Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1960, p. 4

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ww fhtfrtdty 117160 unda utaoa of acton wm one of the guelph college figure skating club stars who performed in the rhapsody on ke 1960 skating carnival at milton arena saturday even ng she danced two solo numbers led a group of milton skaters in the snow white number and as snow white skated with andrew drenters also of the guelph club aaw wrer baseuf us meet friday bterest torn highpresident preskknt pete mi mullen of the halton couma baseball avmhii tton announced ihw wwv ihti the first wicetiftt of the ic0 bm tall reason iv being held fnda ntft1 in xtkihe as a tp prcrannp uv the coming sum mer mom oj the luhs hm will not likely k a junun it tnu rxralinl this w it ik ihoujllil of momiig into i ik touili inlti ilieditite loop six nis tin net su p cumnu nlcd c in ns w in ukd ns laiih of tlu squul hsi nr in tht betth ol the rim rtttuhin iltibs tnnn alton already tailed waning to know drunk oikvtlk dutul is camp insi uhat plans mvi been madi ixlhtlk mtllon witirdoun and or the coming teim and when a bi imp i on litve niuk note ol mectiry is to he held nm irked l hi hit lhal then towns will in ihe olh presideni iomnunitnj on the increjwrd nienvt uroi the counn th ru all eight nam- hai tigniiied tlwr tnioril o nium to itu it a pe this vcar according u the president a rvibk not enm nw come from ihe dlin of carhsle calrm for orlbfe bih cairns one of tht real wflim of the campbelhilk merchants ball thib whine hi ins taken pan in more games than an other plavcr mic the inup- two of baseball tht re somi ciihl years ago claims he ma enter a club from carlisle in the inkr mediate kaput last siason mas the first for carlisle in a return to bast ball after mam cars spent awi from the piil in t softball communm in ihur initial start a iiinior lam rxprt scntcd the milage with the outlook ihit then nttd agun this ural meet this will be ihe hist lnntinj whuh tin new hallon ieiune his raid smu the d i thi n installed into offm m tlu mnuil meeting tn alton in khrum mi mimulkn has jim bi ul ot oik tilli is his iilht hind in in on the eeiutiu is hrsi ki prtsi dint with inothir in mjruni qjk mlk othi johns m ii hi seiond exeiulivi mtmbirs for the up coming ttrm are archu catms ind jim iftaldn of milton the htur moving to the txecutnc ibur afur wm m irs secre- tan treasurer eait nicholson of yvaurdown ind bill gnir tht nousl fin in ihi loop from buiiimjon immediate pist presi ilinl is bill rindtll ot milton who list war was a working memoir is vueprtsidtnl 12 mild creek fairy lake get fish this year brown trout will be slocked in the 12 mile creek thin year and fnlry lake in acion nitty git some bit hnltongnnu warden robttil riui sniil tucmhtr bui the 16 mile ircik wont be uel ling tun m stipnlks of spctklid mui beumm ihi dirutiimenl ol i unds timl i ottsls spot kknl luilih wiisiu ns liugi us usual this win s ounnihks slnted lot llu 12 and rirv luki win not known mi rtitl suid tin impending kilso dam pm jctt not lit wist of millon wits ink m into lonskliinlinii when plnn n inn tutuh fish slinking tm tht 16 in stild winn tin dnm is ti oiud tht wui will inn i lo h it stul loi uinihiutuit s fi mi lw iir i old lot ihi snockks legion news pfcrsohal not of actonlani vlilllng outoftown potnti and of vultofi in acton homei raiders take two came lead b series with collmgwood georgetown raiders capitalized will meet tht winner of ihe othir on a 31 lead lhe took in the fina scncs now f firs i penod i to edge collmgwood ktwcin onlln and nipanec last mghl tamaki a iwu garni t gimc is m cojlingxmki this tn li wuh ihi fourth urn slit il i ir ceorgtumn anna 1ondi t nijjil and the fiflh if ncvissan t iui i t collingowl vidmstti lead tn the