Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1957, p. 9

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qtyr sttmt 9ttt ktflh founded la 1119 end puhllihed e thura- ear w as sun st s aete ow mmii tea ausk beraeu et cli ike tw ma end the ontario q davtavee et ike cwna advwtujaf retee os npwj eerlpuone payable in li mm m cuz 4 0 in the wm s te i aootha i 7e ajnle ceeteate seeond clase mail peel ojflee otteev i o a dill mlteolachet i david r dill produrtlmi limaa jimn a dills 1 i saalnesa and editorial office p sb ae tmuhsoay august 29lh 19s7 plant for progress wider tireeti and new hydro imee heve necessitated the removal ot many et the town i fine old trees thar add the beevty to its streets the recent move of a hydro line on church st brought down nine or ten trees on that afreet to the alarm and con corn of the residents there undoubtedly when a town n growing and new tervicet mult be added tome of the charm of the smeller town such n tree- lined streets may hand in the way there will not be any solution to the removal of trees but the program of removal appear very onetided the other balance ol treereplecement it completely mitaing in the hurry of clearing the way for an immediate prefect there it tome urgency in tree removal since none of ul are endowed v ih far tighiedneit thai w proiec ul 20 yean ahead we cannot attach the tame ur gent y lo tree planing ln 11 the only tree planing ol any im portencc ii the laii lew yeait was the plan ing of an ook nee i be eve tor lha corona lion of he present nonarch ilh iwo new lubclvioni completely treelets and many ol ler pertt of town with out future prov tion lor ihede there teemt to be a cerla n urgency in thu but nen of tree planting if the pecrlect vennbt be handled by me municipal counc i perhapl a group of texvice organisations could let en obtective ol plant mg fifty treet a year in the mleretll of the future retictenn of the town waiting for frost with lummcr it ii in full iwirvg turtvig the tfflvfllcf f ahirnun and camper there s one group that m the latter part oi lummtf tends to be it is onthui aide about the great outdoor tlteir banner the papar handker chief tht f password the tneep they are the hay fevci sufferert but of many a w sccratw they wish turn mer away longing for fall frosts when the last bit of pollen will disappear if the di sease itself were more dramatic or its affect evident at other times of the year notviuf ferets miflht take the affliction more seriously but the r dciened nose and swotlen eye give evcront damp and dispirited victim in eluded tht impression of tiresomeness nature has played one of its tess pleasant practical oke ragweed chief offender as a disptnser of irritating pollen bears no in conspicuous a flower that bees and insects usually attracted by cutordo noi visit- trnr plant instead wind s the pollinating agent and tht air s burdened with pollen but when nature presents a problem itfiiki can somehmec furnish the answer medicine has come up with serums and anti hisiammr drugs and thus kept many a pollen sensitive person from suffering but the best aid of all seems to be a mechantcal one air conditioning at least it is the best remedy if one has lo slay at home and cannot take advantage of that ageold prescription a change of air for there are many pleasant places on earth where there is no hay fever art ocean voy age a tour of the swiss alps would ensure a pleasant august and september for the thousands who now sniffle their way through these lovely months for nany alas that is not practical bne can only hope that science and mechanics mththeurteemmgly endless resources wilt- come up with a small portable lightweight air- conditioner that the females can pas off as a devastating new hat and the men can use as a brief case by tkft read side qe of the attrectie summer sights in ontario is the family pwryc by the side of the road these- outings dress up the coun tryside the roadside table is bedecked with gey cloth end a variety of food lovely to eye as well e stimulating to the appetite one catches a glimpse of cold meat potato salad pie end pitchers brimming with milk feast ing h eye on these