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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1960, p. 4

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the atton free press thursday jflrtuary 2bth i960 personal notes of actonlans visiting 6utoftown points and of visitors in acton honwi the free press ifkes to feature news of your nits outof town or j of your guests items for this column mny bt phoned to 600 jeinii sprostuffs voung h tends were sorrv to learn she bmki lur leg on a fall mrs b brown of 6vn n sound n m attending itie burns supper nnd dnnn nl tin roval hotel guilriri and weekend gviests of dr and mrs rube it bin km r wu mt ind mis pni m1g1 ill from auroiti and hum toronto wah miss hikn buikmr mmksjan et buikiwr mis jonn he die mr hcitxit sarin nil limit luo mil 5 ttiunil v rece mrs jack frank on sumh mr md mis j uw w r k r r montreal i hnlfcltt ii n l lim h u kmo mrs ta pops ls wssksnj j mrs jot fox and dliiighlcr in the uniied kingdom with lhiii cathenm were weekend guemv waikm irlen ul pi with mr md mrs km hultoul fnends were sorrv to lcim mrs rudolph spicuoinl brukl hn wrist in i fill on sit tint i mom ing mis ihilnld hut been si wing here wilrt thin duighlu mis j c dintn mr ixnin uul i inuh mull spimg min alton ft it nils hi ought i congniulalions whtn mi nnd ith ofimis gcoige mason ttltbt ittd i mr j thur 2uh wedding anniurs ir ai mis i i nilpiion it tin cutlin futds j golf and toimiiv lluh giulph on silurdn mi mil mis mison mr philhp h hiek of himil livid m ailon hi i on moving to ton md his son dennis vtstivd gudph seeril u os io md mr with mi and mil kui htiltoiu miison is siill wjth llit i mil and gilc on itu weekend finn mison knittini compmv vwranweatv ti tsi i ssri mr ind mrs a cilhn tan isitid iicnll will and mrs j m lrmk iml join hopkins approve accounts totalling 5012 37 aston cminiil met tiilsduv rv cning tor their first business ses xlon of tht ytur and tiiilflxving ths itgulai abimda nppnivtil lilt roljowina aixowfts unlllii 0ns ltd i 17 90 post office depi 10000 post offlee dopl 00 ailon hydro comni 1202 41 bell tils phone co s89s j b mncken7li 21 s alton wmitliijlls m0 unilimoiiu ltd ii 1 humnsiin moiiiis 24 20 omuls molols 23s ii alton motois 4s6 llmlikk sihnll 217 115a itshi stlii ulll over 200 toast immortal bard at ammal burns night dinner- continued jrpm pagt one bob foirs to the musti ol mis sauk uvf swn lu nui nn i i 1 of the world hi spoke of im women m bum lite and the in i fluent lhi txerteu on his unt lrtgs in a humorou- rcph to thi loasi to ihe lassies hirb sim anmulloo futtire son in law ol d a -mi- rok buckj -d- hphicsl listeners with remind ences ol ihi scotland hi knus tw members of the giulph ltghi opera compam mrs hci vk brown and jas matlaughtm sang well known scottish musu al numbers atcompamed b mrs kaihlocn diggles on the puno toast bard highlight of ihi tuning ihi lua in llu iminoiitl mtrnon ii ritxu bums was propistsj t re paul stujin ihipljia ol even hihtancr nimnl tvupt ttu bua wiuh mr stilling is now minisur ul st andnw s church toronto hi was mm duccd bj dr robtrt buikiur brcsidcni of ihi alton stonivh anic club robert burns tami al a time whin siolund netdid him most said mi stilling n ilional ukn its low l ibb danglr of netnt sw illowtd up h iti large and nmhi n to iht soulh thi speaker nottd when bums unlinks jprn mil thiv aikvl hkt a btaion to thi siottish ptupk thi tooki niw init ixik on hk and prositmil thin id tntm