Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1960, p. 7

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want to buy sell or trade a want ad can get you anything classified advertising rates no charge for annftuncemant f blrtha marriage deaths and engagement in memor- lami 75c plus 10c per line tot vert article for isle a wloi rtn e i mum coin he billed 73c box no to thli ofcce ific additional coming events tsc minimum tint we line each additional una 10c card of ftnnta 75c tor for ir fi llnea each additional line loo accounts ore rendarei monday following insertion latest insrbtion time jm pm wkdnfrday phone 600 hwmwww births marriages deaths etc bokn bruce to bob nnd aclenc br nee neo gordon in jnrttinry 26lh in quelph genernl hospital a nn gordon robi it n br lh i t skisnn dted campbellsuddenw al toronto on sunday jnnunrv 11 ibm neil cumpbell son of the inti cnpuiln nnd mrs nul cnmpmil of owen sound denr brntrur or calihorlne mrs neil muni oi of toronto nnd normn mm alox prlrrfflpt or acton ont service was held in toronto wednoidnv interment omnwnod cemetery owen sound thuiidn morning montgomrhy on fi idny jnnu nry 2t 1060 altfoe petri momnrtnl hospital btampton com monl- montrompi y of buimpton dun mother of ted trimble of oik vlllc jcnn mrs c ipperthonu of fnlrport binih hetty imrn brown of acton nnd myinn mm n hfllnesi brnmptqn flint rnl service in bnunritpn on monday nfttrnoon nt 2uk in terment chuichville cemetery scott al st mir s hmpunl kitchener on thursday jnnnni 28 19fl0 joph spoil ilmihiiiri beloved hubund of tin intf gt i trude tnrzh nnd dom fiillipi of violet mrs tom hninrti glen wniinm rnrl j ine liv jack o o i glen nnd douglns of limehouse nnd hrorhir of knlm mrs robert lnne 1 imphouse frtimntmrs angus mcdonald rr 4- m hill georgetown birdie imn georgcbfllll acton jlossie- imrs cedrlc cross georgetown funernl sen ice wns held at the mccliire funernl home 14 edith st georgetown on saturday in terment at greenwood ciimlerv georgetown in memoftlam rowles in loving memorv of a denr tather john rowlei who snssed nwny middtnlj jnminiy i 19a4 a silent thought n wret tenr keeps his memor tvtr denr time takes away the edsc of grief but memory turns back every leaf sndly missed by daughter milln and son john a 3243o0 cards of thanks we ilah to express our sincert thnnks to friends nnd neighbor for the acta of klndcea mivwbe of sympeth and the mam bum tlful floral offerings recti ed dur mg oiir recent sad bereavement a vcr special thnnk to bruce shot maker also t dr garrett nnd the rev h stokrcef n 334307 millie nnd john rowhs coming events pox smi feontlnuml for salktmfl monnroh 4 door sedan only u0 0d phone twbj ufttr q p m n32 4ww for sale1 ehemerfkld tind choir in good condition quick snle phone so iaa for 3ale llword block ra dlo whitewalts accept best offer phone f n12 4103 for salf used rbcdrwillontd washers s4vcinl to clmon fiom 120 up guodlfts hhrdwnre goorgolown th 72m1 b32 mm formal evutlnn xr for sale -r- 30 deluxe kai rnngn like ntw cost 2w sou i floe nt iod01 gooduts kiirdwuie georgetown tr t2111 b 12 42 94 for saw bed spring unci mntlress tug 9 x 12 eleclrk until lefrimrntor li l plnte tables mil nira nnd mnnv niiill iidwiuioiiitt- mis phone rtoekwootl ui 1 4tfll nfter 0 n 32 41d for sale hnvydutv ehuirlc rnnuov 3 to thoose from in a 1 condition 120 up goodlets hnrd- wnti gtoiktlowii til 7 sim b 12 4204 ir uiiintk pr ikknthth hdp btliik von piompt drugkisut ivitywhira a12 4 4r1 