xt ttm jttn fts kphfythtrd vwno 36 acton omtafito monday dccemct 33rd 1057 second section of thi public ulllltlm commluton was held at tha utllltlaa offka on thursday decembar 10 with tha above member t of the commiiiton all pretent pictured front row laft to right ere mayor e g tyler chairman j j stawart commlnionar f g oaket back row taft to right commissioner i r evardall c lindsay and sac ret cry treasurer j mcgeachie chairman j j stewart thanked the members for thair cooparation during i ha pall year and exjwattad rvgret in losing the services of ratirmg mayor g tyler ip church group receive gifts from stocking jolly old 8t nick with mr ante to help him visited the friendly circlr macting at thr united church on wednesday ev ening and laden down with thr largest christmas stocking- ever eeen in canada distributed prti- anu lit the ladle f thr group the origin of thr stocking which waa approximately 13 tort in length dataa back to ia00 wlirn the present ownir who ownrd a knitting mill had the stocking made fur his wife the suit worn by mr santa wu alao mad at thli mill and only worn by th family the lad ira fnrmrd a lint and gifts ware handed nut to i ach lad in paaatna with cheers and 1m lla ante wished everyone a mr r christmas mr santa waa mu ida olaen and hanlu mts innr douglas thr group in chutgt had dttoi aled hir church 100m w ilh tlmim ara and ji beautiful liti mm i in lev la ml rati iht christina a r and a vtsrm rnllllril curtslnima when i was a llttlr girl mr doris kcnlitir od in piivir thr ladies cniovrd enrol aitiiu and silent niitttt in two part b thr explorer group i acton lm tied church two duet win un dared hv marine 1 rund nxt laahr ann ihihv md mnrjimi davidson and ltln ann lub chriatmaa tarola win sung tht new girt in atlrndanoe wtre cill- d to the fiont whm mi- m 7 bennett told thi in tin hlstnrv of thr origin of tht rtcimllv ciuu oct actiunlnud gnmes win played mr adam g oup won tin know vour laical ncwspapt r contest and mrc annctta van fleet won the iced the turkey ton teat a buffet luikhion wo srved lira ldiia blew art thanked mrs paul in t n nnm and her grmr fur the lovelv ch islmaa party greeting- i n recciwd fiom ever a i outoftown former mem ber ttint outoftown guests pre ant wen mia sulla adamson oalt ntml mrs jian w 11 helm from waterloo a social umc was en joyed by all santa claus visits acton ysmerts club tht rcguu meeting of the v mm club took thr form of a chrutmo part complete with turkey a tree a vlsii from santa claua and dancing among the guest wen mm lome maxtor mr ami mr ivrey krau of kit- ehencr ke godon adam w i ueat aihmker and hi therm u the wttdmi of the wise men the jolly gentleman who ctvlix rad the mtt wtk tmne other than y man dons maon ja can- ater enliened the program with hi joke and atorle and thr christmas carolling was staged by a group of six ted by mrs jack carpanter the dinner and address with the program and dancing were a fit ting and happy atmosphere where th v men joined in baying mer iy christmas to one another rfjorne dobertheta as chairman for the party was master of cre- tponlaa or the evening and the aueceas of the party wu due to his urginlfiuon wtra sorry to hear at 4ha pinj away of the fathar of rjl baaa formarly of artoju puc receives protesting letter utilities office to close saturdays a letter ul prott at from a rrald rnt in lakrvirw aubdlvtaton ob- jfctllig to a final nutlcr thrritrniiijt turn th nclr off if tht bill waa not paid waa aired at thr putiln ihiiillra cummtaamn ntweluia on thurai1a dreembor 10 mt taring thr taxes wrn t high in aeion and elating paymmt in th watrr and light bill tould not br made in tlmr a rratdent in itkrvtrw subdivision ohjetwd when a final notice for payment was issued rncloaed in a letter to tin- puc office wa a puetdetrd check for payment of the account aakrd whin thr account was dur mih ichli noted that the h eouut was dux on novemb t 31 und ihi drat nouer had been nt oul on december s and a finul not lee