Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1960, p. 13

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new 6005013 sewerage svstejfri sepes every part of community mill lines laid in the first installation a i haw since bctih expanded in may of 1952 motor began fair progress there were co hum purhpi began o work negotiations or he sue sewage began to flow and cngi pumping station debates aboutl ncarv as new areas have been neini vvdllhed as the lever of installing sewers in in area sis puu f selling in ihenknuu warlme sousing rs ced these extensions have referred to as warren increased the toual tost of tht operation attune 1433000 jewer age treatment system that hadgrotc thtrt were revki- bum more than two years in the the lnjfjntnl plant plans and a building i second tall for tenders there was nw band on hand in maj ot 19s0 ihe firm of jon and no speeches were made it ts and van oils lendei of 68 970 wait an ausltrt occasion climax 74 or conslrdchon of tht dis jug a ptnod o upheaved streets posal planl and pumping station trench taverns weather delays was detected in june of thai hours of municipal meetings and firtt vear of ihe detadt a vole of the ratepayers that oprncul tht it riders approved the original project b were sold a plurality u 26 strteis were torn up as tht new flijil plan in 194 subteruncan inns wtit buried first plans lor actons sewer with ont nun hole al ihe iormr age system were made in july ol main and knox huned to a 1949 when it was agreed i vote diplh u 22 feet travellers on the sublet i would be held in through the town wen diigruntl september plans tilled for a cd and disgusted as ihev lolled 350000 hymcm thai would place over sirefcts made rough by the plant to j6o0 500 the activated treats the cfflutrll ti vludgc svstem range of and the intake mason knitting co ft vnded 35 yean ago by lotaman 4 an ther pun averagi 95 to 97 per cent plant handles an of 2s0000 to 300 bod gallons dath it was engineered with the dig ester and aerator capable of jf 350 000 handling additions to meet de rnnds up i 600 000 gallons as the mu dailv eight miles of sewers serving ev work alston de v eloped st nattit cry purt of he tomnuniiy foi bad toads a round of puhlic mentings then here a was held and in sepltmbtr at ins ihtri wefi ftustiatmg wea ton tltitns lev than h df ol ther dt laps and council meetings them voltd 199 for ind 175 jg lhal lasted unti iansl tht msiallation of tht mod btis discussed tht ni w svstim ern foeilitv and iht ptohftl s ol obtaining award contract lieils seve acton est ihl all it liars in novtmbt of 1949 tirst ton stud its stwtr tracts on the svsitm wa ivvard i iti sirui turt t n j t inihiriatirjti ed amid distussioiis on tht ivnt ol cllel ll it vv ml stun it nul of pint lo ik used thtit was riitn vvifu oh tcrions to iht still dtstusmon on i lit sitt lor loimula lind tht mallti was ah ik injtftknl pi ml wiih consul of yital toutro trs in i ifnal era lion given t i silt m vttlori i appt iranit txt t iht ontano ah coumil idiounud al 2 a ill tin town won hi mid dclt mhii tonitnl that i us point that tl i method was legal madi in lln i cw vtar liui rip i9l ii wa ii inial 1 di vtlopnii in i iiiii jtuckh lhal tl lost ill tl iii 1 1 ih mw thoiifdi as tht hisi stwir nist 11 i i lye tl jitlll l 1 and ji iti in ullon wmk iv is rtpoiltd just 1 hllllh w llm hit j42s xx t btl it thnslmis md inloit ih give 1 tl its ll st 1 ii uc st il lit end l lln v ii beiidjiiort and txnl in ikmu ii v us nl ui co doi htd without ihjfli tht ttlltllv llltl 1 llo l mtv 1 4i iii its 1 isl v ian 1 1 i lln liealinlnl pt nit 1 h wtv f- vi 111 well ht vi n 1 tin i mn humid inc h mils 11 vs hi th making priigresa pjsl ilk svskitt vv is put 1 to low fire insurance rate credited to 28 firemen aiismi ll vvnlina s hands 1 t us pal km i 1 v nil i mi vtl ai 1 1 v- i il lln tdtt u s t l h 1 w iy2t siiiim ik pun is still inn t ih 1 ii hull in i is 1 i in rirst ni i idin ii r lililue ltllipilk pun ink