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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1960, p. 1

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sttt tt eightyfifth year no 40 acton ontario thursday march 31st 1960 aulhorlied second ctmi mall by ihc port oitln departintnt ottawa eight pagesseven cent tm set tax rate at 7478 up six mills over 1959 is j butt phold an stlmaihr5000 damage was caused when a portion lion services charles shultis and ed thatcher beardmore of thfroof of the former wool combing building collapsed workers escaped serious injuries when they fell with the roof monday morning the building owned by canada packers i the two workers were clearing drains on the roof when it is vacant with the exception of a portion occupied by refngera igave way under the weight of ice and snow hydro invests 35000 surplus considers substation purchase is commivsumlp at the thursday met ling of the alton hvdro commission learned thai a sur plus ol 20 814 44 hid been rtil ized from ihc i9s9 operations ol iht public utilities commission thl balance sheet and ope tat ing report gave a breakdown o all operating costs mil the sourc cs of revenue fut iht commission action was initialed lo invest jnoncy tn the commission s an rcnl uteuunt in government sec urilles at a special meeting on tn day morning the commission purchased short term treasury notes tor sis 000 investigation is lo hctmadi lo de lei mine the feasibility ot pin chdhing the no 2 substation the he pc has estimitecl the cusl of the substation to the inc il commission at 18021 on a pin chuse dale ol julv i 0 ii is estimated hv lite htpc lln local commission would realize a return of 8 v on itu pmehasc uf this substation an csiimik tif a io relutn on ihe eoinnus atolls purchase ol ihe no 1 sub- mation has pncrrcnitce i budget suggestion i j c ran ell consumer service rupenntendent and h w kin i lunsunici seiviec supcivisoi ol ht pc ilkjichng tin iniltinj picsiiikd then cshmaks in die loe il commission in discussine ihe picpiialion ol i c mil il ex pense hutlgcl the icpicsclll lines suggested the local commission should in consull itum with lln supcnnkndcnl prcpaie ihe bud gel and then suhmil il to the hlpc loi appiuvd tlu ilso suggested the commission 11uli1i consider ihe piepiiuioii ul i two veais capital budget also up lor discussion wiib ihe he pc represent hives were the lourhtock tate schedule adopted in j muar 9s9 i liof w iui ik oct supply until t pio motion d proli im and clctiiu il home healing called at home the collection nl dclinciiciil ie eounls iiuu in tot ennsidi i ihk discussion the usull w is de eisnin tli u the commission would loiitiiiuc to npciik willi 111 i hi pollev die ulv isl ihlished coinmissioiicis lompl mud ol ihe heqllellt calls lo iheir h mis llllom lium ihe esl ihhsh d 1 hec pioecdlllc tol pivincul ot li eounls slipelllltelklelll doue m son ie polled on i ik tuicssirv e ipit i expense lepllls lo lilies in lllui iik it ions the mst ill hum ol lie v meteis im ihe cleseent nil ie iilsht tl n ind the hoi w ik he hit mllliol sysklll new manager at roxy theatre mllnv ii uiisotl i ncwconiel id aeloi h is lecepkd the put lime posilion is niinigct ot the row ihe hie hele he his tcid lomnuneeit his nivhlliim nil siluul i nt in his lieu e ipmlv mi hudson who i tils hum ri unploti e mil to viiki the hisl put ol the vcar mil ilimi llu ilivlnni neiipiis lunisilt ellslonisolheer hell rill leslie 111 loimu m in i his moved to tleillon malton recall mmv loiniet milton woikcrs living in at ion ind district have lei uvcel ictjstcied letters re e tiling ihcin lo oiciula tngincs tl million this vvoiel no doubt will be ttiklulh iceeived bv iiiiinv eiliens the ni iss i ivoll look pi ice jusl en i veil ilji id some men lie still without s itislactory jobs estimatld taxes assessed vihic of i9sy tax i960 tix residential propel iv 68 mills 74 mills si 000 j 68 00 74 00 2 000 116 00 14800 3 000 204 00 222 00 4 000 272 00 2 00 5 000 340 00 170 00 6 000 408 00 444 00 plan c of c community dinner will name citizen of the year i960 1 lie lease j 610 1200 18 00 24 00 1000 36 00 plans wcix discussed lor the annual chamber of commerce community dinner dining a