Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1960, p. 19

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actons development progress greatest in past 10 years the municipal development ul rctorcl the pjnl 10 viar can be rctorcl whin ecl as the greatest in the himory muling uf the community the complc- f ion of the sewerage systemt the fclrwl paving program ih rt t plate mc nt of the educational buildings and the growth of ihe intr annexation in 55 in r9s5 an annexation hcanny cooperating for better town chamber of commeroi is active a coopcralive effort for better also assist community living performed bv w mackav tc cluens businessmen in es j ledger holmes o cinpman und h do mm missing i munclpal nomination c is called m mid vcar to w is held and ihe municipal board function of the acton chamber i eau trio on tnuniil eaused agreed with the ovens applied uf commerce which was uran many accomplishments nation ihe headlmts of lion and allowed the annexation ied in october 1954 some of thjc press it ii us 1184 ijigf to the town of 458 acres of ihc during the last fue vears the ments of liie us didn t show up m township il esqucsmg this in membership has increased from date include aboul ireascd ihe ariia wilhm the mum 1 to nearly 100 anuus commit the mdusln dustnalisls and farmer town all kit suppor in lh theory lhal tl s decade has bee unparalleled in he inur uipjlilv history f rom a spa iking new loun i i9s0 with the inaiigui tt on il n town s si litis liinn its mt ihdi mibstaiion si igk pub e khix and erowdd high s hool it mm h sm tiler murikip 1 hudg lluu have bee n in n c hinge all 1 whuh eonliihn i to n tke ide ol lev elohiieiil turn buck mien perhaps the boi u lo in hit piio ot he rie fuss tile to 1950 ml 1 xk al itu own i thai lirm 12 did al the election iter 147 filers were east bllois m dc ihgiblp t i eipal hoi 972 acres idark- to the present hnsimac lu shopping n t led i 19s gliding pertni nj the ednsiruiti m ol ht sni subdivisions leached ar inn high wt jl 755 100 tal public 1 1 program hav mittecs ii c roc is uilcsi il indu i membership and e formed sup cum irrv out various pro bation and action and 194 we lind ik r lies li tvt one population lump jm n lor the con the glinka lake hbk mill subdivi anil building pi irnils i 19si a 401 nufe ise in popul ilion leeislercd lint ve it vole thumbs down build pride ol the foremost aims ol harnber in acton as with most chamber ul commerce or ide units is to build le ii present cillctls up hx and stint il ir p and pee live i rrieel 111 itlen industry for council s usi stallaiion of the g as directors are gordon d man e tvkr jr j mans accomplish acton chamber tu jrgant7ation udder t tee to raintam uptodate nformatibn i alu iblc to potential al po i artili uf an which ha facts and figiirc possible chailbe etturt to add chamber or own building and in bene lies in front of t olficc lorma ipn ul iee curjimi p i red v or eonhn aeeomplish comitiurulv s nilimt ber boards mittalk lnj svsletn i i member- in letn of colore miin sli and man chnsjttiia irte i i il approaches anknmenl tllm tls i x s hu wees id hhiuiv wis presented f c kiel slwho wis les i and proec s i llle uiipihi- mil w is tin nedl ponsibk i i he i ijm hlotl of the publishing ol this snckleil i un i pltbiseiu il the eke i as i ij t h in n i i d i 111 ads deiadi issue is mule p siibk n n in hiiirtihti 9s it wis as po dent with noun bin with he compilation of at t m pi ml i of a ciom e in deck town hoens ill hi i jtlier 1 piled mil distributed tvi piper i i in un piastic extrusions are manufactured and ih pped from rh s modern new plant bu it m 1 p5 bv he wtro plrist cs company the new bu id nq s tuated on a 14 acre lot on man s re iorfv occup 5 40 000 square feet of space and euses 16 extruders and oiler odrn f j neii the con pany first formed i 1 046 i as epanded var c us times and cda owns ac nd ufaetur ig s ies i town aid emp o s appro i ate y 100 en ployees continuing problem h ill hd iiili lie btlllele he ul i piesmiu rke pmnr slttet