s till lsl hplelt aml i missis vv iv equipped huka piinpt i wis unit ml l eosi ol j9 97 ll was dthvtitd in klnbtr ol lsl in 1952 i rm d lux ma a mtiil nndi i t msiilu ilion foi sort 1 1 monllis wis tinhd with lmiilhinu and nissagaweva townships f after plans lor a luvv fin hall wert approved and i ik tonlracl let bill chhholm who is a vtltr an of over 411 iturs sersite turned the inst mk or the s ruction ol the mw butldin joiiiinu the town hall and placing ihe militurv unhtatctl garage ormcrh used the acquiring of more fire fighting equipment was inevit anti and in 1958 the rural area including parts or esqut sihg efin and naisagavstva town ships purchased a 1958 ford truck chassis md bukk sea grave pumper fulls equipped at a cost of 120000 the new truck la houked in the acton fire hall and manned b tile acton fire fighters the importance of a modern day well trained fire department hm been the forcmom thought in the firemen s nunds during the past ten years a louniv mutual aid agreement has betn estab lished first aid training taken conventions attended m urder to kerp uptidait with modem fircflghfjng techniques and prae lice held each week under the direction of fire ml ulv ihouih lulivulual in r v hlingikss lo lean is i hi i jr sttltd ki mi s k act n volunlt 1 i i i 1 iinnl it is divided in to u mid c tonipumes uuitled hv i i a i dtpulv chief hid tl iplllls tndu ih dlicclion of tht ii i 1 f s lssisiuniv tath tin in in is i infill lln proper md n m llijiiu in injur lo handk qiiipnuiil ii i i ope with all t v pt i in t s s ivmg lives and lioptilv js ih tun of the at ion i in ikpairtpii ni md chitf ntw n n md tils 1 i mn ait constant iv sinssiii sutclv hrsl tu pre veiil fins and disaster pitups iht nturd of the ai ton firt rxpartment speaks fur r in tht ui that acton ca j ovs oiu vl ifu tiwcsi insurance ules iu iht province home for aged provides place for nearly 200 ll was eviilu loasears ago in fibruarv lssn j ihai countv tountll approved he pet i chase of a site lor a haltun hume lor the agid pitvuuslv lotjt rev idenis hid on to ihe huiiu lm trie atd ai ti impi n 1 intlv owmd hs pil and h ill m tin alii tivt md tomtjii hit hallon tnnial minn at mil ion w s iptikd in julv l in ivso a stil itsjdrnie wa- bu it uv another actdiiion tltlubling the original a tt mmodatiun liom 100 to uvtfi 200 is iieaimg tump lelion i i i the mason knitting com pan v as established in acton 35 vears age bv amus mason an acton man at ihe beginning mr mason had limited equipment and five em pluvees ra agnew now the fac lory mechanic is one of tht on ginal members of iht staff toda the compans occupies 28 000 square leet of flour space and igives employment to 56 people in itht communis close contact mason knitting is stih a rela tivelv hrnall tompanv wtith close personal tun tact in the manulac tunng process management feels this poucs together with the et forts of a hard working and co operative staff has enabled the company tu su rvivc at a time when manv or lano mills have found it ndjessi ry to clpse specallzes company specializes in children s undchvear nls and manufacture tne complete gar ments from varn through to the finished products there is no export business but mason knit undtrwear will be found on the counters of marw chain and re tad stores acrossmcanada mason knitting company best wishes and sincere appreciation to thel employees former employees friends and associates of this company who make acton a pleasant and satisfactory manufacturing localityitoday and during the past thirty five years i r r t limitkd r u p e r s op h i l d r e h s u n d e r w ear no 2 hydro su crest the new sul capacity supplied on alice street and growth h was brought into service in 1950 situstedon queen street at hill had a 2000 kva capacity which more than doubled the original 1 substation on willow street a new workshop was completed new equipment has been acquired in order to keep pace with the town s ty volunteers erect new