Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1957, p. 6

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v the acton free fcu thundsy july 18th 1 957 1 hattiin 4h glyferepresentatives tb tbuf fcjamilteh dnd district ovr m rani 7vum pplw6m plant t group will ml lunch i interest to th rlub mi ju 1 ha th v uimmi whlla i redrnt in tha maj haltm caiully rpaanluuj h ajrteulturtj club wtll matt a mur ol humiltao aaa tfltlritt on tfcuffvlay julylft thtf group will npnmat lh l mmbr enroll 4 ta call bwin drain potato and tractor 441 club projects th xomr will hag in with a vlatt to tha stl company at canada aboard ta ft ifacaaaa whtla touring hamilton bay in th ternoon tha clnb- mawbara tll vis it tha hani 11 tan sanitarium and also tour tha sanitarium farm to are ajrrshtr hoi faad mutn machlnary and pasturaa in addiuwv markat gardening arm tn the area will prjvld an mimbfi ho reprnt in tha majority ilva- ittxh or mlu farms th 411 tour u being arganld by h hlton 411 club leader of which a t woodlvy utllun is jtrriittrttt and in eo operation jth the fitrniion r-wnrh- of tha qtttariii departnunl of agriculture in lulttmi and wentworth counties halton 4h homemaking club hold summer achievement day halton t lumiriir arhlavmnt j hr mrryl flttsh day for the club ctrl stand on guam btuucht tn a rloaa aaolhvr worthwhile project for 4h home- making club n th county htrtd in th agiruttural building at th mtlton fair ground an saturday july ft thr aemavomant day had to rampata with harn raraa which had bfi poatponad bakus mt ram during centennial waak th program was non tha laa successfully carried out by 0 glli from the 10 cluba in the county all member mhibltad record book kept throughout tha club a wall as chart representing them selves and their homr and shot ing prttgeas made in personal health and posture home sanitat ion and safety they alto prepared and shitied tint aid kiti to he uaad at hime in house barn or family car ira mabel iwgstrom count home economist fa the depart ment of agriculture was in i drrrcux jud charge of the dav and supervised a marilvn murray morning program consisting of i silver 4h homemaking club menu judging with oral reasons a spoon re presented o all m n- hlghay safety quis and identlfic bc competing the p ojev l aiul atton of home haiards iceiufiiates of achievement for each of these sections was then eth to projects county honors reviewed and commented on by i project temple ted went to visiting home ecunomisu hoharie uiuhrll ot ban nock burn ware mis ruth shaver from jean moffat of dublin patrkia fttmcoe county mrs manon mckav of north ho nhy meryl montgomery nobleton and miss fknk shir ey hunt and beverley wilda gxxfon newly appointed ka nelpon and jove robert- home economut fr the counties n of ontagh of york and ontario one member je itird of ah- after luncheon the club rshib- groe rvrtm pro incial motion its demonstrations and skits were he tlth club and 11 new mem presented the fixe clubs of ho n- bcr were prrsenlisl with 4 h b saretv seekers hornbr jolly homemaking club crest helpers nelson nightingales nor- ftrr a lull for the summer vai happv hrlpers and palermo months homrmikinif guard snr ties at ch se the same tart action agai topic and rvhibited one wiv to t with meat in the menu lead good heath but used it to ll us- i cr tinning s hthil fo ih carolyn m ughlin and patsy madsen the aahgrova safety sisters dons picket marilyn wilton and catherine hunte- demonstrated standing up to health by show tng correct posture and aaarclses to enepurag it bannockburn stop lltes with member beth mcenery marilyn mad i i margaret morrison jon and rosemary brooks presented a skit fin safety in the home as did the members of dublin safety teens jean moffat margarrt nightingale jane miphedran and jean parker spending our time of was thr title of the tmatfh luadun angel skit in whtchll memtxrs took part these ere huth and jorce robertson arbara llor carol rene galloway and margar el whew ell and finally the stew arttow n susie demon atrd staiuling up to health witli car- walker and four halton girls ahend conference on 4h homemaking marw curtlas of rr i mtlton helen brurher of hh 1 hornby beth mrcnery uirr l aitud and rvelyn mckay ul ii r 1 gaorga- town