eightythird yaar no 17 btetttfk snt tt acton ontario thursday october 24lh 1957 eight pegeseven cenlt ontnoino thi uft hand ihate aymbolk of the woutt riendjhlp 10 graduating cutn at ihe going up ceremony are two patrol leaden graduating eercii were held tor a pack of the acton wolf cub latt monday evening in ihe scoot hall centre left to right are cub john creighlon patrol loader bill henry troop leader david peal and sixer jim peal scoutmaitor f simkm left rear welcomed ihe graduating cuba while cubmaiter ron smith etreme right wiihed the parting cubt good hunting finalize new bylaw plan public meeting the aclon planning board re viewed amrndmenu and diarus- rd the land use map before giving final approval oftjagnew zoning byksw at thefmeetmg on tues day planning cimsullanl alan p deacon was preterit as member questioned certain sections of ut by law and made necessary chang es cupn of the by law are being prepared for a public m tiny 10 be scheduled sometime in novmi btr police investigate church st accident corporal iuv msson of the loc al oll detachment investigated an are idem on wednesday at the corner of frederick nd church stnt i inv iving two ears a ca driven by v in yrha of acton proceeding rt on church st struck thr rear rivd of a car dr vtn bv lmruh of tjuclh pnri eding south on frederick st art rdittjjc ti orporal mason ihr ini k h eat had proceeded ap proximately three quarter of the way acriiu the intersection when extend fire protection to townships new fire truck to be provided in area u i sir iviice si ted aipinxmt4tt age 11 both fall mai 1225 ormiratl miaon is jlill litt iling dim- inves council debates treatment plant as 75 ratepayers jam chambers lore than 70 ratepayer were i guarantee there would be of hi uraacnt at the aecial council revenue in the event of curtailed mooting saturday morning when i production o closing of these in- councll decided tn accept the rec dustrtcs you want pick i bit vte could ommendsstinn of the aewer and water rarnnlmte and ased a in olullon to that attect the motion in affect advised ths council of the town of ac idl ttdorse the recommendations of ihe aewe and water committee that no further action be taken on the prpoaed erection of a new in dust rami sewage treatment plant or the extension of the present sewage fartmie for other than domestic sowrsge ur additional in dustrlal affluents thai fall whhln the present plant capibilltie alive to boo count on a corded vote the follow lnj voted in favor g hurbriu f watts s ilrunellr j co v cook and ucputj rrrvr w wd mill opposed were mavor r tlir and hecvi j hargrnve daarawa rrejael a discussion followed thr nil minion of thr aewer nd water commlttri rtnort with councillor g barhcjiu opening thi pr vreed ing bv expn ting two thing ir important to constdi r the mxpmvi is and the ticliinu n nirectmk hi qui stioiv l utk rhstirmiin of tin walir and sower iiinmului mr hacbt no n quested h know thi total ctwl f tht projut a rwl thi tot il mini il coat i thi ch u m m informed mr itii beau thil his figures wan bavrt strictly on the retort submitted bv h v anderson i nginet ring e on suit iint ind tin figures wi ah itrnrv couneillor llulhui akd 1 1 k j mcg kiiu if hi ctuild uu m r ikuii u iigtint t h in tht chrk tpliwl hi ctnitdn l a di iwti irwe rcgardm tin ronfusion ot un uidutfi tht prov ed dim utmnnt of the w 11 mu on chui chill koad in thi ixtunt mint mor tlw inmitid out thi witt di i lopnunt hid iitlmi di with tin imluitiiil wik tunt hi rt m licit tl tint thi toi uki of w u r i- ktt kll oi the town m pi uvti n thi fikuu of an lk mil jn irease in t ixatioit aa arnwt it in mr v ikik explanation of ihi tcttm itot iiwu and maw i i v li i ntwvi if m lauim f inn ttu m dualrx had bvt ll taki n into ci aide rat kn leek x plains kltoauon thi ilnk ixiuimm