shuintt five ins at acton bowling lanes -b-yicxjd- h ulrord high school january 18 girtynsnlcs 260 don pntt 210 and wavnt mason 215 had the whirbangs wiapping up the firsl garni from iht slid crs in short order jim jennings came lo life for iht shdtrs iht second bul mason ollsel ihls with a 219 and the wtnzbangs had win number iwo in thtlr hoi little hnjids thty incd hard loi a clean swclp but tht sliders tir cd of sliding batkwjids got up for their single win when duke brown pittd them wilh t 210 effort tht live pointer kepi the whb kids in firsl plate hoop gain on leaders hula hoops retained the sic ond spot and gained ground on the leaders when every girne was a winning eflort liom the flyers hula hoops had a take charge guy irtcurv game in ihe first it wis terrv masiles 206 in the second rav tolh 229 ind pete homer 203 in ihe third fl ers wire grounded jiut good il though ihey ined until the last pin for a vvin they dropped the last canto by three pins comets snap off gators comets snapped off the alley uators short with a ftui and totals win cornels won thi dropped ihe second then wound up winning ihe third muth is they pleased john foley mil gary walker uith singles ol 240 floating iround iwo up an gclls weie shooting for i ihlid in and the situation looked good when phvllis angell midt with t 211 elloil hut ihe belles beginning to ring md with joyce buehamn coming up with i t a h sp th lies rmde with their singleton win by six pins angells lop triple trundlers were hilts 636 phvl angdl m9 ind elsie roieh 468 fuskv btltt li io ciit grace agneu 471 mitv count 42sjnd 111 woods 412 league standing i it7v susins 67 fyisky btllci 8 angclls 5s thieebeis 44 blue springs nursery january 19 wilh a good single going in eith game mums stuged in upstl by upseiling hit asiers into t thiec game loss the sinl es were rolled by millv stilt 233 audrtv urquhut 211 ind rulh hulfoid 201 asleis htsl w- gnle hulfoids 616 luple bul h tailed to help the asltis into wit glads take shrinking violets glids giiheied up seven he il ihy points il ihe expense of tin sh violets who locking in gulpower th il didn i slop lou blown untl j itkie no fiom trundling singles of 24 inti 204 in ih u- order loi dl id j hcppler bowls 323 single inne heppjei wisnt deiinc ckih tor taxis were leo mcgil low iv 621 wine ridlcv 664 ind ches pcuhi 637 rogers take i totals joll rogers hred a de ist iting brotulsldt jt a i dcliur in the lirsi and h looked like the usual howtcci were not conceding a thing and lalehed onto a second game win this liked the rogers and thev shol the woiks in ihe ihnd but the delivery bovs weie in the upgrade ind nude it loi vuinunibei twi rogeis gloimtd onto the odd point foi lot lis by irlue of ihtir big fust game vein a i s top duo were don de foresl 619 nd brother ctrl with 740 306 the rogexi- lop -lrju- were wilo neat 729 fjl ry 638 ind harry rogers 62s woodcraft take 1 ga fddk phillips 769 312 and dun grein 647 pittd the alton woodenft into i two and tonls win i rum ihe ledgers 1ga the woodet liters won the fust chop ped ihe second and milled to in nix the llutd miking with in counts lor the igaen were john creise si 604 bill shin on 612 and fi ink h the next two games and totals l frantic fretl kentttcr 720 to mcgilloway 661 showed tht way home to the holelttes the cue boys wercn t up to scratch for this one no big trlcounls hllcols take 3 games nicbh tiger cats did nol hnve too much irouble in winning their three games from the fire mm jack butluugh 790 ind bill williams 614 paced ihe nitols tabbies trying lu kindle a blaze tor the flit men were haiold tmvnsltv 671 ind pal waldit 643 league standing t sarin flu is 87 niculs tilii cils 