Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1960, p. 10

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fffflflfli ygrwjaaraft ty wiifrsrvft n j saaijiiiiirhm js the acton free pnmi thuridey apll 7th 1960 utto to thl witch gold trickling through fingers lures but sales pitch rejected the editotv dear sir n you mi arc a mnn or mnnv experiences your own and 1 venture loftytwi in vom clojre asmxialion with hit daily events which shnpc our history and- those other incidents vrhitli take place in our communitv vou ha avrtnywi m of the cvol ulton which pievails upon man in his environs in mv small am of activity i too hnc hctl and have letrncd from having lived and this past week wns nth in its blessing to mc i learned tint- 1 have friends who rcgiid us highly and are anxious thil we be f forded in opportunitv to become rich or comforhiblv well to do paw along tip further they esteem us so highly that they quictlv pass pi ong the hot tip whereby we gain with no effort or investment on our part oh yes sir they are sincere this is the real mc coy tew secret to tell over the phone and the principals are men in a business of the most noble and inspiring motives now i sn like you know that magic and reality arc two mcom patiblc words wealth i do desire hocus pocus 1 know will not give it to me and since my fnends arc necessarily caut ious about their new found af luencc i must agree to meet the purveyor of this fortune in the privacy of my home at a mutual ly acceptable time draw the shrouds there and then the shrouds will be graciously drawn aside by our benefactor and the aura of mystery will be replaced by a shower of the easiest money you ever conceived of revelling in balderdash imagination on loose now sir j submit that what i have just written is implied and i confess that i gave my imagin ation free rein i further state thai i was rather annoyed at the delav of this mr anthony coming to sec me i was impatient to oin the ranks of the hllhy rich which rm fnends now belonged to be quite frank though sir 1 had failed to notiec any great mark of prospentv upon them when i eneountered them a few days before zero hour zero hour mr editor came on sunday night about 7 pm a lone distance call prepaid could 1 receive a caller mr x his real name was given to discuss a matter of mutual interest which would be to my financial advan tagc the emissary from shann la after a few innocuous and disarming questions eourieouslv informed mc thai the next quest ion was to be the last well al most anvw iv frank answer what did i think of vu fcoruners well i think a lot of u softeners and most of n nol good so 1 replied they are highly oveirated that was the wrong thing to sav 1 assure you i jiist lalked myself out ot a fortum you see sn if 1 hud been as his appointment eard led him to bclicvc-r- an a i prospect 1 wouldnave said i dont know anything about them al once all the fanev maehln rv of high pressure selling would have been levelled ai me soap lesls gmn counts etleium hme iron enibon deterg ent residues fats oils sludges and so nn ad infinitum save jm month and then a earefullv bound book with ihe results of nation itlv advertised and conducted re searches which would piove he yond doubt that i could save 20 a month b eniolhng in t plnn by mst dling t water softener which i would repay at 16 per month you see sir 1 have put 4 in my pocket naturally i want is of mv fnends to know of mv success so i arrange for them to receive a specially typed letter over mv signature which i address to them and when they sec the light i am to receive a kick back about 25 each more or less oh happy day not an addict but i had said that 1 was not addicted to sort water and nat urally i could not hope to save 20 from my present expenses i was doomed forever to pay 2 per week for hand soap and laundry soap hie 2 i spend for coffee would never be cut to 1 80 my wife must continue to spend 2 a month on hand lot ions plumbers must bill me regular ly for unclogging drains and worst of all our 250 woith or washable clothes each person must be thrown away each christmas no trickling gold oh unhappy day woe is me for not orrenng to harbor a wal cr softener in mv humble home nevet will i enjoy the carcrree atmosphere ot king midas no gold would trickle through mv eaassmg fingers my wife and family ate doomed to povcrlv my rnends bless them will be soic pressed to care for me in my rejection to s ly nothing of my destitution hair truths may 1 now sir give to you the benefit of mv experience that you may be fortified should you ever be in a position such as i was if you aspire to financial independence via the medium or hocus poeus then be mmdrul or the error 1 made bui il vou are the man i pi stimc vou to be vou will di count ill these half truths and use vour knowledge nnd ende ors io prolecl the unsuspecting from those who parasite upon our piesenl inabilities in the ie dms ol hifch finance once sluiic betvery renny- cancer cured in 10 years i would bet cveiv pennv 1 have tin the bank lint within the next