Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1960, p. 1

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whe sttt eighty fifth yearno 32 acton ontario thursday february 4th 1960 fnl cmtlw department otu eight pages seven cfiats reelect lloyd mcenery president to head 1960 agriculturahsociety lloyd mcenery last years pre sidcnl of the actoa fall fair to head the organization for other term during the annual meeting on saturday january 30 in the council chambers named to assist the president were tht following officers all serving on last years board past president bill thompson ftrsl vicepresident nino braida see ond viee president cilvm ait ken wcrclarxm re usurer mrs ir cne swackhamcr auditors bill mackav and waller woodburn prcbs reporter appointed fol the new term was mae sprowl directors named the board of directors apaoint ed duiing the meeting mclutqf f kentner s morrison b watson m mecullou c snrowl l hcmsley l mclean j marshall w fryer r denny c thomp son d brown a near d mat thews mrs jesse mcenery f somervillc m sprowf r ever dull and s gnlfin during i he three hour meeting reports were hclrd and discuss ed and it was agreed lo hold ihe i960 fair on september 1617 in acton park ray evcrdcll w is proposed is a rl pre sen ta live lo the aelon board of parks managemen i after president l mcenery in formed the group that mayur w h cook had notified him a rep resentative from the society should be named to sit on the parks board diploma presented highlighting the meeting w is the presentation of ihe agneull ural service diploma by the pies jdcnl forjncnloriouscvieetcn dcrcd lo agiieulturc bv dr f g otket lucid vcacrmoridn and honorary director of the board di oukes thanked the mem hers for the honor and said he hoped that someone more de serving of the awaid had nol been overlooked in making the selection he wished the direct or and ihe ussoeiulion every success in the future and urged them to keep the boaid strong m every detail lending support to the organization in every way posiible photo a service diploma was presented to dr f g oakes honorary director and past president of the acton agricultural society during the annual meeting last saturday dr oakes is shown on the left and fair board president lloyd mcenery on the right the award given for mentous service to agri culture is a yearly one made by the fair board during the presentation ol the fmaneial lepoit w wood bum pointed oul lo meinbeis they would be starting ihe 1960 seson with a slight deficit mrs 1 swickhamcr secretary licisuicr informed ihe meeting tate reeeipls were down and not ed prize monies paid were higher lh in in picvious c us chutmen nl the u ious ecl ions of the fan in giving then repoits stressed ihe larcc enl nes turing ihe i9s9 fan antt ifuf interest known bv exhibitors in entuing eompelitions in aeleill f in methods lo increase interest in some exhibits xvcic discussed as well as surest ed changes in many field events best poultry show to dale fred kenlnei eluirm in ol the poultry div ision repoi ed the best poultry show u date 1 isi veit ind pointed out the poultry display hall had reached its cap aell nino biauli lepotliril on ihe 4h club pronels prused ihe continued on page three form committee to study industrial promotion here muyor walter cook ted txlcr sr and norm biaida were ap pointed an inteiim lummiltcc lo investigate the possible lot mat ion ol an industrial development committee on mondn the appointments were made at the conclusion of in inlorm il feathering ol rcprcsinlatixe gniups tnlciestcd in the indusl nil development 1i aelon thi eummillcc will invisible the advisahihtx ol inunme sin h i gioup and will submit subtest ions ol nieuibetship offers suggestions j it dtlamv ol the li uk and liluusliy builtd depaitmenl ol planning and dcxe lopnic nt it tended and olleied sullisiioiis on lite formation ol i uimniiv sum oiilunikl ilk toili sleeps in the umwtton ul a eumuussion mr diluiev suifeested the aroint alion of the eonunillce xx is n most mipoi