ww ami dryet iw iimawy fiom 140 01 muiit mikiih to hooac fi m wild snvinkh iii to 1100 gwhllels hnixtwnre gitnge inun tit t21a1 b12 4204 for sale i nrge glomy prlnu r jotany halt phulo-ttppeitrmg-m-lhe- acton free preu 6x7 size 75c 8 x 10 si7c si 00 nqule now at the free press office 3fl mill st or phone 600 itl for sale for money making milking all dairymen nied surge milking equipment for nalea ser vice and parts call horace tomlin- ann surge dialer brampton phone glendale 1127b tf for sal sh oin new i wo u nshinjc mm hines citmpli ti v itli iiump lint illir nnd m in olln i n u fuitiii up to nil tumik nn wiii id ninchtm iihuii 1 i llmdvmiii co i j own th 7 2vil h j2 4j1i4 i r ww i iii i l tioodx lnk u vii niilv on ifnil nnd vuiis ti iiiflnei or food goi dli u hind wnn geoai lown ir 7 jm b t2 42i kh al1- tik iidvmiiim of our iqu pus i qiinlrtv window mid do ii noon i4ai mljild w dows up to 100 unilod iikiks 2nm inslnlli d no tmmiv d n if i u hiij 1 uiiidowh nnd 1 d i tak no ihinr snvt fu i ui t 13 oi i fret dom nn 1 on and timiit lum li m l jink ul 10 in m alton n 12 if 4102 wanted help wanted help wanted siuimm fur wtll kmivn mike of aliiminimi doors nnd windows adwrlivinu iiipport iiipplied wrilt snilh sidi paint ind supplks r it mil ton tr h b4 i ii 2 help wanted for loc d com bo out nceiirdion axopti rn ir pi- nno plawr bilwtm ngt i 17 nnd 2i pnfcr 3 li wiire ocwrn i acton 774j b i2 429h help wantfd avon cai 1 inc for rtprpmitiitms who lc in thp icmil of artim to mtn i hie dom ind c it hod bj tv idvirtimiik ttntt d strict mm ik- 1 mm 7ub h i norf lk ap irtnu nu gin lpn gixing phon i 3j lost and found knox heather club st patrick s tea and bnkt alc siturdn march 12 ijl2 40b euchre nt cieion c irm r februnrv s fllowtdb squutond round damm spoilt rtd b lol lost bruno biigli h mind blick md wult nnik inks ansvuiv l pimtt fudr pk im t ill j01 aroii i 12 41u1 ios1 list wtik btiglp hei il 11 hibl irk bitk wtii line down ieiitii if fan in htnd- qall hthiiiikhin 290ji1 acton a 324293 miscellaneous for dependnble n frlgerntlon and air conditioning mulnunanre onll refrlgerolion flervlcus uhoiu 034 actun a30 42tntf kitcheneh itpholstery have your chesterfield suite re- upholstered by and save efln isning one week service call watsons music store a if insurance tree illmatts on insurance or oil kinds if you an conildcrlng a ehongt from your preaint policy or looking for a new plan contact otnur h park er phono ul d4461 o40 1047 tf hove a modern sandtr and dge- we will reflnlsh your floors or rent you the equipment to do the job yourself j b frnnk phone 77 47 frederick st b acton att reimer upholstery add inoks and comfort with skilled re styling your furniture enn be handsome and new ngaln low cost also rug cleaning and refin ishlnn phone 88 anon a ii monfy nvnilnblf foi s nnd m rig n ues oi buyiiik mil ixlhling nioi lfkt s piiyiiunts n tow nn m0 sr month piinilpiil nnd tnliuil uelph inveslineiiti c ompany 1alor 2 0700 a 20 12 4232 deadstock sfrvicf hloliost ensh piicibfor dend or dlwblpd hnrsis nnd rows old hnr- ies 6r a lb for prompt strvici call long dltnnci and nk foi 7fnith 0 70w n i chnrge to y in stevf p1con1 11annon otf mr joultryman hillltfll il mill void pil 11 111 m in uoi n dims horn p ullii bullditiuh nnd foiuiminl wnlt in ltox nil 10 fiw pitit tot furthei infoi mutlon n 20 4 4211 rapalrs to all mokes rental mach ines by the wtik purtubles used from jsom see the latest slnairs sewing machines free horne