Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1957, p. 6

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the acton tn tea thursday september 12th 1957 r ttfrno olf from the fifth end water hole it gofd mccuteheon who watches at hit ball curvet into ihe river cotling him a ttrole in the acton corn at oranoeville latt sunday forty two oolfert entered the tournament and turned ihe proceeds ol llw event over lo llw boy scout committee for the scout houte building fund campbellvjlle downs dunnville in 42 pitchers battle at home csmpbrllvilh advanced into 1 intermediate b wmi f inula by sweeping their hrst of three me ii with dunn ill the second game wu ptayrd in cmtnjitxll illr cm thursday scptrmber s mid camp i belktllc wiin a tighl pmhlng dui 1 i jack roberta hurled ms best game of the season fur the iii iters as ha limited dunnville to lu i hita a he talked one and struck out 14 page alartrd f r tin i giving up throe run nf thrre h ii while vmlknftonr and striking out one in two and twothird inning i pace was relu ved b dt re tio forked th laat five and n thirl innings tf tunnvlllr and did the best job of any of the f ur pit h- i rs they ussd in th aerie h give up one run off throe hita while sinking out nviio walking lour nd h hing one batur campbellvllle opened the scor ing in the second tnning llrndrr on tingled and took aecond hrn the toft field let the ball git away from htm jack lkinil then powered a horn run over the left flnvd fence to aie the home t am a 30 lead campbell illc senrvd again in the third to make it 30 when al v in- grovc imaihcd a long home run into right renin field j dl11c oavruv ullbx mnrgm tq 3j in the top of the fifth whin they got back their hita with on out lltnci singled into ittt hi t i when hindrun jugg od the ball he aentfor aecond llrncjrrion n covered quickly however ard h prrfwt throw to second would have got tht runn but winaou trid over tin bae and ilm wu sai i llth then angled w ilh ii nra holding at third junes g uiul i out it it ibita to nui ll 1 ml with ntrn on iiid and thud and ihen tutlh run sntfrd wrtin win g tired in a rurd grouinli r near a coitd amphe iv lie score the finil rim f the k mi in ll l tt m of the mvmh tt ilh one tut m t w llhlll itl1 w ol t ll 11 1 1 ii e 11 m m ll mill bit arvt 1 at uml i r ji i linn mii llmi ind 1 hlt nn 1 dunnllr ror nrnpu llv ilu d wmuuu lit incrtd nd d etl jack lakin h tmcrcd si it hinin r irl mi n ii 11 h it it a ng it r ootaa4a at ont point in thi game k terta atiuek out aevi n ctniaot utivi bailer and he took the first 13 mi n lo fm him in order dunnville only left two mi n on uavt w hen a campbt ik ii 4 left 10 nun atrand d fu r nulling through thur i rrca with milton and dunns ilh and pi iv ing three midweek afurnonn guinea whuh neoeaw i a led plavers taking tinu off wtnk tmpb i illt an uft with n mi lo ptuv unit siplimtwr 14 which nu ma ghl div w itii ut a jime inc uding a siturd iv i impt llvilu r vlmliilid lo pay tin winners of ilmjciamwaihv fmlilau rtfa n tine of thoa coniiium u on s r- urd stpumlxr 14 it ii f ouiuivill out usd ouu 2 2 3 cimpbl i c21 oo0 ilw 4 6 a hatti nem dunnville pig derr i3i and iff rd campbell illc hob i la and liking townsley night is this friday plana fur th big sonny towns h night in uillon arena wire dat ing qutikly foi initiated thj week a orginoera anirrird around rli inuig up dela la for th big ahow and tlnifr planned f t rt day night in tin milton ar im ljui minute preparationa uiclud ed the announcement that th am in lliading stpiare darvren would bo on hand lu volunteer thi ir mivirea ftw nt v itv and idd him danc ng the group has juat fin vhed a two week sitow al the est ton lit nt 111 and h v f ve pi ve batfd ill povide th daot ng muvic arvd thera will be vises and driwa nv nhibu for at alien ll ig several local ortfanitatiun and buininen have donated pr tea ami mney tow ant the peojte which ta ralaing money fir tie fanill of tht hospital ud hotkv plive it la e spec ted a tarf crowd oi milton georgetown and act m friends mill be on hand to rriak the night a succvasful one if jou were advertising wouldnt vou likt ii know the rimilla o yotir efforu thai a whv aderli- em in the acton fr p is are a w iv si preaaed whtn ou tell ihim vou mw ihelr advertia menl in thv rree ptv wolf cub niws roll down be llhs uitii ken mvijord crscktng the triple harrier last iviwl wek mat munk earli old hank inak u lmukus mhi tlu nimt hitato p4per s tar ua bow luig mm con- crrnad when he ihiaded a mun of 3482t 334 92t for lh nnwtrat of thv beatt at lit i v 1 cushion waa leading lady with a bw tnionnt quite s few m w futt at tht laitta theke evening and judgina friun their bowling aeon a tht n not newcomer to thi ait tif apillin tlu ma pit a had our tar to tht gmund laat wek snd got it ati pied on in tht t protest