taut slep appoint ments to the commission should not be m uk on ihe basis ol rep icsenl mum ol groups but ilhet on he individuils ibiutx and xvillinfcncss lo eonlnbule time and el lull second phase the second ph is o the opci iltiiu would ik lo sittxlv ill the issets ind li ibihties ol ihe town hie senicis n ulablc in ihe town 1 1 id niilhboi iiil muiueipilihis at this staee ill the information would ik e like led in incjhud si ilc the icsults ol ihe uixesiig ilion conducted in the hiond st ilc ie inalxcd mil m h tempt would be made t i dc il wjlll llihlltes itistoxcicd ihe i ml ilc id k tlh prumolion eif tin mimic in ill elfort lo lit mi pic sent indus in ind to loe lie m1 dlllon il hulls in aelon in hie discussion it ihe ntcw mil in excellent spun ol coopei ilion and interest developed it cms wui brought foivv ird which could ij implemented brine ere u benefit to ihe pn present problems wui discussed ind it wis till lh il none ol these weie insui mount ihle lxchangc views ri present hives wele invikd to express then vines 1 hi t lion should we iiijlmpt to it it nt ne xv inilustn in view nl out existing problems w dimu ill ind tin concensus ol opinion was thu uxv is impoitanl thit we do so another qucshon is lo thi imotini pe v ipit i th il should ik expended on nuliistiiil pionuilioli hi iiliu no elehnite hum tn lilht ll was pointed out th sxn j t inonix im iiielusii il pttimot train bus crash thtee die in flaming bus one succumbs fo burns later three enn district high schoof died in the flaming wrecks i bus l t afternoon and ihe bus driver died m hospital after a slow moving freight train collided with the bus at a level crossing on the outskirts of hilbburgh appro imately 13 mtles north of acton the school bus driven by 29- yearold calvin leiteh of erin and carrying 28 high school stu dents was on ihe last lap of its homeward journey when it was struck by ihe train the gas lank on the bus ex ploded spouting gasoline over the front and inside of the bus spraying some of the occupants flames immediately engulfed the small bus as it was earned ap proximately 385 teet down the tracks found dead in frtc wreckage were karen awrev 17 donna jackson 15 and gudrun koch 5 all students at erin high school fatally injured was thi bus driver calvin leiieh wno died later in guelph hospital ambulances and doctors were rushed to the scene as iraln crews and nearby residents at tempted to free ihe trapped stu dents within the doomed bus private molor ears were pressed into seivrec lo providetranspori a i ion of the iniured to hospital credit was given lo many or the students in the bus who es eaped when ihev kicked open the emergency door ind issisled fellow students trapped within many of the children s pirents did not learn of the accident un iii a few hours later as telephone lines were still down from the recenl ice storm a bell teje phone lineman del rxed the fir message lo juctph c tiling fof ambulances when he used i port able phone brmbwaagtotirff ft h5 board briefed on duties safety insurance discussed col g o brown bticfcd acton high school district buard on some of the duties they inherited from the now defunct north halton district board and clar if led administration problems for their beneht at the second regular meeting ol the newly formed boaid monday evening id ihe high school he advised lite boatd lo join or gamzations the trustees council and assoc i iled high schools ol ontario hum which llicv would icecive bulletins pamphlets and much helpful ad grant doubtful lxpluninc llie system ol l1 nils col blown told the board they would receive grants on ihe lour additional looms now occupied it ihe school bul il wis doubtful anything would be icccived on the cymnasium gvmnasiums weic not covered b granl until after march 31 i9s9 arid the acton building pro- giam was started prior to this d ill he advised the board lo pursue a gianl for the gym how evei staling a trip lo toronto lo ihe dcpirlmcnl ol education could possibly ellecl a decision in their faxor