Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1960, p. 4

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the acton in press thursday january 5ttt i960 fair board mpp urges mayor strive for community centre hall j e whhilock fonmr agri ullurn representative wns guest speaker at the annual dinnir meeting of thi alton agniuliuul society wcilnesdov ivining in knox prcibvithon ihunh hi gnvc an njutratui talk on jiin n cent trip lo europe culorcd slides ol his inn utrx enjoytd by ibout so incmtkis wives ondlguesis mr whinlock congnrttrjaum ihe acion- pair board on their untiring efforts and their accumplinhnunis mu lhcpast vtars al frnniu present ngniultural representative praised the at ion board tor the insistamc to the junior farmer groups ni thi lonl fair and wished them siitttss in future fans stan hall member for hilton in the prow nun i parliament ako congratulated ihe acton fair board on their wonderful fair displays mid fniormed them a large purl of their success was due lo the seetelnrv mrs iiene svuiekhumcr mr hall inform d the group thu aeton had i uondeifut park and told the mnjoi only one thing was hiking i eommunilv cent ix building the number of pnrlmment of tired the protect irc a challenge id he mayor walter cook jiki infotmed him if aelon would go alter i eommunilv eenlixs build ing lor the park he would per tonally see thai a substantnl giani would be forthcoming from ihe onruiu gournimni lor this calvin aitken iniiodtntd the guest speaker ind uiiilinid his present vvuik wilh the h ilton and peel trust and smngt co afternoon auxiliary meeting topic on changes in africa the afternoon auxiliary ol knox prislntetiun ehuieh worn ens misnonan souit held the fust muting of the t u at the home of mrs win mileod 7buida jnuan 14 nji th new ptesidenl mis h 1 buinu opening the meeting wilh i nil to uotship and pnu lot gind ance through i hi t r atltr ihe singing ol 0 mislei let me waitr with thee mixting vuis turned ovu to the program eommiilee urnlir ilu leadership of mis oliei moi in meting miiihuv 8 1920 md conduitmg responsie killing mallhru 5 mmft unli mis a h mikeivu otlthng pi iu tlu tjflering wis muud ind ikdu aled b mis moijjn study africa the studv clunking w ivs ol lite in allien wis nudi vu imprissni b mis a j buih an in ind mis o men m show ing the impiel ol indusliv ind 1 1 1 v lilt upon tin pmpk ol pus ent div aiik i itu yud ul al a mi inleit sting piuinl lor this eu alma in mueh in iht news md ihne art main things ui find out ibout this vast milt nun i the business of the nutlmg followed with itu uiept uiee ot the minifies nil till and iixjs iiicis upott mis a j buelian in u is n mud ioilisniniling see umlv loi the l u i mrs h 1 bennie mis a j hue inn in mis tixtt andi ioit mis c g jones allended guelph presbvtenil innu il ineu mj in giulph luisdi j inu u 12 mh upoiliug mime put ot iht muling a speuil ofkung wis uuiud loi i sihol irslup hind in numirv ol miss ellin audi son seiiknii pruurs h mrs hnn sui miss chulotte moore mrs ii kiiiiude uui mis h allison to low id b pntr b mrs h l binnie elosid tin nut ling a sikiii hilt hihu wis spent with lunih suvid in ilu lommit eskimo schoolgirl now art editor in acton iode told a idles of tin duki desonshiie ilihpki iodf bnv ed thi slippm simis ind ill arrived xidlv at ihe iwnu ol mrs j jinv widmsdav ncwg of ijsl week tturc lhc inotsd a pot luck suppci ol ibout a manv diflttinl uirulus or loud ns thi tx win i idus dunng the husiniss muling rtpiestntaiims wire thosm lo act on ihe mill lommiltii a nominilin lomnultit wis in- pointtil to biuie in tin sluli ol otluirs tot ilu iiiniing mh mis h r ioki nu slioi i aeiounl ol tin 101 i s mwisi pnieit thi buikhne ol i n m munuv hill it liohtshu b i l which all ihiptcis hni nimti donations fmm n spceih hv r a j phil lips lnm thi dtp uinunl or noilhtin alt iirs md nnlionh rtsouixis slu mil fiobishir ba is a new lown where nothing ixiskd fie m us ijjn md it is i bus lown with us airpoil its tonsil in tton program ils rchab- ilil ltion cintu its adminisii it ion olhiis