ten vours well have this thine lie keel this si hcimut bv di j h otiastcl director ol the mtgili montreal geiki il hospiltl re search insimiti in i icceni inter mew incite lies i he optimism with which some sciuiltms reluu the possibility ot i mior hie ik through inetneei tcscatvh is fnfr ii 3 s gokart racing lsqucsine timnspip in tv n t ik the scene o ok ii i i nine it appears as council iceenilvhekl oil a decision on li inling the gvoigclovvn ookul club pcimis sum to use i sile ik it glen vtil li a p u di ouastcl who bcloie taking to cancer research sometimes willed ihe tmevard ol sucn hsls because or its i rush uiiil ispccls won mum it ion il rum foi ins work on 24d weed killer iiuisccs no less th in fujii sepu he clikci rcse irch pricits xv uh a yam hum ihe n hum il cincei instilute ol cinath iinuununt t s4 20 he h isis his optimism on iht i let llnil i ljui dc il t hem k unci ilnnil uk h imi iikuhmiv ot i ik nil uhi the nui iholism mi tils iinl photo by gordon campbell juliette star of her own television show offers hearty congratulations to pipe maor fmdlay mccallum of milton and pipe maor joe sellots of brampton shown with bruce ridgley the pipes and drums of the lome scots peel duffenn and hallon regimenthjave been invited to the edinburgh festival in august to participate in the massed military banek tattoo largest of its kind in the world the lornes ware the only canadian unit so honored and the edin burgh festival committee with headquarters in brampton is helping finance the trip to scotland the first commercial donation a cheque for 500 was presented to the fund on saturday halton safety council formed by farm croups on monday maieh 14 entitives of fatm oil mi uions in hilton county ippoinlcd a 10 member halton siletv council the members ol the council include mae spruvtl ac ion rr 4 mrs vclma norns millon r r 2 mrs roy coulter c imp bellville rr 3 mis tvelvn oales millon rr 6 willted croier milton j itk tivloi burlington rr 2 john will molt millon rr 1 s uulv buch man morfat rr 1 block 11 n ris millon r r 6 j a 1 1 incis millon vvilh j ii tivloi bui hngton as ehairm in mil j a francis ay icultut il icpiescntil ive ballon eountv is sccieluv the meeting v is sponsored in the extension bruuh ol ihe oil mo dcpaiimciu of ayuuliu c to conclude the rum accident survey in halton ind lo est ib lish a latm salelv pioy l in ihe counly from much i 19s lo february 29 i960 ihe halton district women s institutes sup plied aeeidenls rcportcts to ic porl accidents lo t um people in hallon this suivev was pail ut a provincial survey the lesulls ol the piomiiciil suive show tint ill the insl mile months lliete wue s ssl ae ltilciitstvftillcil the piuvimi il i um s iklv coutieil is heiiil otgmied it head up tutu s ilety pioyums on a pttinctil level j h lav lot hallon s ch mm in will ie piesenl hilton cotinlv on this council the ilillon cuiilv siletv c tin kil will be letomiihndini pit li ims in ii in s mv t i i u in tie nit hi his in 1 1 ill i llu il si lis ot 111 stnwv will poi it up i um ii i tuts 1h it tic e ursine nil lecess il v ice itle ills on tile latin pollock and campbell mmul ictiueis ol high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north galt telephone 2048 was ivccivcd lx nine ihe n ot most ixsicunts ol the distnel who obieelexi to powiblc noise ti iltic uul suiul iv nuis iike a second upplu ihun lot pel mission to attmv a cinnmrrcnt race hack owiki j ikuhc his bexn dropped dogs loose norv il school boatd compl on cd to council tint doc vveie iuii tung loose vround ihe school and hiked action the matter is to be invest lilted council should youp the three fine area chains ac urn millon and george lovvn and ivcrat the tax rale on the total clerk k c lindsav told euneil he said the three areas now pa dittcnnl rales according to the towns fire budscts he said he telt this eould also be applied lo the three hilh ichuol areas 7mm for roads the townships road evpcndi turcs for 190 78 000will be t77 for maintenance and j25 000 for construction a bv law was i for subsidy purposes- itt ux p u to rsljooo as a share of lights at jl0nby ball park road emplov were granted a five cents an effective february 1 tftrt jsht oiilv- im veilitntirv- llleles sikii is tin lt i m uul anient in cuieii s ii iimj i iijc imoiiiits tfr u si nxh bul the p n ik ilnij i t panics ite pontine n it m 1 more inonev into the seal eh tin i cute years to esmbllsh when we do mnd ihe cute t t eiruei i will i ike months p hiblv vt us to t hlisli i 1 iul w iik i atui th ni1 lestin on anmnls the dittos will havt lo be xexuii tut itutimn he ms mil it writ t ik tine lo isstss iht it tlttclivcmss in the pasi some druls thil hive work ecl well with inimak h ive been iiktlevlne vwth humans grants radiator shop spcu iitn in all types of radiator service repairs recoring boiling trucks tractots cars car hiatus oukk efriuini stmvc free plcku and delivery phon is acton celtod is2 qvmn st e acton ont it is important that children and adults of all ages be immunized against poliomyelitis please see your family