thi w it i conmimp ion of tin p til ilai t nun plant and ttu m iiu1itr thi m w vl t winild lonsunu s04mw0 k illonn of wattr pr d txplauiad thi vleik and out of thu immxki k l w u d b n cfculjtwl through their iw inv svstem v ith th rnmink iv beiig prvvimid with a bod eount ot hx paru per million continuing his explanation th clerk atud luantlmor wmiu nllllre tnatnit nt of 3lxtlxx k there ts none said the ctrk just a study of estimates hut bear in mind noted the clerk tbe puc looks after the maintenance of a disposal plant councillor j coy remarked there had been no maintenance coau included in the rcfmirt ollars c wr ho mr ooy asked why whtn the p sasnt plant had baen a as is n ad tu nay for hself ft had not ahown any aurplua the clerk eaplained that the deficit had been reduced enth ar and last year a surplus might have bern shown had the towns pi ing project not caused thr puc ti iwrtmrnu to do 10 vi art work in on councillor oy remarked that thi population had mi eased ap in xlnuiti 1 2ft ht cent since the ifwt til li n ot the prtaent plait and if n venue increased in pro portion to the services sold he piimiit plant should be arnting w tt 1 1 a surplus mr gtv asked the rltrk if tir ixttmmns tntrrferd with tht cos of om ration th lit i k n minded mr goj hi it if iirvtcr hud n t ihii in st illetl m thi two subdivuuona it w old pmstbu b runninc ti lt at he pointed out that 72 lots in thi tlrn i i vrbdliston and 10 v it ml loli in un laakewew sub division sirmvcd wen not nro- viding an reimn taate watar i c iim i lor w cook nuirud wh an intimated iixixx gallons it w iti gettink into tht wa not in ms xud for and was unwind b thi ma or atatmg tin nk ihiikliik stp- ak k k tnr l main mi c ihk it marked that some- thiitk munt in wronk with thi in jiiuir fikures whtn his rt pirt hoafc- total of jwooti gallons uf w tti used and kxuxxj gallona en u i uk ttu s w aki disposal phuu thi it iv ttmix gul ions not ai 4 ounlitl o pan tor tlu iouihillor tatd k v niti mm abould b asked to am tint hie figuris tlu i irk iimrtid tlu rifcuie wen not th tat of tht inr net r but tluvm tiki n from tlu mrtt s and thirl at iht pumphoiim lounctllor uc rvnvtirkid thtt it u poaib i nomimut i tapping a pr iw supu into the lint ae tlu t juit mitmd mifchn hiki 1 hi mavor r minded mr livti tlu p wibiht had not bei n ovir- looked and was bt ing checked uniiuor gov renvarked that h chance choose mr lwc staled get ten industrie if them half a millu n c tinulnsi hr remarked know more at ut tht rrsdarea atetter at ihii ilnt the mayor produ hi lette rnm csnada packers and signed by j d wads worth out lining thr p ultr processing plant and stating tht conpany s deaire to hove sewage and water ser ices not later than uy 1 lot as th lajt six months wers the peak season the letter pointed out chat 150 would be employed snd sr company would occupy ont third of the building we should maki up our mm 1 w hrthrr wi are intcn med in h iv ing indust t keeji thi t w n h opli emp oviit remarked tin m f the sh the new rep- rla hia qu itc sue lit put the osrtion af t r from couit hr eniptraned th lirm in an i kwid p reirivtng p rmawuon cil councillor cixk it plied inrss petrilr who n kotliitt municipal bodin an aw uc ion can bi rt icinded j gov stated thev mu not information thin wr it would wim thi htvi bttn fully niitiitd bi tlu hikht i ti he rttirred to thi or k nal motion retpin ng ippnuiil of the o w it c uid o m ii before proceeding ta negouaia fartllvt a mi li m vts tibled readink counih aipoinl a c unmittct to nigotkitt with thi companus con- ctrntd rt tin installation ot si w agx diap vsil pi nit and that said ask for gifts for new school j m huist rtmii nt ii 1 fls committti m iienmu sen nil committee have been irviful in obtaining many ais fart ry gifts for the school it 1 our dciirc