queries insurance hood member m m coles iskcd col brown about msur nice covet lex on students in li tnsit explaining he wished to know ihe bohrd s position il i li iledv ol the ivpe which oe eurrcd rn hilkburlh last week ever occurred heie he wis ad xiscd there was nearly a million dollar liability msuiance policy held bv ihe bus driver and in uidilionil 200000 if the board should proxc ncijifccnl is well is i jio per student coverage in loe il undents a discussion on the offrn il n tine ol ihe acton school and boird confirmed thil the school wis itticnllv the aelon district iiilii school mil tile board the alton hilii school district buaid piinetpil 4 a 11 insen in his icoit to the bond asked lor sevei d beiiihrs i round ihe walls in the new dussinc rooms j lisli iu i liiud ovei ihe stacc in tin iiikliittntim lor protection the onlx w t vtsitols hik note t i i 1k x ul tuesday fire ii in uid koekxvood tin di i iitnu mis inswiad a e ill on nit be ruril ac unst voile vballs and bl nkoul curtains in the ludiloiium im- perly ehurmin w coon wis authorized to finalize lite fnsl two hems and to investigate im proved methods ol showing pie lures and present a tecommend ution to he boaid best commencemcnl the bond appioxcd mr ii in sens budget foi the veil ind congratulated him loi ihe line commencement vvliuli wis luld iis week 1 s totve ikclued ll wis the best eominenceiileiil he had ever attended in aelon ely motion the bond ictcul lo recognuc onl n io second u v teichcis federation leaehits ratings as appioved by tin pun eipal in hen saluy schedule a idler ironi the hume ind school assoc it ion made sever il recommendations lo impiove safelyln ihe appioiches lo mil i rum ihe hifch sciuhii includine sjdevvalks on acton botilcvird and where neeessaiy on adjoin me streels a 10 mile au hour speed limit and slop sijns at ill intersections spilt in two the boird endorsed the home ind school letter mil ilso i n commend ition by secret rrv w middlel n lh it pet hips aelon boulevaul could be split in two one uenue used loi i sielevv ilk ind ihe oilier widened loi veluele i illic mi coon s ud he w is ill in i ivor ol ineie ising sifctv i ulots but it was doubllul il sidew ilks would help anv exeil vvheie sidewalks exist now he s ud siu dents never w ilk on them pie icrrine ihe middle ol the roid the bond ilso passed accounts itil illnie 1 w7 80 gave permission lo nichi seliool ollieials lo bonow lions in the iconic 1 i loom discussed sehnnt bus roulis willi ti iiistoi i ilion ehiumin i molfit ind possible ilteinile loutes in nassakixxex i township appointed w coon is the aelon hith school district bonds represent hive un ihe niliii schikil eommttteii aiilhoiied use ol tin uid itortum loi ihe nilii sehihil dis pi ix mil hi ind loi tht ilium in i school assikiilion lor i nut i me itrrtrtntrrf thr scrrenrv to siiim i tiluil i ibirui i urvuil i isi loi bouil chumiin i h cieel the thiei low it musrix and presiniid besi town in di i lllllu 25 yems of regular rhembershtp m branch 197 canadiart legion in acton by john moore were recognized by tle branch during their annual dinner last friday when he was presented with a 25 year pin george musselle a 25 year pin holder himself is pictured as he attaches the pin to the lapel of ms atoore s coat huh to t mtt this eotild onlx be leinniphshit thniueh lone i uila pi uirniil ind bv hui idine u lt contacts ami cdlllldllkcs represent ul i veil attending colule 1 1 1 1 pie m ii i u i vt i ik tnellhi wiu m iv i mn took reexi johnnx i indusl ml thiinnan tel p p un eillut l duh jnd tkiktieas urxi admimsh uoi j l m d i tine iioni ihe t hunlxi t m nuiu xnu piisnlim s inn bllldl sexieljix tvu whk bill mi kix wall s hihikii ml te i fvlu linlllsllus liptlmmh i xx i h k portei c t shu 1 h i mm mil t j re nx si e m plashes tid hi inkhn ml ml ijinj colon i shik iiluu hi ii i p giexn co las r rn iu and dills pitntinc d ive dills also present wcu juk dtlimx ol i lu tiadi ind indusiiv i braneh ot tht dcptrimint 1 planning and dtxilopnuni ind daxc tolflcmirr