were among j0 girts rep- lesentlng almost evy county and district of th province who spent tour days at the cmifernce for 4 h homemaking club members at th ontario agricultural college luejph during the ft t week in july v among the highlights of the tonference were addresses by pro fessor llrotge w rrowu univir- sity of toronto bluarl thompson to onto naturalist mts j t iloock of brampton foimer drle gate to the united nation miss find chapman llumv fuouomks st i v ice menu n llrani h miss ji in ntotl iieiuor county and imilrltt home i onomlt s serx ue a tut other staff mcmlx rs who s ke at a lotis turn throughout the font day session while attrnding the confereiue delegates enjoy ett a getactjualn- cvt parly the tint rv ruing a ion- dotted lour of macdonald institute music sessions a bus tour games disiuaaioua demonatrjtions and a parade of fashion eden mills ladies form scout auxiliary mothers of the tirst eden mills vout croup wee formed into i i adies auxiliary on july 4 at a netting hi id in thr ihmtun id- utati mi it m tif the united photo by hagal mark a 01ant ilm it talivg maasurad for tlxa on tha farm of robartfarnai shown in th plctura ara robert farrlai giovar mack and edgar harris maaaurlng in girth of tha tra th tr it coniidfd to b lh largpit in wallington county giant elm tree near lockwood measures 20 feet around base oammtmvtu falls from tricycle boy breaks his arm bast wlahaa for a rpaady raeov ry ara aant to wallaea ella who had tha mlifortuna to fall off ht trleycla and break hi arm sympathy 1 aataadad to those who mourn tha lata mr thama allan who wag burled from st david frabyttrlan church on friday congratulation to mr and mrs charles ingll on th birth of a daughter friends of mr charjas mcphall r sorry to hear she underwent an operation in new mount sihal hospital toronto jim oun ch li ramahaw and iirry mcphall ara holidaying at ih of flay juan cramp of meafoid u visit ing relative iter rev and mr ralph rritt of anhut vtatted friends in 1h v i tag on monday robert tarries who lives near hock wood on iot x fifth cum- sion thinks lie may have th ug est elm tree in eainosa lownahlp if not in all of wellington county it is truly a giant of a tree and when mr parries measured its girth withrn help of cj rover mack and kdgar ha r la h f iund it was tn feet aioonil hie tnpe was put o four feet front the ground an attempt was nude to try and klnimti tw height by placing 12 foot fi ure mil in a ptipc ndkuur piion it was decided that th hand nm tree was probably about i1u fret tall th e ate 10 viirirtkea of elm trn several of whlih ie nauve to america but mr farms ian t sure whhh ariety his treo may be r ralla it a soft aim as to age no ope would attempt even a guess it is certain howve that this fine spe mwii thai has f tr so long escaped the tine is very old the bark has many deep groom in it and the bramhes are so high it isn t possible to gt t a close look at a leaf robert farrlas grandfather also robat tarries settled on this farm in 1s44 slnra that daia it has re mained in th farrlai family mr tarries pointed to another splendid elm juit bark of th on he thinks la the largeat for manjr miles around ii s a fair sir too he rrmaiked hut it still doean t match its neiglilxir acton music students successful in exams two arlon piano pupils of mlas join kurharaki were suctesaful in passing their mid summer exam at the itoyal conservatory of music uuelph marilyn cripp pased her gade one piano with first clasa honors and helen ben- ion her grade three piano with flst clan honor canada a commodity exports in 10m were alued at 43100000 up 10 pc iint in value over 1m ottimcxlity impirfs at il m0 too wcrr up is per cent nikm club will th f un in halton c un- j ii cl trate arunia aspects of nutrition hobbies an tation ant conto cthibi were commented on b club members martha may ruth thll j abi offk pn knb i i ad jvisfarmers to glean out jctt will be held in milton scptrmtxr 1 and is s w cuitu w ill be w elomcd b thr ranks at this time and inquiries ma b sent t the 1 tea offue of gricul ure i n xv home icon i uti hi ere uttnt mr nt mrs 11 mt mrs j drt ideil ihjt a meit- ui tn ht i each month on fut ttiurdi at three o clock tht icpartmcnt of aitw t t the count omit mrs mabel