Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1960, p. 2

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wwnmxismmm lun jhecrysral jail ahead lies a year ahead lies a decade both still bright and new perhapul is the lustre of their newness thakproduces in each one a desire to look ahead perhaps to make resolutions and plans perhaps just loavorin anticipation ihe events and developments that may fill thoce days we polished up ihe crystal bajl and tried get the next decade into focus it s always a safe practise for editorial writers since no one can claim them in error and the words are usua i ly forgotten tong before t nee to beproven perhaps you too would care to stare awhile into the next 10 years and see if any of our images come out the same we nofice theres a new grandstand in the park incorporating the existing wash room facilities and adding greatly to the fact tties in the park isn t that no 7 highway that has been djust south of 7awrrwtrrvsnuver pass and cloverleaf at highway 25 that s quite an improvement and no doubt it has lade possible the mall shopping area near the heart of the town those off street park factories with acres for parking and expan sion have beerv reflected in considerable growth in the town itself say there have been some little improve- ments too thatadd to the dignity of the tow those npw qatm m thf pinnegr cemetery are really attractive and the plaque at ihe entrance tells quite adequately the story of ihe town s pioneer fathers buried there the cairn built about 1939 is in surprisingly good condition too must have been repaired is that ihe old post office yes sir it seems to be accommodat ng the mun cipal offices and there s the new post office way over there my things do seem different in what that crystal ball conjures up goodness gracious is that a dailynews paper they re publishing m acton now and that properly lhat was once a private fish pond looks as if it s now a country cl an lhat original nine hole golf course bm been expanded ing areas near ihe mall areindeed convenient loo f and what is thbt hat is operating in the old wool combing plant canquite make out the lettering through the crystal ball but by the number of cars parked there it must employ a sizeable group of employees way out there south of whefe the old town boundary was isn t that an induslnal park sure enough and those sparkling new bmmrte picture is clouding over and the visions in the crystal ball seem to be dis appearing it s time to get back to aclon january 1960 meeting the challenges that all thn nw hfpamt nf prrrtu might in volve any new developments new improve ments or new proects that may lie ahead will come only with the work of citizens and those improvements are truly a reflec tion of the interest citizens hold trf their community perhaps the hope for continuing and expanding cooperation soimdsnackneyed but it really is the key isn t il iwyuwiimwiii umtv the good old days back in 1940 taken from the lame of the free preu thundny january ii 1940 anon lunuir hocjtiv team wenttlown in defeat last thurs day at the hands of hi bolton leam whin ihcv mtffircd i 7 2 drubhing 4n the alimhtcnff the bolton lenm reienlly ile tented cniilph and burlington and the win over alton makes ihcm tint culler for lop position although ihe ac lenm kept abreast with he boh on plnvcrs ihroughoul the first port of thi gamclhcy soon trailed s bo ton rapped three fast b in pattt holmes in thi last pari of ihe third period at ion was weak around the defense which ai counted tor two or three of ihe bolton goals guelph plnv in ae ton tonight and it should prove interesting to see if aclon cart lake the group a team acton tanner hst vcfirs in termediate hotkey champions got off to a bad start this week when they barely edged out a 2 2 