best final seracs winrm ol tht skunk tale the putx uhiii stnped skunk has lost an appeal hae had as a hish ld pit a cording u j s dinland f iht ontario di part mint of lands and forests i two goals bhki infcjis ind doug rtihird n i rod two goals ipictc in the eer might irokr vuton wiih singles gomj t bud an and jamii cunning him who find tht winmr in tin third phiiki aftir collingwikul hid lakin the kad maple renesving g ciom in 800 fins su on thi theivsoe ot 19 hientrs to 1 keep gime 1t georgetown nnd saw ih tin tutsdtv nitht iiibhagt i- proving to ih i ponul w turit mnl listweik ihi louiinnnnt wis won b rill ivm ind don gum who k iniul up o dtli it llu op position although nine tables an nitii it ll w x k sk11 1 s ol i u 1 1 j 1111 nil hinis wikunus am ikw oiihis wiih ojkh amis llu iin u luihu u tm finishtd ip in seiond spot list rutin ikii lht iiiindid tin oik b louiuinnnt in millon tin alton i ids mil ami ix 1 joidan gold ts ind jim unguis pi iid t i uds utht ind hi ought hum stiond spol lo tin in unh bunch 147 will tx mnduig i npiisiiitalion lo thi tlu is loin ui nu tit tn geoitilown on sat ml n apnl 16 and un d ul huk mimstid is iskcd to sign us n inn on tin iiolni board ind hiinntikiits will bi muk foi nampori iiion dunng tin tout immi thi winntis will hi pn nted with nophns tin lounia mil is sponsoixd b i will known btiii i utoi thin will bt i ihuuh smici nl tiiestkiv ami mtmbtr in skid to tuin mil il tlu ityion l 4s m pniptr illtn lo pimli l kno ihunh syrup slow season short suppliers say running late sap for mapk svrup has thrown makers almost i month behind normal schtduk this viar hrmirs in thi distntl an itpeitin a short suson and irop thi stan ennghls r r a alton sav that their sap btgan iunnmg t weik ago monda and rnn trech for two ds before it slowid up agun to diti no hi run has bem reported and bung a munth behind normal siheduk farmers arc antmpat in a short season mrs lnnthl pointid out thai it lakis approtimutth v gallons ol sip to m iki one gillon ol srup ind wiih t sliort season in iplc srup m i bi tn short suppk mr f a mi lean of tilbtirv tolled un frkmls in ailun hi dnv mis tnd aiukmon vhltid wiih iht rofkilsuiis tif lillngtoii last alln sitml weiks in alton wllh mi nnd mis c k browin mi witllv ruuikum iiluintd ti mupli sundin mrs otoigi c ampin ii and mis itienn cumplx ii ol eorgtlowi wax isilois with mi uml mis i ml aiukison nnd liunil oi sumliiv visiting mi and- mrs wiunn wikhi uml skwn in si nihi iius smuidnv vvtrt mi mid mi john wood mi mid mis don rmiu mid duid llim tixo pass siuff imui btis have bein alttnding a itnln ing lourse in printing in toitm to at the txtttlng iliissis wm mm i n sio in hiu iu ok s uid will ml dm ul mis titd aiukison nttiiukd a muling of llu daughius ol si audit w s in si andrtws chuuh gtulph oir motul i tuning as sislint wllh ik u nllitlulmn su tlu ot the group stxtral s mm uliemud tin ctnii il onitirm dishki ys mm s toukiiikc in g ill on batuidav and suink pasi pus itknt c rogmaldson prisuikd llu mars upoit on tin at ion group among thosi illuiding tin in nu d nulling ot tin ii illon coium clutdnns aid souilv in st p nils ihurih millon mon d i tvuung win mis d t i loi mis m smiuhi uid mis j whithim a t tmpus n union it mount finisl sund i nltitnimin ind tuning was illintkd b silmi oung alton i unptrs donn i l indsboixnigh j inm r dsion donna pi ndk ion ind d n id hipinin i isl suniimi lln it itiultd tin b iptjst i hurt h i imp mar gotleiuh tht look box lumhis uid look pin in dis us sums during thi div mt john chipm in droi mi ind mis jot rod nnd doiolhv rud spml sund iv ifkr noon willi mr and mis charks i andsboroulh ind attended thi aill stixieis of rev gotdon hoi mis of thi b tfttist church also tt tht semies wm mi ind mrs t giul and mr gaul con inbuted two