84 aelon billiards 17 dnm inion hotel s6 tinmen 19 tm pro 34 l s j0ll rogeis 77 ledgers i a 61 a 1 pchun 60 rclnhk fixi s8 acton woodcrill 51 go cutnge 48 acton ladies league standing i chumps strikers 11 tiger cats 49 top notched 43 acton mixed january 22 brokin arrows weie on ihe inrgel ahcn thlv me i up with the league lending bombs tluvehukkcd ihrtt good chukkeis al ihern lhar bombs and iht all-out- win had them i plating the bombs oti tht top rung ed ryan 772 334 and gil malcolm 68s were iht iriplc irun dltis for a i rows wilh doitcn mltolm 203 dot earlt 204 ik i en lesutiu 213 phil itsueui 201 iind lhts peuln nuking iht singles ja ii itth wilh 608 was iht bombs thlef bunion cutting acton friends jtnuuv 21 phantoms in still iht irsl place holders thtv won two tames irom ihe happv stv tn although the seven powered in i big scconil game win b tn outli pins lo gi ib the odd point loi tol lis phantoms shuipshool ing wis done with singles geuige win 214 hnolcl fettuson 204 207 and hurtltv colts 2w tht -hiiprv- sevens tkst htores wtic likewise tonhntd to singles wilh hairy risers 201204 r iv alkin son 201202 john chapman 211 ind jim popt 206 washouts wash bluffers tor 2 w ishouls ilmost wishtd iht blulleis oil the scout shttl bul the blufleis look he miiuue t in to lot ihtu single tun win wish outs hid out single stoit ol note ld rvins 211 bltiltcrs stores t l wv m i- iht ilisl guile wilh- the deb hjbl ts but the second ind third tos wtit ill debit inks- wilh iht odd toi lis point going lo tht dtbil crs jim gibson stiyed iwaki llgb inimlli i 711 u jia hiith 210 an runloid 211 mug rimlord 209 43 split in eagles favor i hllc rascals smithed eagles bald headed in the first bv pu hit n iv then iht i iglc cd in the second nnd gi ihhtii hk cquallti by foui pins tht r tils almust won thi ihud gu but the eaglts wcit villi so unit and smithed this om bv sii plni thcv fatted to wipe oul i it tit rastals big pin it id howtvti and il was a 41 split in p iljis favor dim grtins 603 wis tht kkkn tor eigles gtltng tin lacks singles win btiyl jut dan 214 bhekit gictnn 243 supine ochlneh 207 206 uid env funk 222 bob skidtmou sigmlkd hi iilmn lo die r isi lis hni up wilh i 614 tnpk gtllint the riseals suites wtit browne 202 221 ind yt pi tnle james pope with i 210 a 393 double this along with i sandra fnmttlitr 179123 302 don earle 178 137 315 and bri in dunn ft 8 132 2s0 heidtd up the rolders win jim cooricv 94 is4 248 joe duffleld 104 122 1226 and jane mctrta 1179 20ft win iht ticats lop trio hawks shut out bombers golden hawks made il a shut out go against the blue bombers 10 hang onto thtir second spol john dunn 164 120 284 lorm mmphorson 122 47 269 and phil grahami 113 112 24m win iking high for iht hiwks blue bumhirs lop irundling tijo were don hams 134 141 277 jill hurst 124 113 237 ind hob tim kosz lis 118 233 cornels rounded oul a morning ol shutouts when ihey brought ihe eigles tu e irlh lor a duublt loss in orbil for iht comets mn jim blumi 119 196 3is lrink morion 135 141 276 br in slur idun 131 119 250 mil mikt sar g7nt iis 122 2371 doing sunn fkitttnng for ihe fugles wtit keilh andiews 168 106 274 mil simlv cupps 96110 206 lfrgiie srnnrtlng riidcrs 45 goltkn h iwks 43 c mitts 41 blot bonibtis37 fig its 37 tigtt cats 37 headpin hilites tin inlet it tints ithon hid tht van not man llittnuins i mung oul on lin stunt ind ol i 4 1 g i mlh ihe ik ik oikus alio 11 ppi j till ft st ivm ills u oakville the the acton free press thursday january 2blh 1960 in tht third lo grab off a win and tolal pins ntxt sulurckiy sits iht acton mtrthants making their first trip this season t stnetsvlllt ihe van noimins 01ll sit this one oul award winners