Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 23, 1957, p. 5

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krioxdfpuphonorstwoaaembers a evening auxiliary dinner i ft alert svanin auxiliary r kaa ckumb 0w4 diihiar party at bke hue an wrt day avealac te 11 th slaaar aw ib the aaaaeaaal araa cabvnad by maa lura wilee and har trauri 1mw fha meat a chrwilu jranalp aervtee waa held 1m the aunday arhool rekim canveaad br tea j krapek she waa aaalalad try hit j intwani mia sauna ctole hie program included chrlai- jiaa carola a reedifia bymra oaorge young hoy lb crvineti tola ckrlatjrtae ana a peem read a lira j krapek wthel chrwi- sua mean u ui- mra j ingle and mia cola conducted ihr buainea aeeetim and lira w andeann convened the merl imaang part aaii mra kathleen dadd ura bahart turner mra mai laroullough mra j v and ura j laglea tka lattar ekpmaed ihe appreeiatlaa of the roup for tha errvlre halp givtn ty theae two faithful ufa rftemberahlpe were preeent ad mra doddt ejid mr turner mra 3 i davidaoa treamiled ukr plt l ura turner and mra dodge anil eel aaaaeed ta wea- ihr pa p ii lilad bar llatrr the lair ura r- ovfara several yaare ago a leer game vera played and santa waa pleased 4 deliver the gffta fcaaught urn eactiange the canadian bad croaa free sir rijom loan sarvlre aperated ai 11 eaanmunihee ib ibm manning electric mju it acton ont ua mm jtarvv ktutmmt earl van norman m mala n uctuclan hwne ma suiitnj i scholars ponder date of christs birth as millions celebrate christmas day tr abth fra pmm mavefay twnfar 33rd 1mt waahlnftan attuana all the world one a- vin aaaebreta oirtsaiiai xilnuiily ummn that rholart have diawuted for centur- in th exact date twa jesus christ wh born it ant- thing certain it u that taw saviour waa not born decem ber aftlh the date generally oherrv- d as tlu natal day on that acho tart arc agreed the bible rules out djcinber wa pnaatbillty although most people observe that date auv chrtataaas baa baaa celebrated on bjwvukvs wratmni on november it march l aujj is or s3 and ly jo fbtsalan orthodox and tome others still tbocre january i aa chrtaunas white ik bjbtr doe not furnlsb jaunty hues as to the date of phraats birth it dues make tt pretty dear that it did not orcur oanernbar tt ivosuae lube wrote that at the uaar of ilia birth there were in the same country fthrvhrrdi abiding tn the field keeping wstrh over trwir flock at flight latlhiito aa m baa tex decaaaber u ujlrty eold titer and the rainy seaaan it undar wsy nuraag uus periad of bilewtnt ttta ih mil nil laant their tn abswars dartng tha nbjhl lavtt 0vm a doe to whan the christ child waa born during the hot ntoartna the will not grant aa the fields while the ami u anlnlna thus to eununer the shanbarda ware wont to lend thatr rhnrgna to the pasture at night oa tne basts of this atbolars esti mate that cbrtat waa born in latr a adust r septeaaber wby then decsnber 95 one trtfnry is that the date waa select- ed by an early cbriauan naler la raaw because the baturnslia a grant bnaaan holiday was nbaerpj fraaa dau it to m it is apeenlated that thu ruler fih thai otnvarvsacee of chruutuu st this time would leaaan the un part of the pagan holiday ffw rnanan festival had many of the features uf our oinatma ob- cifla were exchanated ligblad oernmant officea ware closed btkool cbtldnrn were given a holi day and roman greeted each ether with lo saturnalia today e any merry oinstmas dst also was obarrved by aniiy britons long before they became chriatiaju but as the first day of the new year during several pertods in history chrutuuis banned the observance uf christmas the british parlia- nvrnt did ao ai one urn as did the rhlgrtnu the brtl r thought it was bbcrilege lo olaarrx it in a ft-fttlvt- snannrr ln what year waa hnrt born mere again ru urtr knows a ru man monk art th date it ai i about wo years after hi birth but arbolart now virtual art- agieed be erred aatruruaners have m la ted that th- star of lirthloh m which direct the three wiae inert to bethlrbevn actually was s conjue tion tw puruta satuin and jupiter astronomer- aay thu ph nornrfu uccurrd in 7 h r ilowrver irnnr himtoiiai hunk clut4 waa bni in 4 r 6 ik taumapad annual christmas concert held in local united church intended for last week the annual sunday arhool christmas supper snd concert was held on friday night when cver one rnjoyad the progam given by the children also a film on how wonderful m to give and make others happy