solos following the scrxiies mr and mrs gaul had dinner with ihe landsboroughs a ftw hours flight made a world of difference in the wea ther to mr and mrs harrv miinprize saturdtrv when the left florida akcr spending the winter thiaf the tempcralun was 86 degrees soon thev wen home again where dmgv snow and broken branches cound the ground during their most m lovable hohdav thev saw mim alton frunds cgit news the proviiuliil iinnunl muting of he impel ltd ouki daughteu ol tht i mpiix is btlng lulil nt the ruvtil coniktughl link i hiuulllon his widmidnv lluir sdav nnd tiidnv both own iluiv ttis will be u prism ted wllh mis ihomiih ulknitliig tnitn tin diiki ol dtonshlu ilinpkt mnl ixgtnl mis rudolph splikogil mid mis jim inglls limn llu i nkiskk ehapki mis joluit dmldson who ims shti llu pnsl liw niontlis wild htt dtiiighlu uml sou lihlau in vkloili ih milwd ul llu homt ol her son thinks m dm liuim on momliiv idhhmhi mis dikklson kfl ihi iiltiit in villi iiiuut on suniliv tin jo plant nnd wns dm to iiiilw nl millon at v pm howimi in miouni of vt n hail flviug toiidillons sun dn i lining iht i i was noi nhk lo land ul million nnd llu pas singirs wtie takm on to mi mi ix il lo spuul tin ulglil llu wut flown hmk lo milton on mondav nioinlng anliug iiliuin ii ml am noimilk tin ihglii is mink in loin h mis mil kn nun litis tlitu wm 121 pissuigus uhoiiid iht ilniu logtilni with i lugi smtl acton to play in tournament easter weekend htukt is not tpitk mmpmij lot a kw atton hovs ind i isti i utikuul itu sqim s k un will ph ui llu loin n inn nl u bi imp ion pxhihilion gimivtim spnkid ului stssions i ox tlu i k il mills ind iiunllv in txlubilntn t wiih jrlus imkd wiih 1 2 0 itiitv loi llu lot il ids top ottis in llu j inn wm al in mikmk ind jim tinkos othu exhibihoii gmus iu indiikd i uiisi gioiltlowii orangevilk tnd tirgus mt m it othu pi mm sissions lnu bun he kl in lit r tililown inn i donning skitts tin tin tisiu louininunt will ht j m is n m miller m row ill g ci k r hi k anduws j iitlii a mikmii i goulon b b ihwtm r hibbaul j m isiks v ik md j tuikos during ilu tourn imml in it implon alton will nut i union tile in i two limi suits wild goals o count llllkhl it mis willi i spniig i di s light si hsh0lden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglat st guelph phono taylor 2 7150 1 he iiklutut amtmg hc flrm ihe 44 ammak lied t j lhc jauuuu1 tuat red tax luu poirupinc 20 culumuil rabhit i imj devr in paw cai 3 feu tame skunks usualh win includcst honulovvn tnm ukc a m lead i 44 il ih thin car wash home to a small bos ly a filhng station united church the girls opmid with the pur post and sang thi cgit hmn this had ihi business part of thi miilmj whuh was takm h i orraini lisb and the minutes ol iht met ting wen n ad b dianm angill 1 fidi aidwai taken bi mrs i rmtonr a 4 trad m the third boihwiii worship scn was txlmt i mmg baik for lhc win mkti1 loitaim lasb thi colllofwood sln mniin iks with taps him kiirin inn cmm will rfcm kuth charl putir alwavs do riihi this will s n and ijiu libtrt lallud thi rilds sum people jni wdl is t llinw kk nmkirs t ishtlnnst british petroleum special this week only 98 uiuuaut 1 nwie rrriinslh i esjra l bt mad by a combination of tattan or by wnftillni dlfltrtnt loundi with a flvtu itttar for x- unpta tht touod aaadt by a fat abode tt madt in at toast it ddtttonal wayt in ottwr jak ridley cowortt norire cartage limits cohcwtt mic cinoci hocks oat buck sano stoni uvutocx atul fertiuzb faim sbivici and suptues dump trucks for hire cv clata bll folly inxirad phone ul acton lovell bros modern meat market where quality is higher thanttht price free delivery in acton phone 178 learn to do by doing lulp totntooriocal 4h ci in i960 this year your local clubs are the acton nassagaweya 4 h calf club