demonstratlons dyron 8fwino cintfr oforoktown tr 14331 11v i inr chuk iusion is h di int ni f n x 1 kill hlkli lit dllllu ml 1 il ilcu sii f h 1 ii n 114 s farmers lli n hi ii inst il mi ih f ii c ntmt donnell welding rockwood ui 0 dkm real estate he who whispers about thf propfrty hf mas to s i wil1 nivm ijktrtauits list your property with us niihiiri is mid ild pi n pennv silc to b htld i fuchn nnd da net rtwsn rners march h sptmso od in i o l i 12 4292 lakeside chtptr iodf pot luck aupptr 630 pin tuosday februar 9 ltgion hall f lowed b armunl nuntmb a 324310 acton scottish nincrttub ta mils night februar 6 t enag ers choice ee out pr ijiram 7 to 8pm film scotland dances box lunch admisi n we teen ajrers 25c children with aduk free a 3 124279 sunshine school pupils wtlt pre sent the program at the regular meet in of milton ind district association for retarded children thursdas februirs if 815 pjn m the school brown sl milton b38481 a public meeting of the plot holders of churchill cemetery ani all those who arc iqurrcsted v ill be nw in the churcmll un ted church basement on sarurcli february 20 1960 at 2 pm please plan toartend arthur snackham r secfetarj treasurer a 3224305 for rent toh rfntroom boird if d csircti phi it 741 v 214 mill s ii 32 4iw1 for rlnt rnom apirtmrnt heated mw din i i td ppl m ii sl e acton u 31 2 w- for rent 6 room h u wiu sunroom near park irgi lot rvni 73 phone bockwokl ulst r 6 4381 after 6 a 32 4j0k sydney k lamb rfal fstate broker b mill st e or 163 lnngficld ltd acton phone s24 investigate bffo rusfwing oufl 1nsuhancf auto fire theft accident sickness travel sydney k lamb insultant f afency r m ii si f a 1 n lakeview subdivision split l6vel at iihcd garigi i v1 r mrd ind 1 k onl ti k sgdo dm i iur rhcaihn tbii tic moved to new york mai estate continued 3995 ful i prkf 645 down ti mini limm ti imtin highwiiy nil liisuli urnvtiikiitu 1 pit ci hnth bnsemmt nllitlud tim it rnicii 550 10 500 full price 4 huh om hmne iiiiji k 4 lihh 1 akivipw hluhis 2300 fui 1 down ivumfni 12300 full prrce om m i1kii onh amnilud kh i licilm mi biiik home 4 pliu til hith nlumln urn si inn mill sikuih di nil ed finimlicd nt nation iinun wilh bin oil hint sj h a umtu 1 in iluniii linniidiiili jusntisi in new homes oni y i i h1 1290 00 full down payment no s ron i moiihihi 11993 full price i h ill xin brick inuiknl iws i and kh sal taiims hill sai f i1usini isks fhi sai i sy k lamb rfai jefilatr mhoki it gtnfhal insuhantt tl mill st 1 101 i itfifl ii ltd a 1 m ph in 24 legal notice i aki noir ii milt i ii it k ti i ih ins s li t si k in ti i ti i mil liviiu s n k ll nd1ici of my claims of n ulc uiiiiim of ihe bpiipi thoid li kimn to uu nude isifni on oi i ii uu 7th cliy of much hhf fit i v hlch d ilt tin procifils f llic si will in dish imi nil lu ri vi ions of tin hulk suits ad daird nt oedigetoun thin ind dnv of tibiuuy ad 1900 dam iunni1t s i arimih it m 11 si cc iigeluun ont st lit ileus in miluitll h kn campbellville native named society nurse for this disfrict mks ann mi i urn his bn n iit ionium su i ul niiihiiiu ami ti usiu i miim i ii ilu hm ililill ilullli ixiiiuin willi nil shi i r i iill in hi i i mil ciuullli i lc ill til ihii in ilk i i liiii il iiiiik iml ilu vviiiiwiiiiii iiiiiiiv him ii hli hull miss milium uil mk ullli miss ii i ilk vk ll iuik iiiui in iiislllv i lmlllli l k hi lip im ii milks ul llill i llslhiis n1 1 ui mid ihsiiuilliil 11 ih lbllvllk nnllve n sl a null ul 11miii miss