rjmino special after midnite show sunday may 19lh adult intcrtalnmont x2at- junior beaumont receive the best trophy emblemat c of top scbrer in the intermcdi ite a play offs from donor sandy best pictured are ontario a champions left to right raider president scot ty patterson captain junior beaumont sandy bes and manager del beaumont multiple sclerosis is crippler cause is mystery at present the jvftlktion known as j9uiiult ik1 in cunada dates bacatonly to sclerous iculird ms for short is ih8 hrn thp multiple sclerosis a crippling disorder of the central scict of canada received its nertoua swtem the cause of which clwrter from the dominion o- is ut present a mystery according mment in a irlnifr rrrfivttl hv thr hrnlth binee iss i in hmbi tie- multiplc surosls society of can uda lias contributed 130000 to re- snarch and as a result much more ti known about the disease today kucenlh tvo new research pro jtvt rcceiid support from the socieu one at the university of toronto and one at mcgth unu- irsit a third project which ha recclcd enthuaiajttc recommend ation by the medical ad ior bwcd willbeundertaken soon at the bantms institute at toronto in order to make more and better trained acientlsts available for re search a tellouhip program hoi been inaugurated by the societ this will result in a number of felltfwihipi bctnfi made avallabe lo selected prospective scienusta in made by people a country is not made by its resources but by its people natural resources rvere here before thfre werp any pwptp im switching to gas heat now when fall comes ill be all set this is a good time to change to clean gas heat now ts a good uoift for you to switch to automatic gas heat youcan have a winter air conditioning unit or your present furnacf rpn hf rrntvfrtfd njmrkly in thf me of gaj leagur of canada from the mul tiple sclerosis society victims jarjel in the productive axe group so 45 are subjected to a patch destruction of the coating of the nerve controlling the part of the bod affected replacement of live nerve coating by scar tissue imped ea and as the scar tissue becomes denser ultimately prevents entirely the passage of nerve unpyjses multiple sclerosis is one of man kinds most vicious enemies- todaj with cae and control complete unknown jus the enpplex is de vastiwtng in its effects the medical profession has known this disease for a looj time vet today it remains perhaps the most important of the compt letcl unsolved problems in n ologj research on ms is iuin the trial and error stag but there is every reason to believe that modern scientific r will prove able to fit together the bits and pieces of its cause and con trol while the disease data back over a hundred yean supported medical research is a recent development ounmrvertrties at v stag of their careers tubllc recognition of the work of the society is shown by its steadily expanding membership and the formation of new chapters across the nation the vital tmporfanc of us research has also been recogv nixed by the department of nat ional health and welfare it is the people of canada who have made this country by their courage industry intelli gence and thrift canada can maintain its position in the world only through the continued work and devotion of its citizens possession of the most abundant natural re sources is not enough to ensure national great ness steel company of canada limited ufflttteaugmmnoque hamilton iuntf0u tqiohto join the swing to gasvheat don t waiton the big swing to cl r gas heat now and enoy the best for less with gas hat you never pay any hidden costs no expens ve service contracts no costly repairs call united suburban gas today or your local heating contractor who will be happy to advise you on the correct system for your part cular heating problem p uni sub gas company limited 0eor0etown milton acton t 73wi tr s4741i 9s 4 united qas vwiahjjt tj ifi hsifm jij1 awttatl4ifc