tie with fergus thistles the first pari of the week anil later wen down to defeat ut ihe hands of the preston team 54 the lot uls didn i show ninth of the zip lhat earned them the ihflmpion ship last vear and many of ihe junior players tilled in the ranks lefl vaeail hv somi of lhc travtnjr while lohoining on silurtliv afternoon on ihe lulls re ir ae ton lois d iwkins h id the jnis fortune lo be mown from the back in4910 taken from ihe lime oflhe free preis thursday january 13 1910 mr and mis g h brown very 1 entertained the mem prrs of the melhodist sunday sihool orchestra and heir ladles nl ihelr home on mill st one evening during nc years week a number of farmers are qi itc pleased with l he excellent sleigh ing tondillons and ihi trees ihtv felled in their bushes can now hi- hmlpd nway hy sleigh in lbi nil fur cutting already quile number of sleighs piled high with logs hnve puvscil through town enruu te lei the mill a num her of elm logs have been trans ported ftwhe gtr station here for shipment lo inrger centres lor dressed lumber the skaung rink opened on samrdnv evening under the man agiment of w j patterson and the young people have been en joving themselves ihere immens elv sinec a game of shinnv took plate mtr ihe weekend and il though we never hiard the out tome of the game wi do know st vital in sporting bruised shins from the pi iv an interesting social everting was prmloid at the fpworlh it igue on ttiesijiv evening hv the missionary and library com mllltis the young people in ft jiu ua in lln piormi b missis w colts and lionird winlcn ri freshmmts wtjt sited il ihe i lose aboil i 40 r uepwtis im umsl j liu ddil m iliirina ihi in glittering gateway suyzi aut sfcice mailed that cheque did you get that cheque off for those christmas seals a note from mrs j lunau secretary of the halton county tuberculosis and health association points out a litfle difficulty this year that has perhaps affected many regular contributors te government chose to admit rsfugeey who were in need of treatment for tuber culosis and it has been the contention of some that if wecan admit these cases not much help must be needed for tuberculosis control here this is probably understandable unless as mrs lunau points out peole are unaware of the real difficulty in treating tuberculoss it seems the big problem is not in the treat ment but in the detection the ch ef d f ficulty in tubercedoss control is not the patients that you know about and who are willing to be treated in san tonum but the unknown or lost cases loose in the com muntty spread ng infect on every year there are thousands of cana dians who refuse to altend either mass x ray surveys or tubercul n testing surveys it has been proved over and over again that the people who stay away from surveys have tuberculosis rates many 1 mes higher than among those who attend it is more practical to get worried about them than about strangers the patients from the refugee camps provide a study group that has undergone great hardships if they respond to treat mentsis well as the hungarians who came m 1956 it wjll bolster the arguments in favor of sound nur lion andhygen c corrdit bns in a mosfeffjohat c way treatment of the 100 refugee patients will be asizeable bill but then we cana dians as a nat on spend more than 20 mil lion a year for chew ng gum mai that cheque for those chr stmas seals now f you haven t alreidy won i you official retires ttuifs some thing completely suisliri about laiiiiic tin ld nost baik lo the t irtuli ir eiind shine illii the mi uiibk ol clinslmasirul lilt tollies ol new v us le hue lukil its 1 l001i uliiiil li hut 1 bi met mw t 11 sliekhint die id is e it in ind lush is 1 held of new snow urn ilnnifch we know it won t i ok like iiiikii iller t t hie t 11 mild 111 it i i 1 