stutl intl wns ruhtt for r bert bums mi stirling lomtnu il tlu u tit id is nihil bti iusi his inllutnit wmt lit tnd widt will thi exodus uf siois irom ihtu own shorts 1ht digmltid minisur siid ht lotildn i agrtt with thosi win whiiiwash burns nor tould hi 1 1 nil am smpuh with burrs di tint lots robert bums w is sormwhtk in tietwetn bi told his juduiki hi wis i piikluil i his timis wlun miii ils win olkn dkiiieil h eiononm nittssiu enjoy dancing -h- tv yn flimmg undir ihi supmismn o y ladies donate 500 to board thi ln auxtlian mcl at ihi on thursdix imiiiii as tin ladus xxti s in t nig u i tuikex suppir tor tht anglit in gui itu m wis in 1 1 h s im bi it wis t nilhl is di bob sniiih nuntiomd on his h mill ton 1 utio pioi im tlu lolluwinjl night whuti xxill go down ni of thi fuusl bums nithls t 1 itunded o the ptla-u- fair minx ol ihim from giulph md suitoundiiit disliiits is will is alton gutsis ti 1 hi dnimr from ai ion xx in mr md mis ttd hin sm mr nnd mrs don smith mis j gillimiv mi gwiigt tl liott mi uul mrs b ahinu mi nut mrs i h irlu uallui lind mi and mis makix mis winnu k11 mi uul mis rixmoiul tixloi mi md mis d a rolus mi mh spi wl miss int mi li ii in mi ind ms r robinson ml ind mis 1 ridford mr and mrs h r font mr and mrs k hardm in mr and mrs harlliv coks mr and mrs g gold mr ind mis btrt rcnnlck mr and mis j nk mcgiachu mr ind mis wm wikon mr and mrs robert foxtrs di ind mis robtrt bui km r mr and mi s douj til r in i mr ind mrs i lontl htifst mr ind mis clint tux lor mr nnd mrs j rul mr ind mis r mirtmgim mi hughn smith mr md mis mil micullouth mr billmunpni mi md mis wxln ind pulx roikxxoud missis hikn ind j mil bui km r mtss joan hutkx mr rohtit sihmit mi hub sirinnamul 100 toionlo mi and mis pu mignlh auron forrnirlx ol alton dwbjuasinse- rnavrt s sxmon tin can tin cmp h imillon ixiav mug guilph auto lliiliu r 1 liompson luils att in wilding ltx aulo pails grind md lux nitlis onstiurlion j h go hsqiiisint txxp ixpi ot highxxnxs rixitt clumii il cmp counts ot hdlon j rullivciingt ii a wilson co cf h ilhutind consul id ikd punt v u mtiimipil world 1 id assim assissing ofllltls hilton registry oltut u 1111 ud st imp sltnul ii g birloxx i i shilling iluqui vntu olixti pitmx bin ptllx 1 ish ailon i ut v6 81 m s0 h 10 14 270 u isfh 22 s7s th 10 00 is 90 4s91 t160 in 20 76 00 12 00 so 00 4s00 1hh1 1000 6s 46 10 44 s0 219 50 6s5j20 346 18 10 77 101 90 12 42 t u c hiinh dining- tlu past villi and 11 111 d upon lu im minis tin lonsiti ill in ol llumsi ixts lo piosituti iliii iiislv ihi l isk in tiustid lo llu 111 111 i ills town md loinimimu tlu 1 poll ol tin link slmxxid 1 tin ol 10 millions illili hid bun 10 hirfiisms bx nnnitisloii dutmg llit xi it ihm ind mtud bv kiln thin on- clinsiiaii ex puunii xxluli ixvo hid 11 ms in 1 nl horn tin iiunilhisliip lv lelltt uul loin 11 mus hid tutn dropptd 01 itu pitsnit muinhn ship ol 62 s4 wui nsklnil uhl 11011 itsuknl llu ihuiih hid 111 tu isid in niunbiisliip dining thi i it bv nt nix 20 pi 1 nut ix il mtciitiluon iipoilid loi llu luk ms mil lloxl liiilmn tor tin sutidix siliool as supu inttiidtnl mi biilmu mdit hit till ixll ijl itluid uhl ii thi hoof hut iiutusid t m841 27 fire accounts unhid is 1 td j 104 2s bill ttltphont co h0o town of ailon x uu ts sewn 6 03 anton hxilio comm 2982 171 10 s 012 17 pipe band dinner in guelph saturday tlu skirl ol pipts nxirhu tttd through iht guilph annouiiis siiuulix lxinint wlun iht giulph pipe bind luld tln11 