th artowff thwvlay octobf 34tt 1957 ibm halton plowing match prize list indicates competition to be keen saturday of this waa will halton lutla intacnatumat in mi aw tag on tv aarm wf mae alaxandar ux loui cunrraauui of eajuauig judging by th prise list whkei is now available ran- paltuun attould be in keenest tit aars thank l tha interaas and ganerusily of many individual arai firms thrvmighout the count and alaawhara uu- malum aaritiwi m iu fen rig r lai the teat tt i- list in she haslory uf 11m- organ a uoti ttw ernl lr irw ttuliiv oaaa for whtrh tt donor provide sws in raah awards u rrtoflnad uiu vrmr in the tfittrtilofa from lit i mini v of ha ion traatdent c1 luadliead and hi- fellow esecotiv rmwi nav da p wide spa i iim f i malum con i lanta under veara v tin trarttva an- ithrr rlut eiminiird llallontaiia t mir open tt ti tor iivuitld plows at tat ltrt or four fuittaw t ailasr te fi l ilvra the warda ofteied t nl hbo tin judge of ihr da will tl winfrtn ttntlm ra rf mhfvill and tje llwtiawaei j kiulwiit ou ihr rufgwa and halton a own t j tlrirv nrtdgr imi the laatns r the rtinf will etu luda wuh a iihui4 i tha ranga hull at himiuir wttrtc m olrffu d r wale mill i i in kurd speaktr l hher im iifrmnidr ill inrluda imiiimk i me haitian a mil j aumlitih male piai ira in slim i v illi favoi aide i athei hallim ibvi mat ii on tbrtoiarr mlh should 1m uttl ii 4 iih afttixurd fo i i ui tint mean uiuy mali hea one id farm work advanced on halton farms tka wanhir conditions tha latter nal of luptavnhrr and tha rj part of ort4rr have roniri ttiisrd mud in liar fa t that fa t work la farthar ad arwrd than in aaan rr ln tnr fraal majai il f hajinn farm th a l tnw dawn fujml and drapmr tn fatt tnal cvuti in ffwrl n4 a iwima orop rntimt of th a air raam t a and in man inaanor mmr addumnal oun rcin tandtni i fail ajnawn- h u dl ahead for ua ttmr n vrar true n the laaatiar aruav tna land la atmung hit dry and hard whirh maka pltming on antnr firda a hit diffi ruil in atari the- mnwiutr 1 to d murad i il h vcrj ri mm on nwwt fanu uaal crk in mnon a tth loard llcnrjr of tfer rld crop branch wr tnadr tha final inapactton crip in ntnnrr tion m ith our paaturr coniprition vith fra rarrplmuu r found the pasturaa in hrttrr than normal condluon for the ttmr trf vrar true aomr of ihr paaturra ft ffatin a tou dr and lacking au uulky but in moat caara the af- tatmath on thr mradowa rrc pro- riding appaixing mcala thia ami the ihlrd ina portion tail during tha aaaaon and wr rant help but wondar u anmc of our farm orra ton who have flau or at inca aranx miaaing a be in a great manjr caara auch irrai are pretty much blue graaa and crda ft ith thom tree etc taking xaawaaion yat when one area what juiimr- kajr has done at the ualdrn i arm h mahaa one wonder at maiden farm soma jo or 35 aeaa of flat hawa bavn rwauntd and irre- apactlwa of what time of year one visita thai farm thoae flata are luah and pro tdlng ideal paatur ag in ahorl in our opinion they now constitute the moat taluauh part of the farm in queation who won the iwatue ctmhteli tion and thr halton coop goid watch we dmit know jrt until tha judge acorea are umniarixed but wall announce the winners a 41ttar later faster students given new tasks edmonton cvismart rtiild- rn may ge what u ronun to tham here thu fall a program which will allow faster student to romp etc f u gratdea in thrre- vcara u being triad out in tarkalkn public acctoot pupils in each class are dmdrd into three groupa faan average and slow each works at ht own rata but the faater pupils in grade 1 nuv awn bo doing c wdc u work while the average arc completing grudo i and thr alow re at ill in the middle of it te children art cusstftrd as the teachers brexwne rraih familiar with the wtirk cvparior nf uie pup- ika