parish hall in memory of st albans rector jlifchlifcht uf the dt crunch ol st alban has been the building irattive and eommodi hall the etide at the l ihe martvh of an at jus parish cornerstone wa june 19sl and on api luvlon mcmon il hall lallv dtdicited b reverend g m loid bishop of hurut orv ut his brother initiated pro the late rev vs g laid tn 1 22 1959 was offic he right ion dd in mem insitt nu in sta x nal iildmt ol tht hall ton md died befot el vv is completed is iclot irjm 1948 ill in j muarv ili vv is mi tnl tho i ir the dedication the lord bishop iv rijht reverend d d ilso platel nit put tn the dtdica mji its tht irehdtj tit in past it tors in piicsis joined iht w h ch mov til 1 r m roo in the ihu h ill speakji il deilie iti n honor worke s m sn nv buildinj t h i tn in vv i hi noi ptcsciit i lion others tnnuied much in vol i in hided les dubv bti t w the work v ill il nt b veiluntcei vaue of the hall is set mtmhtrs ol the et lie tn ist lritihtd to the itnount ovvint on will all be paid oil b this ve ir attendance incre incrcastnt attendar sit ittd ihe addition uf hoh eucharist tath mom int at 9 vfj altr i ivofls at malton not letttd the ehureh rol anct has continued tvtr intrtase in attendan ovti i9s8 was 33 pei inertase in the numbc mumtants almost as 1 tht re are now 852 c bers with 175 in t school statistics portray attendance figures picture of progress ai bans in i9s0 total i vtr tht tar was s the tolal figure was jn 19s0 average attt ihe morning service v i99 thtrt vvtrt hrt seiviees with average t taslinc 2vi evtnsonj icfcu ailv in 190 ftth tie idanec of 34 stiv et was not reguli tlie average attendance the number of rose remarkabh from 1950 to 4 892 in 1959 uton v ting e tht lu until 35 j aim total offerings in 1950 were si 92 19 total offerings jn 1959 were 8 472 51 with a total in come of 12 756 23 it wai onlv within the last fut vears that st albans ceased to be a mission parish it is now fultv self supporting and last vear the missionary apportion ment was overpaid there was a record number in the confirmation class m 1959 the rev ralph price was the rector from june 1952 until september 1954 lolloped b the rev evan jones from october 1954 until april 1958 when he be came a chaplain in the r ca f present rector the rev h j3 stgkreef came in september 1958 the rectory beside the church was found inadequate and a new rectory on jeffrey blvd was pur chased in 1954 a memorial tablet was dedicated in memorv of mr luxton and a brass tablet m mcmon of those who fell in world war ii t j niagara e bie prom in on celt m ruul visitine itetr lal ind custom millwork supplies produced in acton plant and the 1 i s0oo re ration now lhal the h ill he end ol netcs rvite of sundas ough the i eabh ef v attend her than e in 1959 cent and r of com h i irch mem sundav crowth i saint the st ai ttendante in 199 1223 sash doors trime and custom mill work jor the trade kitchen cupbo irds or mosi n wood work lur home olliee or taeton is the work of acton woodcralts which octuple s i iwosiortv building on vi un street south there is ilsu l shed tor stoi iie of malenils used in tht budding trade woodworking tools and modtrn equipment give e coon v irev tht piopnctoii tnd his stall the nit his to keep this pi ml in sjcadv opcruion the market lattelj is tht building tradt in aetoii and dis iritt e varev his been in ac ion for ntarlv v vears in 194s after returning from service ov cnea he was in charge of the plant for the gcotlttown lum i bejr co twelve tars ago lit be it owner when he purehascd business fiom h kentner n recent vears mr varev pur cl ased the coal suppk business trim r aear and keeps acton at d distiict residents supplied th ihis commoditv with so mich building activitv in acton a ion woodelafts finds it a good i jl in which to be located acton woodcu e varey proprietor special zing sash doors frames and fine woodwork in in tng over still ing 3

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