Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1960, p. 6

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ftlo aclon free preu thursday march 31st i960 ihtllno five pins at acton bowling lanes by ken hulford lane high school march 21 slider have hruilt made h after munv weeks ot ups and downs the sliders giad t fro i and flnully took our the lop spot with a three gumc win i rum the hula hoops the hoops threatened lo make wilh a win in the second but the slid in h id u by four pins bob mecurdy 661 end duke brown 657 along with vic roach s 241 single piccd iht sliders win hula hoops were trying as witness terry masalcs 772 311 and pete homci 663 ml triple sparks win flyers with mike rogcis 627 and dot duffield s 209 and 201 singles figured to have a chunee of winning a game or wo but the alley gators had trudy scuit winging out an 801 111 in count to spark a three game win trudys soi makes lot a mw triple record for the giils comata in orbit for 2 totals ian jcffcrih 624 and guv walker ml hud the cornels in orbil for a two and tolah win from whlzbangs the wluzuangs were heading for u no win but latched onto the last game win bangs best were don price 62 and wayne mason 603 gary mi sales rang up singles or 211 und 245 in the whizbangs cause league standing sliders 89 whizbangs 88 com els 83 alley gators 83 hula hoops 82 flyers 79 bmrdmora march 21 curry with an all out win from the tan yaid il placed chrome in the op spot the curry win was aided and abetted by the tnpks of wis allen 64s john cunslanline 602 joyce musales 630 and 1 innie m i sales 629 tan yuid wen oul numbered uutbuwled and oiil ut iuek cheer up hanv as lliev used to say m brouklvn w ill till next year leather take totals by 8 pins the office gus and g ih tnu the upper lcuthei a bowling ks son far the first two gunics then the upper leather decided iht state of al fairs needed changine and powerhoused a big win in the finale they latched onto ifu odd point lor totals bv oliii pins bill williams 641 and millie fabian teamed up nuclv foi ihe g and ci with the tuples john ny robson wan the bit mini loi the upper lealhei with a 746 383 chrome take rolling room rolling room had ilu c hioim s number in the first then i ik chrome took our lot the ikm t two and it wis a chmnu win for a two and totals co on itii beam for ihe chrome m jell fryer 72 7l bob agmw ho wayne spires 60 trid ben rodv 610 top rvilkix mi the roiiiiil room wen ld mttillow iv cn and phil lrsueor ms league standing cum 148 uinmi 147 rllin room iii lpixi lmhrrioi or fiee guvs and ah 7 ltn i 52 legion udies march 21 j hieln with a 24s pjnj it les to a hts tami m i angclk i il wood- in mi thompson 22 wen ilu pi for the bdlcs mintul emu man counts t mj ilu kii the bcllts m ilu ihnl unti but pin ilts ancit 242 l1l angell 214 wtu ilu pie i combo lot ilu alice lis in i angell- bv stvui pins i iiima dullulds 2ss mulii mis the lop liiindllii done bv the glads asters win m jose go mollis look i close ills k hum the asteis seven pins ik ing i ik mirgni aslus time hick willi pletilv tu win the stltind then in a photo luiish c nut oil btsl lo win ihe ihiicl l 12 pins utd pick oil ihe odd poml lot ld ik gisle hnlloids 713 tuple and agnes comm nidus singles tit 200 nul 208 led ilu in i pu ide lot asicis ihe llulluid kul won i silvu spoon wilti im inple milhc shlis m llipk headed up he mums ihjhiiiij league standing gl itls 89 mums 86 lain ilions 81 aslets 82 roses 80 violils n3 h k porter much 22 oils wiih i niie miekcnles 2u in ihe insl and ciim aibk 200 und dorecn me intvic 228 hir comnas peg bi he mine s 220 and 206 singles topind the bowling prousts in 3rd slot tic tjtnl know wiicthci it miiii d appeal nice ol sponsoi rj ink piouse oi not bill the pioiisen muloi gits pickctl on ltnell hi os lol i iwti uld lol lis win i itled lie moloultcs m in a thud slol lie mai ion pope uinicerni u 601 linouni loi proust s wilh singles il 209 and 2s8 coin me hum n in huisl uul rulh llulltiid in lhal oidei vi iteluailc wilh bm he tiled up t lie inciiunls loi lovclls wilh cliii lolle holmes 211 anil 201 and j met