Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1957, p. 10

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jt attorn m rt at tie kl alav trvilllil k aetaa hum e ut aaaj pobuartea every ttiura- ikruu mill si aeua oat umtm of ihr audit bureau at circulation uw c w na aad use oatarwouatee dlrutoe ef th cwna advertising ratal on raqueet rub arrlpuom payable in edtaac 9sj0q in canada mid in tha unitad btetee aw anonil 91 t5 tnagle cuplee tr autn m ftatrnd ctaaa uall poet otttca department ottaoe ahailat e mlla phamag ax rallntfcg ce lllhd o a bills edjiorlachlrr dane r dill pruductiue manager i jareee a dula managing cdln bustneae and editorial offtca ph 000 acttia thursday october 3rd 1957 rre prevention lett year m our living and working placet in cleaned 601 livea h burned and dejaguiad rtwte timet aa many mora ll watt- ad mat than 11 militant in proparty and rha mkaci loaa to the nahoral economy wat parkapt tan timat tnlt amount ttwt raflaen tna pattam ol our flra dat tmetien for rha patt 10 yaart a total of 5062 livaa laooo man woman and childran tear- rad and a derect financial low of 5878 mil itant mora than anough to build two ma lta tretjedy la that moat of thata 647000 fka in w rjecade wara ceueed by human caralaaanaaa and naglact of tlmpla rulat of f ira aaaaty and t aanaa tha it tha mauaga for fira prevention week from canada army of 37000 firemen pnslaaaional and volunteer and whila tha rraaaaaga it highlightad at fire pravantion waak m accord with ma proclamation of tha govamorganaral it it ttrattad by tha fira tervtcet avary day of tha yaar in avary com munity of tha nation tha mattaga it dont give fire a place to start and giving uttaranca to tha halpwti vktimt atpacially children wo- rreen and folk of lenror yaart dont lea vi us alone with the hazards of ffm tha farvani mattaga told end retold hat bacoma a national crutada ara wa to blattad in pur abundance and neoole that wa can afford not to resist a record of watta and tragedy thai we can fail to wish there were more and larger ash trays m every home that we can fail to tee that our stoves and heating equipment on which wa in a cold climate mutt depend for teven even eight monlht a year ara kept in good working order that rubbish and trash breed fire that the difference between a 15 and 30 ampere tute in an already over worked electrical circuit can be deadly thai the 233 children who perithed tail year many of them unattended were more than ware lott m the peak yaart of polio par head of population canada t fire lott for tha lair 10 yeart hat bean one of tha world l wortt alarmed and shocked by the situation tha two eatocietiont of tha nationt provincial and municipal fira tervicet united three yeart go in an educational programme directed especially to thekome voluntary home in- paction wat encouraged for the first lime a reduction rf only a alight one may bereponed in our per capita proparty ion excluding ore it watte the figure tor 1956 it 57 21 compared with 7 3 for 1055 while the echievement may be thort rjr it it a trap m the rrjht direction and oflerl hope leu optimistic detpite latt yaart doo- 000 population increete it the fact that deethi increased to 601 from 569 in 1 955 toys and troubles we hate to ruth tha teeeoni but the other day we took a look at tome of the latett toyt that will be offered thu chriitmat perhapt it waa tha utuei parental m or perhape it we the fact that we atwayt did like to look at toyt and havent quite outgrown the activity but thingt have really changed progress has crept in to the point where dad will have difficulty effecting reoairt unlett he en ttltcffank machine tha tranimllt and re ceive wiet ilka tha teletypet weve watched lit newtpaper ohlceawell almeal the tame anyway imagine thlt electronic marvel under a chnttmat tree and the pro- bem of repairing it after dinner of courte there ere the building blocks but theyve streamlined them too now tliey coma al girder and panel eecflona to effect contrruction of tha latett in architecture thu progrett it great ttuff but tha repair problemt on juniort toy array are certainly progressing to great proportiont secession and sour crapes the appeal of oakville againtf the helton county equeliiation by law hat bean ditmlt ted and the cottt aliened to the town dee