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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1957, p. 5

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ii j u klpwwpbppippi acton clubcops1412 win upset milton red sox here luk lifhn khiu thrauta th eartj mi nudb pru of hi aehad- ul m ohllunud saturday ba aetna lil impravuf v- my taw eta uhm luhaa 14u i lliiitl at ike laeel hall ft plajved wuk vrtm7 x iu itirmias th eumni tiiffiw ih lea- i tab uh eeuldal eeesn t fat a vtuum w mmlh fouw tlur aaa elswlr ib th cellar la ik im tew a um elub has m ik reault el prattle eae aaeaa and a leturdajr with herrr lama aarllai trass ik amme bah brae aatmlllaa- tk eeatr fr vhiim mat it aad paul laweea ealailluilm l m has tk amaa lub sanouaead uy aajill k for luatwa wfcaa ik i rail mar umw mood whe hm had many dlrauriag moments l uw halm this hmur wee vtslhljr ith aeturdaye prfamv tfcsrt ehowln ik result of areelieea la their baft ruaalac a alia tht alered lra pari la ik win wllk 1 ily aa flam uft la ik iwulflkl mastta- wllk dundee in ik valla tew tonlfht thurda purofts mat ml weak aden will mt dundas in tk sewoff of tk intermedials a tk maulaluen of berrejwr iw tae al third beae eae aaarir la leeala i aaturdaya flam trailla by two rune aa ik tanu red tke bottom kau ol the etfnlh tk acton elub pushed our mwmmiimiww minor league sandlot sessions a havana sugar kings wound up their game with a walloping ilj victory over the visiting uewtreal quad on thursday with b shuttle handling the pitching chore for the winner shultia limited the montreal club to riva hlta and n nugala and d raplllon were the leading battrrt for montreal with iwu out of three hlu b bar beau scored for havana with a home run and the baa load ed maaon and wedge fur the aamr club oama through with two triple havana llnaup g meann r b shultia p r uasery m wedge 3b g holme aa b harbeau sb k wmatetl cf u llarrta if p bennett rf ft dunk j amott t mrkwn montreal linup t dewfclne ib e hubbel p iv nugala c e meaeey lb m churchill b a hall it d paplluvn a j boardman rf b ceok rf r lasenby a kobvlka r kmnard j lrice miami mailina rlramn up a 7 4 win orr thr tor itl uraf on thursday night in a arvrn inning aalttn thai aa miami take thr load in thr arcond itr ii in thr fourth tronin ahcad in thr tourth tit it in h fifth and win in the acrnth srittty mk rutall handled thr ftlaula toafa and thr tram catnr through with a good showing winning pitcher of thr araaion waa d arblc lth losing pitcher d har ris miami had thr lead at thrre runs in the second and toronto added thrir tiring runs in the third and a ired of onr in the fourth miami tied it in thr fifth and gained thru- lead in the last of thr seventh tmtmto lhifi linr up g satlrr c d harris p r htumea lb tn ford lb c wood burn 3b j ockrn den as k mc isaac as b benton sb d allan 3b t churchill cf k hall cf r price rf r morton rf miami marlins d mcmillan tf d retd if p utktge 3b a robin aun aa j rullough p c i johnson lb t saul rf p dryadale c j paul cf doug ford 3b p d arbic c p 3b miami claimed a 154 victory 0er montreal tuesday deapitr an early game lead by the montreal club montreal uu leading 6 4 when d ford took up thr pitching chore in the fourth and it nick out the nrxl nine battrra sb o ftlerrm as b barbeau lb m harris rf j amott rf k win datt cf g holmes cf r iunk if johnaon if tonirito d harris p r holmes lb c dunt rf phalen o wallar e d allen t chunhill denny k mclaaac plan free lessons at tennis courts the acton tennis club ha ul completed its regular schedule of play with brampton mlmlro and milton in the inter county trnnta league a summary of results will be availabla next week filnca tragus playoffs do not begin until the and of august ax penanced team members have agreed to hold free instruction sea- st tn for anyone wishing to join the club the first session will be man day evening july 28 from sem to sight o clock balls will be pr vtdrd and all arr invited to com out and enjoy the fun of playing itttfft to thi tditoft writer agrees on park charge acton ontario july u im dea editor heartily agree with your recant uggeatlon that a rha ge to non-tax- payers could be made for their use of the local park i would like to offer the following suggestions let all local taxpayers who al- eady pay