lights of edinburgh convention viewed by mrs somerville delegate continued from pole nine mm united to entertain ua with hot dinner and evenbui enter- tament thb included scottish iahclng solos and duett and some quart dancing auld lang syne the favorite way of ending f bur evenings v syansmmlum babjeel t the most worthwhile project or lay organiiatlon was a very in- rtettbtlng subject for a symposium zph 0te closing evening of the jttatferenccthe delegates were in- fjrued to the esplanade edinburgh ftstlc for beating retreat this frjfrtr a display by 4hc massed pipes lid drums of the 156th infantry brigade the pipe band gave the numbers followed by the ydftjm band then both played to gether while the flag was being flowered after a hymn and the queen the bands retreated togeth jr into the castle the delegates were transported mis to the music ball where a lntarcll party was held many goodbyes were uld m the ninth triennial conference of the as- siciated country women of the world was over until they meet in auatrnlla in 1903 vwt mfauid from edinburgh the ontario group gathered themselves toeeih cr for the lours to belfast dub lin amsterdam brussels paris and loqdon in belfast the city was well built and many beautiful buildings were visited in dublin the national botanical dardens were visited the rose gardens throughout the bark rere lovely in the hothouses foliage and oth er rare plants were viewed at amsterdam we found ih ngi very different everywhere we looked we sow water with a pop- u ration of 900 000 there were 00 000 bicycles many were seen to come to the bridge park tbelr bicycles and go aboard a pleasure boat to travel to their place of busmcm there arc about 5ft miles of en mis in the city and a great deal i transportation is done by boat with to riftich calm water around we looked for flies and mosquitoes there wcrcn t any date farm we were taken out through the country for a drive the grass was green and the country looked very p jsptrous there wns lots or wa ur everywhere the roodawercall hard topped with additional nar rower roads for bicycles we call ed it a farm home where we vis ited both hnise and barn in the r immer the cows arc taken to pas ture hind and left until fall they lake the milking machine to the fell lo milk the cows the bam i n this farm was cleaned and pn nled nnd during i he summer m mths they made cheese by boat we went across lo hior um here the natives wtre ready f r the t iiirists many tittle store wk full of trinkets for sale the people were drcssi d in native ciis liime one st iikiiper showed ihi costumes worn 100 yenrs ago nnd then charged us for show in them f in the evening a pleasure boat trip was taken through tb canals we passed in front of many beau tiful homes churches and build ings all floodlighted which made a verv impressive scene in am sterdam many sidwalk cafes were opera ltd in fr ml of cvu houlor rest in rim t chairs and lablnwere ict uj for refreshments beautiful and clean brusse s was our next stop and it was a most beautiful clean city we visited the diamond culling place y ung boys start at the age of 18 and very few could stay with it foi 12 yeait because of their eye sight many other precious stones were on display another call m brussels was the home of hand made lace one of the experienced laoenrakcrs is n iw 02 years of age nnd itlll loves ta sh6w how lo do it lace articles rangtd from a liny bow nnd handkerchiefs to pillow cuses centrepieces lunch cloths and tablecloths prices also ranged fr m n small pr cl to fabulous in pnris everything was cnt rely diffirrnl we visited ttu grave of ihe unkniwn soldier undir the arc de triomphe whore the flame is never allowed i i go out the grave wts cuveied with beautiful wicaths and sprays of flowers fur the bfmhremry of the battle of dunkirk the eiffel tower was visited but none of us were in the spirit for climbing so far up in the air rahwe l versatile the trip to versailles was the m t beam i ful erf our whole trip the pnlace with its mirroi gallery the royal avenue in i apollo s bn s n the out ens be dr 1 1 n f iwe r beds nd miuid luntjins as well ns the little tnane n palace we e beaut ful these nnd mmv u her parts could only be deseribed by pictjres in c il r wo r etui rui to rngl ind and were billelirt in kertsinrt n we vis lid many notable places such as bis ben winds n- castle buck ingham pnlatfr th the chnnalnc of the guard