decade development assures adequate wter supply for jsers hundreds of feet of new lines and location of wo new water sources highlight the development of ac ion water supply and div inbulkjn during the past 10 yeari often frustrating the hunt lor additional walcr supplies has dot led the ten years from 1950 when another morage tank was con aidend at the original spring to 1959 when the newly developed churthill rd waier supply bejan threading through the mains in 1950 the muncipajuy was using three times the amount of water pumped in 1938 water tliaira were being extended to im prove service and in june drilling wa undertaken m warren grove while water was discovered there the quantity was not adequate i and later that year preparations were made for developing a well discovered on the hufnagcl pro- perty on main si north that pro mised about iso gallons a minule a 16 ft by 18 rt pump house was built on the wo site purehas ed from a hufnagel in 19si and a second water soune was pit into operation in april pumping 80 gallons a minute maintenance a continuing pro- less on the water distribution and puijnping system wu being carried out when ibe original 60000 gallon oveibcad lank on main sl rceeivtd a new letl bol torn ui bold its 300 tons ol vvater in operation for the previous 0 scars tp tanks bottom had be come lorroded hundreds of feet of new mams have bden spread in new areas with service installed to the towns hew dcclopmenli glen lea ukrvilw and the cobble hill area on oueen st residtnts on cameron axe received water her vice during the past decade and the cm cent area has been circled with a rtw si inch mam induv trial users micro plasties on north mam st and h k porter west of wall ne ave have til so had str vice mended to thtirn maor development major development n the watit svslim was the addition of hit churchill road will lot a led on the r l davidson f irm in august of 19s6 tnginier r v andtlrson and asvxiates otil lined the nted lor in additional suppfv lo keep pue with the growth of the eommunriv a site 4 h -r- j on the fourth linti was indicated as a likely locwton lor a new well and drilling revealed a sup ply of 180 gals a minute unfor luoalcly the teits an ibe supply indicated a decree of hardncsj tha made the supply impracticalj for the municipal svsiem and the plan for development was aban i dojied fortunately dwllipg on the r davidson fain at the 46 foot lrs trl tented to produce 832 000 gallons daily and plans were ini- hated o develop the source a 12 inch main was installed onl churchill road kind in 1959 ln well went into operation in ibe meantime difficulties wire encountered at the original well site and through instruction irom the ontario water jjiine commission the well wi ordered out of use officials of the onlafio watcl resources commission and thi town of anon are kiill scekinl wass lo eliminate the pollution difficulties and jet the towns original spring back into opera tion to provide additional water supplies for the town 225000 allons dally alton residents ind industry largest plastic producer operates two acton plants j use in estimated 221000 gallon of wtr dail mereased ton isiderably from j 61 000 gallons uv cd daily in i9m a storage capa eiiy of some 212 soo gallons as sists in levelling off peaks in the dailv lonsumptjon aiittr ihc lose j the war in fan in july 1946 when the plav mdustrv was just getting llittid in canada a om stony building wis tree ltd on w ill ilc axeniiw wlioinlng lht c n k li nks htn ihrtc wwng min with a knowledgl f thirmo- nlashi ixtnision ind one txiriid cr marled mien plasties i imited toda tliri an 16 extruders in const nit ptr i lion i rxienslon added from oik btiililinit i ur i ciisi ns weie iddid it this lov bin n wiih nx squire ftet 1 f m r spin uilied iiniil ii i he land ihtn w f hilill on an id dm iiuil 14 i ns s pur instil on mlin sti t sorth 1 n itnthtr hi l ildih mil husimssj u in mud i i s pin i nid p s i ti id 1 n i i lin iliid lit wild i i- 11l 401xx rin rypi a x 11 i i th ml prxd the m make carton pipe ik v ill m umu pi ml h b itk is mt ai his mtt n piit s b nit niainil ui mil tin nuul iimul i mi is n l i itl ihi iiiin li i- h it p 1 i i kn k i s it h silh j si to a i li tm k i brochures and detaiiqd information were distributed from the exhibit of the north halton urban board a the canadian international trade fair in 1955 e e barr of acton was in charge of the exhibit part of the exhibit which was to attract ndus ry to the north halton town of acton george town and milton is shown here i i ik 14 i ghi lit iitiim l s lit 1 i n n oil j ii cosmopolitan aili n fta i iuiti nisrn jpulit an air