Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1960, p. 3

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1 uii c home and school fo use hs gym board learns of staff resignations ml 5 4 wmjm m lf stan photo m z bennett school senior choir copped irst place honors during the north halton urban music festival wednesday and received the milton kinsmen s trophy pictured above during the presentation are left to right kinsman and vice principal of milton school john bell making the presentation to donna andrews principal w d e smith and music supervisor glenn banks smile in approval the bible today 1 thin uc eight cntpurtcut wuik in li m di whom live un annim ins one an assviiin mil two dix omuls it urn kl im at a smdl village uiil ul the cul purtcuis mi1 i voting in in who said 1 mi a chiisiian ik vvjs previously a muslim who white he was in huspiul wis given gospel vvhieh tic rcid wilh inki lsi then la bough i a bible anil now iil sivs i un hippv lo have his book it lus been the nic ins of mv tl 1 1 iny will mil also i hi means ul niv sal itu n ctirlkt our god on met ting in i m in in in anot la i ill igi who il mind lo ik mil uiiilsi in in in llu ilisiikt tin colpoitmt i tlil turn ol lhnsl md his iluitis as lold in the setipluic the old in in ii plied chttst is tiui onlv nui saviom ik is out dod 11m was i tii ll kslinion in a mus lim itl il sundav colnssmns 4 2 18 mondi john lo 1m1 tmsd iv john 17 i 12 wedmsdiv john 17 126 itiiiisdiv john 18 14 fyuhiv muk 4 i 14 smndi mailhew 4 23 s 20 btiuifoe tell easter story at knox meeting tikiiit fistii is ihi lluiiii ihi apnl meeting ihi puitlitiis ol knox mil in tin ehuieh ihou room on monday april 4 with hi president presiding miss ann wtlkins mump in trtttlv mrs mm hi sing ihi be uiitlul hmn chttm aum mrs c ashk issiskd h mis w toth miss h coks mis b v in i lut mil mis a piu ii told the i jsin sioiv with miii abk sciiptuic leaduifcs pi iyi s and hymns business included find pi ms lor thi daflodd ti i md biking sik to be held apnl 21 tin gump dso plans lo ilknd tin fust holy woik sauic m sund iv cmiim i muli w is simd by llu jjuui in ehuy d llu ilosi ul tin illlltlllj i mr tim late spring limits an i miil in itli i si ison sonic cxpeel it m i i ik is ink is 11s6 whin u he still seeding t fie middle oik in hie fuld- luisv dome liei i olli ule b knee lines result- id sloims tins winter peel construction wins district job peil coiisltuilton co ltd will urn i nine to woik in the c inip- belbille distnel tins miiiimet ll w is mnoijiiiid this week the bi imploti tn in his hie n iwndid ihi ioiiii let foi lj tnu i n bisi ft mi leml need eoneiete piviiic tot hiijiw iv 401 foi ihe c inipbilhilk mtiiih uili lo hiljiw iv 6 ihe suli in ol hitli w i is to he eolltplitcd this e u the acton froo press thursday april 7th 1960 aeton high sehuol board un u split vole agreed lo allow the hume and school association the use ol ihe school facilities for their april meeting the boaid at their widrusdiy even ting sanctioned the gym ndmum use over the objections of trustee fc s force the chairman j crclghton pointed out that the orginiznl ton included pannts of both pub lie and httth s stu htf ivutcu these people arc lax payers and parents what nctit have wc lo deny the in hum- fae ililics the set ret ii v le polled oil un jglcctnciil hcl0i1 iled with mil ion iiilii school board whereby iarriii no torch si ikd side bv side in i uivcin llu men vine piitikuil ol inlo le uiiil buvv h ink saul oiu i notice ou eh ink i lot does voui unique biiui it ul i u vc hid quite i bn ii mk p mdeied i don i iifcht k know jin i c leva bun diutik en ui1i i hv lo liejil it typicai torlst sdinnj llu cu ikllon ue i is lpu ll l 111 hilill i lesl ol n t the t n cm id i vvhieh llu wisli i to smile iwo ovctsc is ikkcilis lo itu bol mv conki inee in m un it wsitnl llu ii il hon lousl disluel on thin loin ol c in id i md llu umkii si iks tluv wen hi mkiiui monisoii ul bill isl ihiiiu ind di ann i medweiks koinas ol rviikow pol ind small threebedroom bungalow provides maximum living area aluwoprvbdcr 900 iquire fet in in tt tr bungalow designed by architect d g kitchk ot ncwmarld onurn cnuiru comfortable livmj both mam aod ink entrancet arc con vcnmtl b ihe kitchen hkh n planned in the ttcpmvm u thapc the home provides etccllcnl c culatran unco all pam can bc reached without