Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1960, p. 8

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the acton free press thursday january 7th 1960 njghl school classes begin uguui iifcxt week first problem o i960 which calendars to put up the snow boxver was out on monduytor the third time ihis year on new years- excthcvcs broke into a collate fienf mofrat tind u y5 l between christmas andnew veersnobody was working too hard bui this week were back to normal going like 60 thousands of miles of phone and hydro lines were checked by repair crews follow ing the five day storm last week east of rockwood where storm damage is extensive for georgetown now has a third baptist congregation they are jnecling in a school north halton 0 p p report no accidents on new years ee and only one arrest al georgetown there have been 15 babies rf in the milton district hos pital since h opened three weeks ago miverablckl sight of the sea son row after tow of denuded christmas trees tossed out to the garbage country andtown slopes are marked with the wavy trails of enthusiastic young skiers and tobogganers mtnqr spofts hockey is schc duled to ect under way on mon day whenhome of the learns will uarilhcir games esfry crews were se to try to prevent the loss of more trees skating is scheduled for the irena this weekend and many of the young skater will be donning the blades tor a whirl around the arena lee was still clinging tcnac jously to trees and wires a week and a hair after the storm began camera fans took their time about getting dramatic urots of glittering landscapes some of the articles on the bring and buy table at the scottish dance club s family night were made by the children of the sunshine school for re tarded children in milton the plastic for the car cushions was donated the teachers would wcl come any clean rags and nylons f stu sim free press headlines review inn a backward glance al the news and events that made 1959 via j he medium of the acton free ress headlines shows a pro gressive year in the history of acton and district the free press this week re prints some of these headlines that recall happenings irf town and district during the past year january 8 mayor forecasts busv year in 1939 charges 1959 councit to find contamination cause building permits mure than double those of last year january 15 1959 board pro- geds with plannin for 10 room public school addition high school board approves plan for proposed 12 room milton school j j stewart will be last puc chairman january 22 m4250 churchill road water supply turned into municipal system monday njs sagaweya reeve john milne cho sen 1959 warden of county con mil lant stresses need for future town planning w stanley cn 1 b representative upte support or eye bank january29 committee of ad justment allows by law altera on churchill road spring main water supply j13000 fire at loe at store refer 20000 piiflhc school for more study by coun cits finance committee february 5 caucus closes council chamber c bishop es capes death as ear crushed by t county setts debenture swamp leaf players for auto graphs relocate 197 students as demolition to start at old school may 7 invite five municipal i ties to seek solution to high school board dissolution can cer campaign raises j i 000 in ac ion haton tleclion maehtne in gear for provincial contest june ii arrest forger who cashed cheque al acton bank may 14 154026 school con tract awarded to battalia co 176 boys register to play ball in legion minor sports safe cheek 225 ears tape 153 bicycles uunugc pftttn room school ai boys toronto bound to see ball game august tf chairman c w bradley places cornerstone at robert little schottlqddilion martin marks has commercial pilot 5 licence at 20 september 3 four rooms av aiabc tuesday high school board advised community splr it apparent at ever ion swim mlng class toronto ball club host to actbn boys september 10 business man from ijew zealand visits disston plffiftn i actonhoo pupils start may 21 fashion review recalls 1900 s is hiy club model doth cs demolition expert says school was a hazard hire each crs for high school may 2fr j t hurst hired ai town bookkeeper council jpp to be rilled by j har 112 as sociation members lour beard more plant ambul incc brings d dunk home to waleh three sons being bapircd three minor spoils teams enlcr halton cuun ty 0 b a june 4 to dccoiatc honor dead during decoration day service parks board cngag cs file park attendants review lifeguard situation at park c k browne holds 89th birthday june ii estimate loss close to 10000 in applcyard him fire monday 20ycur employ cfiffqid feted by acton eounetl school tuesday porter expands in ac tun september 17 plaster crashes to floor as united church con gregation leaves dedicate mem onal library as 350 scoulers at tend reunion september 24 1959 