delicacies the motor ist as he drtves by is promoted to imagine his own menu for such an occasion thu one picnic inspires another in a round of summer pleasure one of the paradoxes of this beautiful roadside site is the lack of picnic tables on highway 25 between milton mtvi acton ev ery summer and this one is no eicepion picnickers ere seen squatting on the sd of one of ontario s most beautiful roads this newspaper has repeatedly suggest ed the need and a resolution from the north walton urfesv toard emphesussd the value ol benchee ho benches or tables appeared end anoth summer haa slipped ewey without this tourist convenience the road is still not without its beauty though come the fell with its changing pan orama of color thar 1 1 mites of highway can not be exceeded in beauty throughout the it might be e little nippy for a picnic but if the picnic bench art rector was there it might encourage some hardy souls what about it mr hall doesn t the de partment have one spare picnic table for no 25 water water everywhere that sparkling liquid- water has taken on particularly important status as an issue lately of course it would not be that way f it wmn t either m short supply or polluted fortunately it isn t and hasn t been pol luted so obviously llm quantity available to consume is limited the good 0u days w etollvm taylor white sail and a flowing sea gad about of other years in comparison brief comment the fact that we are tlvmgpiere indicates thai it mutt be pretty fair place otherwise 1 wtt would move out so lets ahnw other we hilfe proud of pur town by supporting whole- kfly trie fair end other events held in mttovtwith uhumbowt sask jour- for some reason or another the lawn wa terng restrictions are being justified through a line of reasoning mat puts additional pumping facilities m oppos tion to mstalla tion of water meters tt has never been a simple either or problem obviously the town must install additional pumping facilities if the quantity of water available to consume is to be in creased the question of water meters is purely a revenue problem not a supply prob lem discussions on the town water supply havo been sporadically carried out for at least two years initially the consideration was toward a reservoir this idea was ap parently dropped when the former town en gineer resigned we aren t any expert on the best solution or the need for a reservoir but if the idea had any merit then it should have been thoroughly investigated whether an engineer resigned or not the most recent trend in water supply increases has been to discussion on increased pumping facilities the solution has been de layed purely and simply through the m creasing difficulty of financing any municipal project this however is no reason to delay clear long range thinking on the part of the water committee it is too late to begin the planning when the financial market appears satisfactory the committee it appears has three plan nmg problems 1 how should the typply be augmented ust by increasing pumping or construction of a reservoir to level off the peeks tt wes on one of these peaks lawn watering restriction were imposed 7 what type of program can be blue printed to re place some of the hopelessly inadequate wa t ter mams m the old section of town 3 will meters be a more equitable method for pay ment of waterrates and will they in any way cut the demand for water lawn watering which is blamed as the jfoofofellthratrouble hesobrtswnly led to a tremendous waste of water at times councillors point out the consumer is not charged for his service on hia bill and this fact is recognized this should not however be given as the reason for council delay its purely a matter of financing but the plan ning must be done now water is important so eictiifl new bv dustry but it is equally important to thojq who turn on their tap end find it jampry the water committee must have its an swer reedy andlh course carefully plotted rrmrmlmt when irdm patii i mid to tx bin attraction in ihu dimict from jun through aut iiit i m i exactly know whin th rr imh but i middi nly rralljrit thnl ut hunt befn a mnlr i ni n artoa diet irl this luiinvi of