dol enrle s 683 irlple wins her the smlces of the ropsxiem crs while mirtlvn hilts 334 single will enable her to patron ie ihe ledgtrs 1 a products squtek rigo wilh his 843 tiitoimi inn find something lo his liking from he stock ol pauls llolhtng sloit whlk bob snvilcr tan siuill through goi dons hirdwiui mil do likewise it ot hn 3w ngfe- whilt haimg many tltm tails rim mud giitt ill tek our rtlnhirl con cola mil stun up hiuerigu winticis in ttcnnundirs this irip were don h irk snndr i fr inkliu bobby aniltrson bum dunn and j mi midi i josit rltkits lor uid iwo puis dei tiling il ihi jesters lake z totals jtsltis ind jokus weie mil tolnls ill in wilh iht jtsltis eomint off best in lilt lust iwi tit uppity the lui ik ind piikiiil up ihe lib lot loi ils bob dunk nll hciulti mir actonlte now in imontreal paid a weekend visit to the jim popts md dropped into theowl ing lanes o sav hello while josit did not do any bowling she did an mcellent job of drying dishts and i hat amigos winds it up for now aditw duties of citizens reply to roll call bannotkburn w i held iheir monlhtv meeting on thursday tvming lit bunnockhurn school thi nllt call one or mv duties as i tanitlian cltlen was an itht t 10 member pres tnl the prognm cll7enship ond tdueition was m charge of mrs c coks mdjlfrs w waldie mrs c coles give i rending kaylebs couitslup and mn w wuldic showed slides l iktn bv amo1 ma nn n his hips io florida harveylaertyhstmgr sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations c b main street n rockwood phone ul 69934 rockwood 24 hour srvic 200 in thai t bit foi ihe cornels gilois tiudj scott came up wilh the best triple of ihe iflcrnoon s rollmt a 628 bul sad lo si ihe rest of tht gilors couldn i click lobiik up trudys pi i league standing whibanas 63 hull hoops 61 alle gilois s2 flvcts so c unci 49 sliders 40 beadmore jamnry 18 cuirv did i bit or giant slaing when thiv lot k tht first place chrome lot two g mi cs chrome midt with the pow cr in ihi second g urn hi si ish away tnough pins foi tt i ils jovee misiles shown iht mill 0 cum how bow lint sh nihl he bowltd vulh i 613 titeoiini hit cohoits bisl efforts wtit i in rmed lo singles wis alkn w and 0itn masilcs 209 jtff rr tr wilh i 678 luple and auhu papillon 209 sintk likewise fd phillips 210 weie the besl i chrome rolling romp crowd leaders pieed bv bob snvdcrs 61 triple rolling room wi n i games from the tin ynd ind arc beginning to crowd ihe kid ers as a resull john dtmus 272 htc lambcrl 237 fred kenlncr 200 and edmcgillow i 217 nmt up with tht singles for tht roll ing room tht run hirts ro gtr ind thompson mere tht besj of tht singles for i in tinniis with 209 md 224 in ihit oukr girls win 2 games it tookid like a fimilnr pit tern when uppti ltilbii siirtul oul b win n inn ihe tusi j utit from the oflitc git is but i itnt the hctond spism uiti llu duls sneaked a win b fit pins go ing into the thud t into llu up pers went leisure l aboiil llu business or winning but to their horroi ind tin shucks ol it n inine o tht guts look cm true the lpptr leathet had the odd point tor lotals hut thi lict snll remained ihit in i single nighii pli the iin hi i i iwo tums all nhl sks in this to wtrt smiles i ihe i p per ual ken papillon 223 ukt 7 i tat 01 c nd cunninhim 20 ind john tmis 202 tot the girls il w is i n willi mis t ka janus 21 i and bill hudtin an rating in isms with 24 league standing thronic too tttmtntr tnt ijt cum 92 ipptt it uhr l tin lentil oh in gtik 7- legion ladies jimnn lit 1 i snsuis n ills jtot then pmut n hint t ndc roughshod oixi ihe i isi pi ice ttiivtbets inn pulid up t mmh pointer dot i uk ni pudge- jordan fm in i m mi e lkn w mer ihe ittp tuple lit i