fair al tracts crowd of 9000 council re news o p p contract workers lump iny chamber oppose poi lulion b law octubcr i milk prices up to- dav pupils move into new quar ters sandy barnes lop in irac tur club october 8 puc gives appro- v d to committee to adopt trial administration plan halton 1959 population over 100000 liz force bruce andrews pete law son bring honors to acton high school october 15 air pollution bv liw dcfcitiri 54 will dmlia r 17 name john lcdouceur acton s new assessor save child s life at cavein iso officials honor john a- milne december 23 bitter winds whip flames as firemen save second barn suggestion to fire employees rejected by puc members post office staff handle christmas mailing rysh tips on touring i wfrfi a the must annoy ing driver on the nations streets and highways today is the fellow i call the get ahead at any cost charac he operates at his best or worst in heavy traffic when ears arc bumper to bumper and mov ing slowly he has but one simple thought worthy of a simple mind and that is to gel ahead at any cost demented you know how he operates he rides his horn vieiously takes pressing advantage of even the slightest opening to wedge and force his way in cuts dangerously and sharply in front of cars and weaves in and out of traffic lanes with utter and senseless abandon some of the mure demented ttrtvertorth1s signal left or right turns to pre vent carsbchind from moving up to ihenr regular places downright dangerous the feel ahead at anycjjt driver in nol t unprtnup driver he is a downright dan gcrous one your best method of dealing with him is to hold your rightful place in heavy traffic fairly and firmly refusing to be intimidated into giving way so he can force ahead another 10 feet or so sooner or later every fcet ahead al anycost driver pays the bill and it s usually an expensive one for getting ahead in traffic all or a single ears length inflation threatens watch lire inflation particular ly on long trips under inflation threatens both our safely ind our pocket book not onlv d microtis in last driving but t can shorten a tire s life by per cent made whiu you wait rev adar tahsofficeft jnited wms at meeting the december meeting of the arnold supply women s missionary society of the acton united church met at the home of mrs c l poofc with the prvsidertfin charge following a brief business session which in eluded some of the year end re ports and the completion of plans for christmas mail mrs force asked mr adams to conduct an installation service for the execu live for i960 the officers arc as ojoiys hoporary president miss m 7 bennett president mrs it r force vicepresid mr lidkea mtsv mmain prize a shoemaker treasurer mrs j lambert assist treasurer mrs j mcgcachie record and press secretary mrs r hart corrcs ponding secretary mis h r force associate- members wis b eldhuis christian citizenship sec miss d simmons christiin stewardship mrs g johnston missionary monthly mrs c t poole pianists mrs m burns mrs wm stcrritt mrs rov miss m m tinpnze lit sec mrs robert wirnc community friendship mrs r cleave babv band miss c henderson co it mrs ken ajlen seasonal scrlptjire mis lulkc v ind miss m iinprize took eh irgc of the devotional ser vice and sliired with the meeting readings from the old and new tcsfimcnts it idinc to the birth cl christ two christmas poems ic read bv mrs lidkei and a study book africa disturbed gicn bv mrs force tirols weie mini and the meeting closed with prayer hx mr adams the members and guesls were scivtd iflcrnooii lea bv mrs lid kea and her group ehmaxing a re warding vcar of meetings ind study by the women s mtssu nary society christmas over hundreds of used christmas trees will go up in smoke and flame soon when town workmen set fire to i hufcc pile of the trees gathered from the various houses in town dunnctftc past two days ahboughthr urirm frank carney and sons ltd hardware plumbing and heating rockwood ul 69501 work with senior citizens includes 84 ca part bid at 9 10 happv faces cnt as 46 new canadians receive citizenship papers february 12 council commit tec school board probe proposed 10 room school addition con on janu iry 5 the wa of acton united church met m the church parlors with mrs wildcrspin pre sident in the chau lei the bcaut of jesus wns sunt followed by the w a prayer and lord s prayer mrs cleave conducted the de votional t iken from psalm 103 concluding with the word 1a4us all walk with god m the new yeir hymns 41 and 330 were sung with mrs hcilei as pianist the minutes of the last meeting were read by mrs m ison secretary the correspondence included manv letters of appreciation from shut ins toi baskets ol cheer al christmas mrs lindsay lavc the treasur ei s report starts knitting mis everdell offered to start knitting for the fall bazaar evcrjr daughters ofknoit install new officers