meeting of the directors wed nesday evening wednesday apnl 27 was the date set tor the n nual affair the place has yet to be decided upon the civic committee he ided by bill mackuv was delegated lo ehotse the at ion chamber ol commerce cilitn ol the year new committee on the suggestion of john r holmes a new commilkc called chamber of commeiee agneul luidl committee wis idoplcd mil appiovcd mr holmes wis voted chairman ol ihe new com millet oivil chapman ch nun in of ihe membership eomiiltltce ie polled seven new membcis will be installed it ihe next gciieial rev g holmes to preach farewell sermon sunday al ihe conclusion ol jus sun d iv evening set vice m the bap tist e hut eh the rev guidon holmes veil conclude ills minis irv hen owing to ihe unsattstatt oiv eoudilion ot his heilth in the lie ii lulllle ml holmes md his wile will move to ham illoti wheic ihcv wilt reside with i sorry wt apologic for any nevvx irtleles omitted fhl week on ing to u shortage of space all lltms left oui will appear in 1 next week issue workers miss death in 5000 cavein to rebuild section immediately lelh j mi holmes st itcd this week h il sund iv will conclude his mimsiii in vhaiij ot a church ii lie illh pi i mils in will lake up siipph pie lehtng later p i v d miciitehioii ehiirmin ol 1 llu ix icon bond ol he chinch ixhcd litis week the boaid oiild londuit ihuah services mill nfembeis hive an oppoi iinilv lo he il i iv pie ie hers and mend i i ill lo otic ol i hem in lie lie il inline one ol the bond numbers ihis eik lilllukeel ihe chinch will lonbl be able to obtain an amiii tons ul eelllellt bloeks twisted skll pipes mil shilkiwi boards thules shulus mil id die thakhel wele lii i k el lo lh ground mond iv moinine when the mot ol the wool lomhnn loudlllg shell vetllipsiel willi in cartll shallelllle el isll llll lei ihe wight ot toul tes1 il ills k ki the two bi 11 dun me ulipuvess hu luid bemi ik uiii ih oils on the root ciawkd liom the i mi1 cd debus lei salctv siiltcimg otilv minor iniurlcs md shiek as w i icr sinthing tiom hrokm spunkl cr pipes saluiakei the ux i the hudduil owiks1 hv l m id i talkers 4imihsj v v ml wili the exception ol i mii itl u i occupksi bv tx tints obiun wj operates kclngei ition vninv lr gbrten will be we to business as his iui w is not alleeted b ttn uu m ssmt dwnafc in an interview shortk diet the ruol and one wall hid ml upmsj w j beam manipk director of beanlinthx md comp any estimated the damage u ip pnnimateh 15000 and said the building vathild be l pkle el 4cajivvhik ihe area has heen i placed out o houmts t cvefmne bill repair crews the sev lion ot tin budding wfueh collartscd was ihv metsi r cent addition constructed m 1949 it was umxi a a limdinj dock and although u had suxl beam conjitructiiwi on the mam dccv the roof was a wxuden beam construction opening drains the two workers had been is signed to open roof drams irucn when an electrical svmem to pre vent freezing failed to operate a o u o or two drains vo other sections of the roof the workers were attempt itl to loeate the ill tin on llie loidlll hid loot whll the e ih 111 ikumld ol hv nimulis kluc lh lhpv il llu i h i i li li shultis w is si incline uiidein lb the i hi pomiuil mil llu i k ul i allel htldlllj the lik itl ii l ill mm bejnn ntpjnmr ttntiir inr- e mii ilinud i tin n v mis it m mi lui nl minim 11 i the k k ph mi hl il i lo eel h lp i hi i pel it t mis l i tel 1111 i 1 111 1 i h in htet md 1 win 1 bom iw iv he n likhes 111 ii puis inollleri hlk m m plitmuietine i 1 llu nuinil indcr doctor care ml shultis mho sulled i 11 lit im nis in his i l md is n i i flu i hi 1 s m itntik d i i m i 1 hid nisi ti nil i ihe i im md wln i 11 ichtd eliwn i 11 pill ii we tell the unit lie ill imlt m iw ami irnn ihe bulletin lell out we vvel not huiud 111 ihe 1 tnttlcsj mass ot wnkae bm a i t ul debus w is rsulidlv vi me us met we crawled thniilh 1 de k i w iv into ihe mam pot ol ihe pi nil he si nod mt shultis tve tiled he h ul ie tnarteesj lo his ptrlner iheiv ten unk is 1 kt ol vi ielu 011 ihis root 11 doesii i iihv 1 slle this tetniik wis vcmllei bv mi thau hx t srwtk tyl m the eottlpsc v mil ll tbiuhel ol roekwl u turned lo woit monhov it in noun tollowint iavs it