suthhi vvt n keeping it ol uji prg pilc lh ground thi uitk and mbt mn rwic- rxaiii thsts why we luvtnt got thi up- i opp officer ra and en of the town lowduwn but we d know m j dialnct ftvcv estimated between the induslrutlconimercai last tl 000 and 100 dantago caused to years powerhouse muro plastic thv car ofwajttr ruamb of 30 ar bowling under tho bantu r of knox avt acton in a recent at dvltvory ataybe they u d4ir accident poice report the dnwr the axads but t uukc ouuiusrfl attempting to paas another car going to tr mighty hard to upset on no 7 highway at siwnrevk uielr little red wagun acton ladj had tlwvtr pre meeting septtmu r 2hlh tt tr and maki thi i ik lltviaiuti shi some of our olhi r trundura an uituking of avitik a bit uf a go at it may till thur hadplru lie atnk- t incidi ntallv one can win a llflooouou buik at the o i onnor lltiwl all viu havt to do rwll two ptrfett gunith in a row easv ptrkin s huh that cleans the cuff fir this mitk amiktt adioa driver uninjured end are achwtulod to go september 18th actun major gora september 9th lntujtrlalcommtfrcial com mencea september lath legion udlea look or a big seaion starting september lllh the mason knit fal ui rollaseptember 31it and the beardmore boya will atrui their mutt september wth the acton high achool boya ana gel will raiie their urnegt little nana from thair books long enough to atart hair aeaaoa september lath bedlam at court will break loo aarurday more at 10 am wbenthe taann under get under way september ltth theae travelling troubadora ot bowling bill william and don orel hike to toranteipvaalisr mr lambi car dived mtu east ditch striking one pole six guard rails no njury ctjsed to the dner tlu and was magistrates court collects 115 fines corporal r mason reports 113 paid in fines at magistrate court tn acton on tuesday appearing before maguhrate k m langdoa uerc nlns offenders including five speeders one crier furling to stop it a stop street onodtivlna without a permit and one eharfed wfth being impaired while driving one wu remanded untl a latar date for driving whu bis nns waa undar luipaiuue due to th large number of new boys registering and lack of lead ers aioifmiadjttan at present remain limited until midoctober howeve further notification will bf mad- to all parents of new bos advising them of the park to whleh the r son has been sasignad as well the date to atart attending meeting until sueh notification ia mad parents should not purchase cub uniforms fvery rffort bring- mad to enroll alt new boys as soon a io- sible al the general meeting ual thuraday evening at new boya regtervd wishing to join wolf cuba in all ft boys attended of which 19 cub were from a pack jgfrom fl pack frim c pack one cub reported with transfer papers and records upon rompletltvn of the rout htl ilfodenoaawneel eatmtion a complete rhange in meming nights will be made all penla will b notified of ikes changes until such time tub m etlngs will con tinue as they were last spring i a pack on thursday night ii park n tuewjay night and i psha on trtday night arjun cubbing has grown quite rapdly in the last few yean the now mating lhre cub parki will be fllhrd lo over caparlly and more leasvra are urgently needed to avalst in eaaing th liurden on ihe pre enl adt rs cubbing la at rrernd figure and stil growing adult leadenahip ta insufficient any former wolf cuba or smuts who might still be interested in the movement here is a rhince to remember the cub or scout mottoes ih your beat or be prepared how about rending a hand hlpl rulpl aiu nuance is asked bv lln park iknttd at tht artiht park this satur dav whn ohiniiimi stump pulling k a into effect in an attimpt to rid fairy uk i lh untightly and dangerotis stump a alump pulling bee has lin hnd op and anonc m ulun to v lunlti r a txaat ir manual la boo is invited to b at th park thu saturday 47 swimmers receive awards in ys m swimm cl kurt seven a children received ssaginner sandra thur swimming swsrds at the park mary ortaetsow bast batuntsy sfteraeon when th vs man held thru final tests for the swisanuag etas this sutumrr jtq boys and gxu hav been receiving tyilion from the following instruettars mr sad ms laoug tarrant norm turn r jack carmler jim buck land john stone b u duncan and ber nard redout th rlimas lo the season rime last saturday when the groups triad tests fur their fire als- and pre beamirwr and beginner swim ming taata the first star rorultji of five e grrea thai had t he empl lad lo ordr to lasa namely i wjlrr aaf et v rieuvering an tbet from the ikiittont at rhrt h ight ty kob blng for it i ability bob m times rhylhmat rally 3 correct stroke detmnstr1e kirk flutter 4 d ving standing plain f tant dive from edge of pa- and 3 enduranre swim ko yartla or over irlrrn ntary rravli cuaninajtaas hujtls ioruj twiaspenn