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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1960, p. 3

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religious instruction ended school board seeks reason acton public school board will send a letter to the acton mmitj terial association asking why they have discontinued giving tx hgious inslrultion in the schools i the board was notified by letter that instructions by the ministers would be discontinued at the end of 1959 department of education rcgu lalidns require that each school offer a c of r in- struclion weekly board members at their regular monthly meeting tuesday expressed appreciation of the way local ministers gave instructions in the past and tndi cated they would like to continue the association not qualified both principals g mckcnzic and e smith felt neither thev nor their staff were qualified to give religious instruction the ministcnal association took classes by grades in pie vious years while the catholn children received instructions from rev v j morgan in the auditorium 409 children enrolment at the m 7 ben nut school is 409 students in eluding 58 in the kindugiilcn principal e smith repoi afckod foiuseof4hc rol tie auditorium for the upuctlj which is planned for february 24 and 25 mr smith also notified the board that they arc purchasing a cabinet or filing film strips and 200 worth of film these purchases were made possible b the sale of christmas cuds awall formality pnnelpil g w mckcnu ic quelled permission to use class baaaniiftsefuj w ir ff ss fti- rockwqop congregation hears reports during annual vestry meeting the annual vestry meeting ol st john s church was held last tuesday in the parish hall with good attendance preceded by a bpuhtilul pot luck supper after supper was over and tables cleared rev h b slok reef conducted a bnel devotional period at the tabic rn ii b slok reef was flanked on both sides with the wardens dr k b wal ler and dr anthony kmgseotc robert vincent secretary for the meeting and john lloyd trca surer considerable discussion follow cd the report of last ycarsacli vitics the financial report was given by mr lloyd and olhcis dunnc the session ol the meeting at the conclusion of meeting rev h bstokrccf pronounced the benediction local news i win with the addi tion to the ic ir ol the parish hall mcssis goovcis btolhcrs have completed their work with ee i i men blocks and lumbei is ready on hand the lkiited church innu il meeting w is also held the same evening and preceded b i p il luck supper in the sunday school the oigamation nuciinl loi young peoples society wis held last thursd ty cwjym in liie sunday school room ol ihe pies bvleiian chinch john bitlih had chaise ol proceedings lul lowed by js6cul umc with a bnel spell ol miklu weather dunng the weekend tec on trees and hydro uiies si ukd dropping ofr releasing picssun on hydro power service following in operation dunrie the pre lous wee kt nd rti yount sas ible to icluin honu i ist wednesday muih utret w is tell in ik community dunnc the ueckend in connection witti the hid bus li in eiash at hilkhuie in thuisday dftcinoon smp ilh is extended to the beieucil lamilics in then sunuw distribute pins bars at knox sunday school attendance pins and bars we distributed to memhcis of knox presbvlertan ehuieh sund iv school elnsses the past two sun days for regular attendance dur oil the past year tirsl veir pins wui awaided li pupils having an almost per fed ittendance is weic the see unci third and fouilh pins attc r an addition il pin is n ceived tlie loimci is tumid baik but wikh the fouith and i in il pin isawmdid k is kepi b llu pup ii in subsequent e us hit it i aliments arc awaidcel fin the fin il pin receiving pins ihd bus ucie the lullowing fust pin tens rosel r i hibbard corev maxwell susan patrick sundav l unc marv ann haphncw bonnie jones ci amc tinkv valcne i iin bel finkv el unc huthes anne jucknik janet allen jimmie me nabb truth piliick pit l unc jimmie kripek anne roeis anne tolh elizabeth meconmll second pin newton lliust vickie holmes evehn ross third ptn sharon hleiln r i bell ellerbv hcalhei hodjms lieddic hodtins 1 unl i slcen fouith pin rn won cn ashk suun ui i kii ilduie liuui ckn mt k i caiohne ilibbud bitiee gtillii bnin 1un duletie beciin arijil ross george me ph beveilv bi icfln j uu vv n first ve u birs juik i n connie coles chml ln j i watson maishi mckenie mi huist valciie cole steve ft es john menibb this sundays church calendar presbyterian church in canada knox hlrth acton kiv audi i u ii mikinm ua bu united church of canada arlon ontario riv hr n ild b k mm mcr mr cisjjto iii tt oitimtt d i2 master sundvy rtbkuaky th i s b41 mi llinil si i s 00 i u m minx i ii 00 h n v r ui w r v h tlutm t xi iv c 1 1 it t 800 in mt v t jujlini rnticiosl n 3 7i mirti rtunrik sonn n t mirri thild rn tored f dl thi mauve