tfw aclon frw praii thunday january 2 111 i960 tme new luildino of the bank of montreal is located at the their barber shop and music store the new building ws corner of willow and mill streets and indicates the progress j erected on the sue of elliolt brothers dry goods and grocery rnnde during the past 60 years the bank first started in the i store the new building assists in dressing up the mill street old perrynwn building where h mainprise and e walson have business section population ol 1500 towns first bank marks 60th anniversary merchants bank later became part of b of m actons urm thartircd hmk the bank of montreal will nimk ft- 60lh annimisnv nxl mm dav the bianth wis ojxiutl on jonuurv 2s m whtn hh u il population w is nnl i s00 ii ss is originally a hi imh ot l hi mu chants bunk ol t in ul i whuh later bcuiim a pait ot tin b ol m first lorn ton ul i hi is ink si is in the thomas pimm in hmlil ing a formir sum propciis it jhc comer of mill and john sis the other hill ol tin pinpuiv wa occupied h mr pinvm ui s sister who opci hid i lulus ready touiar sinn new building in 1957 these premises si i ul tlu bank lor its fiisl ni ol hum cs until pcrnmnnl quit it is mi the northiusl uiiiki ol mill nut willow sis will luiltll llu bank rtmnneil hti until apnl 1957 when the promt hiihiiu hmdliil mil ibk hinlt on the not lli ul mill yul will lulnl l ik ik iuiiuou tin si llu sio nip ii i time 1 in m 1 imnillil imni diu inilusliiis ninthm sl ihli iioiioim tin il ripiihtion his iimi itkto iiiiuii ill tin hmk 1 ill imipi iipiin ihin i islllld k ii i n llu inmn 111 1 1 iml p 1 iki ink i is lohs willi piisuii miiiuil willi in muk in ui mm ml rnbti 11 101111 i mus 1 mudiii rijmil1 1 almi tuil i ii ti i i ul is 1 ii la i olkis miss mil dsrlw mis k m hi i lun mis mlll wim mis ml mil ow in miss mini i iiiihui miss 1lnnsi aihu miss pitiut musi miss nonni siiuliir nul miss hulith maitml cm pub k mmntgcrs diniiij its m i us tun tin hmk his hiil i siiiission ol i ii ih k in minis liisi 111111111 i tlu hi imh wis j 1 will in wlm am mini lot two m us ik w is tulliwul in a d ln it uuiw w s chisholni ihis mm s m s uii jui iiik oihiliu li j i mi mi l10d12 s mill in 012 old k 1 whilimui i4im9i7 i it sinn 1417 141 j i dmdviu ll 19v 11 1 c li isu 19v 1917 w h hman l17 1 nukiii a oilu iqs1 194 nut willi mi i distv 19m 97 wilhn i tlu present ii inutuit in nimni i9s7 mm llu ii ul ms is ni guunl in m iu s dip nt l in lotontii ink itti slid 111 iii dimio ihimlhi l immiiiii in isu i uii ys muis i luh dim l i llu a urn i ill i in i mi ml ol llu i ihi uv ll ml llu m i 111 llj1111 iiui llu llllllll so mil run hum chili it fiulpl hounded in 1817 alllidiitli it lomplitis lis hi m ii ii sl mot ul iv hit alton ul m is onlv a yountsici i how to belter club disctissedal hiy twintv llxtr mimlhis of the alton hijtiiih yiih ird til ih it lliihii tiusilav hlnit mutiny and rviiwnl piihiduii ul oihu lulis in unlit t ohiiin iluis hi iiindiutlnk lliiil uui iitiilinift liitl kiikniss ih il hi mho oiitliunl llu pihtlun jul ih tnatph luh hlltiwm a 1mi it ilni hluis ull ilsllssil i 111 ik llllllll mo i khsmii ims cluis nuklk kl ih ikl i lllll uik mil i- llmvhik llu uliiik i il tlu iiiup in iuiimiiiii ih inmiilis l ih llu i ism is ilpllli llltl i ii llu 111 y pui assortment skirts 398 pallants oppont poit office high school news i ih ailoii hi stluml cum imiiiiiiuiil will bt hold in llu lujdi siikhii kuiiioi null u i il iv j iniiiii v 22 hikiiinimt ulumpliv it 6 15 p in uml coir iilinu n 2 m uii wi hopt thni ill stiiil uls itul pniliils will ittllll ih nii i i in umi mi in nu nt will hi huh spnlu liuiii tlu pnniipil jin iiiust l iki mis llmuk iiui l hi i ihilulu shiikv mlsuii dipl s s i in ships ml uihu 1 ull iv h pih1 pun tits will hae refreshments in tin stuff rtntin ui utss of llic slah rdnshmuiu fur 1lu timuliulli of the students and piiitnls nil he provided bv une nl ihc tliunh rroups and the boiiiil ol rduciitmn of alton lhli will bt a display of wmk mil protitls duni by the stud tnts hiruin llu year tlu mmni will iiiiuhult willi a il nut horn 10 lo 12 10 villh i viii lsk tulll ai tlu an lesion ot llils ii 11 mi ik m iiht us mil i hi i il lv pillll hon whuli minli a in llu h luld midiluiium have 1 1 n ml v hctn nliirled the tluiiu for tin ilet orations ihii year is u ship st viral grade nine students an uiual will be prcis- d imo stivitc lo do most of ha wolr umkr the kulushlp of mr cadillik ami piu hurst the nuihtotnihi mil hi lomtrkd in lu i ship lumpuli wllh life- noits innrul in isl and rittginu suini o tin olis dituiv