ol the chaitci rd trust co mr txiltlemtrc rcr resents rhc hrm primnilx h temptmj to nieumii iv li ismi il ihe rormirtol comhmj corporaliop building ind nyw i owned by canada packers ltd w wveji i hki whelll hik ixv uiu overheat exl uk no 4 xvilh trustee m m ltilex l s pipes m lorii mot t u ind tt mn i lorna macrae oakville wins county public speaking contest loi nn maciac llearold oak llle centi rl school giaele sc rudent vv is chosen bv judges winner in ihe h ilion inspector ale numbei one when the fin lis ol the onluio fiustces and rale payers association qiiblie speak ing contest were held in the ro bert little school auditorium iff aelon hrtday evening coinpctnil aainsi live other speakeis the voiine venule i chose as her subce1 chilkngc ol the russi in sell tol system com paring llie kussmii with ihe can adi in system she pom led oul the dlfliniicc in the methods ol tliichiitl mil llie linph isis placed on edue ition in russia panel of judges chiiiinin lot hie evemne was g w mckenic piuicipi ot the robeif hltle school uid udges re d a p kc o gi rec anglic in church milton mis t rogers te icher il hie ac on high school mil v helson heinist it the bixlel ihoi uoi ics pi nit in aelon inlrodliel ol ihe spt ikcis xv is by inspector roheil boiuliold ihe iikilcs even iiiliodueed lv piiniipil w d i i met smith ol the m ben licit school in piciclltiiil the p uk i s il pint on the spe kiis rex i a powell eongi mil iled the vouhl slerson t lie i i topics uid the 1iilii st uid uds ol dclixetv he point ed oul 111 it ivv ml in j ol poinls hid been bused priinnily on de lively while less emphisis was pi iced on m itm il on lo mnals i om i will now compile in ihe distiul im ils t ihe i ikeshon lehcis c illei1 mil possibly the ontuin tin its it a liter date he lollovvuil in i list the pi ike is dh llu icljudie hoi s cm it ks on then speeches birhn i maekav gi ide ci indent bruce slice schoil mil on who eliosc is iki lopie kin lcilutiiis a eleu ateotiilt md plcitdully xen yol tnd i joudekettiiil etaelc even how ml wi ik svvoi th ehool ieoicetown tile unpen i bum photo lorna macrea grade 7 pupil from central school in oakville won the halton county public speaking finals held in the robert little school auditorium acton friday evening she is pictured above receiving her prie from c lands borough president of ihe acton home and school assoctfl lion the young winner spoke on the challenge of ihe russian school system five other contestants representing schools in halton county took part in the contest anee of i due ilion ind school pine personality ippe il well ljven n iniv hiiiitei li ide nelil fkn wilhuns sihool f li 1 1 u rveison livt us sehikils veiv n itirril pood topic md eixcn in anne vile m idi sivm m iknntll sell- ki alton i dm n ulloi il ind vm ilmnl vuv will oigamed md xvill piesuil ed winner splendid lorna minn link scvin mil il siluiol dkxilk the chillciilc ol ihe russi in s hool sxslem a splendid speech in eveiy manner w mitij i willi un andiiws jr ide eight s s 10 nissilixvevi i due a i itm ol re i iidcd children i x nil lopu vvi ii pi esc n led and lih1 ioiii lllslnll mini ix smith ih mm in of the a fon tuhh sil i bond vvct milled ihe iiiilim i to tin si hool md pustnliil i i h i onicsl mt hook from llu ore it slor liiikii si mcs two prckcnlullnni i hi lontist winm i s pi-c- senlnl with i pen md pencil set bv ail m lliinii ind school ah sir i ilion piisulint i inds huoiti anne v ik winner of onliriumi il tlirct ol t 200 attend annual legion banquet see presentations entertainment niitlv 2h xelcims mil quests ms hex hid plixcd then put uiixcd i v inclv pioj1 un which md pi ived il will md i uld be loll wed i hukcx ilinnii mil pi ud ol hi me 1 1101111 un s iwud piesuit ilions diiiuil llu si in hill ihuikcd lit i li ii iiinu il bi inch y1 ulmii dinnei in die inviliiim iiimd i in on rinhv juiiiuv 21 in the uinnei ind couli mil hid ihim ifjon iiidltonum on llleu lellleveinellts tlui iiil tin allioril the lasts sc iteel il ihe p isi lew xi us held t iblc dm inc