m hlllil si fc i llll mi i il i n k i ii mill ill ul i i n nl lliisillil i miiiihu in 111- lulil ins hull mill 111 iii ihkl lllllllllll lliisllls llllll 111 vii ii mill iii ll l nss si oi i ii ilniiii ii nil llllll ill hum ih uniiisilv ul l iii i iiil onll i ionium tuili miss a1 1 nuns iiiiliiliiiinl iii iiuisis 111 iiiuilhii ol distill niiisis in hi in i 2s nmsiiiti sink is ii it llliiuillll i isli s is halton liberals attend conclave hnltmi imnlv i i be i it i assom linn piifclckiil ic it iapllliiti unit ins ctiiilit hi ultil ii k hp 2s dckunits iiici iliciinus i nun ii illcin in l hi inttlint in ihimiil inn ol ilu siiuiiii in om inn i il ci il asscklitliim i dmoiln miillm sfuiimv i the lliltin asmhiiiiiui u is nun i ll suiilltv ill llr siilitllpmi onliiiiii cxciitliu in tin lii i ptungicl cnnndn lulu a finnnclnl mcis with n 617 000000 uvfkll hal tun members memhtis ut ihi mullein csccu ttt aturulinn ilu ivcni iniludctl pilsulciii lu iipillon mini vie piimdciil km inipbcll setcind mil picilcllill m il i is miklrrsun pisi picmiltnl uslcr whiting miiiiii i ih mullin cxclu uu iiinilihn tnt wiiltlrupt- km in k mill outti mullin f li s he il hit ontai hum ol ihi awhiiuiui wut imiul tlnpiul imw pic miluil whtiid lltk it i mi alert auxiliary installs officers plans activity mis i ill miislnll jiilm sl i i in lillmiij iiimiilll s w w is lustiss li ihi jimiiii nil i iippulliliil in piipnt in itl nil i kimt aim liniili axxll spimu sik j wili sh inn ul mis hutu 1 1 aiiiiiis mil miss i oil ilium liukiiiu mis i luphs mis k i i mis i i lliiiilsin mis miissill mis i tin i ii mils n mmnii piisul 1 nl lllt vll sl p sliliiiul mis k diiiiiis kiiiiiiiuiki is sslml mis unu mis iiimisiis mis h i hut ll s iiplui ml mr i ll misliis i ullll in ilu li il stitly on ah in i oil llllll ill s l till ullillll mis lllllls i lhl 111 sliih 11 111 ll iii iinik in al i ii shi 1 11 ul 111 lllh iiiii hs i s i i ih lnuhs in niiuiii 111 mis i anil is lit miss i uu pi in urn slnltin ml i in tin m in in i al mil l mil i ith mis mm win mil in i i iii luisii ul iii iniilni huh n iisu il ilium uu iii il is pi i i ul tin h im ml i in it ui i in hi ink i 1 mil i li hs n t to vihii minim sukliiv is ti imnu iii 111 slip 11 11111 in i i it in llllll ilulips llllll illlltlllu i hi nli i b a c news brotherhood of attbllun churchmen on wicliusdn ticnini jjim u 27 tin firsl iiiiihi muling lin ihe new m ir ivns htui in the puish 11 di a spkndul hot rnisi inil diiitui wits ptttthlitl h ktn ilicimpson ind ins o mmillcc lulluwuif diniki ilu numbers 1 1 tn id lo tlu luulitunuui up smiis tu cuiuiiai i shotl busi niss session duln piisukd nut tin muiiilis mil ptismtnl in suiiun mntitil uhi dm int business msinj om ul the tinmiiis ie kiisiim iipnitid hill l eh inn ul films miuilcl be russir lot i hi plmmd pm pi mi leu i tbiiiir 24th inn ihe iinuld slill be in keeping with tlu retllllll ejl theme new humuiss biuught ihiul j ilisiiissiin tip i pustible thli lor tlu i ids and diils nilht buiquel ind it bioiilli limb ilu deetsion june ll titliii lit uiemeilts uni dunn hiilmes wis iprmiuitid to i ike iivet ilu p ipei mule nt ihe sum i anijk m tlui in iithe i mimbti wis un ihle to e u iv un business w is ki pt brie i hi uepmy wnh a new polie idnplid for dinner nuitings arul we primeikd with a lor mi in imduilton of out put sl spe ikir saw lands of unrest mis kiiiiieili knox i umirk i elolx itoiiinp u pusinl hue tit the sia lltechildien drm ie with ihe ultiiiiooii wms n isiliiiu