issued on dtcpiuimt ijui thi ihetk revrivitl wadild i i mix i tin ih tnnilajtnin after a h nkth itix iiation hiatruclad tht set i tin tniwtini tn inform tin not r imt ii tn dltirn llle chttk and shut tin m u i oft th commission resolved to m dr tht lihllr utilities om n 1m tiwiit on saturduvs commmilng le mber 2h tl was unik rstihkl that if anv at count falls due on the saturday an xtension would be allowed to tht m vt dny of biuimsn isevreurtrofuun r notind tin commission that un owt of hi o it c had taken ti sts at hi api in itnd illthough llu win lai tht ahowtd n ihimitut con- i nt and nourned the witei siihr- intendenl to taki furthtr it tt and innt thrm s nt to thi ok rc follow int the n4idlng of the liiutea of the pre ious meeting okes asked what action had ihiu tuken to havt c 11 tuta mn i tkrtement to tlialil i atte t liiihtt i hn subdiv taion j mit ichte informed hit torn- mu3iln nn hgroement had let n drawn up und mailed to mr tlruirta who had refuaett to sign lt- at an earlur meeting it was dis- chtased that mi braintrrutd ntadr a verbal aitrerment to install stixet lighu as soon as his land waa sold a subdivision 5ecretnrvtnunirtr informed tin commission thut mr braida ditued hax ing made any promiae tt do mr mcgeachie was instructed to check thr tmmitca of planning board and council to aactrtain if the statement was roctrded a request was carried from coun cil to allow flooding nf a piece of land in the gjlcnlca subdit uuon for skating ttiacukslng the matu r the commtaaion agreed not to take any action as the pniperly was prtau land and previously complaint had been forwarded to the town from wmr subdivwlon reaidenu as to the danger involved in this area when tt had flooded during a iminjitorm commissioner c lindsay asked if the commission had been in structed to shut off a water meter in a hoiue on queen street by uir owner lle informed the commission that the hot water tank had frocen and apparently whan it thawed it bunt flooding the house hewu told that irregardlewrof whether the meter was shut off or not if the tank wu not drained it would suit fraeae tlieifouawtne accounts ware ap proved for payment waterworks 408 ot otowaraja i ttt03 hydro aeenuntj lullllllmii j j clot of tltt in losing iht op i iih ma and gimd jtnlgi m lit nllritil liy r tyter liiing mujin and run l irprr- istlbi hrf 11 esan professional ads entertain at beardmores christmas party n over 3m childitn and pu tta disapeur with tin uiual run mi w i oi hrtnd u gutt sniu t liui jus liluk hil tind mau wattttl and t njo a pni win of imiih ul ut tht 4iiiiniil ittamlmimi fiiiiiun christmwn pulv in id ihu t it ii iht timhltiioiin of iih imhii til i fc nod w ifi it mi from auatr puhln sththil un rinli aflitnooii i ltt tore the nt 1 1 il nf santa tin nudii nee enj m 1 tin mtu s iinmiik rohi nikd imrfmn it it k shkilnij un it i 11 ui i i limit hi i hildn n i tht liimh trauiid sea ml th it hint tin i hil en rnwrini witli imkhlii no lim nn the ai tf uniid lit in no tru ka tr oiilnu uii l uk hi win htrnk untl miikuit undi t tht haiitllmit of inn nati i j urn 1 1 thir tin tnbin fnniu imvi l in in thi work for tk n n m i fornniik w ith hiiiiln lli mnl h it 1 k r n h it othi i will known uiim t i tin pioinu md f a in git i in ut in d tin il i irilml ti of un girt saiili m til sptllhound i t n tn ntit l lift mimlmi of til mgiuin ni uii art u ppt i ul ii mini n lumpno il uiu til i ml d in llllftttlu itlll llaluilk met aimn oakh y slvli drru milt d rop a aiound and h okr tiallimtin with a 2ralitiii ntu in tin un 1 th m mm t tlnttittd i pt 1 vi ill 1 ihlloflllltn i h is wut up i siiita in i ivitl in ttt in- nii nlm h ttnii tiult p i i i ii tn tilt uuhiutl awuilin thiutii n christmas eve four ways not to get killed olilatloi j 1kkmmi tu ti it i lirvi 4 luk ihuii sttiiik uikd on tht vt of shmilil in chuatnimn llkv7 lo think of tuiiful iii i i rtiurtitmis dtiviitk ill liolutiv it ifcn klll i ai tht tt at hiiwtihli wh the mn i invum xprei tin it atifconil