ton for the ditmittal in the word ol the ltear ing board chairman ware that not anough evidence hat been submitted by oakville to prove that the equalization it not fair and proper it didnt take long for someone to give new birth to the much talked of poatibility of oakville seceding from the county of halton one councillor declared he planned to in vestigate the pottlble benettti of tecetilon the town clerk reportedly taid there would be substantial savings to oakville as a leper- ate town maybe were ell wet but tha situation t to smack a lot of sour grapes oakville want into tha equalization hearing wall ware they were bucking the other nine municipalities if a change in oakvilles atses- sment had bean made it would have meant dollars of assessment and hence county rata would have to be added on some other muni cipality tha hearing chairman concluded that all tha evidence submitted to date hes only pro- van that there it soma difference in the at testing methods used in oakville end trafal gar wk cant bate our decision on evidence that affects only oakville and trafalgar weve heerd oakvilles talk of secession before and it was usually when they failed to win takes out en electronics rorrespondance courte no longer will it fust be a wheal that nee fixing or a craw replaced no sir with all kinds cf trucks and cars comlr4 with tdjnore controls and flashing lights and ro bots that really move theres bound to be detouky to aftarchrittmas repair shop i liter it a team angina too that looked vfevrilllk ft ttc mem too long ago that wa tmv and played wi similar model but its prtqte tea tad new the water it boiled i heat pellets rather then tha little candle ona of tr fhlm u into 1u- trprper problemt wu those number one tunes the hit parade littmgt that dictate a con tfent flood of irritating ttartlmg duquiet ing and ditgutting tocalled popular music on canadian radio ttationt are the retult of a monttrout hoax according to a recent ankle by a radio ttetton executive the article pointi out that popularity lut ingi ere compiled from record ttore talet ukebox preferencet and disc ockay re quests these three outlet are deall with almost exclunvely by fad ridden teenagers the writer notet we va often wondered who picked out tome of the atrocious number one tunes that radio endtv stations ara so wont to am the air waves with and it teemt the teen agers are going to get the blame for that too we re inclined to think there thould be tome reiponiibility laid on the thoulders of those who author the manutenptt and per hapt too the radio ttationt might take a long er look at their littemng audience and come up with tome tunet that dont have the overtrmphfied melodiet monotonout ar rangementt end unmtplred lyrict that the writer talkt of itt turpritmg though how radio teemt to have gone to tome of the programt de- stgned for more pleasant listening some of them provide excellent background for read tng tha paper gvil defence locally they tell ut that friday n civil defente day there hat been reamt written for arid againtt thu service and itt poinble effective ness in terms of any future hqsiilitiaa if wars of the future are to be of tha 30 day variety undoubtedly civil defense or any defense will probably only serve to extend the war by about 10 days when we think of civil defame though there seems to be a much mora practical ap plication tha days of hurncan hazel are not yet so dim in our recollection that we have forgotten the earnest desire of hundreds of citizens to help the only rettnction wat they lacked organization direction and training it t in this field that we tee tome need and a great value to the groupt now being coordinated and organized under the banner of civil defer official in the area feel that a civil ta nrganirrrllnn must be buui- ptmm tar bum tafior autumn vista g a d about autumn and modern changes ther re many ihlnfi about autumn that do not chanje down through the 7ar tor instance we always have beautiful va tcga cd colors in the foliate we have the chilly nijfhtj and first frosts and the harvest the days for preparat ion before the advent of winter days whrn you fl you must get outofdoors lest you mtu one moment of glartatu sunshine may- balhat is what rosnpt4 the extra vnetith of daylight saving time avhrn it