physician or attend your child health clime st albans parish hall acton 1st and 3rd friday each month prc5chool children 130 in 3 30 pm adults 4 00 pin halton county health unit telephone 193 dili mui iitjils iiki bllllll tut lutmi lome scots to entertain at edinburgh ihe lome scots fioin canada will lend further international flavor lo the famoun edinburgh 1 illoo in august the uitloo scot i wli commands contribution lo the festival w staged on the castle rsplanmlc and presented bv scuichllhl vvilh ihe lloodlit taslle iijovlclihr u aetlccl liuluml haekdiop i boo w0 view it now in its 11 iii ye ir ihe talloo ii is bicn seen by moie hi tn lwhithk people uutl vicwcil hy inaiiv millions moif on tilt i is ion lhnliik ihe p isl 10 vt its applii uions lo sec ihe i illoo li itt bee ii ttceived liom incilc ih in 100 dltleient nations hilltiiiiu will he icpics nlnl i r ik insl time hv ihe hand ol tliu berlin aunoicd coips div isioii ihe brigade of iiutkhis ftoui m il iv i will si ice a piping drum mine mil iiugline thspl ly mil ihe coloi gu ird of the royal an loice regiment will present an exciting silent drill display local regiment the pipes and drums or iht i niie scots peel duffel in mil ii dton regimen i will come horn onlano ihe isl bn the cameiom ins scollish rilles accompanied by then h mil and huglts will exec llle a novel displ iv of drill honui ihe piper will bl danced by 40 dancers including 20 member of the women s roy id army corps an hutorkul episode will pr truy ouetn vletorlu premiilliig new colors to the queen s own cameron lllghlandeis in lire ye ir 1r98 290 pipes drum a unique spectacle will he tht massing of iilmoot 210 pipcis mil iruinuieis liom the lome stnls ihe ut bn seols ouaitls 2nd bn scoh tiiqrds 1st bn ihe rovnl scots the koyd rtgjmcnt isl bn the cuinirunl ins scottish hill si isl bn sedoith hi landcii rosshlic bulls 1st bn ihe oltetns own iiiihion ii kh i hitlers 1st bn the aigvll md suthnlimd hlglluiiiders inueess huises ln il hill 25 cent dresses sale bargains 1 hied up almost un hour bc- loit opening time crowds swept op neatly ill tht riitles for sale il the y s mincllcs rummage sale siiiiinliiv tlteinovti lit ihe y t iblcs wtic heaped wlih clothing lovs ele mh lihle with j net price a few lhmcs were priced at si but mosi ert moth ks dresses il 2s eenls e icli vveic sn ipped up when an old friend dies get a new one through a bns loan that s the lowcost business like way to borrow to buy the equipment you need new tractor new machinery or attachments all arc good reasons for a bns farm improvement loan sec the manager of jour neighbourhood branch of the bank of nova scotia hell be happy to discuss a bns tarm improvement loan with vou the bank of nova scotia a network of branches across canada and abroad medallion electric homes built with your dreams in mind to be able to live brticr llretricallj is all important to modern families recognizing this the rlermra indimrv hai esubhshrd a itandird which will cuarmirc the excellence of a home i elvsrmral nitetn horot that featvffh the better installations and baktie that meet this standard u awarded tbc medallion symbol wheji you buv a home built to medallion dertne standard yoa air assured of extra romfort convenience and effwiemv in ilirc dun tmponant wavs all of which help to protect your investment i rll holslpofrvmdi plenty of cm i iv outlets and swtirhrs t pi fi liohtim a new hih ttandard of lirhtmj for all areas 3 applivsce comh1iomng- soma major uniis installed jln wiring to a modat e addnional major appliances yew con nwjanuza fovt prasanl all pmcressisr builders and elr in al con tractors recommend and will install electrical svstemsihatqualu for medallion ccrnficadoa m mk haw pm am atri a lamm haau cri pm tlktnral taatndir w pmitai hya office live bsttul elxc7tr1caut iistc will iocd by bunds of the kirvil moines uuloilui nuns appit xim tfclv 7k ikifonncts will isseinbh on ihe custlc i s pi inulc for ihe ut mil hn ile ihin in ou 7k si its t ui hie lor e ich performing ol tin 1 hi xi trid i tol il i i 21x1110 people will be ihle i see the pelt liurri line robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists loritrrty i i lkail phone guelph ta 4 1071 sb si george square w giving flowers is part of easter say seasons joy to your dear ones with your choice from our cut flowers and plants e t marks for easter gifting try dills stationery first we have a good selection of fancy writing paper personalized social sta tionery pen and pencil sets desk sets etc newest gift you can give a man producvd by a marten s latbtt fnaktr of quality writing inatrumantt thlt is tht bold new pen for men daalgnad spacliieajh for th man who demandi anttduarva thbtt ntw inlaid point built to take man aizad praaaure naw ion proof clip gnps any fabric maaalva capacity exclualva snorttal pan nodunk filling action naw trimntaa pita straight upand dowtf cvon in a man a hirt pocket choice of i writing point atylaa 4 colara see ittry ittodayat xioitle an ms offici son

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