pn it of n ioity khx1 ihnr and ttiiinlira lion for otluii va it lit mioui- ltintln ip hilllet li n uk ill i nnimitm l i ol tlkhwt hafilv ttxtit tonuiutui e1 ihkliei mil pmm thitiikhout ln tario on then cumnt i iiotkiint nt sensihli und aobt r dt i inn m tht veartid holidty inumi a tlmr whtii happ famihts hai all too often in tht mst imn ti ihicitjh brokt n up ht fatal oi 1 1 ipplmf traffic accichnu ontario dll toll of pumiu- aible ucddonu hui ucailv alwi dtilnit the last tin tlivs of hc eur soured much uinai tin vars average if this sad stau of af- fairs t to bt remedied in ontario this year we muxt ht kiint out develop a vttnwiw of opituon which condemns peoph w ho insist tm driving can whin tin ait alhiicd or have been drinking a public attitudt whuh tffixtiveu bactut up point effort u keep ih drivers off the road on the posutvr side the eafi t commissioner pmcrtption lor a safer and htippit r chritm nr- eludes thewc four siwcial s asonal pointers for ontario motorist 1 tranalate your chrutma sea son goodwill toward all men into goodwill patietkc courtesy and consider tenjt for all other uers of the roadtf 2 watch ctwiunov for pedes- trtans especially chtldnn and old people 3 make it a habit to allow mure space than you think you need be tween your car and the vehicle ahead for corning to a atop at in taraactioni wharever you tnif ht naed to stop ubaxpaetadly a hohda villi it hui of a trio that actom counch kmi 157 are pitturvtt iwfora retmng for tie margrave mayor f tylar deputy peeve w wilson and coun year conducting lte hunnen ol id lovn or the al y tillfjr m ttive bak mw clark j aatgeethie councillor s ware front row let to right councillor w cima fcveve j biunelle councillor g batbeeu and couivcillor r watts a sli aaaaaasaeaasasau acton children to demonstrate on television mrs rilirii ilihkimr will d in anslim ling music and mnv no ut on ckto haiu i ii ti monday kt mln r 3lhli m 1 10 thr artmi rlajdirii taking mrt will lr rjurfrav trttnia ihi ihiwdini itoas kgfhflll ifnlft j1p asviallne with tin tluhlon un kalhl m dikble of will 11 ut lilt plmho mmi apri lal chrialmaa it rvitfi and ntt rtaiiimriitb imi n ft jlm ttt in i wn this n k acton and guelph pianists receive medals at recital iwi iuiif piatilsu fctn at t h mia fit ul with a fhwi r flgiu hint ulph inriml lllinly tut- token of applet lall n foi l thti lnmr inndals si ihr hnl- i inuair uithti a hmd wulk and j ii4 nt ilil iy piptl of v nlliiuiie hi limktmn hull h id in thr sm 1mv a iiimi h ui f a 1 1 unliil iiiilll luimlny tvtitiiik jful4usyar ii uu j- jtt pfjiajliib a pirtititrt w i ard eft ipv lyacaa iad 1 i su 4rl ali a lj 14 4 vf l iy ssieujalu 4 oil 4x witl a awbiyinjkg mav niiiki hsi in t il ffhatrl m tl v wttl fiat c iy4 rjn i viriiii 1 i ii ii t nil lai flnil itili trctn i ihi h i s nil in luwii wtin i m i- iilwltd tin- tw j ikla f f sihlrli g am ti a h gh alanding in th ir rraprrtlvt daasra ha h-i- nut tun un t hir tin i ua tt a pup la km n 1irnta and 1 1 it iwl altrintitl 11 it t 1 11 willi h wmb fnl to wed by ifmiri hi til ft tiiailiilh nta atnl an nlalii of hilitniai gifu w mi r st nil in hie- olr if hxi i i but ii inwt the brord and tr1 ti t i i piotfiin iniludrd ti i lm ni aopttnma ituui ann 1 mm und al the skating it a ri ttix t 1 r v mirra njiwiij ii n rihn wigwm hi y i lallr n s llglng mnu j 11 m l1 ilir si gh dic ll h 1 a i illlr wiw in y arid jujy iulllliill a mi iff daflir it i hrari at ih irr llallrt mi llyi crippa haik thr itrrald an grla king janrl adams 1 hw llir slnpa ulan swatkhairti r al ju hhtldnti uluw iarden uf garbage collection jilag ttlrtmil ihla wuk will ih kit rililsy inalrad of ttiuiaday twn iffklala iunutrd owing ut tin holiday it thuis ttmy katllaagr will lnt u gatlafvd until ihr illnwuig rty all hoin m kiv aakrt t lt tlirll hulhagr 111 prprr tll idliiia and ny jiapvia ahotild he lit i minttly in ndil in hav all vailmtgi pn h tl up pohnptly town toitaiii a kukiuaa rapulimd i i it wl lm f haa p hllrfo mi n lliadlry llrhma