jasquslusa wah murray ftmitn oarsid wurk vivian fimith celes milaard eaadra tolley tom me- keown tgtaf alien gail fryer 1 yaw masters jill morton tony laigratofv bandrs aunclair davtd sproslua keith dunk david har- grsv fred kenhard barbara syssaon peter taylor m bur buaan cohan bar- b4ra nortosv susan waller oersjd dick brtu fruler wayne mas on jaeai pope andrew o smith chris denny pie beginners were cornp lied t w im s3 frvt on live surface of the alrr for which iuj reeeivad a pre brgiunrrs certifirata the beginners had to swim so feet in dep water for wbtfh thry received a brginihia ctttfuatr ond a lap i butlut i aftt r the regular awiiu teats ltt been omiplrtfd on hturdar j m hut kland who has instructed a rtjv dm ng the fcetatm and tki n uii aw miming projtxta on hia own passed mas ifaggett in hia swim ming proficiency badge for cub lung those passing teats were pre ivginncr illy tu k jem- nte sprintuu susan alltn iugall ink jimiiiu irtdsboruugtt john dowding put wolfr sandra liar grjve otrry ittmit hilary pope anne tryt ltrenda mckeown jack luluugh undt r p easuie of import com petition empltivnient in ihe i in- 1i in textile irvduatry hj declined frum 100000 persons in 1941 lu 82 0oo mritni at present xttnddknfs plixltr sask icpi whs st iteettards pariah her eibrtd it loth annjveaary on s recent sundsy it was th same day uf it month ma th sunday on whkh ir parish began its aervlcaa pwopl buy the free rtwd and read the free buy frees ta i andrew butier sukoimo comsacroa srictiwerk eesa s llerkwere free estimates work guaranteed r r no 3 acton phone erin 11r3i film save so on mgasf kodak film promotional spoclal fur each roll uf film lft at hintun s slur fur developing you may purchase a new rull of film fur unly l uegular rice hlntona sc ro 1 slora saw muftswmqwhmtbsf of united suburban oas company limitfo 97 miu tt acton aas acton fall fair parade at 100 oclock saturday sept 21 an vous emails biadv now i pvtea r bay whi irk eleceote hicyxln bey anal gtlrla ela bicycles under 9 a bey anal srh s bicycle over v olrla decerafad dell buogie bizis in 1 0ft snd 7sc 3rd soc all e le secalwe e prixe frank carney rsons enjoy yourself friday at the sonny townsley benefit dance all pbochds for the townsley faaaiiy milton arena friday 9 pm sbaoinol tquabi oancibs tony binzitti ano hit nvimici sano noot wow taot oancii pints oaioat tickets and draw 100 i wan ad page where old friends meet night school classes the acton night school in cooperation with the north haiton high schoot district board announce- the following night classes in acton shop work oil painting photography tailoring leather carving upholstering elementary millinery accounting bookkeeping elementary clothing advanced clothing copper tooling aluminum etching typewritingbaglnnara or advanoad cvnnsts u ill r nstat of 12 two- hour htjmns commencing monday and tursdsr october 21 a nil 21 at h hi p m snd c ich monday snd tuesday following until dcnbaur and in rrcomnn ti nj an jsnuao 13 and is and coeiinuing ta februareit and la the tuslc fi f r all cours is 00 to dullars of which must he forwarded with the applic tlion rurm h t uouars must be paid at ua first ussoo ausnded it u usilmatid that cost of equimi nt in the lost her carting coursr would be about 20 for beginners in ill instances students will u or the iruat ot nuteruau used a minimum number of 15 applicants must ui secured or each class the committee for txgllinrra in all instsncts studmts will imy for tht cost of ni4teruls used rubthea information kbtainino to these cojbhh mav u ostainsd rom the committee chairman mis man ibyiano moni issvls apfhication fob acton nioht school classwotk comptmr a vn mail ufobc octomck i ist to- nw btxtjctast or xiajst cla88e- e e aeten rllk drkeal man oetarta rtraae tal aaetleauaa plrase atatc whkh mr mrs miss address please enrol me in phone first oholcc second choice notb be aullrai yesjr aebllaauab asilt re laeraaa yeev sasersa w allalesae eeai flrel ekelae el eana4 be ntre to eacloae your registration lee oi tllsx the balance of fee to be paid at the ttnt elate attaaulad a mss r inmai tsalnua at big shots are only little shots t who keep shooting- greet martantila hottta did not grow by remain ing idle they grew bacauto they anticipated boy- era need and continuously informed protpective purchasers of the merchandise they offered the famous catalogues of earlier days ware but one form of advertising and the firms who issued them are todays greatest newspaper space buyers today the little merchant who desires to build his business keeps shooting in the medium that has not failed in the past eightytwo years the newspapiri in acton and district the best dollar value in advertising is the pages of the acton free press ilfflirca

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