cinlph hospn il saw roof coltapac mrv beit wan and her sisi t mrs t win who live on lh crescent ovei looktnp the build ing had seen the two mm on the root minbtcs hefnrv the he ird the thunderous crash and siv the wall and roof crumble to lh olhei muiimci but no one will be able lo lake mi holmes place the board member told or ihe retiring ministers untiring ilforls m building the btplist church concjetj it ion and his ichtive mints in the nunisicii il vvoik in ac ion mi holmes tlcpailuic will be lell bv ihe aclon mltnslciiil as snciatiun as well as the biptist eonireiition is he w is j lulhlul sen lilt vvilh this pimp manv iik il residents will ie cell the tnspiiiiil addiess bv rev holmes duiine the list deeoia lion d iv service at tairview icmeterv board s praise dininl the mini il nuitine ot the b iplisi church j inuaiv 20 mr holmes was praised bv mem bcis ol the board when il wis noted under his leadership the church had become a close knil tajri hand ol chttsiims willing lo cirrv on the actiilics usuallv assikiitcd with a luge church i rum i vciy limited membership the fixe press oms with ihe cuneretii don ind oilier eiliens in wishing the minister in earlv re coverv to good health and lo him and his wt h ipincss in their ham i hon home storm stayed santa should snot soon santa claus goi storm si ivetl in a this vxar t 11 past ihe hist ol spriiil iinla is sdll stuck lirm on oni ip with lee melting i is ii soon be iblc to work he sleigh and deer hooves loose and get back to the pole mrs sant i must he getting inxums chnsimis irves decor iltons and all ire siill mm solid on lawns and the drooping d nip ping unsold chnsimis trets be htnd ihe tie being exposed in ill iheir glooms uselessncss meeting noun braula chairman of the industrial comrnillce re poited tnieresl in ihe rental of spaiw in the wikii combing building was verv encouraging all members urc lo be notified ol a special meeting lo lake place in st albans pansh hall on april 7 council al a spcci il meeting on wcdtiisdav night set the 1960 tax rate al 74 mjlls on residential assessment and il 78 mills on industrial commcrciil assessment these tigures repre sent a hike over list viars lax rale ot ft mills on an average residential assessment of 4 000 the laxes ihisc it will ix 29600 an increase ot 2400 over last vc it the v iriadon in the two mill t lies btiween icsidcntiil ind industrial is e uised bv the provnetil pel i ipil i gi ml which is used tu re dm e ihe tcsidetilial mill i itc onlv the mill ihis vtir is worth s4i801 this wilt ruse 411 loh 74 loi town opera hon an unexpected windfall irtr council auditor that the anlicipikd tie tit it on had been wiped oul insli id id ho icen wiped oul insli id of ihe dilieil eotincil w 1000 surplus had ik e in red in i9s9 ouncit had mil ini special budget mi e tine oi couni night al which ihe hivvn i 2 900 s inform mond iv hems ihe budget hut ben us in elhc biulj viewed ntl icduclions made biggcslhildgil nils ionic in ihe road industrial and tire commit let uannales 10000 earmaikcd foi works dcptrlment builihiil mil equip me ill was chopped olt the roid commilkc islimitis n present ing t 20n rediktion the fin ciimmiltci e un in loi i io eul of cslitnaled expenditures when their llgures weic re dm id by 1086 iiklustnal commit lie hinds wcti rcdueni lo 200 councillor b irbcau ch urm in ol ihe hudeil commit ice reported he had discussed htitlget with ihe eh urm in of the ivvo school hoards both boards hid been willing lo explain their budgets hu could nol sec anv place for reductions voting for ihe second ind ihird ic tiling of ihi bv i ivv to establish the mill rite at 74 ind 78 mills wen lounullois fhihv mcliiki barbcau held depulv reeve h ugi ive reeve cuxer and mayor gov against weie councillois i owe anil pope how the municipal tax dollar is spent i9 6 0 19 5 9 public school ii high school 16 counlv rak 07 olher boards 03 debentures ii police os cicueial govt 13 i 2s pubhi school llli mil1i school 07 countv kale 021 other boards 12s debentures 04 police 27s general govt 09 town opeiations 0is lite easier seal profect to begin next week mte spruvvl chairman of the rtsier seal program lor the ac ion roiirx club urged the mem bcis