to ive as many as possible of the f nner pupils of uiss m z bennett lha opportun my of coming forward to jtar donations slated the chat man tt was further pointed out by mr hurst anvone wishing to don uti miiiii v or t lei i one of tht in in c ft on the lint can contact anv membt r of the committee t miniiui p ninnu n nrr joe hiiih1 hi rman t rueli r and li rg high aiaif miafo hanoino thi queent ricturi are w middleton e smith and j murtt at fho new m z bennett school thj picture it one ot many donated to the school through the effort of ihe special gtflt commiltee prendent j hurt repprit thai donatons can tlll lc yvon by con tactmg any of the following committee h fruetet g hagget and j hurst 80 at meeting vote to build church chinch buildif u t hi c i xtin hiwi unitd tin fathi h tu wla i v i ini don hhlt 1 i n uhalf f his r who i m nil ring chairman gave thi stati m nt regarding the plidhts and building fund alt lng chairman of the build mrg commiltee g the committees nr1 and rrciimmi niljimi ai tol lovtk ir t mil btsk net n i i h ill be illiiik lh sewer lines negoti larlitsl conveni i all mimbt n c hinitllor low anted nut oled l pi at tlu fav nh m i mr i owi mikgiated to tlu r tlmt tht diltkitons of rittpav i- nieeent bt allowed t spi ik at the nutmnk ti when thi m ivoi replit 1 tht imtitiih was for a apthtfir purpt e ind no drlik iti t s wm bt ink hi i d hi u dried to a mi inm ai ihi uknmng of tin nueting tothix tffeit m ui pi nt one of the dtlt g- ates inlt rjeititl but as rt fust u a v uu bv tin mas or a dirthtr motion i ihli d utatitii ttu committi t to meet u ith thi tnduru in olvtxt rc- hohum an extra hour id seder ta gain hark 1st haers alee asasiy eaaaptaiasad shoot isslng laat april dat fargat ta tare back ttsa clacks this bands officially ika tlase chajkfca at x aas handay nsanung bat esa dosbt saaaty rlocka will take a backward ate a on katarday ev cnlng royal star gray elect new officers the r v il mar gra hrld tht ir i lit won of offici r it the mca lant ridav i u nilk tin iw if tin in ilt i ted wire pit mdi nl munav smith secretary aiiinw km x ir krwm chairman n rman smith mi n tn rslup chair m in c arnu n wimklturn tin club met ts r cjdav t enink md plan nianv pnjicls for ihi c un nt season i as tdbs aunai taj imini tht m ii i lu i u ii ink i wi r it in t il md i ni t thi r mint r n jwiii ii di oik as m t n it duildink lund sht old ih c ntinu tt in mi uitm nut whin funds ph v uliblt in as sin rt timt ai ptkmbli the new chuuh should be n tt plilid tlu i upaiim n and i iiiuliiik etc tt i uld n it bt drop md mr i nk kvt tht bnakdiwn if i u idnik nt vfchuh toulleil w2 ihkf timt w as t- til in tht com i iittt i anrwiriiik qtitstions una r pl lining ui lii 1 to thi mi mbt is going going going gone local industry closes doors ait n i ad i al i th un tl u vtk im h 1 i id do ifi i wn ni nplmt any w t k wl r ta kmi i t and ruin naliings plant wnil on tl the former plsnt ing corp i hi n w rn bin ma hi si pliiddi is mi t uttibtr auitlon bio f the wool t nrpb aitn thir i s wrtghink t kii s mil pulli t mi tun is an i n a ii h i tint and i tl h r that at n i 1 uu nt tot i whst h ad i iut i ait in 1- well m tht hivit tanr from all ihrtj f f un t i an 1 lt unitid sulo a thlitv ptttfr ilalt uui had lcrn distributed giving details of the machlnei y available for ii 1 1 ul uu nths loads oi machmiry invi h t n shlppid di s tu id f i r k f i um in th t ti i i iik i mis tht 1 1 tht t quip n i nt n sal in at t n an tht items n in in tin wl ih lad to bt rltarid i n aki i h in f r utiv forthi r oc i ipiiny i tin hi hi iy building panel discussion on discipline delights parents at meeting i am i 1 assih m nthli mond i 1rni im iled h nnt ti n hi id tht ir nutting in the u it bcrt i iltli m nmg hi r rt nit nl lb c adams i pt n d tin mitt ink with i