riemnft the wi v ce acton pentecostal tabernacle kev k mw ui j r id 1 m1 r 75 c k m i hum th9 w mjnd urbkt ui hi 1 h 9 43 am sindjv n u i 1100 in morninjt w i i i 30 i iu lianili t r thurtdiv 8 p m clinm am ii arc always wrlo nc christian rekmtmfd church rev j nutm ba bd minhntr 301 quwa 5v bos 46 hon 696 sunpav february 7lh i960 1000 am english 230 om dm ml the church of he back to god hour m st l r j h is i m inline w clnlttn n u idcr 5 jm ui il f i ii thi nurstr tt uu 11 h m u vm ihih the church of st alban the martyr a nf lic an krttjr the kc 11 h bukiecf i th str li5 jfnrv si t kj tli 1- ft st il f r t si now bhi ak ih im h 10 a n iii 93h h v til t i thivi sh 1 1 00 j i d i i i u v li ti i baptist church acton pumnr hfv gordtii w hotmr it r b tti 115 bowy avrnut sin ftbrumiy ih mm 9 45 m church bchxxil hoftyn our b t her w coftimem n rrvic 00pm th htrjt prt pfr- 1 ihr actwi bhf uill rond i i uii wrsicf xing pciipira d ihoir parrote arc espociall n rim ind chnkioom kevs foi the new addition but the boaid defei red this nut ler until the uvhiteet mule i lormul picsen ullon ol hie kevs sijiiiifvint the building is completed the ixnrd ji inicd pet mission lo ihe home mid sehool asso- l i ilion lo hold thetr mniul run fair in the roheil i illle sciumji ludiloiium on maieh ii 12 p me mbe i s endm sed in e xpe j i num in the m 7 bennett seluxirl lo met cisc ihe humidiipitnci pal e smilti eompl lined ih it ihe air is smtrv b tour o clock the leielms i ie pitehed lips inel i sole thi u lie lell that i thele w ts in moislii t in the atr tlleie w ukl hi letter cgit news olds mi s mill notified tin hind thit ihe inoi iljtv liehls h been nist tiled in lioul i i the m bennett sehool ch linn in m smith piesided it llle nice luit with liuskesl bi idle wilson muks null miiininj ik in itluidimc the bond iitinill pi mned lo strike i budget it tins meeting but united the ir elisciivsinn the united church c g i t girls opened fhcir meeting with the c g i t purpose and a hymn they played an african game and had a sing song trie business part of the meet nig which wis takifn by lorraine lasbv and dianne angell thce fell is also took the worship scr vice they then did their yeailv re ports ind the meeting was closed with taps the dll gioup of rnox ilesbvleii in chimb met at llc ehuieh on icbioiaiy i bee uise it is clnistian youll week we hid 1 special sciviec wilh ihe explot eis piesenl the txploiei icpealid their puipose ind the cgit group thelii we then hid the bumiless following wliwfli we iwd the wor ship service i the cgit t put on play loi the lxploieis we then ind lunch the meet hit u is eloseerwlth laps ituely ol ihe piesenl tlton dakyilk pupjj wins contest oiifinuf i jr p oit the linals in the at lull spe ikui contest leecivid i pen mil hn il set liom llvdio c mnuvmon li iirm in i tvlei si in the e mise k pi ici mi aeton publie sihool suuknts pie nled elilet and ehoi il seleelnns undci the dluehon ol knn b inks musil supeivls n dm inc the wit lor the iudces epiil diu c ope 1 ind ind gknn b nks dllieted the lue t illlcl l in e innhimlv sinjjn miisie il s lutions wite pie ilk i h ihe sliielenls gi itk loin pupils lroin m bmnetl sehool sine sletiunt lhllll ailcl sint pijiae to god in the wink i lime gi ule si pupils i 11 mi r bul i ilk s hool mlii spidei ml ihe ik uul the wise tile seiiioi ilit it i r jiu tin ro be 1 1 1 itlk sehnil suv missis n the c i i c id oimelt ind mv gihiel i ikiki pk mil a i ubk epu kl sekell in to the m i ii tt is mint h tin i wit ii ml beltv i inkv mt uon biad e k nen iklki ivnn smith dontn pendleton m iiljc mcken nd n imv roinv tldson ill ol the robett lillle sehool i also ol the r iheil i illle sciiihii d in i 1 indsboii ivh inel kaien ik iu i sine i duel entitled o weiislup hie kine le eijjil pipils 1 tin m 7 billlhll s h iol sine s lll slueks l 1m nini ml elj 1iidika lo cuiielude the iiikiil s etion ol the pioluni sent to england a i i si willi i 1 i uiiiei is m iii hs his i uliu ttholwp- d ins s in ml 1 s mi d i eiiki p lil es lo live i r two ve irs villi in lnjjish i nulls in order o bllllllk tlllk bllllllu il vtrd wodmdav 7 45 pm mid k sors cc for prajei bible sludv and witness ail art welcome february 513 upt iun4lr vocglv root ii1cr i pt vason hi mnp it it c nm rst nj finest of csitsthnp n hulk 1 npocs imrelmrc in 1 rtwhw ijw ruir r m ahtsiiix ahl out km r i jn 1 marine knpnes 1m ramniinr boat show waikdays 12 noon to 10 30 p m satucdays 1030 am to 1030 pm admission adults 50 children lit witnesses attend circuit assembly jehovihs witnesses uc hold ill then semi innu il eiicuil is seinbl it the guclph collegiate oeitioilil institute p uslcy st iimlph lehitiuv s 6 tjtfi sehnnder piesidmg minister of tin ac ion iinijildtin of jeho- ih s wtlnesses s ud mimslcrs liom poll ciedtt lo biithncon and mmh ut oiangevtho and gi elph nuniheiine approxim de h 70 will ik illcnding including iboi i 40 