n hospital anj its sihool ll is h ud lo bung n niw lown llki this totihei hot the pioint of tin loiiimumh hill his dom it is noiliine his be ion ii 1s n hull m eihosc alfairs fskimos will t iki i k iding pmp but il wilt hi shuiil b all without rtfrud lo i in or tolor ol skin this jii is i ni minimi in thi ulati ns wl i ins who sh he i iilimship now art fdllor in lonniction with this sub- nil mis ft let showed i puiurt ul mn pinefcikishu published in tin ilnh puss letenlh ma is thi fskimo tu who altmdctl sihihl m anon for n ur and iiko ukik lilt irl ejasses il tht night sihool shi isnow eskimo in iganm an editor with ihe dc piiinunt ol norlhtrn aflmrs b ac news tbrotherfetaa at aniuaair churchmen last wednesday cvenlna mem ben of st albans bac drew up tluir lompltte program for ine vear lmj hfl meeting wiul htld in the rouii0 dm to the parish halt being aire lily tn use by othev organizations the mtm bets were most giatiful to the jse hjb slqkieef ami mis stokprff for their kind imitation tojld ihe inciting in their home bac president us diibvpie- jutkil al t mettlng and t husiniss ofu rawing up i pio gram stheilule got undtnvny fiist item under ilistusstun was thi dttision to diop tht hi weekly husincsh meeting and have only one dinner meeting a month allowing a m ixtimim ol 20 minutes for bushuss discuss ions meeting rosier the following roster ot meet ings was approxid and is as loi lows wednesday january 27 mis kenneth knox speaker topn uninf widntsdiy rebruarv 24 spin kir films hungar and tju big stndi kong kong and ktnei ele relpgvc year widmsdav mnreh 23 spe ik ti doug ditlriih topn mission work by aircraft in the artlit wednesday april 27 spiaku and disiussibn gmup topic his torv of iht anglkttn thuith widntsdiy ma 2s sjh iku fpii th rolsed book ol common pravtr no milting n june jol md august but on wednesday sept mbir 2b tht subttt of an id duss anil discussion win oe mi moimons md jehovah witness siets wednesday october 26 then will be i ladles nielli md 11 d louccn program widmsdiv nov i nihil 21 speaker rev j h memulkin ot gutlph pinsh of si patruks topie tin ongin of clunth ap pomtmints social time this completed ihe business portion of the mechng mrs stokreef served lunch which w is provided by ken thompson md his eommillie tin rtcior then produced in old guil ir and with ken blow il iht piano ind harold dennv and lis dubv alternating on guilir n niiov iblt singsong got un ikrw iv othei songsters puseni wen vit bnstow trcisunr john llovd st johns rock wood vue president bill den nv frmk van wck waltir du bois km thompson nnd gioigt gold aailton bantams win over acton milton bantams won against ac ton saturday at milton arena 12 2 the game was one sided throughout as ihe milton nam skated rings around thifr opptin tnls bruce mtdulk and alan reld with u hat likk eaeh paced the millon storing while rlekv rowkv donnv cliiisltnsin bill currlc haiold wilson flml kinnv thompson scored oiu goal mh shejdon blow tattiei both the alton goils lo lank is ihe ir lop playtr lineups for ihe two te ims iu aelon wallei musiles holmes blowipvmeh hellei gov at- bic huhbil hnrns ciki butin shannon phitim milton stemman guild cui rie chiislinsin kiervin buloli whieler wilson i oomis rowki re id peddle thompson cm me dill le streams in district will be restocked georgetown disltul slu mis will be restocked with it out llns vi ir it was disilusid whin the gioigetovvn angles and him u is assocuilion jinnouncid linn plans foi l0 i ist vveik hit usioilang piogiam wonlil hive bein iiiiitd out list vej bv iht assotiilion but lot ilu dillkultv in obt lining g inn hsli then thi gaha usinllv get itsli fen u si hiking from ilu chitsworlh an i howevti um struction of mvv hitiliuv lhtu this si ison ttmpoi uilv hitkd opu itions thi liatihuv will he in rull funilion this spimg ilu gaha ilso inluid lo puiihisi a nutnbii ol iingimk phtisini iliuks ti hi nliisid ium fill is m nun hiul tht unpi ov e nunt ol f u nu i spoilsmen ul ilioiiships is ilso piotnimnt ill ihe issoit ilmii s i960 pio nil tin niimbiis