pump ik hi the prtssuie m l lu 100 hs and k paid the lire brigade w is equipped svtth ihe old slueleb ike r pultl dei industrial growth start al mkro plisiies ihe eompane was prospering and il was ikccs sars to build a new addition doubling then esistnim mi arru aiross theiuael mm mieio the a p green cumpanv mosed into j he plant ornnils owned bv the ammo companv when thi cumpanv carin lo aeton ihcs filled the tasi it m inline unex cupted industrial budding council at the lime was lnlih coftselous ol this need tot ad dttfonul indusities in the loss n and issued a promotional bro chure ouilining ihe advantages of locating in acton the total school enrollment in both tit public and high schools tcachetl 513 actons outskitts felt the impact of the towns bulging homes which were promptly purchased cobble hill subdiv son seams and three new subdivisions have been built during the is a smaller development in a few years fam land has been pasf decade photographs during construction al takeview sub converted into pleasant streets lined by enenjetic young fees division above and glehlea subdivision below show the trim and neat houses peopled mostly by energeti young families accountants davies ralph 3 mam n 220 stoller neville co 3 main n 10 ambulance service roval city ambulance 799 wool wich st guelph ta 4312 automobile agencies acton motors volkswagen 17 franklin prouse motors ltd pontiac buick vauxham 16 thompson motors lid ford 69 bakeries hotchen s bakers ii willow 100 lions bakef 35 mill st 225 banks bank of montreal 21 mill 25 bank of nova scotia 36 mill 9 barbers h mainpnze 48 mill no phone g hoi low a 38 mill no phone s holmes mam no phone billiards acton billiards 2 mam 404 body fender repairs acton auto body 49 mam 343 bowling alley acton bowling lanes 10 mam 697 brewers retail store brewers retail store 32 queen fc 692 building trades bricklayers and stonemasons allen vi 9 agnes 241 elhoti e s5 lake 393m building products and matanals acton woodcrafts ii mam 149 arb window sales co m3 boucr 3s garnet building products ltd 341 westeult 740 mnslow salts rr 1 75iji2 j b mickenzie son lid ss church 48 tenpro distributors lid 126 main n s9 ridlts jack block sand p 44 guelph 2s i carpenters tuikus peter 781 dissdak gulhrit 1i8j contractors general 1 gordon son 7sg j b mackenzie son ltd 48 j e mcmulltm 66 in gils construction co 305 electrical contractors service gitto electnc 22meada1e 769 jordan del 248 mcdonald 371 m riemer a 1 equipment co 74 cook 708 rue n fleetrie strlee r r 3 420 an norman earl i2i maim 246 excavating and grading nellis mansell rr 1 120 s mnders ron rr 198j4 juintr norman rr 3 9m13 office and home maintenance rb window saks co 35 hi me maintenanee supph 3s plasterers i hei plistenm rr 2 774r kentnn fred ji 2 nt na 626m t is h 19 chinch fc2 plumbing and heating a i n p umhmj i he itm 10 mil 4 ii line tr ink j 20s- m don id bkd 5 sh it ii sheet mail plumhii i ikitn 14 churehill 4d4 butchers be 11 n m lt mllke f mill j b ied i ltd i ig a acton business anp service jhis directory has beer prepared by the acton chamber of the acton free press as a service to the citizens of acton and all listings are unpaid for unsolicited and have been we suggest you keep this directory and town map see reverse town of acton mayor w h acton hvdro commission chairman e tyler sr acton high school district board j h creighton assessor s office clerk treasurer administrator j mcgeachie acton puolic school board m smith chairman t hvdro office board of parks management mrs g frver secretary ontario provincial police hydro electric workshop sewage disposal plant water dept sewer dept welfare dept and comrnittee emergency numbers ambulance guelph i clerk treasurer administrator after office hours doctors see phvsicians and surgeons fire united gas semce public services acjon high school m s bennett public school children s aid societv milton halton countv health unit 16 mill st robert little public school service organizations acton agricultural societv mrs