ihe horse vlillery parade and much more our ittsl weekend was spent in walts as guests of the welsh wi nine of us wenl by tram to chts ter where we were met by our hosles i was at wrexham a very beautiful h imc i was shuwn much of the e uintrysidi the rruny collitries and inki n to the seashore when i watched ihe tide e in nj in this was a new ghl ni wetnli ountryswe thi c luntiy w i vt ry i ill nj ihe fields arc sniiill and divided h hedges h iwcvei eve n up the mountain sides and in lanes and bock roads th roads ate all hard topped on saturday night the w is of wales held a united party and had as their gueots the can adinns we had only been separ ated tw dnjs but we had a lot ii tell each other of how we had been enk r timed each on thought the 1 1 a wns the brsl the pr giatn fur the evening was in wflsh and included joins chor uses clog dancing welsh square dances and the canadian gutsi were invited to join in the squan dinclng miss dairy queen of wol e was introduced and sang n solo a typed welsh lunch wns serv ed and auld lang syne was sung we n turned 1 1 london quite hp py to have spent this last week end with the women s institute members in walts i hope i hnve given a little idea f oui very busy four and a halt weeks i rsios not one word m thtr tilted utile willie what his fithir sud when he felt off the ladder willie aid mother shall i leave out the n nighty wufov mulhii of course dear willie will milher ho said n ilh nf then the acton free pmi thurtdsy september 17 1959 13 lome scots pipers to play in england thelnrnc scots pines an drums hove set their sights on the fnm- oui edinburgh fcstivsl in scot land next summer the annual cv enl is slated for august 21 to sepl ntber 10 1000 nnd it nil goes well he pride of the pftl duffer in and flnllon regiment should be airborne and festval bound next august r each company within the tr county unit is helping to establish a fund to send the band ov rsenv and each man is deeply honored to have the unit s popular bond ijhr part in the huge festival wlneh draws participants fr m nil over the w rid areanutmojita wivm wives and friends of the bands men have expressed their inlcrnt n making ihe t ip and arrange men la can be made for accommo dation in sc ttland i nitification s givrn by apiil 1 the duke e f argyll colonel in churf of the regmaent has invited the bund t his castle as have the lnnrishirc fusiliers of manchcst er a sidle t regiment affiliate d with the lome scots debate concert the bond is holding the first of its annual winter dances on oct dbcr at the legion hall in milton and all funds earned will go to wards paying for the trip abroad as well the group is debating the presentation of a spring concert in the arena with gut bands in at tendance the pipe banl appeared nt the massed bands concert at the cnf si idlum whch mnny locul follow ers enjoyed this concert includes ill the bands in the reserve forces in ecntrnl onlartik and iscerlunly a s xctnele 1 1 see ii j in brampton c c impiinv of the lome sc ts makes us headquarters nt the milbm arm tries and ihe nn il 4 bras band is also hendqunrlcr ed here the p pe bund makes its henriq inlirs in the ilr impton ar mor is the band boasts n strength of k mm 21 from mill n and the rest f am urnmpton orangevillc eorgei iwn oakville jnd preston there will be 25 bandsmen going to ihe fe t vil if their job allows nnd ihey meit the standards of playing quality set down tube tremendous low pricesjust in time for fall pantry stocking jt orchard king choice peach halves save 10 15 oz tin reg price 2 39 savt tx oz to keg s 1 ffrt 3 49 e d smiths pure raspberry jam strawberry jam e dec puce 31 each 9 oz jabs 2 59 orchard king choice bartlett pears save7f i 15 oz tin reg price 23fl 239 tomato soup ireg price 2 27 4 45 orchard king choice cut wax beans or green beans ci save t reg pris j3na j mr qfm niblets fancy whole kernel cork 14 oz tins save 41 reg pkice 2 37fl 2 33 uptons reg prk tea bags 73 reg price 79tl stuart house kg price 33tl f0ilwrap 29 johnsoks hmd gtoss gl0c0at 1j opp ots maple leaf uodid detergent 73eah fresh cut whole or half bfja pork shoulder roast 39 lean and meaty pmimti roast 49 rgfllver49 shopsys 24 oz chub kh00na59 save cash and pinky stamps at intarlq grown no 1 yellow boiler large heads for inions lb bag j w c prices pfective septembes16 to 19 vbrtiami fhamrfr yr cnm indiistmai display at fall fair mabi ammasht wth