rnutir ihcy under tit rnntiili i iblr- chnrtiip in thrtr fraction during thr tf irt lira onri t can recall wrrf hi id at home gardeo o on the fmni luwn lit nnnonr hojnr therp w usually a picnic ujprr and a pro gram and it ohjw be clired ft r 25c pr adult and irna ur children i nn recwjl one such event at chalia da vidian farm on the preoisd una and others al dm min uter homna of various rhurctit home had frncc in thoar dax and id mission could only be sec ond ui rough in front gttr thr lunch gradually w is deleted from the projtrim and they u cr held tn the park and not in the gardens flctrlc lights appeirod ocr the platforms and the rcgulir attactloru mere thr band and a concert program city artlsu be came the attraction therv vi is in variably a refreshment booth on tir grounds but of course thu uus not iiielueaaf tn the aalmtauan plce mabe rome of you can recall uhen thr band wore little coal ml t irehea on tha front of their np and later had bigger onu thnt r si 1 tn the ground on poles tin programs were held earlier in th- day so that the band and arit could see their music nobod s d hoard of daylight saving time of course the artists such n jimmie fax and j sic mclaugh lin rtc have passed on wc sup pose the professionals of todav ire nil on tv and the local artists find other as of developing thcl- t ilenu and the nudienrr turns the dial each to tht ir individual tiute t tii don kiu anv tx tier r in 1 th jm t it 1 sn pi s midi iki t iiu 1 k i it 11 i 11 i i pri it liu i r k i ill r t pletimin llul hi tld teivhi tu 1 gartlrn iirt h in 1 i thin i lixi no grows jswild tx milling tu i ikr tht rik uf bti wiaither and hifh jinn s of t ilent to g imhli on i i rtli n t v r k mi is in ti s rniiinfc ivuil a x i k t tin vi nt h n k n u ith llx i h nn i i tinics d i i nvn wj i th in 1 ii t i f ll i m n i i t ii 1 i f lh u d t i t r i i i 1 u i i ii t j j i t i i mi plt v vl i it n 1 mim tl it tl wit ii if 1 w hi tht i v i i i it fl r 1 tl 1 i off i kiuikr nv nicnr than tht nld ixihn til s i wi n ih 1 iq tn 1 m ii in n i nn campbeuvtllf tr- otht div w h johnsl n n it 1 trtti ptd in wilh in id imp which ho had found in n 1mm k h had ptirrh isod at an auction n 11 w l pull islnd ui 1ki v hltlc of th i uid noi ih of a sitncot i shown cues must of the i ii fid north hid not t im i it div tl ed into conn its tht miip is dtvig nnltd i n imp of upp r inada ongrivid fir m itimir il ir nnt m what new hnd tnv in t n dt v iietl in thor iso mips don t know when f ik wtnt t n ht ir id on in th ii d s you know when we used to haw gidtn pirtu mt i tu tnndmin cirned tht ton his to r d i i music wt pnl a lot of timi plintnik f m miple inis ilont cton hnultv irds now un ha i our lighting ini povrr ln s iioiik the strut 1 hi rr i soim hint si 1 nbuut hie w iv the trts 1 vt li t out in tht veari mavbt i in old fash i inut m iyli its jiirt sentitmnt i u j t light on our strtttv md in our i m s tv radio m rv ne and piwir a i run iv tlectiu htu- hut w ai fast losing thom o m f o i actons street tnd tluit d csn t m to he an solvit n t i problim this sundays church calendar unitsd chuscn of canada rev oortjon adama ma bd ulnlttar avenue ut oeorfe bltlolt oreanut an4 choir leader tb bowtr avt aliod phone f suvday september 1st 1051 morn rul prayer cancelled dur ing august and labor bundav resuoted saol tth 1000 am junior church resumea september 1st z ilia am jeomln worahip queat pr the rev p death hihabuig jhi anoucan church of canada st aleue cseeek aeue oet rev bvan r jonaa bji uth rectory ms jeffrey 8wtel ms irpfj- swoav xarlr ounmunion cancelled until sttnouy sapttrniwr 8th ju3e2sa u00 mm matins serveaeonducttd bylfr j l itei st j tattwt chukch acton rev rajr h coaterua pastor paraonafl 113 bawar ave phone esmw sufday sfptembcr ikt 17 1000 am sunday- school 1100 am morning worahip 100 pm ivtning svvue rmmyterian church in canada knox chumch actoh rev andraw 4l mckanua ba bd sunday septuiqer 1st 1b97 43 am church school moo am public worship speaker hev a h mckcrule acton pcntltcostal asseauly metin in tha ymca prsstor rev k j reid bl cook st telephone ww sunday 3eptimber lit 1w7 1000 ajrn- fiujiday school 1100 amrmorntnti