be- tfiut tir llu aiianttiuiivnth foi 1 ulivslmiiiils by ivntti lovcll tin ulviilisititi bv sus in wilson mil tlu piinlniti and silt of tkk tts bv 1 1 sky ann duby save 4c pay only 31c a1wavs ntm aviilabu t ledgers annual meeting acton agricultural society saturday january30 directors meeting i 45 pm public meeting 200 p m acton town hall l ichib boad will iu cl dt tl e smic everyone welcome r l mcenery president mrs irene swackhamer secretary we are planning a decade of dovelopment uue of the acton free press will deal prtmrtrily willi tliosc pre jrsi selling im ol ino pasl decade 1950 10 1m we are looking for yom aiiiitarko lowarcii compiling ai complete ai s l a word pictufe of any progreii developmeni and tkpaonon in industry boi rieii and commerce tl at hdi lalun place in the past len ycaii we would appreciate rtctiv ng your articles which we iuggest should be sliorl as possible to lie delivered to the acton free press not later than january 28 indusir al and corn mcrcial adverlising is acceptable tmd may be discussed our development issue goes lo press on thursday february 4th your interest in helping us prepare ih s issue will resull n a nal on wide publicity campaign for your town aclon the acton free press in i7 mis ind photo from a t brown colwuon 4q yeats ago the merchants bank which later became part of the bank of montreal was located near the corner of mill and john sts w iere watson s mus c siote i now the bank operated here lor a year serv ig a bisy town of 1 500 tjm i perm a ien quaiters were bu it on the north easi comer of m i aid w mow sts a tr asured qlass irqitio titf i by the late a t brown shows mr gentles mi lager j d wallate r j mtnabb aid hs dog tr p at the bank door w mackay pili 1 with tlu pi mii 11 mhlll u is i 11111 b mm mkiiiu il nun wlmth his lul m imp m llu diulopiikiit wllk lltll il btmihi- m0 brunt hes thtn wirh 8ik hi mi thtrnipbiutt i hi tin pi im tlu h fl ik ims llki in i i mtid si hi- hniduul i i tuika iind at lonatlidn at inrd rt hihsmli im i in suih m i hhi ind ih i inbhx discuss new church organ during local wa meeting mrs canurun milmrs hi i ir- il in pv i wi t t ills i holcvi tut tbi j inn i niitiiiv i 1 ot the wa on tuti iliu r m ill w m i u u noon i nik t n l ih i the nrv pitmlrnt mtv tli i m i ij 11 hiii il mns gum opened tht hhmiih viipih kiu lunn vnlh iht theme sonp tntil mi ihi pi v mi nlii i h the lords prascr in imivin ul l l h hit i ix itn hymn ho was ming atur ihx m ms bl uk t ntnud tth i 1 minutes were ixad i immki ol p him i ml iml ml hems were divuvsett luh n siuj b mi- considerable dimirsion t mk place renardingihe new orpan which is beinjt eonsiderrtl and what part the w a miht take in helping to obtain it lor tfit chorch mui lortumtt is iho bin i rcectvc letter wood turnm and were abli to a letter of thanks was nxcied hai tlasscs crom the oedarvak school for mrs richard shorull as ta w an min 111 k llise vhol m t ih i l m ii v ilovi i msi tl ih tvxk l dim 1 hv ih ys men plan projects tour plant i iv u i mik f i i in i uhti ol ihi vili inntmtsus 1 tlu i i ill mqiul ind tin in liking luh h ih itimitim t m niiiui ilhiin ih iiiiln unm m i i ik vi n u 1 s luh h i lv midini iritki on ibiirsil j inn us 14 i i i mln m s mm r h i i- ikiudupll in in i t jill i is ihwkins n i rmmiij w ih ti i e i i i h n th i vi ii mv il i- liius mi lu ilur ihih hiu mm hi hid tnpthedinnti muis ih id ih- mil tu in n fuinili thi bulness chtn ihi iiik mil itl n thir i uthtnl hudi tor th mai was pitsint ik ui hitinptiiv to kiip pow ll md ulhvr bumrtcv hnihed t ljks p11 tlu its in th fiillmin ihi revuhr meviinr hvttui hm ktn hi ikin md munhtrs idumed lo thi mtrn hist kin tiihhtd in tvki s plant hr 1 unit ol tin it umi with tiimhts htukin oil huddmj londikiid h u mm bnhlutirs j 1 uhtiilvts ph is not hi i ihi umik mipinr will be feb- bitwin 1n and lisj h js nni ml is pi in i oil tk t railssas lrtivht thi tsming auihar nut at shipmmts in canada imrtavd th honfu of mrs maunst baufcr from 0 91 ixnts to 1j0 cuits psr on thutmla nighu mile all food features effec tive january 21 22 23 tabler1te beef red or blue brand steaks roasts wc rccrvc ibc right to limit quantities iga royal gold mild cheese 12 01 pk bright s apple juice seedless raisins hlaivaxelvpafer i sv9c 49 px tin australian save 6c ph 49 51 25- kent fruit bars- 3 49 produce department the vegetable powerhouse canada no 1 nb potatoes 49 east to per naveu sua 113i doi sunkist oranges 45c garden nesh tender gteen u s no i good sim hms new cabbage 2 29c tabletested turkey chicken or uef frozen pies 249