the park expenses b allowed to purchase for a nominal sum say 1 00 s seasons pass for admission to the park let all other adults be charged on saturday and survdav the turn of say soc per car and 33c per adult for admission a local pen lone could probably art as gatemsh on weekends pro fits could be used for maintenance and sorely needed improvements of facilities some system similar to the above is needed and needed now sincerely r gstenby benefit night for s townsley plins for a benefit night for well known district athlete harold son n i tuwnklrv are underwav under start thr direction of art deijardine of runs over uw plat and held mil ton acorataaa in um ninth to cap ture um victory tlmy combed it hits from the combined offering of milton a rid del and hla auc oyokery while lajveon waa touched for m hlngl one home run by eric toleuiu of uw vliftaa harry lawaon helped hu own cause with perfect three for three um plate one a double in the eighth fining rally irvine alto bat ted aafaly twice in two appearances before he waa pulled tn the alxth other big guns at the plate for acton ware wayne arbic who aafe- tied four umea in four trips to the puie bob bruce with utree hit in five eppe4rasee spike seuit with a two for four and paul lawaon with a two for live 7ir the visitors rosy rig rluk- bed out three hits vaugtun made two doubles and oervau ajngled tee aafaly rhammy rusk was in top form from his leadoff pusill m wangling four free trine of 10 issued by lawson over the mule the teams played a see saw throughout the game with acton taking an early lead and holding it until thr rourth when milton n mmm ahead until the i iglith when tona rally won the gamr h ih bruce nulled off the fielding emi if the usnie with two tunning wuhis in centre field r ii r milton 041 303 030 12 12 2 arlon 131 110 24m h ih 2 acton askllllng aa arbic if mc cristal 2b i lawwoit lb ranager scoll e bruce tf irvine tf 11 lawaon p qibbe rf in th be keil rf in 0th lawn bowlers mixed jitney at thai local gteans on friday evening um acton club had jh nay at talxed double the tint f a sertee for um season a urge turnout of player attndd the club would stlu like to aee out to ta greens and apend an evening of lawn bowling thar are lota of bawls for you and the room to play the prts winners ware xtrt inglia end mrs buckman for um ladies mr w near and mr j f reeling for the mam the prises war donated to um club and the ladle supplied an excellent lunch the club rooms are basjlnnlng to take a new look on um ouuuda a paint bee is scheduled hetwaan um bowlers and tennis group suevksoktr laagn acton uavellad to oeorgetewn last wadneaday evening in us weekly aa lea of the jwn bowling league it waa a wonderful evening not only on the play but the evening and sportsmanship of the george town rluhe doubles acton alwaya feels st home playing there win or lose i the evenings plsy was well con tested it took the last set of doubles to decide f r the point georgetown came out on top with a score of m to arton s u thia week changee ware made all around on the league standings ulth all four teams having only ne point sepaatlng one another in the other game rockw j rs veiled to guclph and the home tram over lowered the vulture by a score of hik kwuod to ourlph s iis iagwe ntaauttnga p w l t pts pts itelph tleorgetown it m kwm aitun 7 4 7 j 7 1 wmi oa sag wull wmi hornby trafalgar omagh top rural league playoffs begin the preliminary final in the tuesday hal ton rural softball league ae lowvilleo july 23 trstlgtr 3 trafalgar hornby j thrlr own oer leaving and omagh i series the irnil final will he plavet friday and tuesday rvrning hm iwren omagh and hornhy with thr winner playing againit tf nfalg i in the finals tiertae a ii rul j1 triihy he ill turau lv 13 palermo 3 w i tin 3 12 0 2 brl 7 three erirt j ily 23 hn w i t pl trafalgar lowville trafalgar setrs resulu fnday gar lowville 3 w ins best of july 14 trafsl pha expect crowds for wrestling saturday night huge crowdi of fans are expect- rd to welcome the debut of the milton wrnlling season this satur day evening at milton arena thr main event between ha-d- botled haggerty and yukon erie la rxpeitrd to be one of the beat bout f the coming season along with the preliminary and aemiflnal bouts featuring some of uie best bo a in the business vic chritue will be battling the rugged baron gattoni in the aemi final and the ever popular lee henning will be in there giving his best which may p0e to be too much for sander kot aks in thr preliminary bout the first of these great bouu w ill 845 p m p v i tpti onigu 4 2 113 tahtle 4 12 13 omaifh wina bet if three tat rrull wednesday july 1 tamley 2 omagh 1 friday july ib tamlry i omgh 2 tuesdavi july 33 omagh it tanalry ii fridav july 3d omagh vs horn by at hornby 1 jo pm tuesday july 30 hornby vs omagh at omagh 7 30 pm skinny menwomen gain 5 10 15 lbs cmti ukal llanni km lih gll l alr wtl- kw ku up ki m bxatrf mm ihn hall hmvnl malr fr tvmaathl h nrytr r1 ii ktv ntmul il il nwl hraluty m am w tkak mitt t nmc thlrli llip h ttl up kuly kkinn laarauaa of pvu i k n la fc mm ajai allfaiii tmhtnahtnrnl p i ah m b wmnm ir i wm i h naa ruauawl apf vlam sri da al all jnas acton y track club members place prominently at meet tv acton fra ran thursday july 25th 1957 on itadnaadar jul 11th acloa twt club ttadd at in ktobtrok aponaorad bjr thato- blcoka athlauc cuib ann dalntltk won tk bwlam glrla hlflb jtunp br clarlnfl feur rt liv inch an also placod mcond in tha fllrb 7ft yard daah frank coopr was aacond in in 8nlor baya 100 yard desk with a uni of 104 aaconda th win nln um waa 10s eaeonda trank uslraeak lacd faurth in th bantam bays lot yard desk and nttk la tk avlla throw dea prte was fourth la tk llld- st bays im yard dash only naif of tk vnla war run off at tkla st and tk eluk hopa ta und tk aacond half on july lst wkll al tka ntam aiaailiaia af th club rclvd aa larilatien t attend tha inurprovtaelai track and field ckaalnaaklpa la ha held tt th cnb aa auflual o and m good crowd sees 75 victory for eden mills over centre inn a good crowd waa on hand rr day to aee the eden mills hmna team gain a 76 victory ore- cmn tr inn in the first game of the playoffs eden mills opened the scoring in tha first tnnlng with three home runs and kept the lead throughout tha floodlit gam centre inn chalked up their first run in th third tnnlng following with on in uattourth and aixlh and two in the eighth the home team added to thalr three in the first with one in the fourth two in the sixth and one in the eighth k ttrtdgra handled the pitching f r the winning kden mills r ew with t llorfrk the losing hurler thr m md playoff sessi in waa on tuei1j at entie inn hdrn mills i ine up don hurk ink if j j h neaahltl ss ted liar den lit doug llullenhaui c o llrulgri 2h k llndgea p it m lean rf h martin ih ii arglll rf thr regular merlin of tie parka ho d waa poslpom d he suae of holidaying mem lie rs and an injured e retary monday night fviuie of the ii y s nils have leen helping with the work at the sa out hall a full liabemeiit and aidlitiin will add t the meeting pace roys elmciric smrvscm teetded reglaured master eleeuwlan c tniplrtr line of flectrical appltancrs and fixtures ilepalra to all makes of oh burners on lete stork of parts motors and rontmls bai is sfitvicr m- pairs fee free eallawalee phoni acton 4m phone 128 acton and u sutf op thi mft 11 u 1 1 vi sanitone n tr pickup aad ruuvary phone acton miami made counters in the first j milton hamld was stricken with hornby and aectnd two in the third tour in lllneaa thu summer and ii presenuj the fifth and seven in the alxth in hospital 1 xil t ii f i montreal counted in with two in the i date for the event has been set 1 jin ddll cjd first onr in thr second and three in i for friday september w 1887 it the third continuing scoreless 1o will be held in the jdllton arena and the end included in plans are a dance and winning pitcher was a turd and luck draws with lot of prize loaer f daw kins poster and tickets are being montreal line up j paul rf d printed for distribution through the mcmillan if t saul cf j rlddell north end of ha hon where sonny cf 1 johnson eb j bui lough c t is well known in sporting circle quennell if d arbic p 3b p drys- he played hockev with milton pon- dale sb p medgesb a robinson tiac chiefs at left wing for the past a d ford p sb few years he has also miami llnoup b hubbell e u churchill 3b f dawauns p d pap- ulon ss a chaham 3b f kennard cf t kybylka it b dyck rf john boardrehn lb bcook rt m sar gent j price ha ana cleaned