ihe 4 susins the n it s hi ih ee t i the thivchtxs wu 1i mutui s0 jean bull ntli 4v mil x jnnp 4m 1 belle win 3rd b pins march n hilts w thm tor tht angelk in ihe htst with a 24i and it sparked i titt pm win against the ftisks be iks hits was agahnhe tuet th fhc s nd wilh i 221 etl it md anvils gckjd ifl iwi i itvu b then she sink i lei llt llu bill fori willi im iwist and up popptd a 323 g imt put llu hep pin triple store up to a 629 this done with terry atbu s 220 single pittd llu clinittins into i iwo and tol ds win horn the bns rus s slul1 n 11 htllt thi w in the fust lame by 28 pins ind then t ime lo j lull ouldn climb on llu buulwacon foi nth et singles 1 tuples oh will mt tuisdn is inotlui night league standing aslus s4 roses s4 gi ids s3 mums 44 umtions 48 violtls 36 h k porter jinuarv 19 lul lutk m isn l smtlint oi tin kniis whin llu nut op wilh iht second plut bits thiv dropped ill guilts to sod bits ind cjumk w ilthtd iht bils rcplact them in the l ip spot ern mackenit uilh a 647 triple and bill pendleton ssitu a 2t3 stoa the bus win k with mirlin oehlnch 642 trrptc connie hagin 221 and earl waller 245 singles dtsened i luttci fate ihin a ifo toun bul as wx slid lud luck wasn listing anv smiles ihtir wi rules take 2 totals rules midt it a fusl ginit in iiinsl iht saws drorpecl i tks setond linn in 21 pins ilun lime hick to iluuh in tmpiess tt thud imc i r i tw ind lot ils win rults wtrt pittd h bob wide s 618 triple md sintjis ol 203 md 201 from ktilh liui mon sims brithlcncd up some vehal when thtv sim jo mm du mis 204 and 200 singks trowels on winning streak trowels continue their win tun sire ik thiv took llu tiks i r i two ind totals win riles ii ibbed ihe second chukkir b 20 puis sophit ochhith dtei i slow stiri picked up speed mil oiled i w md 08 loi the 1 im ls j lin i jens spuked th j io ai ait slill peithed on the top of tht lotem poll corona shotth ud hud lo stop the onwnd iiteh ol the mecallum ging bill ii best thtv tould do mis one inieh time micillunr went up in the firsl when norma rubiospn 217 marion storej 216 ind join knight 203 found the i incc pat pilterson with i 237 in ihe second foi coron i s led ihe hil piiddi foi the win this look can of join knights 204 pig bilkntitu fcji conjnis i lift in ihe third with i 203 hu robinson toundtd out i 614 loi mec ilium s with i 261 mil il w is a two ind i l lis inn f the mies prouse take 52 go binsons sinus kuktd ptouse molois it omul in tht fusl whin i lo rrir got thtm going with i tuple deuce 22 indiilikiktd if tht m he rtltis might gtl si td im i loss the see ind ehukkcr wis i icieis tl thouth nun hurst 221 mir ion pone 218 md ruth hulford 222 powcrtd ihe prodsc motors cchiahltr frct agath tned lo gel binsons going wilh i 21 s m the ihird but the prouse lies despilcrthe hck of in oul simding triptts mule with tht win te trib oil thi hit- put of tlu 5 2 go lambs over lo veils vi coehruu s ls lot lolcll bros nil uul tutiniiil in lb lust litnst i imh re il i si he i i i rc ii 14 pins in lie the in u n vi hi ig un in llu siloihi lh i 223 but llu i imhs with me ne it ilutili bowling squ ir i limits ne i i nhi uu kept up htr hot buehne in tin ihtiel loills wilh i 117 i i eomp 1 b4 tllpl uul clllllolle holmes lossed in i 2p il tilwiih let brtnnms 200 i u thin i tune tit tlu nilhl i isi m 24h id u llleme ihim in llu s ti i wilh 207 i ol muthtg wilh i ohc ul eel up till i lies sineklcm wtll i cague standing h is fs knites 1 sims n rules 1 les ss trowels in i januaia 0 n s tuuge tin lll hmke the llw spense tl when the c ill e eeljc ol i s h h haului the ii nnd alihoueji llu whtvl in t rfhrtblc tas jp utih iht bi then in thte n 1 llu ii nt i t md thes 430 ed he