ilieilinnu rnxi cmx imv itut hid tltt were filher v j mifflin icp i l on bihilt ol lh tiineil iisenlinl xelei uureisl josephs iiieiehuie inillui mile si iu in puisjx si 111 rillkmpp for ihur histoiv i uhn veniints llillort rex a tv mekenu mi chpx inloimid minibus lieion elnplnn mil reeve j ll thv could 1 hint n e umils 1 cjov icpiesiuliiie the lovvn ol opi i hi in hut quippid nil th it elon it is neessuv is llu u k i li s honor term pi xtd time md luii 1 111 mux 111 lilillkllll llie i 1 l1 in 1 i tin he c ipable i lmiiitil in the il mill ill m lo ihe ilinnii i tin 1 own lw tiit mil111 1 ld tin it hum llu awrd phi liim ixlioii w is m honor lum in ptisiiilihe llu 1- ti m in he staled y iu e 111 be pn ud hcisiup pin t i ilm m u hid l1 til ol the kllll is it ihlis iiiei mnsslli i 1 i i li rin iii haik to llle linn l i hi rfni is mi ihi h i km i urn tntinpue it exin lhs hiek lui nous to mini il b n li 117 ln llu i ill illstoix hid is sielid tin p isi 2d xi us hill wis on u i in hie iisi ii his used bv tin side nil i pill n l the iuilil i diet iisus in the liukn ol clh i n sun im i ii im r p ist piisieu nl v u i hbei lneiii told tin vilify piltiek pnsmkd i he d ist pus idi tils ii wet to ii mi pi l mr eil ihniked munjvis i mi ihur ipci ilion diniiil lln p ist iwo x us nd slnssid tin impoit nn il supjh mud tin lacmn by illindnil ihe li in i d uiuliiiis r v a ii m kuiii snd l1 ue hilon tin diunii md mil lor il ill lllsl vieepiesld ill iiopos id llu losl i llu uuiui loi iowuil llu diniui limes milne 1 listed ihe 1 eeiiin idles atlk ill iix in i itniiilloi hn mt tl n i i luii i pujyftim inline he p si v u mis r hut antih hi ink mn nn nlxts on behalf 1 the nixiliuv ohserve silence t th tu lusi in 1 lln dinner it i vv i hs mil i i un minis wh hid p issed im n duiiiik tile inn hiluus jims m h ii r adnn j i uiii m untl i i ti urn ir m lii mipl n t r uiu mi i i lln siu1 i till cveliiu willi mil iuhiiihis s hjlj and sloiiei special issue a upeclal issue of the acton i rev press outlining the past jo xcam in acton and tracing thai decade of development will be published next week hvc writers have been busily wfirching files in an effort lo record the unprecedented de velopment thul has taken place in ihe pant 10 yean the issue being published in coopcratlon with the acton chamber of commrree will find dtstribu i km all oxer the continent and oversea press run for the is- ue has necntnereased and the chamber of commerce will be forwarding copies to potential i in many aactkm of rhc world originally scheduled for pub lication this week the tremend ous amaurfl of work hi coalpit ing the editorial content made it necessary in delay the public alion bv a week the upeclal lamcad supple ment will form pari of the re gular issue of the free fress those who desire extra copies arc advised to obtain them early to avoid fire chief shows first aid films i mn iv i md i im ili 11 x i k aid a il be 114 shuwfl- xyltlj 1 loe ll hid islllll iii i dtp lit mints is lie ii olhu itemio on mom ix mum iu 1 inis witt sh wn 0 un 1 kukhi tut till 1 md un v ills md tins ix thi oe i in 1 hi h 1 nion nt dtp t nn tits will is m j ilm at ibulanrt bn viiwei llu hh s ton iht th trsdie he 1 ims will b show n at the seoul 1u11 io tin box se r ills tubs md 111 1 fcuidcs the hist ll m en till d th u thix slav lixi shms hi latcsi mouih to mou h hum it artilu lal res usuiaifn n and lh sci ond actual field im rpcrw tx ikali with hx ihe rcaf tire thicl ntxeinn report it this xxttfk inx mttresred utifns desinnp to sec ihe trims max do so on salurda mornmg at 1030 1 ajn at the fire hall v a new feature n the home economics room at ihe robert l he pubh school eddeh recently is an electric stove purchased by the school board petered adm nog the new appliance from left to r ghi are msim mampr ic mrs m sm th mrs c matthews and mrs b mowat also supplied to me room was ars electric clothes washer donated by the acton hydro commrsmon and a dryer donated by the ontario hydro

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