up its second win of the week when th team mart toronto tnsaday mad took th best of a 147 tally torottto opened the game with two runs while havana matched it tiac chiefs at left w few years he has aleo played with georgetown raider and acton tanner a reaident of acton h wxpr- paring for another yr u puyiaj coach of actons baseball intermed iates when lllneaa forced him to th sideline he has had a varied cnrr tn ports that included season piny ing hockey with washington tn th eastern united state league he came ip with acton juniors played hockey at centre with acton tan- lth three it was tied at the end iner had a sear with georgetown of the aecctnd inning when toronto i raiders and then played solely with added two and havana onswhut muton in intermediate a and senior havana added ctree run a th b third fourth andrfour in th fifth toronto remained acorelea until three run rally in th fifth winning ftltcber wu b shultia who helped win his own gam whan he tied up four hit in four trip to- the plat losing pitcher wmad harris havana- o ttason c b shultis p p bamnatt lb wedg lb hudson r- i competitor h in the offaeaaon lchr alwaya a keen played baseball tarring as a catcher harold has a wife and two child ren presently living on cameron street in acton s i pecsfjysiuythavffree vnm to admtead the ft praes to read buy ju garden party attracts 3000 nearly 3 000 people of all ago attended the 10th annual garden party that was sponsored by the hornby ball clubs on saturday evening the weather was really warm an ideal evening to sit and watch the performers go through their won derful acts the booths were al ways busy and were soon sold out of ice cream and watermelon the main attraction for the small child ren was the pony rides the help and cooperation of the ball players and others who did not belong to a ball club in getting the grounds ready and the helping to clean up afterwards was really appreciated bust hobrital rockoixn sask cp the seven bed rockgten hospital handled 379 patients last year the record included 51 births local bistort pfetroua sask cpi petrol la united church has nameu a com mittee to write the history of this conimuhltr g b to 1837 when explorer joint palliser crossed the district closed for holidays vanity bar hair dressing win e ciouo rot houdays rom july 27th to august 13th cmu inn unup if ouruld as j rlannerjr ik j uoonaj rf b stewart a launder f t buctak r d aauaaan ih 11 ilc- kandrir it t hindi lb weed control cmzms kieuc uadvisio pureuanl to the waved control act 1937 rso rmolice it hsvavby glvejrt thai very occupant or land and tha owrujrg of ucvoccupud jand and eleywgyt vylthln the county of ma lion mutt destroy noskrut wevdi thereon ai often ei mey be ncstry to prevent that ripening of their teed end to keep such latndt free from noatout weedi during the tumrrter in the event of this notice not being complied with with in the mpnth of july the county will proceed under ihe act with the destruction of these weed nt charging the cost ol tame to the respective owner trfomsu ftsuumiv c weed imsrur you can keep up on the news while youre vacationing i phone 600 call u and arrangt to hav the free press mnt to your favourit vacation tpot i aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa acton legion minor sports third annual civic holiday celebration monday august 5th 1957 soap box derby 9 am starting tine at aoee en rremsswick sta hnith line el ag svnd willew th 3 classes prizes for winners of each heat i trophies for winners of each class special thursday friday saturday new potatoes 29 q 10 us celery hearts bunch 19c w cany a a dm af fraah fniu and vasmablm free deuverv hone 40 a gervais l son fruit and vegetable market 343 qofron st e acton montto cauthumpian parade turfoig at cnt itanaa to adaa park 1 jw 3 band float derby winners prim far baat daearataal plaaf blcytja trieych wagaia oab carrlaaaa baat nrlpiaal caahsaaa softball tournament eden mills vs toronto hamilton vs acton minos uaoui tlamstaroal maa taafa havana toaar uaa m layala mltssi mirbin flaaaaa mart 4m aja old timers baseball oami stabts 4s0 pj senior intercounty vs halton county races for all ages rides games bingo admission 2se pubuc school children free a

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