and the acton 4 h forage club 4 hclub work is open to rural young people who w h be 12 years of age by may 1st and w ii not be 21 by november 1st i960 the organization meetings will be held on tuesday april 1 2th at b 00 p m in nassagaweya township hall brookville bring your parents and friends to this meet ng jjk francis agricultural representative d e jackson assistant- aigfeuit repre halton county ontario department of agriculture hon w a goodfeuow miniiter matay winners at wi euchre a ittrw crowd nllendoil ihe dublin women h i null lute otic h re in liixlnn mumorliil hull flu i tit iluy i veiling 21 mbit were pluy id winner wire ludv hmi mr g fountain iciond mri h lloyd comnlitllon mr hen ait dupun men find i inthay tut ntrr mtond mt hclttt oiler in in lomoliilion cnol hprowt following llu rtkhrr ihe hid lii nttvtd it- honnllliil liinth mid alex nun lulled llu wlnruii in hit pi nn v ink following mt ilu 111 nt ihoi who hud hukv ikkiln penny halt wlnnara lliinil limlnn vlokt iideron giiktilc jiuk glllvilnori gutn luwil ill mnrloile hrlllon lie mi ir hid mtculilium tnei oil gull dnhhk iimbiellii id wiioit hint ixiiiml huiui piuillne svmon mk wllliuf miliilhtin lump gltidy utivkl son hiootli and earring mr 1 klngsiiilll iipiim mnrgiirel iliilim pillow t lists mi if ix lottsi hoioitus mis winlkld ki dish jovk ik vdis tm klu i and uiiilngs m uv mol i n inskit gioiuiih mis a i niwt nvil si mnioik mill ii ikli i mid s ul jnies a v ti i in i liv i uips mil sunt us mis ii dilnusl h ihv si i itill 1 1 nk linn mis dug mi s m ish nay mis i jofi loin dom iggs mis km hud nun gi uuks mis i in son ul m mil liiiiii muhil in liil pti un mis w j mi i i oil dioi pnt mis j ilni ir di i i in inn hut tui ow ilitln i pi m m as appropriate as colored eggs thu eaiter teaton tend gibion easier cmdi there i a card uil right for tvery pnon on your iiit dills stationery and office supplies 56 mill st phona 603 26 mile stretch of 401 opens from milton in 60 twuniyitlx rnllon 6f 40 htjih way from no 25 norih or millon lo nu i hlgliwhy between ouli vr will bo unci kluhener 44 in i leu of 401 tu bu orwm yenr hluhway mlnuler caiitm nmong the led thi nouikid in lhc leuululnn lui week in priciilliii ill 146041 t llmuk till will hrlnu llu tompliltd money there thirti money fn nnsiusm weyl no it wi itimtd thu wetk when lownihlp elerk don mc millan reported lhal all but 140000 of a 160000 debenture mim un ihe new brwvllle public kbool were mid hi ihe township over the paal three week there are hill 1000 to be sold and 139000 were bouhl oul of the township the debenture are now in ihe proceu of being approved hy ihe ontario municipal hoard they bear interest at 6i per tent und mulure in one to 20 yean high quality merchandise at low budget prices lightmans pept store acton portion uf the s00 mile superhigh wuy to 317 miles mr cm uld continued acccl cr i ion of the work on 401 thin yearwill kud lo its eomplctton in 1961 flvl yeurs ahead or sehcdulcrc when mnuhcd ii will i re i eh from windsor to the ouebec border thenfrnih tr 401 from no 10 h luh w v wis in millon wan of iklullv okniti in november of i si si vnir by the mfnlnter of hlyh ways und lot id uf fit lid special in latex paints white and colors per quart 149 per quart 139 after april mlh yiiup tikphnni al ktunls ik p ivubk symon hardware make coopers your headquarters for easter shopping boxed chocolates ssc up smiles n chuckles easter novelties bunnies and decorated egcs made wllh punt milk chocolate 10c to 1 15 e easter greeting cards bt coutts cosmetics by akden revion shuiton yardiey coopers drug store singer i09anniversary saleathon y full power caatttw ctoaatr special m9 portables consoles 39 dyson sewing ci zm 35 main si n phoocokt7mt

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