wink 1 kijie huk our list u ir is 1 mini dipitssini i t in t sum lo see im thing of pio- jhs im i ilk phssnally 01 fin inn lib in m own twelu 111 mill stmt i did get to eliureh moit often bul th it w is olfstt b in men isi in sniokine mil some pnttv io lint swt innj 1 diejn i hne inv th i t operitions but mult llit hii niitaiiet of i n is ius i miti 1 illid ai hui ills and i ended is i did ihe u ir bet tie dup in debt ii tppih ihe 11st of tin fimib did slim s inn piotiiss 11k kun did will with nnimi nid sihik i euw 1 mil 1 lib mil im pn mil thui swimmint sk nine mul sdiuh hln r leeomplish mints on ihe debit side their mtij in tine wn ut melt isid in miipi nit ttu it until i num be 1 it new w us ot limiting ibell pit 1 tits lo llli irii ot b wifi hid t pood uir i shi set mid lieit t lot srt t 1 bi 11 e she si pjn ttenii t pu h im uul btin pulling me 1 didn t moe anv laslir but we win both mint tomtort ibk she ilso showid dilmile sins ot nullowine uul i lid h intk on im viokutu onlv iwitt tint 1 cm re mem be i j ve hid n tngidv befoit chiistmis wlun our spmul pup wis killed in 1 1 11 rhtri wilt some in nl btoke 11 elis iiound 0111 liousi l enn tell vou our 12 e 11 old a tuiilh 01111g nut who wouldn t tr if ou pounded him with 1 lwob fiui wept optnlv billnlv and olin his molbti who nlltd thnt dog tach kind ol nogrmd ou tould umgipb sldl we is whenever she thinks ol pin bos the pup isn i it nmaring how little wi tan renumber of whil hap pened m the world at large during the pist viar i vague i v ree ill ihil the outen wis hui list siimmir th il mi knis che msitcd the west duiine llli e ir th h ttieie were 11 mus liieideiils in inous parts of tin globe ji ol tlkni veuv but most 11d in m tnujioi 111 things like t utb int 14 nue spttkltd fnnit 0111 hoi d iv m june iht da ktm s pom tail wis cut off thi d i hiilh um i seholirship at hit musii festival like most cnnadnns i im in elinid to be mort mteitstid in whits going on in m own huk inf thin whits inppeninl to tin nid it s nothing lo bt it ib ut ol eoiiisi as 1 inik n wi by bill smiley in pioni lo interest oiyjiorus mini 111 1 loiat dogfight than in ihi si living millions of asi 1 n nn in out mw iiulboird motoi dim in intirninlinejit il inisil w frank pende assistant t the president of imperial oil has ret red after 32 years of service mr pendergast has een a friend of weekly newspaper ed tors for many years and it s this that prompts thewnting of editorial comment on a f gure who has had the respect of dozens of weekly editors we have attended most convent onj of weekly newspapers for a goodmatvy years and as a representel ve of imperial oil frank pendergast and mrs penderqast were always welcome dinner conpan ons a native montrealer he began h s career on the old toronto mad and fmp re n 1916 after s wrh various newspapers he was appointed head of the publ ctydv son of the ford motor co m 1926 in 1927 he became ad manager of mpet al oil and was named assistant to the president n t34 mun ty serv ces co frank has been act ve in many com ch ho p til di ves and other proiocts fiom 1941 to 19j4 he was loar ed to be federal govern ment as d rector of 1 format on for the war t hie pnces and trade boar j and was sub sequently awared an obe 1 recogn r o 1 of war serv ce fr ends n tbe weipli newspaper ft id n recogn t on of h s lo q asioc a or w ih c w n a are award g he roi r ig off c al an honorary l fe membersh p n c w n a we s ncerely regret m ss ig th s occas on mr and mrs pe idergist have been plan n ng for the r ret rement and at the last convent on we lea ned of the r pans after sell ng the r toronto home to set sal w th perhaps no def n ie dest nat ons for at least a year of world wander ng as personal fr ends and adm rers of the r gracousness we do wtsb tm both many hours of enoyable ret