m mid bums suppn uul d nut in tlu ollittts miss among tht gin sis xirc mi md mis tnd vvii mi uul mis phil ciddnk ol ailon rockwood choral communion at st johns church al st johns ihurth on sund t aftirnikin chord communion was itltbritlcl tht ttiloi 1 isststid b rohirl vinnnt strvii i with loniinuing mildir wt tr ut is lorminl on tdus of uhiis ind buildings ibout tht xillui on out ril on m un st in ins lonmd on loxxu idjts of 1 inopus m front of tips ins xun dim s a oung ptopk s sikitlx i si hid toi this thursdix inning at tht piishxlinan thurtli f 1 uitini7 ition put posts 12 local members attend first lions club meet the first regular dinner meet mg ol the alton lions club wis tailed to 01 dt 1 on mondax iun int h llu pusidmt 1 ion alex johnson it 7 tip pin jl thi staiion holul in anon baptist achievement 50 per cent of members attend annual meeting following n pot link suppir iht annual muting nt l hi at ton biptisi ihuriii wiyt in id on jlu tuning ol jnimniv 2tv with rtv onion itolnits tuisioi ol tin thiiith imsidmg holts 1 unds hottiugh i i iniiiix xs us ihik ol llu ihurih w is 11 mi in his us u il llipllllx llu pistoi ifpoit slnss it i 7 10 4h in i uul thu llu b leilixi 1 1 i960 w is 7s mrs noi 1 dunk iipoilid i ir lit 1 idle roll mis ii lnus lot llu mission bind miss n011111 bnlln loi llu i xplotns miss cd lor tht genrntl tttittl ihuiih mtlpls ol i4mi6 and 14 2m in utlcllt 11 ihi spnial iilmhllllallon hind dm ltd l mi billion md opnnd in 17 hid nlln i lh hsl f llu 1 ot 4 7h juiv uiinllxnik 11 still loin titipls xvtu tlh71l mil dishiitsntiiiils jiomsy tot llu usu mi- luiluu l mi iiti mn tj innhid ilial in npott in 1 116 shown itnpls ol 2 2h in iht tiutn il otliiiii is igmist 4606 in wsj miss i id 1 i tvtl it polled loi llu mission i mid ot llu hunti showiuu ittnpts ol jh72 ig imsl 1 sugitslid quoti ol j7s0 whlih uimpitis with j2m in i9s7 and j178 in i9sk llu ihuuh itlopltd llu hud gel piesnitul in mi bulmei loi l0 showint lot tenet il ntpni sis 111 inlinpiltd oulli ol 19p nut loi 1 ipil il expend 1 1 utts in iddnl i six lo pi vide lie t u 1 i minus in tlu hjsmieiu 50v allend w is xt iv ti ililxnil ill il ovn so pn mil ol thi minihtisliip wis pit st ul in injusti illx high pnteittiipe loi iiiiv iinuuitl thutth nit l i nits invwhvit uul llul llu inltitsi m ixtix ph isi ol llu wink t hie eljiinh u tx well ji ru 1 i infs l llu biplisl hi ftllovxship and john chipmin loi the adull iilloxtship mis j ilin chipmin itpoiltd toi thi mission ciftk xnlh 1 nuniheiship ol 26 uul in axti il1 iitiiulitut ot 22 almost ixnx wimiii 111 ihi v tun eh is a mrmbrrot i he mtnmn ti t e le wliuh is diittud bx mis ch 11 1 is umdshoiouh tlu iruslits uiulu mis htlwii npoiltd the lot d loin irom the home mission bond on tin p 11 soniti is s2 40o lo ik tetind m 10 inmiil msi ilnunls tntittsl il two pet eeiil beginiiuil 111 19s9 llu l m id 1 in b iptisi tlu ik 11 itiiin 111011 il pipe 1 xxas pul 111 llu huiln i mil si nl toiietx h inn in tin e hm 1 h 1 epolti il mis m iht i lluieliion mrs john thiptnui piistnitd tin linimiil up ul whnh shoxt new door tlu driughlx douhlt nili itue it ihi own h ill is lit mt pi ll tsieidux doug guthrtt intl juk drxsdak bttm llit just illation u 1 smlt dkij fl inked in llutid gl iss pint is i mud ihiough hie muting uuk mt hoiiius k iduship iht ihuiih his hieonit 1 ilost ktnl tin h mil til chnstians wdlmt to etnx on xxtth sm ill numheis llu ulixiliis iistnllx is lugr ilrimti itom 1 1 1 limilnl