lillt- iit lurlm n inn lllur hwari in a i ldabmiugh htlvri firll siw adama mrl lniiria llmi uitnina- mn h taan hrn1 n mia juny and omihy ftnhaidaon hrull drt itrmlrf vimi jaan lldkra llftep- fy mia jany hi g without wrds huth 1 andabwurough il trrludr mary jan foirr hm- aut h it n laanidauntuugh a mnoi- light hleigh itdr country outuaty mrs annie lazenby buried in fairview f llllt i tl mil ll with ht id ti 1 hursda dctt mbt i 10 at lite humlt fumral home for the late mit amm latnb w ho laad awav bttndav dexunbtr 13 fol 1 w iti a k ngtliv illnesa d uitfhter uf the lati c tirge v orth and marv atmt good- child she wns born tn england in 18h7 bht married robert laacnby in tiuland and canit to canada in ifkw where tht fi st resided in titnmins and moved to crcwons corner in llloo w here they hav e resided ncc mr iaimbv eavs two aons btmdt- lu i husband lo moarn ht r loa thomas and robert both liv ing at home rev k jones conducted thr fun eral service from the ttumlrv fun eral home interment wa in fair- view ccmelcr acton pallbearers were florui turner and geogc uaxcnby nephews jack airdrc ken mcdonald xvonard cripps and jatk croftl engagements mmmmwwmmmkwwmw mr and mr chas ploulte oj sallinafad uih tu announce the tncafilmenl o their liaughlr eileen to euiane mceuunney ton ot john mcelhlnney and the late un miehunnryu uiljbn th marriage will taksjaee jgnuaiy lltb 1s51 a onctc upon a tlma a country uouh who had a irwnd in town lavittd hhn for old acqualntanca a uti to pay him a vlail in th coun try at wtnur holiday uma tliouih plain and rourh and mhit frugal in hla nature tha country moum opanad hla haart and alora in honor of an old friend there aa not a carefully atoredup morl that he did not produce from hla lardrr a and barley cheeae parings and nula lo pleaae tha palate of hie city bred gueat tha town mouw hoewr turned up hla long noaa al tha rough country fare mow u it my friend he ex claimed that you can endure the boredom ol living like a toad in a hole you cant really prefer theae aolltary rocka and woods to ihe excite ment of lae city you ara wasting your time out here in tha wilderness a mouea you know doea not live for ever one must make the moat of ufa willi it lasts- so come with me and til show you life and the town in the and the country mouse al lowed himself to be pereueded and the two meads eat out together on their journey lo town it waa late m tha evening whan they crept stealth ily into tha city and midnight before they reached the great house where the town mouse lived oa th table of the plhs- du hetaqtsrt ream were tht rcmalbt or a lvwi leau by aesop on the table of tha splendid han- 0ut room ware tha remains of a lavish yulatlda feast it waa now the turn of town mouse to play host lla ran to and fro to supply all tha guests wants he pressed dish upon dish and dainty upon dainty upon mm aa though he wtrewejuna on a king the country mouse for hie part prtendd to ftel quite at home and blrsaad tha good foil una that had wrought surh a change tn his way ot hi- but in the midst of his enjoymtnt just aa he waa beginning to feel con tempt for hu frugal lift in th coun try the sound of barking- and growl ing could be heard ouuide the door what u that said the country mouse oh that u only the nastera dot replied the town mouse only replied the visitor tn die- may i cant aay that i like music with my dinner at that moment the door fle open and a party of revelers together with two huge dogs burst into the room the aurrlgfcled mouse frtenaa jumred from tha table and concealed these- selves in a far center ef the chamber at length whee thlags seemed quiet th country mouse etel out from his hiding place and bidding hla friend good by whispered la su ear tale ane way of living may do for thoee who like tt but give me my barley bread tn peace and la security la pref ertece te your dainty far pertakse with far and trembtlng moral a crraaf eef la aere is brftrr laea a aaaeeer berfehee ta aaghcfy i ay thwooh mmomm