passing through the livtnf room the largest bedroom the living room m the dinmb area all look out onto the rear garden a lurlhur mierestinb featurt n the front verandah under ihg oer nanfirfg rool ample cloeci space a provided in ihe hdroorm the tofal floor art n s9i tqiurre feet and the eieror dimensionv r jo eel two inches by i leel working drawing ot the hou known a ontpi may he ob lamed from central xloncacr nd houmg corpora lion ai mm mum shop lenehtr p caddkt will teach shop in milton three days u week and in aeton iwtvdavs eaeh week dunnu the 196061 school leim word has been iiccivcd thai the equipping of the home eeon omics room will ik subject lo government gtunts trustees ulso decided iguiisl sending a delegate lo the assoc lated high sciiihji boaters ol on i ano eon veil i ion in nuna falls in may the rinaiuc commilke lenoil was accepted and the aeeounls were ordcied pud tenet il u counts tot died s2 4m11i md tin pavioll aeeounl jiiiouulcd lo j6i99i2 esquesing nasagaweya in festival competition alxiut 600 lurd school mudciil 1 1 otn 20 bsquestng and nasuga wc i township public schools gal hind at stcwatttown and btook ille h ills ill day tucselay to com pek in the pielmiin iry compel turns loi ihe 29lh annud nokh hilton mid music lestival llu i in il will be held lumui row liiuli il the robcit link iubhe school in aeton when ihe hisl second md ihud pnc win iuis lioni c ich township will compek lor lop iw uds m llic 12 elisses ihiie choirs a lilu a duet md seven solo elisses at lsquesing on luesd i 0 a smile wis the idjudu iloi ik is i mil ml k iihn in tlu sihool toi llu blind u bi milord md wis i ilkd upon lo jvc muks loi i lose to 400 sludinls enleied ill the competitions hsqulsing i u i ion inc is a list ol the lsquc sinwiniici s gills 8 md undei debbie ro us stone k hen orouike blue mount un lmd i how dm ucny bos 8 and undei b uric bieen dublin robe it mecec pine giove fedd blown i imihousc c lion 24 ind undu pine grove bum lekbuiti bovs elnnted voices i ol m i ih llouiln llovd divis i 4iiv livmh ouvveiidvke ouilie bias gu is 1 1 and mulct helen hiitne witeiloo doiccn harrup pine giove j leqiieluie kindon hoinbv choii two put 34 and under ouihe bias litn bos ii ind undei david swin dleliltisl blue mountain tommv itipsontouringl i fcvcorejt i a dnve in the t un like i walk in i splint slltmci l in ik sheet eiiov nunt it vou itc pie p lied foi it md h i lew bisie commuu sense 1 tu il mv sutl ce h mi top lt ivel p iviiiunl or oil with tespeil while vou tel the leel ol ihe loul 2 slow down lo i sensible spunl double oi tuple llu usual spin beiwun vou mil the e u ilu ul uul niov tin tide sudden spins i m kiip i sh up eve lor oil sinks sllipetv ii vis llld wished rilvailh lluv e ui throw vou into i sudikn spin 4 tin luili mini tls ih il ii nu out in ilu run lious wikidihiiiks skunks etc can be 1 s mm ut dincir if vou dim loo i ist 01 11 1 iiijovtmnl il ou i ikl it l isv siuii 1 ir md 1 iilm d h 1 k ejisiiti ih nilitullv in itu 1 un but 1 1 ss hum e uilmuslv 111 1 at uidi inclis absolute must tm a t inn wtrptng windshield wip 1 uul suuhithlv woikinc ikis in in ihsoldk must toi princjpul hansen in his report ulviscd members lint three tia rheis hud tendered then rcsig nations two leu hers ire retiriiu and llu i hit el teacher is icturn tllg lo university he lepoited iwo positions hid been tent ilivi ly idled md ihi third position is lo ik idviitised again lilts wnk iniolnunt lor i9fi06l is estmial ed il 300 the tinnspuilil ion eomtmiiei tepoiled lluv hud reieived tiutn iihus cumpt nnts rinrdinn the bus pukup limes the eummil lee his in ide sttrvivs ind is slink inc ihe pi oil km mid will upotl 16 tin boatel on their te i miiliillil ilioiis dislllel llispcctui julllisotl at kndid llu liiicllliu md lepoited on md discussed wilh the hoaul opi u i ul llu ihool lcarmoni hornby bnan phil lips bannockburn vocal duel caiol law son md john megce puicglove don 11 1 kingdon and linda wilson hum by donna renniek and annu k immiuga dulleiin girls 12 ind ovei dunn 1 ren nick dulleiin inula blown pitucruvc linda wilson hoinln chun iwo pai i 3s and ovei millun keitlks hoinby bovs 2 and uvct peter i iclieh ouilie bi is john megce pint gtovc john mcdonald lime house double lno millun he i tills hoinby pine giove nassacawlya al n iss yawc 1 guclph ilea ililisil leaehel di chulcs wll