tuesday evening lo al lend a helping hand slutting and addressing envelopes tor the an nual e am pa ie n ncxl week the chairman beginning his lit lh turn in this capacity pmnl d oul thai 2sfl0 envelopes with v lis ind dala would be stulled mil i numbci 1400 aa slated iih the rcsiilinls ol aclon and the balance divided between the rural mules iround aclon campbell ville ind rockvvood the ttttrnw from thit earn- p ugn ire usetl to issisi crippled children throughout ontario its over i the free press open house is now completely over one group i whose plans got fouled up that week finally made it the bov- ind girls ol knox explorers tour i ed the pi int vesterdav alter i school ground i failing to set the two workus emerge from the ruins the worn ii i s t il i 1 hi ke llie siyniun p s mil s 1 ill the ituni svm i 1 numi i till one mii its ni i ih hutiiiii il th i itlnels is mil s itn nib i i lh iik ll bij ide nishesj lo rshut th w iti it a it bejm hhklinj lln m in t nt ihe imilllllllv wftl rebuild mi w inv us lk t ih v u in inn th puvi us d is willi his mll tnulotl 111 temewlllj ills lorn hi u lllid 1illm his soil thlt i 1 is pin lo inllips utiiki the wicht i ik sn w md in is he k llled ihe i ini i toe ml v 111 11111 ml re hiv upotkd th diiiiil w is not wend b insm me but the tuiminj would tx tebultl imnud nklv h f ilsn mesh inn 1 ineimlendenl 1 cintdi plsk tts-brrm4d-mhl- mi bcaitvnau this decision on vondtx tollovv mjj an inspection of the ruins fi n m mi mm u close aclon arena choose rev a h mckenne following c president local rotary club the rev h mckenzie u vs i ill in he id ihe aelon roloja t li h k i ihi i iiiiini lerm during the ikilim 1 new ul he ei s tile i ij nijhi when a 100 alien i tin w ts fiiesnt oinin umg cimmmct chair mm ken hitlford presented the ii wing si iu o ott leers presi eiui rev a h mekenjuc vici president d mane treasurer f i il m mil sccrenrx r lwis nitiei is nmied wfi k hard m m m spniw i a gordon f proust md t shields and str i mt il irms r davics h n m sprov1 dcebned the p siimn tr dircxtor p nulson following the dinoer and fines ession the vlub and guests join- following the eavc in of the eorhne nnk roof on sunday mxrch 30 iowti workmen have removed all seetteins creating a hearts sing song tfler hiard and hoarded up the south which ihe following guests mm wall behind the seatng scelion the cciflph club were introduced to dale running more has been art wood joe dtticxn eart done to remove debris clerk-ad- shu it and e christopher ministrator jtck megeachtc re- mr duigan outlined the dis ported tuesday that until ice irict conference being staged in and snow have disappeared it gtielph next month and urged ihe impossible tu wxirk in the area local roianans to make a con- then own workmen wtll be ecrkd eltort io attend some of bixsv cleaning up the site and ihe sessions leaking permanent repairs lo the roianan ken hulford thanked south wall the nasi ofhiefs or the cxeclleni to date council ha not given job they had performed last term any indication of replacing the and pratsed the incoming onue j curling nnk section and the fate ers integrity ot the agricultural socielvs dts- followmg the regular meeting plavs for the fall fair is not committee mcettlgs were held to known dwem future piujcxts ahd ftnah the arcsa ts been locked up ize the results of theatre night following the cavein and acuxit last week j ks f or the season have ceased famed athlete mason frank mcintosh 83 dies one of actons senior citizens and this community s outstanding athletes and spoilsmen frank e mcintosh passed aw iv on sal ill day al st joseph s hospiial gtielph he was in his 81rd vear he had spenl almost all his en hie life in aclon and thstiicl although he had been in fail ing health his mind icmaineef keen and alert a hosi ol friends mourn iht pissing ul an out si mdmg e ilieli 1 manv paid their last u spec is lo mr mcintosh at i hi inner d service al the riimlev shoemaker i i mcril home tuesday iltcrnoun the rev a ii mckcnie paid a viiig md letlcchvf itihiik lo a departed friend the iiilhunce ol iiank mcintosh will continue ihrough the lives ol ihis company continued on pave four

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