liom the aeton uci tins n mention mi seliiieidet slid is elesitn heel li insist di legates io mipiove in their elm caiisih tttnk hv lollottint closilv llli icicluni mclliods ot jesus ind the apostles reelecf l mcenery president to head acton fall fair board continued rout page one vountt farmeis lor their tflforts during the viuii and uitiel nieiu bers lo stait a c ill pniei t in the ncai luluic to isstlie i thiel shovvmi breed tor lulu e shinvs il vv ts suggested tint ilk met nolici be given the school pun cip ds ind leaehcrs icj uehtil the 1 ill t in p u ule in oiekr lei tlleiw ample time loi piepu ihi ns a miglcsi ion wis lotwueledto susot i dance it the beeimiint ol the i ui to open ihe p011 on ihe nicjit pietious this u is kfi tor lurlhci disnission bv the niw bo ird irdireelots 7 the newl ippoinkd ptesident eongiatul ikd the diieetois ind membeis ol the bind foi thui eoopeiation eltinni thi p isl e ir inel th inked ill orcunui us and tottn depitlmeiik hi is sisled hi utv tt iv li in ik i j the ian a suecess one of best muofd gnfhn uu nhei ol tin society and well known exhibitor congi itulutcd the board on ihe wav thev h indlcd the i hi point my out aeton wis one ol ihe best sjieitts in the piovime he doled evetvlliini at the fur h tel ineiiiseet durini retcnl vfits hut the idmission fee he lold tin bond thev eould nil eonlinue in opei he it the piesenl idmis siem piiee of so cents ind sue fisted thev increisc the idnns slot lo 7s eeuls per person in the aclorf free press thursday february 4th 1960 glrl guide news we opened as usyil with god saw tin queen ami the guide pnver ni lime vv is spent in piliol eeimeis is tte had to re hearse lor tin p igi mts mrs wilson came to instruct nili itrls in siotlish dinitiig oi lint oil hie abeuleen aliens rtyion show held lor ihe fits time in aeton i ist ve ir hrsl uu piesidint nuio biaidi si itid ii has put aelon on the in ip is i t in with i hiih iu tlnv hiel sh vv mi iepoeil that the diitttois tl ihe ocfhutiition eonside ed list e u s lefrlon il she vv the line si th it hid ever bun p esinled when 110 he td tal bink i i itei il icel ihi seetel irv tr isur i row up to js00 from tin iint piisent bonels isol the rest ol the eomp inv went into the kitchen mil practised knots under mrs watson and mrs hurst when cvervone had i li v at tt mrs wilmin read to us guide hislorv until c impfire tlie meetlnj eleised with duy it denie and 1 ips made whiu you wait keys hintons 5c1 store yetfiz e l ia aaa two taxi drivers ro out to inspect the damage at the busy intersection alter their cabs collided what cha doing said the first driver ya blind or sum thin what ya mean blind said the second driver i hit ya didn t i vv isn t but even if vide open il s ieeoinie spell fuluie 1 vou ic hu whin it tin ptoduel- frank prout hfrc s today s bfst buy 1956 oldsriioblle 88 sedan excellent condition inside and out mcchan only 1495 flousff moroes lrp to get more out of life get the most out of electro how well is your home equiped to meet the new adviuitea in electrical living 9 is your home wiring otcrloadeb now is it really adequate to h indie additional appliances start the tnxltes right by having your present wiring inspected and adequate wiring installed by our experts then you ii be ready for the sixties ready to live belter electrically earl van norman electrician 25 main si phone 246 joiional electrical week feb 7 feb 13 huckleberry point at the b of this rontury inim fjrm land on hamilton bay was called huckleberry point this land became the site of part of the steel company of canada limited instead of farm land supporting a few families there is now at huckleberry point canadas largest steelmaking plant employing 11000 of the companys 16000 employees this year steko marks its 50th year ofsupplying steel for canadians what happened at huckleberry point has hap pened in hundreds of towns and cities across the country canadian manufacturing now employs nearly 1400000 persons these turn out the materials for a growing economy while their families provide markets for the products of canadian farms f and mines steel company of canada momitu limited gamnoque hamilton iukti0id i0i0nt0 cndnmle heel from canedianowned plants dills stationery 56 mill si aauhl rikinl 60 j your complete supply centre lor office stationery and supplies office furniture and fixtures filing cabinets ui km i u i l im ol i i ik 1 ks ii ix i k sim i is hindi rs i fl i lliks iv iks magic markers lor all your marking needs wriiis is n1 iii1si ukils isias1l1 79c and 110 ftcmiu for we kores in mj mi 1 1 si k smith corona typewuitel kibbons fo all makes 1 00 rubber stamps made to orqer stamp pads and stamp pa nks magazine subscriptions km all puhtrcatrons wedding announcements invitations etc free press subscriptions advertising and prjnting accounts ccepted here

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