the first meeting lefi i960 ol the daughters knox v is held january 4 al knox church the president mrs h price opened the meeting with the motto liv hit for jesus v is sunj install itton ot officers loi the comingvcarw is conducted b rev a h mckenie the mnual reports were u id and duplet alter which the new president mrs wm spiel wgll look chaise projects lor the ve it werje dls cuvscdmd it was decided to hold a daffodil tea ind hiking sale in april and i rummage sale in october plans the w h id di prayer sen ice xxctc ilso discus cd mrs ci ii ashliv ind hei croup continued the studs afiiea uul led the worship set tce the meeting vx is brought to a close i ol low id bv lunch year mrs everdell knits manv pairs of mitts babv sets and sweaters anv donations of wool fur this project would be ajb predated a most gratifying report on h work with senior citizens and shut ins was given by mrs shoc- makci she made 84 calls in 1959 arranging of birthday parties the 66lh wedding anniversary parly and one christmas partv 28 bns kels of cheer were packed with help and donations of muncv fruit ams candy christmas cake and cookies from wa members rex g s adams was present ind conducted the installation of officers lor 1960 the roll call name i favorite hvmn was answered by the 17 members present the roll call lor fcbruirv will be name biblical character the meeting closed with the mipah benediction a dainty lunch was served by mrs cleave mrs hams and mrs lindsay trunk explodes drivers are wtrncd ih it many socalled safetv cans of gasoi ine give ufl dangerous fumes when stored- in ear tninks many such c ins are not made for hidi temperatures and closed space ol a luggage compartment seven c ises ol explosions have been reported trom police cars equipped with twowiv tadiuvj- when i spuk from the inns nutter has set off fumes from a timlinc t in stored in the trunk trap beavejj more than 400 bcavdfjllo be tripped m the sioux lookout ar c i and moved b ontario lands ind torests aircraft to big trout lake as a contribution towards tmptninp the economic life of indim dappers of the big trout offbtnd a si niilar project usinl be iver i rum algonquin park tears igo has me inl thousand ol beaver on james ba sirua 10 hew- homes in lakevicw subdivision commit tcc l in vcstigate artificial tee in acton halton tire prevention gets nal tonal icelaim february 19 crowds im school auditorium as 34s child rcn stage operetta cuuntv to pay actons share for cnr crossing signals limehouse fcirl scratched by rabid eat gets anti rabies shots february 26 uncmpluud c ill mass mechnc as au cut ills acton public mcctinc supnoits artificial ice plant nc irlv i 00 people brave cold to enj v boos ter nihl march 5 h nn sell help cm ployment bureau as over 100 un employed workers meet debaic salaries 90 minutes high school board buys desks rev g adamb library board chairrnan slanli fulton receives plaque lor lonfc service march 12 j150000iddiimn u school receives council approval service station robbed friday of- ash goods architect gets board s okay for new school ad dition plan april start march 19 possible solution to sewage problems bcardmore of ficial informs mcctinc gale da trngc extensive new hifch school iddition wall falls board lo a quest bvlaw to establish com munttv centre lor prosneil park bcfcin seach for dai princess to represent halton il c n march 7 ufflersuu show gieat interest in bruce andicws acton athlete acton junior farmers place third in drama festival over 70 le tders attend cub course here council crus iirst two re idints lo school con struction bv law april 2 fore tcr 7 mill rate increase budget siill sublet to tension famih left ji mcless as fire eits firm home loe i iches named to boa d il children s aid hcict mcctinc halton junior farmer 21 c irs old insiall tel elvpe system a at ion fnl sii 40 years tc idling at ac ion pub he school miss lsobcl anderson honored june 18 historic il al tides covered is school cornets tone fleet slinky h til for sixlli term 3uu lans sen dcclslve 105 1 icrossc win ovci onlllt june 2s couneijloi spark- he ited discussion as glen lea pro- peet comes under lire rcpoit indicates tannery waste similar to disposal plant effluent barbcau s prompt action ivcrts possible drowning seven rceciv queen s scout badges jul 2 istaeli international dc ice he visits acton gi ide 13 students hold fcriduition dinnci jailv 9 jick covlc is onlano sindcs hit chunpion d mjplcsdcn received phd boaid icvcds pi ins lot region il e title shh ji iv 16 ii im 11 n hvc cunld di wns in titt 1 ike fslim lie 1 soo dam icc as snt ill t mncry rayed in tuesday tire c k browne misses hist parade in 81 cirs july 2v idenlik mis g moore is victim killed in cnr liain ctash tuesday honor h ritchie as masonic sword baar cr 20 acton a troop scouts brave wilderness near evcrlon 4ul 30 adopt guclph imbul