intelligence teats and obarrt- tn o claas work ae the guidea the aratem u wtrktng out j i ph sllmgton the achoo pnik ipj ay the children now work cln t r d their leeu of ability and are rnore at awse halion girl wins with prize steer no leaa than m ateeit pvttdwa in ihr 441 tins fir judges ed starr the t taim 1 ueatork hranrh and m henrir ilall of ar ilete ha ton a is n mrkay hd thr ham pi mi irr ttthera in the f rat p ife grthip inrludrd john hrphu n of i amj4mlu he and oar mi oarlhthtihr of milt n theae ihier later rttil itrd to w tn the h intrt nt uaa it la aim w rth nf nm- thai evelyn mrka later t wik her ateer to the reserve grand rhanipionahip tn the open mamrt claasra halton ploughboys at international wednesday vf laat week saw some of halton a plnifhbov rff to s n r f r the init nialional in the inrtercounl claaa ilatutn w aa eire nled t rn id llowdrn of milton ilk 4 jnrt ian tavlor of rivl ngton kjl 2 the aaardt in thia rompetm n w i 1 be baaed on a iv hand ng claaa on thur- da and a regular ntttrh rlaaa on r ridtfv the vung mrn in tm tion avrt- ace wtipanied by th r repet e rtahra ttiomaa how den and j sp nn r v ilan other who were in action tn tracio pu w ng itxlndcd jmck h tavlor of burlmit n ft it 2 while in hit luarae plow claaaea llallon waa alao wrtl nd worthily rep tv nttd b tfw ma nroa imin and uovdi of the hornby dti trut t an gajgnna of 4s ararda wwn will be included in our article of m t wek big beef show at erin fair the beef hrecd particuarlv the shurthorru and angus were out in numbers and q ulitv at trln on thankagix ing dm needless to add halton exhibitors were major prize winners th oughout in the a rung shorthorn classes fat u- d herd with manager maurice linker in charge won moat of the irt pnre awards other halton- ina who wee strong rontendrrs throiirhout inc tided retford card- house u ii merrv t c amos and grant campbell in the angus ring jim mcksj of v f james maldn herd and john v i union and son were two of the top contender ag representative to be heard on radio ilmtmueiu ing on saluidiv n tniuiri wli at iz4a n n v hii ag jtep oi tita aaatiriate will im heard weralv o ntation t hwo owkvilh iiro on dov 1 hu erature ahuh w ill h- a new one f r voiua trulv ahou 1 roatih u agtiumuial offite at milton lit oren rat tlinrlt uei of ltilial i iii faint uiklirnte of nor wrm cnaiacm caotl haa ehaartar said daughur drooling ove bar rath- i boy wrm chaiactn book tkeabfmb cau3ary cp davidson oor- den picked out of a pile of di- r atuduuaforamg boy fr end ca ds laft by a departing tenant tha ymu are k in h eyes volum history of scots in can- i aas wt fatter hs kg by joto uutfif gibbon around here any mri i 1 blacken publiahad in ltll now conskleed hu anarartar aaid har fathar a colmctbrs item from tola rlv u a mootl l fittufad hatling with fctoy lala haroll oasat htt tsmm wtllinm jatason following ilia vtli annwartaty safvitai k sm ttfmm fljf taj i tt iikua iowiuimj 4th line lail sunday ha utitv 4h club exhibitors win honors at fair in the 4h jerev ring rnral alexandr of norval had the to jcrwy htifrr calf with keith uli in the en ond apot theae two cilves ahing with that of margaret atexandrr then went on to win tie interliih aw a d for halton agwin it l worthv if n u thai in the open shomr ernest alexander also win the junior female cham pionship on hia 4h club calf del mar lord mervln curtis and ra id iiw rt nc- represented the halton 4h swine club at rnn liljc lyi and mrrvtn htd their gil a in th f nt fne group and that of ivlmar was reserve chum pion of the ahow three member from each of hal ton a three 4 h gra n cluba also esmibiled at f nn out of the nine entries seven we e in the firal lrne grup namilv jvmra alt kens and ted freeman of the ac ton 4h club ernest alexander lynn coulter