short divotional pet lod ht c i pm le furmir pastor of th churrh thankid tht committee dr thiir i n hnin sptnt in pn paring thi ir it ports fin by dunt foryt l to change il h ka in the wet kend aiter a lohk drv ptriod atvpear to be gttttng uu tha ram nnw ih nt sutid minutiv f thi p meet ng win n id by tin nrv mrs j w wolfe tli nm i d n p ut w is- i- tre isun r ttori h ug tl a nt w atovt hid bun punhi id and lntilud in ui new m 7 lb nnotl school from tht asoci t ion mrs f iklkia introduced iht i intm piml distus disciplini honlr u mdr ilor han v killv vice- priidint of kelly and sons latd gutlph gerald wright chief in nate c iluckner i firm inslitut w irt m uhill i ih aid dr att n panil on nibci iviragt il ild hair kind y md c nisi givis the t h id a m dm at a youiikiter w ml to be accitid i i social gr up ht w is in toll iw ing thi ruh ationi imposixt on hm llixid sotu tv ir ducknii howi v id tin ripnsvw al enforctd d wn ng kind i sticnirthi n my utei latiis hi u lk th it the 1 kis discipline c insistent c mlr 1 i f minrttv vi rv in it h ii ruber of a i ku d mi i and rt g il by uui i iv fo lowing a commillea raport and recommendation acton coun cil approved a new agreement with the uiwnihia u sll c- uesing anl nassagaweya for fro pnrtettion at a apecia meeting on wedmsday evening mayt r f tler reporting fo ihe fur committee told the coun cil of a meeting monday evening witli the thiee townships he slated they agreed to provide a new fiie truck to te housed in ac- hi in mtcirdancc with spec if lc al io iu requested the litwnsliipa agreed tu pro- vidt a in w fi e truck and house it in alton at cording u hie specific- all jus of the fire chief fire mar- ha 1 and the ft e committee not ed the may r in m porting ihe mayor pointed ut thr tow nt hip were willing to pay iuu per call with no atandty fte and to provide a new truck thii agnemeiit was fur the term of three years until the truck wu paid fur the muyi r retnarketl that the town was jetting another piece cf etpjrpinctrt m the area which was a step in the right direction and suggested the council accept ihe committee recommendation all wt havt to do is man it and hiun it iwted the mayor sit i xpsnset a t paid for by live town ships councillor j goy being assur ed there was nw expense incurrod by the town aald we dldn i get wr asked for but by tha same token it u a step in tha right direction cuumil resolved to extend fira- fighting t tin townships at the late of 1s0 per uall until tha liuik is purthassxj snd dallvarsd at w hioh timt a new agreement will be signed at ui rate of flox pt r tall with a now truck pro vided by the tuwnshrs itt cvt j hargravr chslrmsin of the roads tummlltee was given approval to ordt construction of a piece i sidewalk iso ftet kins o revises a broken portion oa liow- er avtnui f9rrnncille w cook asked th road rumen n tea clastrman what had bt n decided about the f re hyd anl at the corner of mill and willow streets this hydrant had comi up fo- disiussion at d iff en nl limes in count il and the general feeling was lh hydrant was too ctose to tl i turner and inijectvd out two fir on thi roid 1 he possibility of installing a urb around thi hydrant o s curb of sand bagi wits suggt sted doth suggiationa were dropped in favor of deleting one parking space from the marrst point to the hydrant in order to give ample room for a i ca to drive in and out without kinking the hydrant f discussion arust un the price f i licetisi for a f xl sirvica to industru i r mi ntu n nl 1 in hi itn up me and innt ol might intiaociat hr kht tie d 1 1 1 i ing continued on page rite gurd iik industrial a col n mavor mm1 w cthk j guv xai to be tvler ste vil- and j ip rovixt bv all of coumiho s ahn ed tht dars ot d putvreeve be placed on th wilaon utvd cminnllor barbeau tlkit it tht industries