till suk jiul mini uis o hiv liuiiui iiiliiiiki willi vvollit ippuelli i isil dcdlcnle orfkcm mis ii i iknnte i iniliiikl citihi hion si im nn ilu n slilliliem ol the olheeis lot ihi u ir state policy to buy drums pntmnen llic pipe null wis oiilltiud it in ilcuiliu mee imet lo niiisl pipe ll mils lie 111 il e nil pipe i will inn ins oi ihi own pipes iiici e uh eliiimnit i will hm ins oi ihi own ilium sinks as i un il ink hit buiel pillehises iml 1 1 i nils us claims su llk in ul iii iti it sels ll w is ik mini ih it this idtmni sllltltnel lumowin kielpt ol ilk lust rmmii in il r ml hi i lei diiiins woiilil be piiuhiseil to lepl in ihi pusinl ilk h nsni lilies i in hind is liiilelinj pticljii 111 ilu icwll hill twiie l week i licit i pipe inislit phil iclihik pi mis in pi i usui ilu uk i ii iresfiylerfitl llililgh llijililiitii i hi iusln llllll hill llll will ill vi ir lv mis oiimi mcl mis heimk in i lu i ill i ill ll spohilcd to liy plvhiy ilns mr khl soiiitull i mi m in i ol i hi hki kip blc lo he jill si 111 hilt pie p ind i eilnicsl ill n en iltd mime whuh w is won bv mis a ii mi kinic ml mis doiyi y ih piisielcnl closicl with i uu ss ii i mi iiuliii i plum used him pioi1 mi whl i vein llli md ill niipdi b in dli lion ihe i llli imioil w imiel willi ihmilk elllllel ilu leimiii mis j allele i sol i7sttnlik i ms mush mil tin ttmimiliti hiimntnum hill wiiiiik tour new addition during open house ilu kchii iml puhlu sell is i2rnm dilllkii leluv ell i llliloljib sliiiihiiihu lv j i llfii emwil ol aihll hkl ills uni iisulinls mi monday mu in when ilu sehuol htmiit hild opi ti bouse lor llic ufhilit op emnii i i lie is wi t piescnl md m iiiv pm nls lud hi opportun ilv in disi iiss dkii ihddmiis pieiliiiss 1111 plubkllls hill set i ihspliv il ilu 11 woik js will is iiiiii ilu i ulii building mim jluiidid mil wen quilt unpiiveii with ilu islness ol llli new icliilllon is will is ill biijbtiuss md tenet il 1 lynii new equtpmenl ihe llew stllip ilkim tllllppifl with piwn siws tliills md orh i tiptntiv qmpiiiul i uiithl ilu mnimn of ilu ijduis whtk iii moduli lulls ecinppd boiiu iioiiiit1iis lnoin i iseulllid llli lldlts is llu llwell ilk bill lentil llldlllons 1 i till r xui 111 ileillle slovi pm chaste in tlu sih i bnril in ekciik wishi mon ud in ilu ailon iimii commission mil m ikliu lit n iliin ikl in tin oiil him iki i n f i diit hietllnii rlllelc pt h ucihisi ill lines inini 14 mini lus in ml usl spc iki i ilu huh ijhii miullii inlluc hi oiisc ii unc uni mplin m m un i sine ik noud llnl tu unci vi hs i illljitlil s mil lliplilvuk iii i il ins been hi hillnsl 1 v imitiv in ihe wi slim woild ilu spiiiku iko iliinud ib 1 fium mil sin plus ol sisii ihnkhn km in ihe i ibri il iilinin isli limn ul ill ilu iiimisslu iiimii un lfovtnmiiii hid ittkt mm ju lliiimpmiii ikiimllciii wtnl win ihi mi 1 it id mn pusldcni i inns mikiicln ii million tiisl third uu pisidni or w i i 1111h1111 mimilion f list inn sunt mis dipoihv mullin md hear larry henderson wednesday fed 10 lhunh milton uu f lj jij h llui 11 1 u uu pi 1 ol tin n w hiissii a j 11111 s unirk nut 11 ihuii i wo run if in thi fwfif whnavr anyonci lalli you til bottled arc allkadont you haliava itl for aiampta tharaa purity mighty impor tant if tha kai la to burn with clean blua flame with no toot or amoke to dluolor your kiteh- n walli pvbofax oai la at pure aa tha moit exacting aclan- tlfle taita can maka it with pyropax gai thare la no uf- ing- about quallryabout econ omy about dependability i call tu today fftjmf u m tt0ttm4 ttmit mm anjb a9 hbvici root hardware linn uu loihiddcn 1 ilu li d asm sponson lub ol si im n dljbk 11 dills nik 1 construction ltd rockwood ont phon ul 69551 i 1 paiinls md visilms wui in un i 1 ifilkc mil uiokiis sirvtel b 11 iclc e ijj uls m ihe ll inn lovell bros modern meat market whtre quauty is higher than the prjce free delivery in acton phone 178 the scout and guide mothers association wope that you won t miss the concert by the brownies guides cubs scouts and rovers where robert little auditorium when friday feb 12th at 8 p m bping the tawily and enjoy youpselves admission duits 50c chiidren 25c sl i sin hid m 1 for sale for rent selfcontained 3 om heiiesd apartment bii 1 n cuptxwrds hardw hd fliwn artment bu lding phone 91 a 30 3s7h sacrifice sale for rent fun shed aparl menl healcsd 3 rims and bath s 1 parate tntrancc centralh located reason a we rent phone i2r a32 29tl for rent apartmenl jirei rooms and bathroom domes ic h i water sod all convenenoes reis wioble rent pione 221 w or 22 1 i acn j b 12 4200 for rent office cpace l or 2 room modern office sultr ah eon vennooes air cond ttoninn eic in eluded bright and airactjr w box 4h0 or phone 221 j or 221 acton b32 289i b in f il s tn s i sl u ttfulh dicura ei1 in pr iit window finished r hm ind c ldn pin p s2jq0 d ui hi iit f i ct tl sl i 0 tt hn eihp pr lerl w 11 13 1 1 i ie john r holmes rel estatf acton 308 ifi n in 1 1 ion wuh slnii itrfvtts ibnntih funrw ind fhr middle fisi thipomis of mtir ist wile lou niinuri us limn in n hiii hill speej il tttenti n w is tinen n he i intuii inlo fklhkhiin ind oihn points ol imnst whuh mus i h im km iml i 1 i en h di 1 1 of ioiinji m her pn the pnsidml immilul i he i u thinks t i mrs knox uul i- mirid lur thit ill present wue iklijhini mil inlilhleiieii b lur inf nm lie i ilk thi uni in ilnsid wuh ih tvmduli n in the rv h b slukreil j this wok phut nph on ihi editonil p iei wis nkm il hi robin i ml shl pi unds r r bnikisaimp i uv minis t u ihi i iiittki i hut h un il i nplanmini lor ih ri i gordm aiiims mmil mi bnxk is rifuhib i member id ihe eingrej3liin t guelph junior chamber of commerce giant car bingo saturday february 6 130000 in cash prizes plus your choice of 1960 dodge 200000 cask snowball jackpot 130000 in si numbers 815pm guelph memorial gardens children under 16 yn not allowed puy s wigo tv wigo tv says trade in now toronto prices in acton tv specials i cos son 21 un 7wooi impe 21 lllt iroiiomi sl i enn ips suhiu 21 imii us i itlk iii 1 21 sfxrios i ble n 6 makes to choose hiom s2y with tr kk ul msole sltr dwrs 12991 s wt uumk i i29v9 v 111 1 ielc ll- li scfjs u j i w ib h i 21 l wuh n uk ul wilh i s i19x s i li tv service a specialty not a sideline hi fl stereo m i i tm st ht ti ltd rjdl i sr9 9svethlrde mil twdod ui 1 h i shcim wju im t idi jugv i hit iroiiomi si i h lil mr ilu y9i wuh irjdi washers nhy fix them is i h i with pump siol wuh ludt stoves trosin a lhmniiirjnnhimli il9s crosim u hunt un rjnielittiski jly99 wt smau appliances gf kmh jh pppitur steatn lions ju9s f sie im kettles ji9s sunburn mum t sintkjoi ri ims s219s sunbeam puiubk dont forget to come in and see us at 75 mill st or phone 89 12 9s murs 21 9s let us fpse vou a price on repairing your aerial or your tv el ve alao install t lowers make our tv centre he store in the centre of acton see you on friday wigo tv

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