biciuiaii 20s coining up with ihe singles league standing mt ilium set vices 107 lamb re il 1 si lie 94 benson shoes 84 piouse molois 84 lovell bros 83 coion i shoes 73 acton major mitch 24 nleols hgci c its riim about clinched the lop spot when lluv giuuiulcd ihe cisiiin tlcis wilh a ihilcgame ltss ihe i iveis line he ncd o atctl i shulool by winning llie ihud canlo hut llie cats edged tllcin oul lv ii puis sharpening ihcii claws al ihe f keis expense weic bill williams 817 307 jiek bui loutli 761 ross motion 671 and ken hulfonl 614 llie ihcis wcie sihuing hul nol tpulc high eti tiuyh with ken kilo 6l6 gcoijii oikts 692 ld phillips 672 ii im liu son 640 and maim cisiiin 691 hrenrcn blow chance ilicuieit blew i chance to li ib till sonic modi iicceled ioliil when llie v me i up wilh llie slioi i handed acton itilhaids hm il is uld link the tile htis piectl bv jell livei s 111 129 220 880 seven u iknjsi ray atkinson s a9i triiount along with singles fmm harry rogers 206 and john chapman 204 looked 0 k on ilu happy sevens seureshcet glenn banks 22s stella bmnellc 212 and hud dcforest 240 were with the niggle foi tuitlcs no inplcs dtbatables take i totals bluffers wilh clutch bowling won two games horn dcbalahles the dcbalubles won the middle anlo by enough plus to lake hi hid point for lol lis juiit ooeii ik ii 214 and jim gibson 29 ueie op singles i or debitahlcs nd her learn could lack tip i tuple league standing -w- hippv so eii 99 deb liable s 92 tutlks 88 btullcis 19 thurftdiy toppers much 24 ligci cils luind bick ihe stlikcis in the lusl h 27 pins which w is a sutpilse set intercounty league standing streclsillc sliikers 97 acton men hunts 66 van not mutt lleelrkliuis 6 dixie jets 41 oukillo oiikks 34 152117 289 and jim uliinu i si 201 u2 wuc in oibil double wise foi conicls rival birds toe i- oul line i utks weic a double wimu l horn llie gulden lliwks when hit im d buds loed hit loul lint kevin hall 121 172 291 md i h lj pw the i acjis win loina mitplici sun 111 t 299 w is he lone hiwk lodo in soouile lais take tolals by 22 pins blue llomhcis md liyu its m tie heel bowllll skill in lw well itillcil w lines winnuiu one ipkti wilh i ilu i us i ikltilt ihe dd pmii lo is in 22 pins on ilu piowl loi llu ils wetc joe dullitltl 118 191 lw md join ialmn 117 197 u4 i nulliil the i inee im lb bomb ets weie jill llmsl 2tit 1 19 tus mtl i it 11101 wdhte 162 114 2 i cuguc slmidlng rude is hi i ndes fit hlue mumbeis h2 gonitis ik hyej c hs 7 golden lliwks s headpin hilites on llie inlei couiilv honl il n is he slictlsiilk slnkcis shoii encuiinil llu v in n iiiian 1 keltlclins loi i three ink bell subscribers to pay accounts at roots store llie uppoilltimm ol it new col kit urn agency loi telephone us us in roekwood was annoiiikcd this week i s jul hi bell telephone iiiinigei lot this at 1 1 innoiille eel the iippollll llie lit ol rihii hudwait i milled main mieet as an agency lo which ickphont usets may pay ihcii accounis wiihoul txtia chuigc p visitors prominent in community homes mi and mrs bill mikcown ptnl ihe weekend wilh the lat eis uiiilhei und biollici mis john a sic win i mid hiik thev so msllcel hit lathct who is sill lilincd to the glielph gcnciul hospllal mrs led llneulli ol nui until one bee visilcd tcccilllv ilh then nljtiif mi anil mis rov llindkv and mi allied lul bol mi ke ilh black vlmleel on sundn d llu same in i mi md mis mac mil cod und tamilv i ml mid mis ivi v icutov ut undid tin willi iiinikeisniy of mi and mis job rnnsoin al icigus on saliiul i miss mniv kobulsin l hcw lantl spenl i hw dies itccnlk hi mis louilla rtibulson and mi mil mis dune in kuisbui itl alheiuu 1 1 mtclllelleoll md mis iiimlc jesiin accouipiniitl mi mtl mis kobul mcciilchcon uul dianm ol kihhiiui and sp til siltud in il llioiiihiuv i illuili hi uiusnifrtniiwhdioii lnprtssirj hoc ilih mai i unks 220 i llu plus some clutch bowling in llu ihud inuk il a tie in sweep i mini he shot i h indcd j i owe is soph ic oehlnehs 21 single w is the i towels best howling suws remain in 2nd place siws siw lo k lb it thev ic maiiied in second place wilh