tt also was t very appropriate dm for the christmaa season santa nrnvod and tffovr each child their gifts i utial making each happy la car aeelttanl what might usee been a more serinus accident occurred on the town cine itenr ttolltnafad on thursday night wbon william thomgsvn nf chojrhlu and kins shorull met hrjsdon owing to the lea- roads dr whtuon of erin wt called aon had several sttxrhe in his tunhsad bra mother mrs t j short 41 who was with him ud arvrral cuts and tauises xars were utbrn of onr ankle but no hopes ware found brrokrn boh cars were sadly areckri no charges wen laid agalnm i nht driver wjamjaant tw ars roart mctbi m ess for the cristrnaa marttng pi he w a openlltg whh the theme song creed cirol and the thirds prayer repeated in unison mrs fttrrrit had charpr of the sc ip hire study reports were given b the different sccttnairs ru1 call was answered by an exchange of gifts also made known wrre thr members unknown pnts of the yar v report was received from the nominating committee following arc the officers for 1ds president mrs ttedsnunds first iee7esidrnt mrs tom given secretary mrs perryman assistant mrs frank smith trasmirer mrs csm mccn ery aaaistant mrs robet ur fin ery friendship mrs mean and mrs mad ill welfare treasurer mrs shorull manse commit le- mra snow and mrs sterritt org an lu mrs t given snd mrs r micnery the meeting closed with the mu- pah benedectton lunch ai servctl by mrs edmunds and mr stir ntt sssuted by the hoiues wi tsaeansbar meeting mrs tom gltnoa was hostess for the december riveting of the women s instrtule recenlly mrs a mrene y presidrnl prrsidtd the meeting opened v ilh the open ing ode marv strwart cilrcl and carols roll coll as im rred by an exrhsngc of gifts minuter wnr read and sppord ond bunnni diatrsjmsd thr nieetirsg was tht n turned n er to thr program ctunm tue a few games ua bingo pn playfd mrs jrn mcknrry ga r i rid ing quili in keeping v ilh ctiribl ma a bountiful lunch sirvrd fay the social comm litre mrs r d kirbwood mrs ws mrtran and mrs wm kirk wood trie meeting ckmad with the queen wa lutias caasr thr wa tadns had a wr tnn wrrk as they caterrd to hal ion fi esbrtrry includtng ministers and a representative from each church on tuesday and uo thurs day nkght a supper mas held when schneiders of kitchener provided the meat and a rep showed partue one was a trsrl- ogue on the holy land which wni very trppropriate for this aon and one was on the schneider pr cess of curing meat and recipes now snd few years back both were very interesting cmukmftl large audience enjoys concert atchurch school intended for last unkl a good lurttout was prrsrnt st the churchill united church christmas concert un saturday dcembi r 14 in tht church looms th audirnci joimd in enrol alllglllt ami mvitill tltilltu iii wilt 11v n it tin su lulus sdml children an ci ii lit diulicii w sentcd hv the l nior rroi inlillihl a jokr m santa ftllo ed by llir jum m u ho minji chriilrnus mi k t miimni c hrutmtat uircle h fir a hi u w m n ilh mas up i m run brin llir jmiipl vi hi in i pn urpu tint chi i pm m i 1 will ills lug i t il lh hi ik mas t ih dinner meeting for north halton high school board chairman x forgrave was host on tuesdsv ev ening for the con cluding meeting of the north hal ton high school district board held at the jack o 1 an tern dining room in georgetnmn a few guests gathered with thrm in this meet ing of sociability and brief vesr- end business thr interim statement urbmittad by the secrctay treasurer showed an estimated credit balance of glittuto and a small bank balance for the ear of csttt coat of in st ruction for the yaar was estim ated at lojmtm and plant oper at i on of t37f3tm hirh mi the larger oterotions in a total ex pend rlurc for the vear of 583 73283 the board are in the midst o ncgiuiatuuu with the ontint oe- purtment of education and munic ipal bodies regurding building plans in oil thrpe towns to jrvret proaens and hit are hoods addit ional rooms are required al oil three schools while school grounds on the present she u til be ample in their present location- at acton and george own it may b i get another location in mihon for a second high school building thu ta a problem facing the new toard next vear tvirtom weekend visitors in local homes intended for last urcki suaday isttars with mr and mrs wralry ltllte were mrs k mcdonald and krn dollv varden mr ang mrs ismei lillie and stephen acton mr and mrs joha sslmon snd debbie