Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1957, p. 12

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tf aden iw tn oetour 3rd 1s7 27 ontatqo counties represented on tour through eastern- states sunday of last week uw soma 40 un people tram tl disf erant oatartel eounuee off on their wekkjour to um easier united 9 finalr itinerary includes vihb tv washington and other points otnateraet in that area also to hew york city whsra one at the many hifhllfbta will b a visit to united nations headquarters una jean blrtvof gaorfatown r r 1 and oeoce r qreaaleea campbeuvlle r b i ere tha tro delegsles from halton county alia bird whoa trip u sponsored by the llalton district women a in stitutes won her award in coni neetlon with h homatnabwr work cearge greenlee la the wionar of the hamilton spectator award which was baaed on activ ity in 4f club work junier fanner activities leadership ate john butler associate agricult ural represemst ve of renfrew county is the kader of the group and airs mabel bo gstrom home cconomlit for llalton and peel counties is the chaperone zebra caterpillars present in halton ourtns the past two weeks we have suffered an outbreak of zabra caterpillar inthia county they balona to tha cutwormfamily but their feeding habits are mora like the leafeating caterpillars tha zebra caterpillar apparently les -cruclfers- particularly turnip they have aiao attacked ttanatoe and gladioli our entom- ajoglsl tells us there are two broods yaar this past week in a turnip field new campbauviua there were both amau and large cater njllara pre indicating an over- ttpping of broods the larer oaas er about two inches in length tha zebra caterpillar is eiwrer- eftaad by longitudinal yellow strip es alone hoth aides of the fvonn ik addition they haw fainter yal- liw markings around the body which gives the worm lis name zabra aodordlng to prof h w ooble os tha oajc tha control in tur nip timid la u spray or dual with oa of the f olio wing it per ovat ddt emulsion i quarts ta tha acre s a par cant djt wetubla powder 9 lbs to the ace these materials are applied with the quantity of water tha par ticular sprayer applies to the acre or if the grower prefers dusung than the application is 23 or jo lbs of a per cent ddt dust to the acre according to prof coble paras itism wss evident on zebrs cater pillars found in a turnip field near paris on september la thus they will not necessarily be prevalent axept in the usual small numbers in lool george greenlees to represent halton oeorge r- oraenleae of camp ballville r r 3 was selected as one of the eight 4h agricultural club delegates from ontario to at tend 411 club weak at the royal winter fair each county in ontario has the plvilege of nam listing a delegate so 11 is no small honor to be sel acted as one uf the eight 4 m aa rlcultursl club delegates to repre sent ontario in addition george will repres ent ontario on the junior council t national club week ma nt swimmers montreal cp clsudctte uathurin 10 was recently honored as the 1 000000th bather at th cltys swimming pool on sic uf ns island opened in 1bu the pool was used by 104 cm persons in its first yrar and by almost 313000 la ibm surefire combination child and one match join acton citizens band advanced musicians or beginners welcome ary to hav your un initnunkit for further information apply atuatwm hall wednesday evgs 100 pit reliable taxi lamo bhmkhib mew 430 immmmmmaaammimm t cew mil tjiiilfi ttibq1 ulikifc mwmi lacombe boars to be released the canada department of ag riculture announces that approx imately so boars of tha new la combe breed will be sold this fall for commercial swine production canada the method of draw has been chosen as the fairest way of distributing the limited number of boars svsilable the deadline date for receipt of completed ap plications at lacombe alts- was monday september jo and the fin al draw will take place at 200 p m on monday octobe- 7 frankly we can t help but won der if the introduction of this new breed will contribute anything to the improvement of bacon quality in canada tha canadian york shire has been our predominant bread in canada for a goad many years in that breed we have outstand ing individuals some of medium quality and still others which can only be considerwd of inferior con formation in our experience the same holds true of all breeds of livestock consequently we csn t help but wonder if the introduct ion of new breeds of swine in this county will in the final analysis be a retrograde step we hsvr followed the progress made in canada with large eng lish whites land sec and cross bred uf these two breeds and wj are yet to be convinced that they are superior to our canadian york shires from the standpoint of quality of bacon tuc hybridation of corh poultry etc has made a worthwhile contribution but let us not forget that in most instances the parent stock has been kept pure this crossing of breeds does pre sent possibilities of s better market host from the standpoint oi vigor rate of gala etc- but if we keep these cross bred gills as breeding stock just where sre we going to end up perhaps ws are just plain old fashioned and too slow adopting new ideas but until see an