i iwo jnti lot its win i lorn llie i lies lied wall ice 640 owen oulliup m9 and the snicks til shukv mooie 22d inel joanne due il 200 did not do the s iws any hum don kenneth was ihe big mill loi the tiles wilh a 63s tuples knives sharp tor 2 tolals knives were i wo md lol ilh wtnnii hum he rules bcivl juttlius m9 liiplc and miilin oehlnehs 229 single weic the sh ii pics loi he knives no he id line him is ttn ihe rules in ihls ill in but then single win wasa fcixjil g lhe won it bv one pin league slundlng bils km siws 9s tiowck 90 files 89 knives 87 rules hs industrialcommercial much 2wllei thoppuil hit lusl slmi to ailoll woodtl ill rcllible laxi gol dec wheeling mil st ishcd iw iv tin next iwo cj lilies llltl lot lis lo move up llllo a lusl pi in tie with jollv roc eis tiles whi 7 fc teo mcgll low tv om hul kcninii 64 nd v imu ridkv 448 d mrli i wtic n iinpiiie on llu win petlal loi llie 430 bovs aeloil uouikl ill h itl i iixileii nielu nun lusl wen ot llu single e inch with johllslolle 207 al gletll 201 dune i ids 208 don gum 210 mil 200 go s pick tp uluuhlc totals llltle oil ilh uld i ihe phvolls continue lo puk up v ilu tbli pomis 1 ikinj i lkhvii lo iw nul tot ds din tboppmv tin its j nil kteps the in in mil ill loll junr ii ie im n ll uulseukh ihe lol 11 1 iii e lie in n w 1 1 hlfllb llhlle i li llu e ill i h ml bovs i nl i1i ixinul wilh ll i 1h 1k lot lis win i uelllcns elloll in uled up by j iik inik 614 and mu k holmes t18 ten pro in reverse spinner lljl pltl lllel 111 ikllll lllstol bv u limine ihicc g nuts i is week weill llllo 1 icvcisc spume mil dioppttl llu ee gums lo i 111 nonunion hold w tsn i muth itn pi i lould do ibout it wilh let migillow is fis boh skide moie 071 immt misiks t2 hctl knliui ns uul cllcs lv iht 72o spilling lit pins ten llu w i sow it w ilkipets a couple- ol llu ln pios goi up inio iht tuple oibil phil lesutui m8 and ok llmkus pnkiis i iik m1 league standing nuols lieei us tls t isuin i iveis 108 dominion hulcl 9k ac ion bilhirik 87 i iiciiun 7 icii lio 51 acton friends iti 24 i in mciintl plu il the mp som isl pi te ehllll ik s ml ill inlonis ii mil lolils win leiiv mb w md led jimmies 9 liipld lot ilu ish slct uile ievelui uineil in i i 201 in lhal hi del loi sink lllc e lls itl ide iii tlllsl ike wtappuig up llie second will i venn athie 212 mi mm 1 on i met 211 heading ihe win he c its willi ill oul loi llie lllllll liiik win and look ovet unilispuinl inst pi ice as i icsull chumps tie i win 2 the chumps mil lop note hi is weie real palsvwulsv in hm lusl nunc ihcv ended up in i he i ricndslup ended tin i e is i u is the chumps weic tonccinul llicy won tile next twie anil 1 itched onto he siiilii ion loi olds muv ootuv wilh 242 mil vtia blanch 24s tkik c in ol the single ho no is loi lop nulch i e i s jeanne hepplc i ti undkd a 6il lo spaik the chumps ioiiiml league standing iilii tais 86 slnkcis 79 humps 79 top noli litis 78 acton mixed mnh 2s hi ukeii anows uc slill shhilitig ailing in lusl pi m willi ihe jcsttis as hun i itel lilt antms puked oil i hint l uile win wilh he chid in irks men hung do i lailc wrfi plul lesuiui 719 md dies peveh i 78s 121 single seous weic the btsl jeslcis could loll wilh lied will lee 207 rilclesi m illus n 209 uul hob dniikw ilki 204 ind 220 kaglcs 1 ly off wilh all nines 1 ades wen lllik oul ol ill i nice ol tile bombs hid mevv oil wilh all cius hrvil in llu liipk skv loi i igks wut huvl joidin m10 sophie khhith d6 gciiv lunk r21 its tulm ui tvl nd don gum 704 bellv llalcli wilh smdes ol 210 and 20s w is ihe best bomb bowhtil rascals take jokers f itl hiowue wilh ml ml hub skiilliniic with mm pieel llu i mile rise lis two mil lolils win hum llu joke is hoh m u ins mil liipk along wilh snicks hum ron wluih mi 204 1 ikn mu don ild 210 md mills sim 21 s lopped ih joke is tiiindhul league standing lliokcll allows 109 1l 9s llu homhs 91 jokeis jesktv st lllllc rise lls s4 teennunder mndi 2d ruekrs with hm t shultis it 212 19 siiidi i i inklui hi iso 281 juk ilindc t7u22 29s u itn in dunn 109 107 27f w n kith emus tiom he counts lo knp well lip 111 lllsl pi