me lor i win 111 i elht huil it b h b i m hsi i fif i p n gb bs he i tuple lot dchal ihltsn coek lossuig m i 240 single t i pihki mt isltit teir turtles stel u biunclk camt up with i hi ice ol singles 233 ind 203 musk mm binks uid hid dtfonst did i hit of sinvlt sliiilting uilh 207 uul 282 in th il order league standing phuiloms 70 wjishouts 68 happv scacii 63 debalables ss lurlles w bluffeis 27 thursday toppers j unniy 21 top noli hers wtrt tops in tin tit1 spism aeunsl iht chumps llun chumps tlnuii ptti on iht wtn wieon foi ihe he xl twei ind tol lis tile live point win h td chumps t lkinc o el the top spot jt hint lltppkr with i 42s douhlt plus bettv h ilths 4h7 tuple lit iiltd up the chumps win m irv county s s23 tnplt done miih tt i blinthc 40 likiuist e is lops tor tin nolehcis strikers take game by 3 pins 1ieci c its weie pulling ion tetitcdlv nlonp with lo winning tunes stashed ivm ind looked is if tins would nkt the work- but the strike r slrutk some stnkes ind spaies in iht list go i md so ilcbed oul a slim win b ihrtt pins vein i aibit 491 m dile 470 ind miri loulcll 409 i were the best luple toiintets for llu cits slnkirs hid hud s mi v iddv nt il singles i ilecn k 2s18 jo n knight 202 ski mi i 616 luple ell lit isi rmsseel llu win with ihotnpst ktls mil tnl tut with 24sji ind 229 unci llun tonkin i siuul ihe sham ind in slieel up wit s99 luple f id will ice i liked 1 1 up i 207 single lot jimcis j i ers lust ell tits lent singles wtl ron whtlhim 217 utid mudou del 2s8 i ikn mud n id 2w je rceltve m ilhes m 200 league standing b okin allows hi llu w j kus s itrks si vi llu iitllt rise ils 31 teennunder jinmr 21 rmltrs ir top does in iii le is hut lxihbcd ihe i ills uid eild etth tie i knots in slid i uls i tw j es bruce shullis pmed k tttic single ol 2s0 t ui robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly f p itmd phone gueiph ta 42071 56 si georgst square ihs in ihe pul ait il ill nt lis ind wilh join bi nine spitbolil h nt i i ilu r il fsin mil lite id- p mil lo league standing mec ilium sen lees pi 1 s mel us 60 i eell ri s s4 1 i nb re d hstili s3 benson shoes 48 1 t ni sh its 4 acton maor jiinnm l c is urn ikers ire still iimul ilonj in first nhtc iktrsl lbuk len pi nm i hiint nth but y i ii e the u ii mil ihe line i kiki rr annual meeting acton agricultural society saturday january 30 directors meeting 1 45 pm public meeting 2 00 p m acton town hall kwrd will meetatthe same time everyone welcome r lmcenery pres denl mrs irene swackhamer secretary tlhll sh1 ikk 1 i ii rpk n mii squrtk i 4 iiit t nh ii ttr i ives m inn tvl ind pi tnii rtv ujt ilu ikvti k- hih i in iphlt sim ii1il le ten pi hotel drop 1st take next 2 grants radiator shop speciatlsts in all ttks of kadiatof sfrvke repairs recering boiling tiucks tkaaoks cads cak heatbs quick efficient service pfm ptdrap and dvry r4jw 15 ackni coluct s1 fti st c acmn om dependable insurance plus local service auto fire life accident sickness bufintst pckjgf horn owimt phagt foatunng full coverg call us today and git the best to our telephone customers who have suffered inconvenience through storm damage we have been vorkmg from down to dusl o restore all teephones to f w vce as qi as poss ble a allowa ce for local se v e ad ve low page arke s ng i beng iade fir eaci dav t serv ce ai out r e t4- j9 hours has in soe rases ih s cied p ade if rot t w ii be sho account eadv weanwh te from all of us here ai yjr tele phone com0any our s nee e regres for the nconven eee of nterrudted serv ce and a b q thank you for your pa ence and under sand ng j r s ke7th maribitpr thi iill telephone company of canada j b mackenzie son ltd 55 ch1mch st com and icimbtt acton