impocmcnt in quality of baron result ing from these new brreds we are quite prepared to let someone else do the experi menting war prisoners helped build lumber centre brule alia cp escapades such as a german prison- of wsr doctors 150 rmle trek on s stolen horse are among incidents recalled by resident of this community site of a prisoner of war camp du ng the second world war brule a hamlet at the foat ofhe rocky mountains 130 miles west of 7 edmonton became a booming lum ber town after 340 oerman prison ers were trsnsferred here from the lclhbrldge camp in 1m3 the prisoners who hail volun teered to work in lumbc ramps for m cents a day were divided into three groups snd assigned to plsning mills those who esc sped tnvarlsbly wandered back to camp after a few days or wees in the surrounding wilderness the doctor a young german was well liked in bule he was credited with saving the life of an seed indian who was dying of tuberculosis later when the doc tor disappeared he travelled for two weeks ove mountain trails then riding the same horse he reurned to ramp three other prisoners spent most of one winter at nearby jarvis lake in a log shark so well con cealed that one t appcr who had been in the area for years hud to be shown the cabin before hr knew it existed even now covering of moss the prisoners placed on the roof provides excellent camouflage for the cabin the germans left olhe iuuun- irs including a model of tru t i man bstlkxhip scharnhurst tar ed by a prisoner and presented to a lumber camp foreman it s still thee in the foreman s home patches of red cloth hanging from trees snd bushes sre other traces left by the prisoners who discarded the identifying marks after the wsr a few of the es- prlsonrrs returned as displaced persons and immigrants to li the brule area people buy the free read and read the free buy press press i tips on touring i i a r 1 1 i a trove awstoriry did you drive tha last mile home from your vacation with the disheartening thought that it would be another year before the nest one half of tha pleasure you gat from a good vac ation is in reliving it after you re home so doijt tuck all the souv enirs away in a deep dark close it s s sure wsy to get the- post- vacation blues you can beat the blues by orgsnlxing family pro- jccu in make you memories last get the children buly pasting up post cards they collected to hsm in their rooms encourage them t- make a scrspbook of matchbock covers menus brochures snd pict urea they accumulated a map d awn in the front of the scrsp book with sll the places visited doer i y marked and colored will add to its attractiveness that ex tra shelf in the bookcase csn be used to display the shells rocks pine cones and other items children love to bring back many schools have show and tell classes where each youngstr relates what he did vacation the scrspbook will t child to become the best travel lecturer in hi class telling fish stories will be easier for dad if the big uae uiat dldn t get away is mounted and hung on the wall as proof the movie or slide projector should be kept in sn access ble place so it won t be a chore to show films taken oa your vac st ion your china closet will be the envy of the bridge club if you make part of it a show case fcr cups pottery silver and figurinsi you purchased mske lsbels fo- your souvenirs by printing on place cards the nsme of the shop and the city where you purchased each item veteran tratper chilltwack bc cp roy clrrnvnta 40 w4io has had a trap pers licence for 31 years says he has caught enough rmiskrats to coat more than iso women between lqoo and 20 000 muikrata are caught in trie r raacr valley each the hotti r the fire your head ihould be zj oexwooo anniversary service held in local church the 0th anniversary of tha prasbytcriau church in tha village was held sunday morning and ev ening with large congragauona rev o lockhart royal of norval was guest minister his ministry was much enjoyed and be cautioned his bearers on religion which is practiced in a mild sort of way and jiaj become a 4 usury because people are liot conscious of sin in addition mr leckhart asked is our faith equal to dally living men do not work at their religion but allow others to carry the burden of the ministry and had no chrntisb seal special music was contibulej by the choir and in the morning ser vice msrtln bauer jr contributed a vocal number members of the eden mills congregation we e pre sent at both services in the evening mr lockhart had as his subject mission to the word snd the choir rendered more mus tc spprop isle to the occasion mar tin bauer jr contributed another vocal number including a quartette number by albert gray james mune manin bauer sr and son martin jr the front of the platform was decorated with chrysanthemums with a few rueea in a side window the weather wss ideal for all ser vices th oughout the dsy harvest festival service was held sunday afternoon at bl john s church with a good attendance kev e ii jones conducted the service the interior of the edif ice was decorated with products or the soil snd on the altar was a loaf and gtspee symbol of wtna and bread muves munro and dalian who hav bean conducting evangelistic services in tha