seems we must aqutese the last atom out of daylight time nature doesn t change but our methods and wnvs uf rrcrealion have drviatcd quite a bit from tin days of outh for miiiu of ut hard t in thu rtiy is th popul ar co n roast rr younger citlit n don i know why thry call it a corn roast because it seems to me it has alw ays brrn boiled corn that wns serxrd most successfully then and now we were reminded only last week of the change in our way of indoor heating tall has always been a period of transition which was uncomfortable in boyhood days it was the signil for bring ing the cook stove tn from thr summer kitchen into the real kit chen there were strings of stove pipes to put up that ambled hre and there through upstairs rooms to find their way to onv of the chimnrys and were cmuiidi red the only way to convey some warmth throughout the house in th fall we switched from burning slabs or limb to putting a little hardwooxl in the stove heme ruber what a problem those stove pipes wre to westle with tiny m ver ietmc4 to fit then later tame in time when we swltchvd from wood to ioil how uuky we thought we wne whrn 4 low fi lould lie kiit on all nielli and the fkntrs wurnt juite so icy told when you landed out in tha morning 1 remembrr will thosi das of thr old win 1 to mhtn the lnl chorr of dad for tht mxht i hilihtifc uo knur r ah i tit aixl jt tl nj nim kiiuihnu ioiilhf f r a tjuti k ntii i bfor tsttlnife brtdkul 1 h wood box bthiiid tht k had to be full of gmxl hitdwhd no 1 ib or limb but good kttlid body bah or maple wi wurrnd not aboui t umic tnerk or world dcitruttiur but niun about tht diinin i iib supply of tht fort tlun curne tht era of roil burn lot and uway wint the nikhtlv thin i of pl tluik moukh v 1 and km pintc th woo b ix full l mrmbir if vuu will the davs of the hippy thought raiifcta and caood cheer hinttrs with thi ir oven and water rewrvoirs on the bark full f good soft water from a cistern by a pump thit wm iminlu f ro7t n from dt cemb r to avrd mav bt you too hal to fill the boiler on wash das oh ye and on the iny the pig came up fo slaughter i will remember the first satur day i was dcleciled to be da t i assistant nlotijt w ith n coup t t f olh r lads to lit lp m killin hi pig sutiird iv wa the it bt r i im the men wt re ihrounh at fivt o clock irst thing to dt was to close all the gat a so the pig would n i git too far aw at 1 ni km w wh it piti tvtr nttdid to bi krriim t to maki hint haid to ta th hut fin round of tht mm it usid to be usuullv sufficient to eel him in position for hi ate thin cam the boiler of scalding watir for ttv h ttl and thi tlutre of htltinit tht hau tiff it was dk wun bv thi llitht of the lantern hr m inti t supplv of pork was drtucd 1 ntr ate a rr htar suppt the night thr pig w a killed but all wit forgotten whin thoo slut k of htliu math sam ige wrre rtaily ftti tht table tit whrn the a m k i kli nil tli bt f ri this sundays church calendar ufjitto chtwch of canada aaaata otataala hav qordon adams si a tl 11 rtefen gradu tf ually and steadily undoubtedly e could do without clvit defente if mankind could develop a social consciousness r that would permit the whole world to live in peace or if military authori ties could guarantee that no enemy could lay hostile hand on this nation or if wa could be lure that no disaster of anykind man made or otherwise could ever take plat in our community in terms of civil defente it lent imply preparation for a so day war than oblivion rather itt mora practical avenue taamt to be in timat of local dhaimr annular pannhate ltnwtr avenue phnnr an mr ucnraf hllwtt organist anil choir i1rr ts tkmvr ava aolun phmif fl stivow offonnt th l7 bisi am miirnlna liavr tiliw am jiniiur ttuiuti an4 tthurch ttchoiu 11 l a m moniuui wurmhlii mkstttwan church baptist church acton jti 11 coatiru ratoi tl iki ml 11 mil 1 ill in 2k1 lhiiili it i in 111 rllu l oih n inkultrrui n nox hv i ca mi ll in m 1u mtmiw ivrvmrn nth o 10 rai am- sunrtay schiml ii oil a ti morning wotshlp the good old days 1 n r jmi and thi ham were dls- ed up w h tu h btuli 1 and roast bein f r i w nter d nu ittfrtg trition t no r t in tht meat off on h ii iimple went how d d i e t r t nt k tn wh hi i it i ljut m indav lnn heat qulrfd at the office the btn to fitlhc ihi irr and slart up