cxpusstd then willingness lo issist un i innu with a i msnv it ion pioblmi md cited tin pi lilting is i p issible sei vice curling rink opens at georgetown links ihe new not lb llillo nil cui lint club his opund unlets i ut hilling wns olfiud it ilu link until 1 isi sund n willi ilu legiilu ilub mtmbets onlv tn willing to nssisl wiib mmuiuiun sintitiil on thi thud i uiu n of tin north halton eolf i hum al giotiiown the huikling when eompktid will ilso hoiis lilt goll t lellltlts now loc it id u ihe old club housi n ilu ins see gratifying increase in pentecostal reports th innuo mextmi ol the ac lotitenktomul tibemiek w i hitd on tuesdiv p binnii tin see re i irv tn ishui envi ihi in ei il ix pot i ul i hi ehuieh the liniiuiil upon shivud gratitvmg hkhih tivn thi pn aious vim li shtiweil that ihi ehuuheni j442 t wis s miv sions md i iisul y b i m ii thi building tun i four campaigns in ecord of 106 the mission hv mvinj iniounnng u 1 vi the upiirt lor thi pionerr mis suiiiiiv aition girls wis given b ilu kukr mis p birkir ind the pisioi uptirkd in thi christ ambissidots i he oung peoples ix pit t nit nt ol the ehuuh officers llecled thi i la lit n il ollmis for thi vt h iw i i wid inud ti ihe the toronto furniture mart ended this week we have shopped the show and the 1960 styles of fine furniture are arriving daily watch for the 1960 parade of bargains acton home furnishings to make room for ihe i960 merchandise our clearance sabr a ill contlnife until saturday january 23 persohal notes of actonlans visiting outoftown points and of vlnlori in acton homm salm di nun nlng mr amos mason kit by plane 101 honda vvhcix he will spend ihe wintu months rutin 1 111 inlu 1 luh llston was c llki neil 1 wi iihn 1 he nun wi maik ihe imp mood i al hull u 1 s h i asiiih iniin im ol admlnui 11 sill jill f 10 gi uli m4jjaugulit-i- h lunch 1 oil lt blue spnng ttus loll gh sihool nil hike i ti ilu dhmi i hie 1 in and tin nit mil m ix ii iggili hi i 111 tin dog itikly hike 100 lluv wiu 1 iliutl in lh ivuiiiig hv assisi mi suiut mis ki i iwiiiui duln ind seou bill heuiv rovtl pile niwltn hlkid out i i 1 tisil sund i mr wully frank um of maple u puidinjua few jlnxn with mr mil mis c k browne about 60 wniarlei from diiclph and dmriit attended a 25 firemen take first aid course ni it l ill iht uumluis ol ilu i111 htieuk in t ikm tin un unt st jlin ainbuliiiii kiiim iiinniug irom k 1 10 1 uli mund i ewnnil in ilu liu hill alum 2s 111 iniolkd with due puis 11 is ilu ionise whuli si 11 ud i si wet k inns im eijjil wnks ind 1 0111 links wilh t 1111111 ill ins to li iu ol aumlnktmkvc assislunl invatc secrtturles in the club kooni of ihe royal hotel niolph on saturday among them wan former ac ion rtsldenl fr mtfbatjntmntrttitrestei ml ol ihe business and ptofcs sionnl women s club in gall in aelon for a dinner party with dr and mrs buikner tins il iv win mr john ntwson and a lolliaguc mr goidon noble ol tin national film uourd lontnto mi noble wilt be in t lunge of tin mueh piogtuin of tilt alton honii md sihool assoe 1 h1011 i hue to mill the giusts vvtu ml hill wilson tuiisiirei ol the im il homi md sihool assotiilion mil mis wilson parks boprd continued from page one ihe latter parl of lust year fiom the town tor icrvkes at he park by town vvrkmen amounting to 274 56 was auihonxeu for pay merit following a dlncimlon a hrtukdown of time and lubor had biep rcqmslut by ihe btntrd and lliry weic notified by ihe iltlk artmlnilrfltor tfiti won impos sible fhe bonrtl agfeed to hold ihilr regular mtetlrigs the third tucs day of each month at 710 pm following the regular business the board dlsoimsed their pro posed budget and outlined vur iuits profit is in vkvv for ihe coming year iq an aitempl 10 stukc a letmilivc figure lor a budgi t appliance and tv repairs manning electric 530 grants radiator shop specialists in au typb of radiator servict repairs recoring boiling trucks tractors e h quick efficifnt service free pickup and delivery phone 85 acton collect 252 queen st e acton ont georgetown golf country club rr 4 