tnce service hr acton to re move dismantle diving pier a boird nilt s dce k dangerous council sod glcnki ditches delegation seeks action to curb l mnciv ik r aucusl 6 populuilv queen hute pn 1 1c thnlls holiday crowd cunnmham pices base ball 4em to 122 victory acton pec wees im s4ndc w tup cami- bcllvllc twice aueiist 13 c baibcau saves mimieo v julh nassdaweya budds ji60 000 ei roim brikkvilk school harold wiles iperntes business so vears auefat 20 dills printing and publishing co purchase baxter plapt plan idoeatint m gjtob- er to i x cornerstone at 12 old united church as soon as finished m 0 h recommends washroom repairs al arena october 22 railway crossing signals pressed into service lo- c of c nlanxvok lichi t day tension puc lo investigate of fice rental october 29 outline new plan lor administration acton bmco ian hits jackpot vjins si 000 miles cheer johnleatherland chosen gentleman player of the year- donors swell blood bank supply november s free press in new home new bakery to open in business section november 12 name j me gcachic new administrator j94 933 spevsidc school rcadv for september i960 navsagaweya s s no 3 xvins poster contest november 19 j6 civic posit ions open tor nominations tc- nidil w j beatlv named pres idem ol bcardmore and comp any november 26 narrow escape foi pals as ice shittcrs on pond btoiuc plaque dedicated at knox church nursery classes filled stop further enrolment december 3 liberals name p papillon president highway 401 links acton with cast ed the tree blitz this year did nol surmount that of list year they believe quite a number ol itie trees have not been put oul on the t for collection l hi pin i i t t t nit trees were ir insportcd to the town dump on tucsd ly and wwl nesdav and were stacked hidi awaiting their doom when the last dying ember is out christ mas will finally be uver keys hintorvs5c1 store this weeks special country style sausage 3 1 drons meat market srvlc and quality a spatially free delivery phone 18 mmpmmyiiiiijtiim w niarai ntiffgittbnnriiiabatttirfjffltitii april 9 develop 289 iu near clon is sioitr quarix li les nuns i main uis 18 applications to puc lhrvilxth kic m ikc- guclph skin it htsiorx he brc iks up a dan fiaiicn pi nip cellats in ruekucxki april 16 hike town i i i he xinills name ann s mas n en t7cn ol the vcar milu t n an hos pitalied lollowin car iceittcnl i aplil 21 btshjp dcdi lies lux ton metniiiol hill lnije tx dix itnesm in thcim id ol cm ada plant begins opet ill n here april vi appn xe mb28q wil it svslem ilistillitun tot m in si fee t north c itiss j bovs high sc h o oa badminton wednesday january 13 1960 7 30 to 10 30 pm at the icton high school new membbts welcome t f il ih r inruimaliun call high school 454 hrs callow ay acton t hostess chairs a well built chair in modem jcsicji tapered hardwood lecs spring scat assortment f colors spfciai luxury foam rubber highltohts this fabulously beauitful 1960 premiere 2 pc suite a delight for vour livinj room and for vou ii s biuil lor dutv and combines luxury and quality special 17950 exceptional value 3 pc soft tone walnut suite filling mirror on doubli jrcsser all diawers a centre jtutded and ha mahotanv bottoms are special 1995 john d ladoucew formerly of stamford township took over his 4uh6jhfsvek s acton s new assessor a married man wrfrttwo children the new assessor and fmin moved to acton a a settled in then new home m the glenlea sub division mr ladouceur was chosen from among a list of 15 eppfceenis for the potrfton clearance sale admiral i960 tv models one onl 21 tabk model regular s2m 5 1w two onlv 21 console model rcpilar j323 nov one onlv lowbo console regular s379 9s now 4239f 26995 33995 houla factory wakianty on atove sets symon hardware 43 mm acta p4mw-4- we service what we seui exceptional value in this practical 2 pc davenport suite sleeps two in perfect comfort smart to look at an i praelie il lo own comes complete with matching ch ur sale special 15950 foam rubber cushions will not mat non allcrt c retain their shape plain or liiured coxers salesfec1al 125 abtelamps vac ate ollcnn xou a ijih sejcetton ol tabic lamps at lidkukkis pifefs these studj0 couch nit liable xx s ijlk opens nit i bed i l txx beds if rdw spn u f llcd thl oih rcn k9s0 s sale spec 5450 ends ot line and ollered to 495 and up s thao nowl 500 for your old mattress on any smooth top mattresses ml i 11 mih an ou uomknnp whjl l tl yir iwrnn aix or wc will p p tiidlhcxx ind pjv vou 0o bcvuliv s llu- sm tup m iltkcv nu ind main vour kxtiiru pni langt inrm j3450 lo 52 v limited offer save 35 00 jmodatn 3 pc bedroom suite 6 drfuct and 1 i on only j 12950 frwse are but a few of the values during our jan uary furniture sale sale starts fri jan to sat jan 16 acton home furnishings 47 mill st mamam acton phone 30

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