brucedale mr 1 and mrs ken smith and family guclph i sunday laltors with mr and mrs john alton and miss jennie tovrtl were mrs lucille walker and mr ernie walker burlington j mrs maude cuelph visited her j daughter edna on sundav at the home of mr harold suntcr misses flixabcth and nancv hor top spent the weekend in rock ood with mr and mrs clarence bortop mr and mrs harrv tlortop eisit ed on sundav ai kv sarai lumt suntlav srh h i r nun and d lf i it ed his as it k t l tn hildril a fiiolr a prim nttkl to v nn drnro for r guur atu ndance and sftvrrrkirirjdil the moat bible veraea rolloing the dlstrihtuton of cun rtie miid rifin u turn h as at rv ed u ciuirludi thr oiiimj t leach rs t am llatnimckt ui n loin and wimxhidi chmik alimi mllh tlartr pupil have tx en busv pr paring for chrutmui cuticei and fe tunc reads foi santa ho hj been pritwni at all ik run cl rtri fred thonimbin ihlinrtid thi 4 11 club annual diniur at thr old mill ir toronto i n mondiv ivct mbi hi ard interest nifc njoyed tin da a u htt ht spi ikirs and program mr thorn pin n hhort courm th nivv ui christmas h4o holiday for those tired feet its hard th ipjb cl aven a cbrtatmaa if your fact hurt and nobody knows thu batter than the yulatiav s ho all too often finds luraetf hobbling from the rave on aaggtag arches this any tha foot doctart con stitutes neadlesa mfaarriflce put bttle of the same thamgnttssness you devote to your cnrtstanai list into artectlng the proper anoas for your shopping marathon they say then both you and your family u ill come out ahead as it is moat women snake one of two mistakes esther they err on the side of vanity and stumble about town on spindle heelsor uxy join the i dont care what i look like i m going to be comfort bl attauul which in many in staneea is just as bad recommended for christmas shopp ng u s mediumheeled walk ing shoe with supple leather uppers and i athrr soles foot doctors pialnt out that leather because of its resiliency gives support with uul constraint and there s nothing like rathe r soles tn absorb th simh k f pavement pounding an id pair of shoes thst spread it the instep and flop up and don al the heel may not raus ou aitunl in on a daily trip to the rumrr grucery but try walking 10 or 11 miles in them the dls- jiriie you usually cover in a da christmas shopping and you are inv ming tnuibl a good pair of rroes vsill give you support with out pinching thty will also induce the kin uf posture that saves your energy caanfart itaat if vou insist on something a lit tie dr ssii r than a walking shot choose a ltathi r spectator or op era pump with a lustl onlv about two ami mu half inches high lit mirt ih n i pi ntv of ro tn f r jiur dr and that the rutin i r of thr shoe h ids the hit 1 f mr f h i finiilv in phce dtin t worry u4xul starting out in u iu s jh f sho s shoes lint iitillv fit d ml netnl brtaking and don l lx asliamed to put a i it itv pur il m liaihtr shivs for votirstlf it th top of thr list fnl ui teniil nhf intrrt t i newr amiss n 1 ern at t hristma mr and mis frd mratthur al t mld ih vs eddins if thi ir nip hi vs ifcjriv art in i of ciihi town whin hi uuirtiid to jean niaiti ol tummua at k i u is jvesuy laiimn t hurt h diiflrrtn mrort tu- ioih k a w aasjsjaabja csuslts hems tha cgit held th regular naatiag an dec i6ih in the preab leran sunday schoul room the aarating opened by all re pea ting tbtcg i t purpose follow ed br our hymn betty xdtsnon and marlenr hun ter presided over the meeting a 1 vena ilitfand dorothy dun fl id conductedv the worship arr- lce a rehearsal for tha taanar vice on sundsy dwembar ft h ta held iscuiulon period ftallaigej with regard to carol singing andl- mriy held recently the roiwung closed with una n w 1 i tie attrndmg at th cac ifli r twais i compliments 8 s of the season dennys i intutanci asincv fi e phone 4ss 5 i s9 brack si adaa 9 s at w a t u i st yulitide wishiii mamaouunt ral tar joy w the mm iltrta our ehtry erol for you iuy all the joy of e holiday stuoo b youra on chriatmaa day mildred bell mrs d caioei mrs m hutchion mrs v oou bbbbibfcbbfcbbliaabbbbbil j c happv h0lid21y ta all fruj am4 caitoaaarf shorti sheet metal plumrsng heating innnjnnnnnniaia aicia thompsen fuels ana b anaa saa gas ana aw lovell bros k ises atfon on t rdl fesr loyal fritstlf osd esttosmrt may tkl fsystn fllhhl ww caatsstsmsf oad happ n hotchens bakery acton ont bwaaabaaajambsaaasbaasirmls

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