town- hall during tha past month sre concluding their mission this week their suy in the village has been vary wel come but one thing is evident in sttendance so few of the village people have been present while many from outside points hae come mites to attend the executive conunittaa meet ing of rock wood and eve tun branch bible society was held in the basement of the preebylerun church mr charles h its- rts president opened the meeting by reading the potlon of scripture dealing with the parable of ihe sower followed by prayer by rev george moore mr ross gdedun seeeetay gave the minutes of the last meet ing routine business was drslt with and canvassers were eapouit- ed for the fell collect tun of funds to carry on the work of the bible society at large miss 1rs i ham ilton was appointed aa treasuier for ihe liicsl society at the r in clusion of the meeting mr harris led in prayw in connection with e amosa township sunday school convent ion leadership training srhoo or ganised some time ifu the cutirsu commenced lsst wedneaday even ing in the sunday school hall of the united church with a good start the course will continue weekly til early in november knux anniversa y visitors mr and mrs arnoa shoemaker ac ton mr and mrs robert ciofi and fam ly toronto ir and m s fred croft kitchener mr and mrs thos mallby pusllnrh mr rover mark eden mills m and mrs wm moure orion m snd mrs mccullough aberfoyle missionary council hold fall meeting ant urs k raid wss raajaetad vicepresident mrs ian roma was elected secretsry traaaurar and ms percy barker was re elected tha woman s missionary coun- i laadwr of tha pioneer missionary ell of the acton pentecostal as- action girls with mrs o swerl sembly held thai- september appointed her assistant meeting at the home of mrs isn prepsrstions were made -egard- bowl bowl for ploasuro bowl for hoallh open bowting saturdays acton bowling lanes pkotto 67 10 main si ross main st the presidsot mrs harvey horton presided over he meeting officers were elected for the yar 19076 mrs itsrvey norton ltmehouse ing the mlsstonsry boxes to be sent to both the horns and freign mission fields best home insurance simple fire was reelected presid- prevention my life insurance man did a grand job for me ed ati talk over the hack fence unt shoo i sport or politics of tele vision programs very uflcn it ahoul wh vital things a luolmg after the family and having enough money lo re l ire on your life insurance msn is well equipped to solve lhee problems lie is trained to anstyve all he facts about a family future require mcnls he serves t snsdisn families hy offciing praokal plant to meet individual needs life insurance represent at ivrt have etcrptionsl raining opportnnl tics lodsy their own companies provide ttiem vuh bavk iouivci covering a wide vaiicty of suhfeits through the life llmlciwiitci amkutton of cantj lhr hsve aiicss to the cipciierkc ol many able men w ho hnvc helped to mske c snadians the wot id bcsl inmrcd people i his avmkiilion has a 2 year training program lor its members and in adilithwi for those who desire to pursue more iilvanttd studies there is a t year university citcmlon ccwirv loiiing to the asuautton designation of chartered i ife undtrwrilcr id this thorough training plus puiikul eipcncnie in helping people ciplalns why millions of i anadians have welcomed the services of the modern life underwriter the life insurance companies in canada acton radio tvs service radio tv and flactrkal appiienca tafsairwcj trsde fnqulrlrs invited all work done- by qualified iladlo lnginecr 24 hour service 736w i b vou aw vooa sasav tavaso t tm esa 4 ma uimcuitoamiy m ws usaio vou tavwol ws imou or own t to mug progress costs money in the money to fiiunca progress contcs out of savings so when tu save joure makinjt things bctur for your elf by providing the money tor mora good for all of us mara rhpaa fd ra why u ptty tav you build jtmirsclta nest egg for tha furor you help finance more production and maka higher earnings possible you help to leap the value of your dolur up and tka la ato amy wy ka tmv with th bank of nova scoliss cxclustv psp personsj security rrogrim it gives you instalment saving in easy pay ments combined with truursnea protectioo oa yoas ue ask about the asodera way utav at yeuf bcaresl beak of noah scorn brands tke bank of nova scotu l bntt wma ut rria k hi u un tkaoi u mr aaua brmaak w a wmbwk lluafw better by far because its gas fully automatic home heating a freo sarvico a trained sorvicomon on duty 24 hours a day ovory day a less xpansiv than othw typot of fuel a tka cleanest hoatmg fuel a no fuol dotrvory problems a ab gas equipment is approved by the canadian gas association and the canadian standards association a only gas u silent no on or off noisot a only gsfqrners are absolutely free of electrical connec tions operate no matter what the weather budget jertnj ava3abl united suburban gas company limited united qas 27 mill st east acton 695 hiivokahbvou fuuvshuwon mcha3ib wiuih homo waon amp his- only oat wm heat yo0b h0mi coo your food heat watet nt you ctotrtts t eefblqekate burn your garbage and air condition baiter ifaaa cm athw m uhf

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