mint maiit s w in id ians havt sxllltd in ihk disttftt during the past 10 mars clissis i rn basie fngiih an held tor thtiti at the hjuh sthixil ind manv nasi lumul ihttr till mship lettilii iitjs it milimn two ukruthali giouns h m established i mis in ir i iwn in tht past lew miiis thi i ki un tan touth asstmtiation s sumitier camp i on the fourth line an other group is tuilding at the breezes l h e a d office and plant acton ontario pbccucfus cf carlon plastic pipe w p lo v h s re iresoplastic ex shapes profiles ilbes and sheet ftatc fxtruscm dies pioneers in canadian plastics adult ed popular in 235 peak uc3 ion acton year hce it is entirely within deeade thai adult e become so popular in in 1950 and 1951 gathered in the ym paving a share for element an oil paint arts group foi an arts and crafts organized and soon were registered as classes were soon ac thercrafi metalworku ing interest spread the picture change 1 when the commuijii school sponsored by ment of education milton for all of haiti some registered thejre were still held here supporting crafts groip then in 1953 school clahses spread ton and jor the first sored classes wt that ear there painting and plastics in new high enthusiasm snowba 195 with classes svhool classes had to tvio nights piak enrolment wnh 235 this ar men and women in ing trom home t wdding annual displas ant exhibits boost mtetv mu plann mpki g barbeau chdlrman in mi the ih id n hi the past ation has acton few people ca each in inaction in htn awd group was w ladies members ed in lea g and sew wildfire in 1952 t night the depart started in while classes liy the self ton night from mil time spon i fered here courses in shool led and b new high be helcj on he r n 19 are 186 s rang uraiing to fall fair actons new water suppty at the churchill road north wenwas turned into operation in january 1959 reeve j h goy chairman of the sewer and water committee is shown turning the new water into the systerrvwith dr f g trf j isr acton pa k facilities increase since bawds formation tin pietuie for paiks changed number of motor boats at the completed in 19s6 fur it was in swimmin ana doiks were decisive pliblsc built the alton a few punit tables grew to tgemeni was nuih 60 as popularity oi the prett park grew b reclaim point o the the uik point jutting out pjtks mto fair lakt is bung mlaim- d in in imjpiessive lisl lc trom swampv oerrown eon ditions b thi board ll his bun tilk traded and seeded with tahlt- 1 a ititl bint nh thi triis in 19sj i b law w is luund n o ii ton ulale spld ind pat w i swings and slides we e ton it it pirk in nl b thi s ltiis tub whilt alihju h i enamel nt t ie flu uau i niid b the ui pool sink 1 ist iai londimn thi pirk ma m lakiwew stibdimsion was lutneil oir to tt f tin lln paiks bond m l 8 and its was thi imprimnient is in ihe pi ins lui di i ihinei tin lutun s shmeis tin hjaid dies not opiriti tin nntre the late aim i in the paik win h i is b i i n paned toi this plu n u h ni ith uili s p3 set admission knd i idmissi niaistd fall event s chare vltit i r hundteds of people aimmmt- i mm tin town ind di strut tht ikt a puk is in h ltdav tie s eaih the t jts in siptimbir whin alton a nil it n g 1 utji sini v io its btihimt ht k ijgm hued i u lair the midwa m d ihm lhibiis aqd lixesioek tn nitended h w- m unlij b thi tnik idled i si wnh p pular j id ittis under and slumps w 1 ik hill is filled with pio- p tcl dtite in 1 hand ot d wn bt i in iln ioiu ct injiisin pni seals iki i on illed will r its music sparks towns progress llu liii 1 aiion junui jipi bind is ik c 11 a wiil ti lined aliraitiih kiled nl i i nput i r ip juni pe iple guidin lit ti i tht i ikit pipcrnasttr hijli 1 i t ho his svh ui leather phil g dduk who r bo ji j pi s with the guilph pipe nil tl i itutm u tr band j in september 19s nine oun v t p it i k nr nint ttr siai l to pniiltiie i n u i m ti i pi hui mr muuldid ihiniirs ahd maind i 1 plis is baiitunt diurns thm an 20 of thm tulk stin thi outfitted lor parades now whik nted mth behind the stents ihln are seven timlorms liarners intnased thtir first appearanit was at and an tniliint drum set hi fill fair in 19v7 and their ab- i has bten addn ilit has increased ileadilv sin plaing conetrts ind then obtaining scottish umf ill town parade the band orms was an earls goal t h k i first plate iward at the the bands received a council itlrloo lusnfetial in 1952 brant of a half mill searl fol just a little oer three ears lowing a plebiscite in 1957 for the new which the all three challenges make his acton s tne past progress this issue if you as an eye expansion actcn commerce pacelo to all the its counsel cc acton