let mike s ii mm 171 111 104 it ink mntn no tin i llu dim slnkcis lie i p ibis se son 1 ihe aeltm mcih in nine mine units jels ik i cunt qinhlv me ii li llu sphsnm misl is i ivt pin woild clump i nsllip is ovel with ai ills ellhl tlldllves hellll jill lvu 2402 intl keiitiii 24h2 inui rilo 447 loi iein 241 km rilo 24h j uk hiiiioiilii 2181 i dph hul in 21fs mil hes piv tht 2102 ihtse udu bow ids will loll 111 the one selllllllllls ill giulph a waul winners iiutlv sui tin mich si hl i i l ilic wis dldk iw nd winnei hits wttk ho 801 llipk wlllell intllliled i hot ui smd wins llu iiiilu s i ga ait n div k ineis a ldk siiilic horn wmie spi ih goitluis ilnlw ii jilt i iv i who is sllll hint mtl lokmg tin lildi eeitk mil hinds nit t unt tluoinji wilh m kk0 li u mil lo piek up llu p mis i luihuil ice i i m ikmjj ilu b llkll bci ils ol cic idll sin i p in i kmhuls thsp sh nis i iic hiiiehill hum di i k hum will icc uul jill llmsl howl major uague chauips h whiil ih lxonio i itlus mi it liu lumps ocnnoi howl il ihe n nth toiiec hove in i ii nil llu unkind w is ihe lsiun mhm ml si u hihpi mship i u vvludi in ludeil givk mull id in pipu liii li hun u si 1 ihe in nil in c h iinpinnslnp i iv ik id accepted ut rockwootl i ticinl lockets vvludi uniil now tins en the hells eolkellon ge u oltol towueisloniels in iv piv mi iiioiinls bv iheeiu nulled llu 1111 lekphme oniiituv 201 oik sheet i isl nidph hells rtkwd cusloinns islung to discuss kk phone bus ess millets should dial ui ste i s42 whidi will toiuutl litem ilh hull seiviee lepiisnt uim who ins he molds ut ihell scl firemen pass exams will receive awards lolluvvuij ill clghl week ii 1111 g ciiusc in liisl aid 21 atloii llldiglilns leeeived woid leeellt iv lluv ii ive pissed hun csun ii lis wilh success md will be leupiniis ol hun icililicalcsin hit m ii mine inst aid ceilihc ilts will be mud bv juk pink willicd mil ii hiiu ii in oitiibim kei win me ill ill john k ipik john imkiis doisu inall willicd dm il hill spulvolcl hill oum it ii hill willi mis uul doug mt pdklll nuu idthiionil hiemeii who lit itlv hid ihcii lusl ml icili it ilts eiud then voiithci iw mis limine the c sumn iliuns htv lie alts wikhc wivnc kdlv hcin vm ik i noimin i phillip mecnsi ill mick nits ik ib dodtls john new md don vm i led engagements mt and mis albeit wuc nl acton timumui tho tugtgtimiii i hiiu diudilti mailoiv ann 0 john idw ml hulnagd son ol mi mil mis anlhonv hiiiiiulii 1 a ion the wedding will like pi hi in si alb ins anglic in nil on smutliv apnl 21 il 2 30 in special oceuslnns dc- itihiid lliul you put your bent looks forward well help by cleaning your i uslcr clot hes vou if suv ihcy look us bright und fresh us iht day you bought litem i hi i pickup mi dixivlry actpn i dry cleaners s mill siw illoni 128 dron s meat market service and quality a specialty free delivery phone 18 i i im high quality merchandise at low budget prices lightmans depl store acton bowl bowl for ploture bowl for health open bowling saturday afternoons and evening acton bowling lanes phone 67 member o bja 10 main st lh si o nriuiiu ftoi tit iv itlt t rtl t t t dts n i iii iipi j i h p t iw ikns utvi i ml win thpbtlks e totals lazy susans nol si uv susans i l tul from ihtttbets emli m mu len milium w n sllv lmi l pcatett in ilu mux id eajle umiiil up v thltthtts slipped in ncr titiu ii il when lal fetadsluee sti ma folcv 211 spketl league siandlng fnski belles sj j 91 thnvrbtss aiileln mu springs nurtry march 22 ro hi poml wintiits in it ii mi icagut ihev t k ih t loiu tur il jih jvtirp wnrr vvilh a f7 ukueuit ls tv wnglcs oj alrlf 21 slid atulicv leiull i weie thr higtilijtt l n r triple win brsi v11 i i nations vsrir ihe sin it 1 i i dobbte 24 sh oe nd jeanne- hippkt berl jordan mf a i jnnt dm in ihe hiets to from tht lust pi in guds were uid ihivven mm game tim ii uai fmfockand emfmorials aving harvey laverty heating saies and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n rockwood phone ul a4 lockwooo 24 ho a swnnlbik roucn i 1345 mhria strael terwme oml ie 1517 i

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