and john wilson of the oorfatown 4h clisb sgd fugene coulter and dw ight may of the milton club stone church filled for 95th anniversary m ir lli tl- liutti n kia man l nw ulitai rotiith i im i e h aled i la until wtitilvribuiy on sun lav with ll i ivrly at in liuilihng mind h tupmilv for thlti in ii tunc and m jiing at i v k tin ii bull mastiffs aid policemen vanomvmt a v ttmtg7 t a a g j t u a ffa af1 atl r t tt 1 w i 1 i t r a i j a l two till a i 1 teenager at afvru str nf ar tt i mini ajmitn at im hi acrviii r imi niikii waa prepared by ihr 4holr nimlutlid by mrs 1 i1uyd orgioiiat i jtuvle of gorl ii a rurmi r rtwident iaf f amoaa town ship contributed a4lmr vny fl ir nuialc lluill in ihfu the stone cmrrh has a vvunii plact in tin hi jrlv of ihi mendhra of thi t hurrh m my are di an ndunts of thi f lunikis of the church i an rjrln r tnnlding ato m di ar the pr m nt atone edifice bald to hjvt been rtly logs and paitlv frame the ejrhrt records were lost in a fire avume jrsa rgo hm in the hands uf a caretaker tnaatafra have joined uir nu t d liutuwirl im tr for i nal w b and uielr breeder aaya uff ftwjw r no apeiial training iiawvis 1rjc ft it hireder latin livolraa a a id thr fvirk i tit a miaatirfa a e natuiala for the kird imj n rtj 77 atvt- u t j rr of woik drtw ruled rf then hy p j wnri f u t t wa vrf y lei and will rhaae rna kid atian 120t tl ti a t tk t- d jg waa dwtrr yr1 robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly c t llrd phone oueim 1934 st si 0srg squr herb cook painting nd decorating free estimates phone 790w i acton ii 1 jays confirmation service st albans anglican church sunday november 3 at 7 pm th lord bithop of th dio- cm of niagara th rt smt w e stgnall ba td will adminiirer con- flitnmlon and preach tha aamtoh 1 aaaamta si bsaap and ik cainbilalai will sariali ius f fk uivie take notice th parted of daylight savino time for rh town of acton wiu end on sunday october 27 at 2 am this is in conform ty with the surrounding municipalities which revert to standard time at this time t e tyler mayor notice the acton town council ore happy to ad vise all organizations in town that the ser vices of the acton branch of thest john ambulance brigade are available for all public functions contact should be made through mr robert hart 341 orville road giving the brigade at least two 2 weeks notice j mcgoachie clerk yoa cwt o wrwsf witt uw ttft of tayffy jt i thr i r g f ljk j i s- of a jt- t xr x t n opln thir fund fer th fjur vriuyr rip bank of montreal arton brmh f illiam dan iy miutl dliiho with cimdi im ivitt of lllf imci hit how much will the repair bill be iinc or irtrphunc arrii mg and rrpait is one tinuae- hv4d ecnsc that isnt eet ltkclto worrjrvu ou appreciate our quick attention to art inter ruttkms in our armce and the fact that repairs dont alter ur usual monthly bill add to this our constant wrk on the entire avafemvand ou hae a new and interesting picture of the taluc of jour telephone thanks for the memories the memories of days when i was haunted by a shovel and hauling ashes was a weekly chore the memories of days when filmy greasy walls and furniture caused so many cleaning bills and the memories of delivery noises at any hour of the day or night what happened what brought about these memories well ive done away with old fashioned fuels and installed automatic gas heat im relaxed and why not i dont have a worry in the world as far as heating goes on these variable fall days and nights my automatic gas furnace keeps the house at an even comfortable temperature no overheating no opening windows to cool the place off during the day just plain cohnfort thats what gas heat gives you why not call acton 695 as i did ahd discover how easy it is to convert to gas heat and relax with me