wen to pull out tht taxpayer would be bur dened veith the coat of the new in v mint plant we all realize lht eventually ii industrial sewage plant will be netcmutrv stated the coune llor we t hi m t m w tt wllh the t eepii cihik and low i prtmou to passink of the mot ion mr lowe reeiutstcd hi name list and asked councillor g aponsor of the motion if it would be allrig t cthiniilkir goy cmphticall den ied h im h is request sut mg tht- b gkt r the committee ttic blwci the sehmcaxle the meeting adjourned at i- 40 ions of sewake the clerk ertla nesd th it prifcent and continued b reinarktns prevatluig atcs eu the beardmure should get together uh the in- 1 plant showed an annual rental duatries and the water resources j rate baaed on 300 000 gallon of commission and discuss the fin- watcr would be tllwo therefore ancml dcuik i the new plant would be double t wans stated approal of m that amount to coer water and govs reonirks srwrr renval making s total of oo lowe staled w soco gili a total revenue of should ask what tpe of indusuv 33000 it u then u no need to crp this new industrial arwage di- jn tpe we should pick and pt piam ksed on trjrse ftaures chouac what wc wan a plained the clerk repreeenu anj mayor jler reminded mr lowe u 1 remember correctly your big beef at the beginning of the- yaar was why didnt wefo af ter uidugtry ind now you have the annual payment of iteoop on the debenture issue for the town ovvr 10 yarrloti councillor burbaau asked still mystery suawve4lsa eeatunue tke wraps at tike prevtasja aiu t tk fuitk ef heatreaj bet wtisl type ef viaslaaas will eceepy tke belldlng eessains to date mystery tebtrdy ttewju ap- paere tbal a asealern atavre freal is baiav inaullad and reports have it that a new fleer will be lali uul uretat dews will ba bricksd in varietn fvmark are preealettt wukes eaftaite eeaflreutlaa freav uw mar u ralul piri chiw j niwton point put thp working nwchniim 1 fireman played hott to the cubt showing film and i dmoa- o the acton fir trudt to thernany cubl lhat were guetu of tratadtechniqueioffirsv 0109 kimt 7 cud the fire department in th fire hall latt thursday evening i were entertained to a two hour program including lunch the clirk noted ih it under tha hawkers and peddlars by law the fie for a lu i run was 100 per year and asked what sate to cha iv fur thi balance uf the yeor spiuox- imattly two and a half monttj council agued to have the hr- tnr fit at u fur the balanc ot the vtar couiiell member were provderl uiti a etrjiy of the acton proced- iral by taw for yirusal af er whiih tlu clerk td s copy uf tna ixindiis bylaw fur comparison members resf erred to varioui ll- i mi in both by laws but decide j that no dvfinite decision could bj reached thnt evening regarding al tering their own by law the may or suggested that each councillor receive a copy uf both bylaws plus a copy of a drift from the department of munierial affairs bvfore the next nu cling after discuss khi ut the next meeting a committee is to bo formed tu discuss the matter and bring back recommendations to coune il count il adjourned at 8 s3 firemen play host to acton wolf cubs about 71 members of the acton wo f cub packs last thursday converged un rho acton firo hall for a two hour dernonat atmn of ire fighting techniques sponsored by the acton tire depmrtment at 7 pm kirc chief j newton showed the early arrivals the tire fighting equipment and demon strated the handling uf the fire truck the child eh adjourned to tha meeting mom wheres the firemen had hlsatra to act the cuba during the two ortehour movie films shown firemen further demo the resuscitation equipment and donned the amoke masks for im children wnfiifa dateling ft knayay hfa men provided m bounufui lunch of hot cfoieolate and booklet jar the jteited grovp of cuba -jittk-