munbership h his hem tin suhni ol umi numhlion ih it mniiil thunli xxorship is susi utud antl tht powerliousi ol llu 1 hut 1i1 the pi iet nuilint on wt tints d ix ixinings ts 1 souni of gn it spillttmt lltlglh iht niiituil ilosttl xnlh 1 per totl ol dixotions letl bv llu pas loi m wliuh ul iris putiupitid ii wis m on iston of led itlliw ship milking 1 mik stone m tin long hist iix ol tlu aetimb ipitsi lhiinh biioit hit mttliiil tlosid hit shortill sheet metal plumbing heating gar wood furnaces eaveitroughing 184 churchill road phone 464 following reuthnfan wtw offered and unnnlnioimlv adopted thai tht ailon bnplil ihurth m llu ihtiislon of its nnmiiil ttutting jnnuiiry i960 phui on nilid us upprtiltilioii of iht snxltis lemkrecl by ihc pnsior kiv xiordon holmts unil hi wilt that wt urc uplifted by the ii m4hjbt tlu pulpll ltiih subbalh day that xvt tit htniiennl by tht soliiil tide eihtlilkd by tlic pnstur and his xvlfi towards tin mimhtrs of tht thtnth md those of i he torn nullity thit xvi are splthuillv tnirglttl by llu spititual loin of llu privir met lings ind ol thi bible exposition on i host oetns ions ihat xvt art won by the wealth ol ncptritntt and good liidgmtql shown bv our splrttiwl itultis in the perstins of tht puslor ind his wife wt njoltl in ihnr txtrv snvitt to this thuitti and this toxvn ami it is 0111 hope tint ihev mav long bt bulmer deacont fred wem life deacon colin balllut vmer trytr lo retire in 1961 gordon rnlslon lyol mccutcheon to re tire in 1962 g a hnrrap to re lire in 1963 thurth tlerk chis lundibtmiugh thurth ireasurer mrs- j w chapmnp rinonciat wtnlry miss alice pllklngtqn mission fund ircasmrtr miss fl dn fryer sunday school wpcrlntetident lloyd bulmer assistant mrs gordon holmes auditors i loyd illslev mrs gordon lott fin lime tommlttet llovd bulmer thalrmiin mrs i amfoborouuh gordon rulhton mrs herb mel wig mrs j w chapm in mtss alitt pllklnglon miss f ith fry er houst commitlit john bail l uo k m missionary tommillti mrs gor mittce gordon ralston waltnce gordon lxal mtcutthcdn llovd illslcv juhnchapmnn jatk fiv tr director ot music miss helm landsborough music committet miss helm lndshtmitigh ttiss alke pilkmgton chnrtes i intu btjrtiugh mrs llovd bulmer mrs lval mccuttkeon chnsllin education committee mrs gtir- hon holmes chairman missror mn bmilit mrs wallace gordon mrs george hnrrap mrs llovd illskv miss helen landsbor nigh floxvtr committee mrs gordon ralston mrs corn n miss pith frvtr sotiai tommil in mrs herb he i wig mrs doug dunk mrs murlha mrs llirrls mrs cohen mri dvt don ralston mrs mat i hutth eon mrs j w chpmn mrs laintlsborough lloyd bulmer miss thin livir uxhtring torn m i r pnvtt mcpilnji piinisi mrs gordon holmes c inidian b ipiist npresmlntivt mis hulthton biblt sotitlv riprtstnl ihvi mis gtiut hit 1 ip ll l to 1 officer fleeted orinns tlitltd al tlu uiutnl 11111 tint ut uusltts mis he wig eh mm in i rid west lloyd guists lor thi cxmihg includid 12 numbers lnm the sponsoring lull ol gi 01 e1 town lion h inild t loxd irom rtsddt and lion boh ooptr tionv biampton all olihi t111 lionjjrnit atcoit spokt on bt hall ot iht gtorpttown ilub out ltniiil thin ptjtiis and lehuxe me 11 1 s lion jim cirnex from george lentil wji oppuinitd toil ritii tir or ihi txenmt lion tons ironside w is tlttltd to ihi posi lion of tnl twisur of thi at ton iluh tor thi tommg xtn thni pnis wen rallied ill hx in lion and iun won bx i11111 skate exchange trade in your old