thi ilokt r an 1 thr w ntet started run ning don thi outside it had bee i dul intrtvd nnd repaired du n thi aiimmer montht bit it ttidn i take an certlfiratr if engl nuriiik ib i il t r al n tlu a btuler thai wont hold w her ctnnot i in i j ti tu am to wt c all been cold a 1 wit k itul sinct the tnuhr and stoker wrnt into ojurntim nn the torm o hi it ilk h i y nu to ait i win ml nituitl i i piped htrt tnd h mil wt a ha c been dr i 1 in tht dlrut insligatiun proved lhii in u of ha mg more bi 1- ina lt ht at tnd the w orthcvm it of tht boltr tnd the our a l tgv of h ul ll ulll it alklll u w t t ht it w ith fc so now a h hi i ht itint ii in it go n- t ikt utr thi job whih hts utn done by coal judging from the digging bein d m about our stret ts these dt tint the uhnnct of the mue fr i totl going into htnetm nu thtti ait manv who art doing the mu thing done are the da s we h ie when ctutl has to be shovellett ashca car ivd out and smoke pol- lumg the air of the neighbor hov ut are writin this at home where thi tthilntta of the autumn ar i tt mh ret b anotht r fit 1 of tht duhtftn ie an oil bu ning fur iiatc lath thangr brings back menur les a we tr ivt 1 through life and ex er rtetelopmrnt has been for mans comfort we give thank or them all and retollcctlons b- ing n desire ftr a retwrti tf th good 1u da s a found our plant are wm- lina of tpr whjth were used to indirate the sourtvs of the n inttst prottutt thev read ii 1 moore i mi prtm tti wtek all the attain gov out of t printing pt ml in cton ant with it manv ieo it etton when tin nt pn ti wt nt into mimisin in uaul we h1 letli rt x in two tf the older printer wh ii hull btthl had fired the old upright ts it ttil upp list jhiw r on iuu ta fued it with u fum the saw mill the arc f j xloiir- ft iw in waahingttui and l ha 10 alt t anil of ntaark sj thi ase f 7 t- mivann ret rd this our from setting v on a daily uihrr bjf way of the linotvp and mr moore nui of a t rmei owur st if wields hu rrn in the back in 1907 tfsm us mm tt aw 90m fkmhf oniw i tfm a v0rr utf mimb ran u uf m ft hotmaa mwnl of tha otr cm tuamay tmrnnmtm to u effact thai ki toa rtfa h4 fcu lota b41y numm tv railroj yr4 1 mtmilton whr h wm fptor- in oualpb thoaa foia4 fftfllty f maatflflg of cluwulc m ol tt offtca r htm6 do tha iwtkijlf bar 1m out ghomlag al avarjr 11 va uilm ttoay tm know that lha ajaa laws prcrtact tha aquirrau aj tfw jur amrapiiftg from wats i tu fst i sam ahtnant raa t ta railway rirtfea tha cahar ar win a fr right laavtag aatan an4 po- raadiflg swwft qm cra4a u oaorfa urwn tama 4awn in m unusual hurry it awiaara tha ua anglaavr miamaaaatf tha at ferafcaa fw tunatal tha uaattf vara rtaar m4 by rarafut appljca0n ml tha fca4 brakaa tha train waa ato by tha tuna rt rvacbad tha oega- tuwn atstlon tha pavamaat coataeto-a- win cosnpjat thatr work hr for tha aaaon thatr avafnatru cobpra fv rti y wr my at tt i al ln u d hr wt uar c y of u rda t w i r r ur t t mrjrr h m rspl j eon ng afltr hit rrcrnt opratr mr ui re fyund tak r a ira ut rn- a r t c rge st mr if mtluar n rat a ir lno h i n tn ie or we r g r st j niarklrxk tf rrtharf a har y hlgani fourth foncm on sim gaweya m3 buihi f wrest svl 773 buihr i of jts li n nt tu js and 40 m nue tola 17 6 buil- rs 0 ng to the irreased atend- ance in tse ii gh set oul dcpar ment of the acton arh ral the pur chase if a number of new chairs and tables as been ntrarr t i r o a ll rk i acd the fn rfl jn e ri t r c i ir n w i the maiuands of toronto and won in a tcurr of s 3 ut saurday th s is the place that acton hoped to occupy at the beginning of thr sea son the increasing business of r nube has required addit onal help and mr t e young waa engaged a accountant and salesman in the store back in 1937 tm flm tt imh f tw rraa t tort a f baaii bar an a farm ownaj by oanali camgtimll ne uoffal vaa barnatf la tha grwund ttt mitrm arop af har au cram waa aat hut no livaatacii in tha aprlng af diu raa tha farm h4aa ati tha iiat proparty was 4mrf4 by fwa baliava it m mm tha cdjiar had faah atrawbarrtaa tm 4uwar tua4ay ut maahttt vouag ft baa planu af tha cvarbaar ng typa in hit gafr4o which ar promise ng fraly uf raabttt w forma ua tha ptaat baa baan tr- ing eontinaoualy ataa jiwsa tha opmimg 4 tha aaw y hi f a rarraatban an4 ehsb raaan was ufim hy many fnait4a aiu