worship 7m p m evanjfaliatic service wadneaday 8 prncpttafa pfey- er meeting and bible study evening auxiliary home helpers meet th iii ur rvimnit auxil rv aujrikl mi r inc u ts hrlrt it ihr ih m of mis j u hnlxiui i i wlnrl v n in 1 v w llm tl privilid jtid p n it i rmt ink with tli ill in worship mi ingli rl the nib utin frnm fjihi s ans and arcoj or nth ins lying titf out hi ih iikhl to ittrntpt jrt it t limits f r m kittiu nn vc can ctxrt grr th n fr m him m wm m h n ffitid r iir mrs ilofctcr maihon v f top r from tht studv book iind brought tut m in utcrlini th uch n on tin unfinishd t ink in mmih c ivl asu thit iwk brings h r i mimbiliu t th imi n t hurt h- t ni tht eastern chiinhn hie ti w lend t rs in th absrnci nrtrie terrtnrv mis ft ibt rtson rcid the minuu of tin lis hireling mrs inflls gae tin fih tin utl report gotmtness w as tht v v ue1 for th- nil call ihi q ni thought was tun by lh lit tines who re id sn art cle t n inf ui nre u ritten bv j me s tt hilly robertson played two low piitto solos the offering wis re tivid ind dadleated by the prt idtn ilvmn 371 was tunc and the tin tin a was closed with pravr lloaaa rateara meet the home helpe s me ng of tht wms of st davids church uus h id in tha church school i mm nn wtilntwli ift rnoo ma cmnltia optntd tht mi t ng with a poem shine korth the svripur hwan ukei liuin mn lht u fifth chnpur tnit fi st tht stalonlins wt r ad hv mrs loine mitchell fo lowed with tiriut ts mis i simps tn th st ci i tin md tr isurt gi tht r r poet t rtpurtt thv tht r ir- nt try read avve tl thank you noli s mi s twp m th home ii ipers sttrtutr give i short talk nn the work of this department the roll ch wis inswtred by is ladies a hit rect ed fawn mrs gordon of form o j wj n id in which the madt an apni tr coritrlbutioiks for the work in which hc is on elwlsfl mrs o btaek guv a very inler- ttt ng ulk on th work among the rhillipptncs vir many of them uv christians and call themsls the united csmrch of christ bv- vrarc enjoyed mrs olarks ulk the met ting was closed with pray er bv mrs wm buck atonlper lod fi jv cd rig rallllv leevltt alta ic nearly ev er- one in this loutharn alberta community went by the same naate when more uum 400 descendants o thomas r lesvltt community fuundcr attendbd a family reunion back in t907 teltesi fireae see toe mt ee ftae psese tsutesaur amgtas et leet mamm tlete on suneay night the eight inch elbew ai the stand pipe in the qti yard laeillsvi froan lit big looig gailen iana buret and niawtr quite e need unil ttie waur was turned off m john llsrvf has dupostd of his dray hutunn with h utfll goradwill and his taullful reeitf- nt i on 1iik an on tutsdyr evtning tti naa haul hatd the nuafuttiine in lor hi left hxd he is ee cjiglshmtn age it and has bsen in made fur sis years or tuesdef at nosm h- itmided an old tuety dajubie-bar- rtllrd musmje luaeitng ahtfigon erd fired at soma pigeoiis m mr oi mund s fvm yard nothing st-tn- ed to b wrong with ihr gun but no plgaone fell and some t f saull s friends teased him about his ptwr marksmanship he went bark to the barn yard in the evening having luad d the gun very heavily he fired at the plgetbu and whan the gun went off ii hoist al tht- br h a ptotre of it bung blown awev aeaills left hand wa badly multleted and when leiktu tu a suigrufi in milton it wn f in d nn i tn y t etnpu u lite hand on sdtur lay afternoon a am b- ir passmg through the pairk di p- prrl a lighted n ilrh in the dry grass and wmi on in a few minut es tht sjiaiik tsets f innid in a blar and with the pit vailing wvluily wind w is mmih ariiig towards mr john iliissi ii burn the alarm of r ti w isitl irid thr fire hrigidi so tn iml to ih it park a liri numb i of cilliin win mlunl tht urn i u nirtl lht m seuts with brumhts of treei and tuiiittl 1 in t titr filing tin blase w thin u ft w n mil 1 it fo tht se pi mpi ttii n hit result might back ik 1937 tt d slrrtli slttkn ii ihe ball iomik w ih t w th it i m g itist tl i iv t y a nt flufm w mtmill h i rr in 1 1 1 tl i oin n mutt- 1 t j t 1 tat i ll i i llm a i oi leloriging u rsup t ii i n luiii il lt se in thr si i m ii rtrl hed yesterday in i i i tan il wn m ii stffil t i i