bo gstrom the department of gncuturi kluabeth st s brampton tci and bake sale will be held afternoon of august 14 to special speaker i stanley brothers inweu cu ronaidrrabu i meet after 46 yests and treat bins farmers each yea- b damage n stored grain the kernels contaminate the grain with tntect fragments and cai se the cram to heat and become w orihleax among inaectx causing damaxe to stored grain are the granarv weevil saw toother grain beetle and confused hour beellv trouble can be aoided by tak ing precaution to present infes tation of insects before threshing or combining now is th time to clean out and treat the empty bin if infested grain ta to be held ow it should be moed to another toraae before the new crop is rortl tf this tt not possible it ji advisable to dispose of it or it may be fumigated direction tor fumigating are inducted in the circular no 210 stored grain insects tn farm storage aatlable at our agric ultural representative a office of the ontario department of agric ulture after thoroughl cleaning the empt bin spray the walls and floors with an insecticide thst will kill an insects that remain in or come to the bin spra the ceiling walls and floor to the point of runoff i about 1 gallon aquare feet with one of owing 15 per cent lindane wettabl powder 3 pounds tn 3 gallons of water or 50 per cent- methoxvch- lor we table powder 1 pound in 3 gallons of water emulsion forms ara available and these may be dil- utad with water to 1 per cent another method of protecting grain is by adding a protectant to th grain when tt u binned cram protectants are aaiubl and may b added to the grain coming from tha combine by wagon or truck and mixed while being transferred to the bin in th case of grain from the threshing mach- lna the protectant could b added to every 4 to 10 inchea of gram in tha bin and walked or shovelled in u grain is already in the bin for fult protection shoel tt out and treat with tha correct amount of material provided the grain u dry protection should last a year tbia method la not recommended for grain that la already infested rvention la batter than cure with careful cleanup and residual illa9f tha granai bias a protectant added to the grain at tha urn it go to th bin ther ahould b very little lota tro thli wvu group causing archie stanley r r thev estjbclklle and his brother her met again for the first t me in 46 years at the stanley home near eden mills recently when bertii journeyed from westminster brit ish columbia his arrival was a complete sur prise for the telegram sent from sister it ot unnamed will be invited mrs 3 hugh 1 tndaiy will com en e the tea and au mrs harold tomlin- i n and mrs ted mille- will do the publtctt for this event tin anl of gray and blue nnt- rul will be purchased for scout cimp- scirvts iveacnt at this initul meeting were mrs c abam mrs t mill er mrs it tomtinson mrs h james mrs buchan mrs h linj- a mrs morden mrs a moch ne m s ha w ard mrs g mack and mrs j kirby the president asked that members encourage doden ontario dldn t tfn lheir orgmn in on time bertie stopped in dryden on his way here the brothers who are much alike were born in oxfordshtre england in a village near the famed banbury cross bertie li now 73 years old the eldet in a large family of nine archie ta the youngetr bertie left england to jouney to penttcton british columbia where he made his home for many years here he operated a prosperous fruit farm recently he sold it and bought a smaller place where he planned to raise chickens he soon gae this up howeer not quitr l liking the butim out ftockwooo rev a h mckenzie preaches at service sacament of the lords supper was observed sunday morning at the presbyterian church with rev andrew mckensle of knox church acton officiating during the se vie two were received into fel lowship with the congregation as members congratulations to mr and mn after trying a i boss ales on the birth of a daugh- ter at st joseph s hospital guclph his visit eait is the first real vac- july u tion has eve- had his young est son is with him lo nannd annie and both are enjoying the terrific tire right price suprcuh7on w goodyear thompson motors phone 69 1000 the fol- l ip it is a ml pleasure for archie to hve hi brother