refnent gad oji inij dats church calendar presbyterian church in canada ho rm rm acton i 1 h m h w c b bo is wf n p p ppint v r m y jntait lath tmn ikkl r i lc cli s 21 rm t n 1 f i 1 r dh t he a cton free press fetf pvblbkwd by tbt duli rrtnunc and rvmuiliv c llnltm founded m i1ts and pvibltshwl vi thurvtar rt 9 w llo st acton ontario member if he audi burfu ot cirrulatioas thr cwna nd the orrtafio tjuctwc dm ion of th cwna advertisinft rtti im rjeit sob li rriptims pvab1 tn advance s3 00 in cnnad 4 00 in the united state ix month si s yngl 0 pie 7c au horw t ed aa second class mail post ohice lnartment otuwa the aalr ppn ever yamtahed la rtaa g d m ed tortn ch el mb dk d r d 1u mcsitmb edor ff bus ness and editorial office phone 600 acton t i ir in sermon i uansr d inni the wrv acton rfntkostal tamknacle 34 ctmeehul road paoc ri kenneth j rew pastor wii m phone w slnoa jwuary 10th 1m0 01 am sunday school ii 00 am morn n worh p w pm fennelrtt tnla pm bible study and prayer tn irl 8pm chrint amhuo yju are alwayf welcome aftlft church acnw ptourr sunday jnuary 10th l am church sctwm ii 00 am pub c uoh p cfi pm een njr service trmiurr erukw and i wednea evrn rig prixor united church of canada a4mb onurlo roe o 1 n aciamf ma bd minister mr crre flint orgin t ind cho r mihit sinda jmiar tru lofio s r et nui m ofkt i tt hah c mmul jftlv in s nu c i 1 f it 111 n h c mrmi j this iloisn i ipplv inlv t ctrttdi ins ir niursi ii is e iikl vviele but it sums to k utiph isinl in our inuntr bi i nisi mi ale so will till eom piinl lo pn it sn lions of thi euirld s popul itmn as a nil kin mi in tiinirous enough unh tilts and loans lo liss luruinnti kiimtnis though ui don t sti un uuisihis but as liidmduals we an content to nitke our piddling lonttihut inns- tomismons ind world milfire orj mi itions thm dis miss them hum our minds pirhaps wi tould sit as oni nf oui goils toi i960 an iximtnil ion of uhils ttrong with ihe uul id ind i deleinun ilion to do something howivir sin ill it miv in ihout it this is m oni us ulution ind 1 m ltinp tn do inv num ituie best lo spread light ind eluer lo be more chiistun in thought word ind dud anil il ni don t think tint s nil jiidti for t hifdinid sinnir i solid suplii uu is wiunp m ib- il beside it s much simpler to m iki oiu grind tueepint ns oliitmn like ih it lb in a lot of tiitlini tines ii means uiu can dimiti vouisell to studying m id ifl urs ind making neb ulous pi ins lo do hki mil siilf jo on smokinj swiuinn ixximj ik ilirj our wifi ki dugs or haliir inir tol ti is n thi si e ut ind einid rcsolulmns iti ill riiht liut iit mi i bip tf s pn unhisnt oiu ihit nit eilt i ml pul her 1 1 n jjii in uul si 11 th rraiiuu lur kg shi w is htought lo thi doctors by lur chums uho pulled her on i loboge in fiom ihi eounlt miss birbin plank who his bcin ihi ilfiniqi and i ip ihk miiiieir il cinolls sloii i rum its istabllshmml hen in at ton has bun promokd lo i hi mun store in london whjk miss planks m in frunds upnt htr nmoal ttoin at ion thev ton ti itulile btr on ihi lib nice iiitnl inel wish hi r sumss the united church- wms mi from mm nth pi ici lo hrsl plan in thru eirksk thi rieortl ol ihe foiee howling te mi eho eert oulv lonntlctl i milhtinit it il elkinie thin mtks tpo of lirilshui tbe siionil situs in lirst placi iitnlril ing of council on monil iv when the loial option bv i iw neeimtl tbt thud ind mil iclding belorc being pul into exislcntc those picsmt wcic chiellv supporters ol the ik il tiplinn throughout the whole campiign allir ii c irs of lonimuous scnicc the hues ui the hit 80 horsepower boiler nl ihe power house win found during ihe uuisimis holielins to be leaking bulb tin fire ind hiht com mittei il onel e i lied in in it pert who n ported the flues bul to be renewed 1 hi v win pur ihisid on siluulav