bers of tha aaaoctataaa rlarhartl ftharp altaa o- grant j orija wil aca rna 1a gtaalpb anal atat af tmmry polira tvtirt tha waak sharps iua4 a rtatt m ftts hi aatam ptting to xm wapaa frcas a ac lawaaaasrll h rarer v4 gli ara4 caah fa us rm x 4 in aia axtan atabra ma wm a ivtr th forgrry srgm sa p eourt u- actum thj sftriwa y r fr t yn t1 a4 o rswr n j i tt m it r t i aaa 0r g i j rjr t f t t herva n jg fc f t- 1j 1 a 4- od 3 rga a r u m astvd-r- ad or twsvla r4 g t f 2fl a g rr v law c vjualion scr xil atl c aj- sjr jt tr j k ty tr- saul bad e r oritur ng from lr sky by wa h crass iideprar t can- 41 1 lia oa ta tih to bt tha rr i i 4 rr cried oi in ti i r di almoa ended up in dajtff turadaj afternoon two of ie tuadron of fiva t nt g lt in f f g and were furred u land a few mile aouth ot l t it nam w y ao ding a crack- up doe tu the muddy condition of the fie d good prices were realized at tha sa r of horses on monday of it a kasmusjrn the animals brought as high as 4m7 yearlings average 70 each there seems to be quite an active demand fur horaas professional directory and travellers guide hnbckllanbout dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in srmon block ua mill st k- aetoft off ce fhooa reatdaoca ll church st e phona iso dr d a garrett physician and surgeon ctrfer of willow and river sta tntranre rier street rum ontario hone 23 x dr robert b buckner phiaiihaa ane siireaon 39 wflhnaton stjaclon ont ihinr ot9 otica hours 6a pjn ctl eetatk and dgrxanck f i wright m wilbur st acltin ontario ptionr- as appraurr krai katata anil liuuranca wm r bracken insurance agincy mill slrrrl ts in m kra sjsr ossctm krttmaiol j bert wooo insurance agency utt tnd qeearal inaurakx himj ms im mill st aflrr hours ta 4j9so curlph bantal dr h ieib rsental suraia lrcirnr mill arid rxlrrlck stjaau lira am to pnv lont 1 actoll rumley funeral home photvrcm nlaht or 4ar duc e shoemakar mgr cxive ha lampard atcu ikt taachcr ot plaao acton btudio bv albini pariah jlall 14 park avav oukuph tuaadav onlr rioor ta jll orrical e i buchner ro optometrist mill st c phona 111 office hour waaasadara 110 cm urn cvrninaa by appoinunaot avbittno accounttno ieveb i hoskin caaruradv accoueubia si main st n hi kiel st w brampton toronto 1 ihonra ol 1ojj sm 4 111 earl c black b coraaa it i a ca chartered accountant rarmars midi 1s main st mlrlon oat xa aasai walter h popt certlflad public aocotmunt chartarad o jo main bt 8 oauraetoaro oat tr tawr tiavilutr otnm gfiay coach lines coacsks lbavi acton owliabt saalas time anunaw lrt 5iktiala 8unuav lxtoe till ittjt amttiurh stohoul llftl tun 4acramant of tha lord a ttuuii too lim- kvaiiliia wurshlli ttldasr ochibar t r m lliipar- alorv ttrrvu acton mnttcoltal hv yufa jlil rinpakmmex3iitotattainii y ijrrrrigaavwre t caoksltalullanamw it 103t 7lv pmstulh fricn wr 1 1 ana iluuih laraate 1 thi anoucan chuich of canada nt alkaaa ctntrifc aiuk oat ilrv ivn ii julus ra uth ltnlui ids jclfroy st trl ms wnixvy oitohkh illhi 1hh iihiniiy xvtl oil anr iii lhii iuihi of anilli- i an tlimttim ciiriuiralo hurarv flim k wlilkmillul in tvufh rii avcn soma changes hain t me ft a autumn again soma of tha birda arv aeltina raady lo migrate kuuth rut if think in looking hak me can still weather a can adlan a inter uith the aid of mod rrn ctmieiuncra oe a j bocmanan tdtntal akirgeon office sa mill street office maura t are te a em closed wednesday aftf telephona 14s id am foally aai holi fim sea p m c33 pi 0 01 pm isua and hau a m foally aacept sun aca ait am 11lfam ut set p m us p m all pm waatbeuna ian injur aia tjt s lioai mnmiiiiiiin nod breakfast j a in chun illloa cum faal it a in- chun h school and llllila clast emul amvlleilmiera classes ll6bamtmiral ciimmunlun i ii jin holy bapltim uoncuc om icpl halulon ea up to two tftchas fn diameter buffeted this tlatricl in a stortri that cut a twain several muea lde roofs ware dtrnagad and many artnderwt broken by tha tteak atorm c f leatheriano q c barrister a solicitor notary public office hour 1000 anvls00 am 1 00 pm tbo pjn saturdays br appointment only office b phona rat 191 acton a braida b a am iui siai m frgl txi pm tj7 pm 1j pa llzn fisi canadian national railways standard solicitor jtotary publle ilph ont dally st

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