whom he hasn t setn since he was 11 years old with him both mr and ms stan- inv hope bertie will make his visit a long one new hog yards at harriston the tenth provincial assembly point to be opened by the ontario hog producers cooperative com menced operations at harrutonon monday charles mclnnu presid ent of the cooperatne announced the opening of the harriston yards follows closely on ihe heels of the provincial meeting of hog producer delegates held on june 18 in toronto at which the provincial executive was urged by tha county delegates to press forward vigor ously with th hog producer marketing boards program to dir ect all ontario hogs onto open markets ac the province before 1876 whan the c pr op ened tha tint transcontinental rail line paraonacjosaingcainajda nor mally went to st paul by rail via chicago than by wagoh up into canada and acroas tha remaining half ot the continent a j congratulations to master wes- i ley darou in connection with cohservatorv of music examinat ion esult in grade three piano he received fnst class honors mr and mrs darou of the royal bank returned saturday ev- eing from vacation mr and mf charles heffcrnan and family returned home the first ot the week from their acation mr stewart s royce u away on acaion rev mr irwin again conducted serv ice at the united chuch sun day mornrng rev and mrs moore and family moved into the parson age last week they are away on their vacation holy communion was observed at st johns church sunday morn ing rev eh jones recto offic iated considerable interest was mani fest on monday at the town hall in connection with the south well ington election alt hales won with david tohdn and tom wlth- errunning behind mr and mrs elmer kerr and family of picton prince edward county moved into tha apartment recently vacated by rev and mrs douglas black and family mr k la gu at tha ontario reformatory oualph during warm day hortops mill dam la thmecca for swimmers to beat tha heat we need tradeins now why convfrt that hiopani ranoi whin root- orra top tradi valul on modern naturauoa ranqu s lh comput mccurv tin el 0 no now on clitpuy for tuullt of ho eemputa mccury lino plu valuation eh your pratont om or electric range sit root hardware rockwood ul 69551 of canada btsoooo civilian labor force about z3 per cent are jiiambers of labu uniuns i vou fuel oil itovi ol purnacs oraoii coll 69 thompson fuels reliable taxi radio diifatchid phoni 430 coffee and sneckt to take out we deliver filh and chip our specialty r o main st acton y guaranhed certificates issued in amounts from 10000 upwards for one two three four or five years telephone or comp form blow halton peel trust savings company w j beatty locil dror haiton oahvllle a nil onl trust ft iavin0j company tlphei victor 43j14 cheque one lojid j term yr name address cerl f cfllo iv ii x nil fi p romptly ty rg ifered mil want ad page where old friends meet future 4h club member the twoyearold in hia playpen ia tutanated by lifr around him he longs to pull the tail feathera out of every chicken on hia fathers farm he haa no idea at all how a farmer eon ahould behave but beu find out later when hia brotherstnitiate him into the local 4h club here helr learn by doing pledged to uaa his head heart hands and health in the beat possible way 4h dubs were started with one simple idea in mind to have rural young people do a worthwhile piece of work at home voluntarily and do it betttr than ever before plant a garden plot perhaps or raise a calf make a dress beautify a room the idea waa so good that the young people swept their parents along with them and farm life improved amazingly 4h club have done many useful things they have kept the right boys and girls on the farm trained young men and women for leadership improved life in rural com munities by introducing better agricultural and home practices and implanted the ideal of good citizenship in young minds there are about 75000 4h members in canada many will graduate into farm organizations in which are tht progressive young farmers who by using modern machinery and farm techniques help to keep all canadians well fed masseyharrisferguson limited to ho wto e a it ad a l- isfsfp

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