georgetown is now roceiv nq ipplicitions for membership for the i960 se ison it the follow ng rates intilmim 1 1 00 00 1 nt1 1 ma and 1 auv 140 00 sll i iaiy 65 00 juniors 25 00 free inltinlion for members joining i960 season phone ol8690 ivtil chnsi mis p bitku in tin ihytiu ol the sixuluv mts bintiit ivt tht upon f r iht minis miv sion u un il m hi h si ni i th il parte is um m 1 1 nnsi m u v 111 atvmimi mil 1 iu nu 1 smnuu- in th 1 1 i in not thi tn on 1 u tin suit vi tirh1 w giun hv 1 ik m ru ha p binnit hiusi 1 r sti ii iitik ruil canadian facts 1 hi iliu ol g hhk miirt i nikl in tht tirst hail h vi iv vs hill 11 in m u i 10 ki this w s round and sirloin roasts 79f sorvic and qualify a specialty free delivery phone 18 i 1 i l vvhuh slu w i ohernis ui i nu tht i sari 1 m mh1 i hi th in in m i i sunday evenings at the acton baptist church sirmnn im when propaganda backfired or unwitting witness to jesus by his enemies next sundav i tlito man received slnneri 101 ll ejo worshipping here cordon m hohnes mbristef ie ovr ooeet el he canada farm industrial equipment trade show january 27 2g 29 30 1960 10 em 10 6 pre delly exhibition park toronto kev elm admission kef ekeln fer yea david brown canada lottttd j ljcas cxjmpant cockshutt rmhihulpllefl ltmitkd goodbon lonal uj limitid nmunational bartk5ter company ot canada umttsd niw 01xand kachine company massrr txrgvsotl umtted betc nottold tractor division orrda kxhbxr dtaldts are you sure your office and stationery supplies are complete take a thcrouqh inventory now cmkk the list below for any items or supplies you need we will be more than pleased to fill your order immediately or with the least possible delay check this list writing pads envelopes address books daily journals for 1960 diaries memo pads ledgers edger5hets duotang covers kraft rie folders vinyl plashc memo books s vt r il s a vinyl 3 ring binders clip boarfu arch files magic markers higgms india inks sheaffers scnpt inks pencil sharpeners apsco staplers standard staples metal waste baskets pillo foarn chair cushions s stamp pads and stamp pan imkg rlbbfr stamps made lo order officf firnitvrf ililc cab1nfts maga7imf si bscriptiovs for all publications tpfwritfrs ribbons and kores handy tpfcifjinfr gibsons ffr occasion crffting cards frft prfss 1 bsiriptions and actol nts acxfptfd hfrf dills stationery phone 603 home owners our home ownera inaurene policy coven wlndetorm ice tv anlenna fire theft liability filling ohletll with no deductible the moat complete iniurene available meny other perila not hated here are covered dlvidende peid elao peyment plana there are no baroains in sound protection call us today and get the best 39 brock st t phone 455 imperial branch canadian legion giant car bingo saturday january 23 130000 in cash phizes plus your choice of 1960 frontenac 200000 cash snowball jackpot 100000 in 50 numbers guelph memorial gardens children under lo yeart not allowed to play january clearance sale outstanding values half aprons new sh pment bf ghl novelly patierns reg c sale 37c outstanding values ladies house dresses a niw shiprmnt iif itirjt livi prmls rwguuuw sale frtlce 1 99 combs timik pukiiit 1 12 iv rl 1 milms 1 hi i ilu fi sale price 19c pkg costume jewellery necklaces colored beads reg 49c sale 10c pearls reg 59c sale 19c plastic drapes lllll l jllul hull t i killl- k rt sale 65c pr iu mil i in lllll hilnm v1111 i kmi- ik ri k is di c t i u i riu kv in i sale 2 for 23c buttons buckles thread old stock to clear 5c nylons till lil ul hrl 111 i lv v j in i iii si i j llui 69c pr l pair fiullu snow suits sii i i ft r nil il j sale 3 87 and 4 47 pillow cases colored applique reg 1 29 sale 87c pr girls slacks sizes 8 10 12 years only a few reg to 4 49 sale price 2 97 ladies skirts fill mil wtnlcr kirc twcrik wimik plaidv i in n in k htnic r rtfiink jsguiar to 5 1 jnury cuaranco only i ill vihn ll7to37 hintons sc to 100 store the store that cives you a better choice a setter ouality and a lower price

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