irene swackhamer acton chamber of commerce j bert wood secretary ac tun rotary club f prouse president acton wdmens institute mrs g frver president amalgamated home school associalion c landsborough canadian legion branch 197 m storev president iode duke of devonshire mrs k knox regent 1 01d e lakeside mrs r spielvogel regent legion ladies auxiltarj mrs r angell president sports and recreation acton bidminton club mrs galleiwav acton cmens band j mchugh secretary acton junior pipe band p caddick acton minor sports v masteis president acton night school arts and crafts d beton acton tennis club r h levels president acton scottish dance club drl r buekner president bov scout group committee g l haggeti bowling lanes k hulford figure skating cfsa n braida hi y club b kirkncss lawn bowling club h rogers scout and- guide mothers auxiliary mrs t s nevston ukrainian youth association ymca ladies auiliarv mrs k graham is mens club c ymca s snfz sccretar y swimming club j h buckland y s mint ties mrs e smith 4h club n bfaida i clothing stores ednimav ladus 4 children s wear 21 mill e 477 lightman s depaitmenl sluic ii mill 2s0 nleul s clulhlll store 1 mill f 993 paul s mens l bow we3 mill 40s kave shop 9 wil v r creamery lid 34 l 1 bi idk c 45 mill 94 1 1 veil bi js 7 mill l l8 drills melts mill e s89r suinberes ltd 9 mill 860 cartage transports dump trucks gov cartage ltd 40 guelph 640 ridkv jaek 44 guelph 251 tvkr transport lid 24 mowbray pi 133 robinson geo 109 cnseent 201w ruberison w d 284 peel 391 snow ross 114 mill 639r churches st albans anglican chureh rev hendnk siokretf 265 acton baptist church rev gordon holmes 206 chiisiian reformed chureh rev jelle rsutma 698 knei prcsbvterian church rev a h mckenzie 43 aeton lmled church re r brook lemponry 28a penteeost il assembh rev k j reid 649w st josephs church rc rev v j morgan 24 chiropractor moure a d 17 mill e 40 cleaners and laundries custom cleaners 5 main 272 acton drv cleaners mill st w 128 11 main n customs office customs othee dairies acion jersev l nv r r 2 242 masiksdnv lte 24 m un 74 dentists buthanin di a j s t ut letb di h h mill 19 department stores hinion s s to si 00 btore mill lihtman s dipt stun 29 mill e 250 newton s x to siloo store 5 mill i 276r distributors lillie enterprises 508 druggists j baxter h w 32 mill 8 coopers drug store 31 mill 87 electrical appliance stores home maintenance supply i 201 mill 385 gordon hardware ltd i 22 mill 76 manning electric 54 mill 230 svmon hardware 43 mill 49 1 wigo tv appliances 77 mill 66 farm equipment dealers kerr archie farm equipment rr 2 41w3 garner w j rr 4 1080j2 feed stores j acton farm supplv 12 milt 346 lmdsav d h 62 mill 79 fuels ac ion wixxkratts ceal 149 j b mackenzie son lid coal 48 ras thompson fuels ltd oil 69 united gas co lid 1 1 haairal gas zenith 71450 funeral directors rumk shoemaker funeral horntt 55 mill 699 furnitlre i act on hume furnishings 47 mill 30 adams fuinituu 27 mill 1083 garages a service stations acton moiors esse 17 grim motors es 8s highway gou while reie 1 4 little moiuts tcviio 700 jaek mecallum teste 47 frinklin prouse mot jis ltd white ruse 16 thompson mutuis etuli lid ba 69 bill t th shell tuth motois shell 52 whitham gaia suncxo 12 uns bp st nion bp 92 greenhouses and nurseries caioline nurseiies rr i 750w cornerbruok nurserv green houses 775j3 musselle george rr i 68 grocery stores franks grocery 142 guelph 558 bradlev c w 45 mill 94 benton g w 69 mill 580 1 j b ledger lid iga main marks e t 113 mill si ruddick s grocery 10 young 44c steinbergs ltd 9 mill 860 browne c k 99 mam 266 hair dressers a beauty par lours kron verna 42 john lea ann beaurs salon 69 roseford tcr rendezvous beautv salon 81 mill e russ mac beautv salon 4 mam mrs perkins 41 alice st vamtv bar 17 mill si hardware stores gordon hardware 22 mill svmon hardware 43 mill hotels and motels dominion hotel 14 main station hotel 137 mill e cedar springs molel no 7 highway e 1067 93 418 676 21

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