son w is llu idjudicaloi ovei 200 voices irom ule nine smallcl township schools competed in the allday semi final cumpilioiis winiieis tor n iss icawt 1 guli 8 and under nellie v 111 deiviiul ss i cuol thomson ss 3 nancy mahun ss 6 bos 8 in d undei allinpattei son ss 3 bum wlueki ss 4 keilh uliot ss 7 choir 24 and undu ss 9 ss 1 bowliuiliri wumn jim tiotl ss 4 kiinond uciliucuitti s s 3 gills ind undei belli clinic ss 2 sus in bonus ss 7 dawn van buskitk ss 1 pul iwo iliuiis 34 and undei s s 6 biookvilk bovs 11 md uiukt john ciuh s s 4 david woodhuusc s s 8 riekic juvis ss 3 duct diane bonus and kaien dicdlc ss 3 bairy mahon and muilvn hilson ss 6 hialhcr bikei md bettv bikei ss 4 gills 12 ind ovei kami dredge ss 1 samli 1 blvllu biookvilk bellv biker ss 4 choir 35 md over ssi bovs 12 ind ovei john sunk 1 son ss 3 billv robe 1 1 von ss m ileolm johnson biookvilk double uioss3 ss4 ss hie otlurs sun did set and twixi them rolled the bll lows of the sea poets corner 1 1 ife has a rulbtitlon ours not friends j to question whv ah well do i it member iwo lluv mil loduy upon 1 itokltn ifuilhtiit iillle gills i slinnd 11 nil of hie wis golden gi id and slill tluv shine 1 seirel and dee tmi 1 did i10111 hum 111 ive and one hid hinds of uibuin until llu v ilkv past we under and one hud yellow mils si mil and btilh 1 guileless secret hid is iih 1 andiison fioin nu u switl the ve 11 s ward their p ilhw oiled ckloin al ml 44001 ikw 1 isis ol e in 1 will ik di itrtitsid in c inuli met ins veil 1 his is hived on an in their die mis were chinked lo itdeiuitikot ipproxttn itelv 2s0 hies redltv mw e iscs 1 veil lot evuv 100000 loi as one woke il dawniuc populilton i presents study liuski loin piesintid 1 stu dv hi hid lotnplekd on the slu dint lid tin aeeomplislinunh mil eosts of ihe school chan mm cieithlon termed the icpoil cnlnjliknint bul nol cncouial ttuske loin miphisiid thil in ins opinion there ve is too muih in leu st ind utivtly out side ihe euiheulum loo mueh ulivilv lb tl is not steeled al the three rs copies of the study he lo be pup tied mil distllb- ukd o hi k tefiiug staff the h ltd discussed llu 11i11 hits ol oil aeton high school bidnunloii ejonp quite tully ll w is lyccd lo include the subjeil on tlu lunula ol llu next iejulh nice i lilt loi discussion our greatest sansfactlon comes from doing- a good job for our clients dennys insurance agency bill and harold 39 brock st phone 433 acton rprmntlng the travelers harttord libit 1 ll i din in ihe un- flowers for every occasion greenhouse fresh greenhouse prices for the easter season potted mums carnations cut mums snapdragons easter hues pflrtopils funeral designs cut flowers potted plants special for easter week only daffodils 75c bun 10 in each bunch jafteoieu qieetutouei s snowy claws robins madv ru in the new snow morn 1 nc ivni l know cnivvil thit hot w inov knowing thiv ti eli nd ill acpoittt ul lirst tobircs at the fnjo puss about i apt tram tnv munliv u nwn ipkiiiv hivi sin tmnr thi re sibis blindod cea illi winter for i dependable refrigeration and airconditioning maintenance refr serv phone 914 can now pay yoir tcleihoac ill here withoit extra charge gordon hardware ltd 11 mill st sym0n hardware 43 mill st these ro payment locarwns only on ar aun uusmevs olluc will el m in ordt 1 piovidi m im lcd mimie i tilcphom 1 mt veill ix pavabk the ahme i 1 hums iv vhtsjiks md im niv nivlii ni iv be mnkd 1 th bli1 iltlphom ompasn oi canada 1 k m lsl tuilpb oniitu prasc include hill stub to emtjet hir biwm ss ottm inxt dl m 200 wnii serene repusmulive ll b v id 1 belpmhi c s keith mniir tmjpwcwtl compamt of caiuum p is for perfect perfect results are our aim in every printing job entrusted to us our nirtslei printiis hive a pink ol ctatlsm inship ihil will lulu jte nothing shurt ol pctfcclum 111 the acton free press s9 willow st im6n8ixmwtws i gordon hardware limited 22 mill si aden photia 76 i mmm2fc remember to say happy easter to your friends with fine quality gift chocolates gift boxed assortment ixinxi boxes ol im est iss rlid ib the delkiows favorite chocolate rabbits 1 1 ib ul ikjuil1l ilijill p it milk btg chocolate decorated eggs a til ll i 1 th lllljllll 11 iii milk iliuul il v to zm make your sektion early today watsons dairy bar is must f and restaurant acton

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