skates for new at gordon hardware l i m i t ed mill st acton reasonable trade in allowance enjoy telpviiion radio and ordinary con vernation the way you utied to with a world f amoun acoustieon hearing aid ihanrwlhdi of mlrh p wnnnlrt rlhrnwl ivvulr cltrily vprrly itpifrnnt rf i hrhni mi lint undirxxrix the semiix v ind in i itntn ts n u 11 ul in i 1 pp t uds wett i ikd sin in mi nihil t 1 s s in x 1 ht b iht at ion pnsidtnl ind lion jim jonts ol gtorgelowti i ifttold i loxd sptiki hinfts on tonx itonsidt ol alton and 1 1 11 how he xx is tt sponsible tor tht boh tixiper ot bi impion rinutnn of thi at ton iluh i member 3o outlines purpose pnsidtnl lion akx johns n n 1 ton bob loopt r irom bnmp- 1 nor till 12 numbers h id bts11 sin 11 spe kt hllellx tin liotiism uul td lo d he ind il xx is hotxd th it mpli 1 his thsuusio ix vh- innutxi akitu n latk ol it xx is eitmdid 1 fate suppei i 1 ithkt 11 apul i it t i i tow to i the x uii us utidirt ik il ill pnseni itumhi si 111ls ot itu u puiuuhr 1 tub md bunt out otn mw numhii 1 the i tttli i ill pi ssibk lssist hlee lo ikm tlltllltl lilts i nj i hi lu id i in a i 11 luh n f el tu n sih the t luh w old n 1 1 n b h ctkipefhis iusi 1 mt- ihni inxt sultinmt nnmbets 1 tied h xt us il pott t itlell get tht luh itlllumi w hi 11 is inex wiih iht bi imp i on elub ikiiii planneil tor apr it l ltmt it w 1 t i 1 i t 1 got 1 eheerui i el 1 t btmlel is wl v i x nnmbtrship tms u auxil n numhtis this m inex u is id hx itu- ittisth ox tmin supptrrs biinqiieis mil ntirvrs sihool nut temihes r ihe si t h wurk oi this mimii unmp nt v numbers htampfon dltn ntanlttbd cemetery letterloc comer posts and j markera a toed diptar in stock i wiciuakprtp j wvsjsjst av iw sfmnplon l n rwm ta lmu oli 1hu ht tom nkhol ilmm bnafttl oft i4mi save 12c 6 delicious apples 6 danjou pears 6 sunkist oranges si 12s bit 135 silt 113 in poiy bag 89c save 5c 257 acton creamery tomato ketchup 15 ti sin ltd finin pioneer chain saw tw flomiir ssacsl mo m 10 down tity monthly pywwnn elbuchner ro optomttritt and htaring aidt 48 mill st e acton ont eyes examined hearing tested wednesdays only office hours 2 00 6 00 p m evenings by appointment telephone 115 if no insxver phone waterloo oltut collect sherwood 28867 this wkks special pork butts 49 drons meat market service and quality a specialty free delivery phone 18 introducing 1 our new low cost quality windows and doors self storing doorinsfitted 59 95 standard doorinstalled 54 95 self storing windowslnstalled too vft lp lu 100 unikd inshss irams sia iw no money down phone ed or jack at 66 agon stmbr archie kerr acton ilk 2 ontario wig0 tv service 4tsfrue vtorontorprice in acton tak advantjge of our opening tpecialt no money down pricei of tv seti washers stoves are quoted with tra3e tv a specialty not a side line bboi m m f t philips ll skyline keg s3tc 95 solc 27995 i jf j philips 51 model tim reo 189 95 jgu 22995 ivs biss many other ipecjals on tv sets 6 makes to choose from no cash if credit is good why burn that pie trade w w stov tn fay no mvissy 24 croslev thorman mullil iisms 24 crosley thcrnwn hs slull it auti mam anil clixk 119 w m- ckosley thirmin bs mull il aulo- main anj ilixli s2149s mixma5teks it sunbeam tt9s sun1eam ooloen ooof rktmc shavek 1495 tkansistok kadios 11 95 up lots of used tvs aerials repaired for service call 89 makt tom tv centh thi store in the centre of acton wigo tv 1

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