ind on mon d iv two bnitrr llttkers irneiil ftoni dilt lo pul them into pos ition ind mike inv other rip his iueessar thi lnu rep ilniun in ixpcits fiom the firm ol do die mccuhoulii ti professional directory and travellers guide its rf ir tr mm v finfral dibfctor8 or w g c kenney ptiysicinn and surgeon orfice in symon bi etc 43a mill st e art n office phone 78 rwidrtke 11 church st f phone iw dr d a garrett physician and surgeon cornir of w how and r ver sts errtnnce river st r acton ont phone 238 dr robert d buckner phvstciin and stiritenn 39 wellington si actiin ont pkon 679 office hours 6 fl pm aflirnons by aprxiinimcnt iifai fitatf asd instrancf chiropractor f l wright 20 wilbew st actim ontario phone 9 apprt w r rei folate a d moore dc imer specific chiroprncuir 17 mill street ortlf al and hfarino aids e l buchner ro optometimt mid hearing aid it e pnnwos off re hiir wednelayn nly i to 00 p nt rift au ai wchmnc id f t ie f i v the church of st alban th martyr anglican rvir the k n b s ikmf itb stb im jeffre si ph me m mnda jsimn tots it 311 ami f hi nil if vh 1 no n mj lini ail are wimeorrv christian reformed church re j nutm ba b d minuter 301 queen st box 15 plwne 698 sunday jam ary 0th 1w0 1000 amenil h 210 pm duuh the ch irch of ihe bek to pupils perform at mrs sculls christmas party vimistnis paitv htki il i h mi t mis s biunilu b f i in rulviidmin villi r m ii fu i pupils thi i movtnp m fs ind lmts elr pitmntiil i mij n utik pwiuiu juihimi etuiu he m h ot th tn mi bul iu rod iph ths rl inosol r mint ann odi tn 1 i 1 muvh jirn brln beerln am biuiilli fiiius mun m- 13 ilibuaiuluiiul vijit ixvtl in i lisl arin lkhr n sb li slknhirn mil htl bhh irul j in mul i sus ihr ship- il sol nid i rotston dik the uils jolu old st lihuuv j inui ri utun anil dime swaek hmur jtsui jc us rest our tit ul hjion braillis und dun in i ndshoriuvh pxus niphi soup jo ann forec ar i jnusi milin 1iuilsbonukh nut r n th ruhardcn sil mirch nl the tins b u tor her kit mrs sinn has two pupin wh ire iiiildl vnnncrs in trinit college piano tftftntlnaii ins m pimic one eliubcth todd cham pirni and grade lour lvnda neit alrstripils were awarded the bronze medal from the toronto tfishcm association of tnnim c hcftc of music these are the dr h leib dental surgeon off ce comer mill nd frederick street off ce hour b appo ntment tfi fptfonf 19 dr a j buchanan dental surireon office 1a mill street ofire h ur- 9 n m lit p m tl rd wednedv afternoon tucphone 148 lfgal c f leatherlan6 oc b fwwttac notact public iffce h rtir 1000 m 1j0 prr i 00 pm 100 prr si dav hr ppo nimrn mil of rr 23 phone re j1 acton ba nnttirt tlimie acton om v pms saturday ji cork st fxjuelph ta 442 office hour arri s p rh saturdbvi asm 12 a m hastings payne barrlfen and sollettort mouri puutc la mill st atm offic rour motl tri io0oi143 ijt l 4 to p m sal 1000 1100 ul robert r haaailton optomev eye fxnm ned hear ng a d service ifil cuilph sl ceciratown onl tr nppilitrnent please phone th wt1 ai nmng arrouvnno lever hoskin charterrd aceiiuntantji 1 m n st n 312 kitx st w ivimptiin tronv 1 ph me cl 1 4r24 fm 4 9131 travhius quid gray coach lines coachfs lfav1 acton standard t me entrmnd 8 33 m d1r except smft iw 5 ub p m 613 pm sm pm 10 u p m sun nd h l wrtoi iind lor m 12 pm iv pm s77 pm tr pm 2pm 1132 pjtt i 12 i m fn sat sun and mil canadian national railways standard thn eact bound dail j s 44 mm dally except bll arn flartopl 7w indiy only 801 pm dally sundav bll p m sutida exeppt sunday flyer at lieorfe- town txt pm daily flyer it gorgtown 10 1 1 9 m westbound oauy 1144 pjn dauy nc sunday saturt only 1 only i t daily except sal od sua ctt mdit ij0 a-m- 044 pjn turday only 533 pjn sunday jy fo ajit fflawp sandaty ly flyer at onhpl 7 0s pjiu y

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