ry tip a brtikt n uxlr wjj ih t nl flit 1 n itt tt i r s i f un m thnt k i tiling i thr iwing tint un i m i wist is fniiurnllv indulged n hiuii h tt s ui u i kjht tltit is vvitintl work tor ike n v t t i i tn t v i n when m n spit 1 nj him ate see issue a the tt preaa teeteeef tpsinbir t fwi bobby pesren of aeton wai ana at three winner in the hilton county lord meleon issry comp etition the prlree were presented at the palermo school wher bob rrad hjs essay over m studenta romplrd in the event acton orange iodge will hold their annual deroratnai service on ftundey allernooij at three u clock tha parade w 11 form at the iodge hall willow st and arrompned by the juvenile fife and drum fluid of caunpatells cross will urorerd to fair view eamrtrry alrnoet 140 members of thr tri lls clan mrl far their ruth re union arid p rnir on sa i day august ut hwawtlka b i ad n ihlrrmedlatee i t the fust game uf the bear ball ply uffs lo milton od futurltv lern they wrrr defeated by m of the poor fielding display pui on by ihe uaraia reartainiy pr vi1 tiait thru t atig 1r ff dlln t rl tl nn any gix1 tr ry could d ittlr or nothing with the willow until the ninth when thy unleawhod a ler ifk f ut lagr of hu ar d m hi a minks of fnierure thn wn nt t netted thean seven runs to gle thrm i r ire thre f in lead c rd r w rkrd n th- rn iind mini h pib h ng wms in- f ihe hlkl i tthts tr tle sflfrnn lld his i un males turned in tl r un e kind i a gams ihry won d luvi i mir hone with rnunlxr t in ha bsg tht aeennd plnv off gme f r tin t ounly t hainpionship ji ijw d for acton by da kite uh ntghl with milt n irsd ng by a iinrf of 12 i in thr righth inning thr umpires rallrd thr gunr ol jreounl of darkotii aft r esn- sidi rablr arguing ihr gamr wag irmngid to b pljvtd in act m on saturday tkrn from an ad butte 2 lbs for fmk side herrwi sr lb hm- i irg si ik 2 ihs for 2c asili nunlli roof at thr pub ik n hool is being re ah ng rd this werk mr william gowdy haf pur- chashl from the cpum i imr arid alahwune omawy the old tiwdy hi mrstrad t i imrhimw i utjlr vntn are bring givrn out by the merchants this wjrk in the kxt w ii rintut srvr 1 chang es have hern made in the running as ihe c nti st g i ml i the f r 4 strrlt h professional directory and travellers guide mrmcal miscuxaneods dr w g c nney thrilrlan and serteee office in symob dlock 43a mill si i aeton ofrira rsena li baeldrnre iii cseres hl sv rhonr im pumiey rjnisal homi phone em bus or day bruea k shoaanasae mar arontho aoeousnthd 00 0 a garrett psjriklan and sarraae cornar of willow and klvrr tcfti efttrance illvrr street acton onurlo rhene ul pr robert d buckntb pewvlrlan and sartaoe s welllnnnn s1 acton out pkana n office lloura tfl pjtl ksal kotats aho insumsno f i wright 30 wilbur st acton odlarto phone si apprtlur baal cauu and leamraeee wm r bracken insurance agency 8 mill street phone m baa m9r generax dwpjujacsv j bert wood insurance agency ufa and general taaeaeaea after hour ta i smetoueaie ltver s hoskin si ualn st r sli us klnf as w toroejii i tu 4lll buck csmssbr jatidstntarat rarmra alia lit mam sl mjlun ont tr am3 wslttr m oss caetuhkl peka s l chartered secretary m main si fusearaetoom out tk ftasi amesx c l buchntl bo optometrte u1u st e phone us office hours wadeeadjn 130 to pre svaniat er epneantaeent tsa ouioi dekfau oasr eesos unh ctmctias uanta acton or h ieib denial ba in office- career vol and frcdertrk street office houra s a m to s p m teljphomb h acton dr a j buchanan denial flergeea oalcesa m1u street office hour d a m se s ran cloaed wedneadar ahenoaav telephone 141 umt c f ieatheriand q c barrutar a selleltar vaurr raslia office houra 10 00 am 11 00 ajn i oei m- 900 pa fialurcuys by arpeajitmana aauf office a pkcaw raft im acton a braida ba seueuer netser sejdle 113 am daui exeeni sin and jkjm pr us aw th pm 1001 pm tsuri aaa rox lotf am 1m7 av stt i tt p m ttt p jo si3 im nm and hoi 337 pm ttt pipi s 13 i p m 1 11 am itri sat 1 ouavasuut rutssmai bahavayi 1 dally 3 40 ajn daily exeept sjs- day 10 00 alna 1u pjru only s01 p dally das riye at o sj pm nsily town 1011 bstlr uaasseavi sslt

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