Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1960, p. 3

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531 i itavf mwiulu were herded into the vault and the dcor closed by two armed robbers tuesday at hillsburgh when the royal bank was robbed of 4 056 about 1 2 50 p m the tlrne lock prevented the door freffi locking and after sounding the burglar alarm the employees were able to escape pictured above left to rlghtarflotla roszell isabel mcdonald and laveme swift standing at the back is hugh oxley bank manager president gives report to limehouse institute- the nnnunl nutling ol lime house women s institute was held on thuntlnv april 7 in ihc memorial hall 10 ladles enjoyed a bountiful pot luck tumtwon nt 1230 pm ni an nitiaiilvi tabic centred with pink geraniums and ivy and gtxen and yclluw candles at 2 pm the meeting opened with the institute ode and mary stewuit collect followed by the roll cull which was ihl payminl of fcvs sceivurv mrs ted bptfwntcird the minutes and the financial renoii loi the year and inch convener k id her annual npoit president a report the lollirainfc is the pcesid uils iepoil 1 allcmlcd 10 meetings this year august was holidiv month with no meeting held the vice president look the lllh meeting in mv absence we snonsoreil two courses toi young loeul gls wilh wl ladies as leaders wc tune a flowei and imli fund hi bring cheer ui out snk members and inimiiliiite rcl im ts and ihc shut ins it chusimu time alone with n 11 ill bourd ol men and women tmin the com mutiit we maintain i mcmoiijl hall and pruide the use ol the hall ten all community ictivilks the hdl his km ueuillv decoi ated with window and si ice drapes uliliit ihts se u club house the eilhs seouts hid guides pav j ji00 loken rent unl and have fixed up eluh house lor theit nuitincs in i shed on oiu propci t we lost by death a w i uk member mis smelhursl this ear whose interest and guul ante we all greatly miss we have euchres marathon tuchas a buke sale and bniuit tatei to banquets sell chi mm is cards huve wl displays at i ins to ruise money for our projects and various ehnrlllcs sueh as refugee tond seolt mission uul suvc ihc thildlen fund hospil lis etc our membership is not iiili bin we hive i uthlul c ip ihle members who enoy the women s institute and what it stands i in in our lives and community new orflccn mrs hank blown took ih thin foi the election ol otliiets loi 196061 they arc as follows president mrs j roughkv flist iee picsident mrs l sin loul second v ice president mis s gishy sou el in ticasuiei mrs ted brown assist mt mis r ilph ttunei district director mis hank brown alternate mis james noblcf branch thin tors mrs cmsmcrcdilh mrs j is nohk mis han v brown pi misl mis this meredith press n pollers mis jas noble mis s kukpil nek roil t ill mrs s knkpat ink al it t new business hie meet ln closed with llle oueell rural music final moffat hornby kelso pinegrove capture top awards in festival ntmngaweya s s 3 f moffat hornby nim ssi kelso and pinegrove schools of the north hnlton rural district placed flrsl in thut order on friday when es quesing and nassugaweya school student paitkipalcd in the uu nual musk festival finals the event was staged in the robert liltk puhjic school auditorium in acton and was nt undid bv many parents and fiicnds of hie contestants the final followed two pre llmlnnrlcs in the townships on wednesday of last week when first second and thlid piiecs were awarded and winneis weie allowed to go on to the mud final on friday moffat flral mollal won loui tu seconds and athlid had thicc liists two s a thlid kelsu hud i two eonds and hoinbv otuls and o liists pinegrove cupped two firsts und u thhrd in the day long eompetll ion others competing were dub lin blue mountain limehouse bannuckbum qualre bran llg nv milton heights and dulferln ruiul schools of lsqucslng and brookvlllc- s s 1 2 4 7 8 and 9 ol nassagawcyu adludkutoi was 0 l buider dltceloi ol musk lor the km client i public schools he gave constructive eillklsnis nf inch number us he gave the imuks and luul seveial classes sing ttieii piece in unison following ihc coniptjlllon medals cupi awarded gold silvci mill hioiih medals wen awiuded to nil hist sccuntl and ihhd solo ilnss winner s while dint it to and choli co linellllotis gained lups shields and plaques im itu winneis eollowlng are ihc icsults ol tie days cunipctitions in tile priests nephew home from india rev hither vincent moigan sg i iiiphcw ot itu pastoi or st josephs acton who 1ms been in imlli as a mission uv miesl loi the pist 12 uul i hall yens piud him a visit met the weekend uul wink in lie palish olkicd the hrst miss on sunday tor ttti p u ishioneis ol si josephs at loll ruliei moig in stimng as i mission ii in lndn wis st ilion ed in ihc noithcin put ot ihc eountiv at liiteliug uid kuts uinv which hoideison nepil and tlose lo libel his stimuli which i i tile pi lest on iihmk isii old utile i i km iii hood lit ilsu old ol the hie ol ihe natives in this pui ol tin woild md llie tlis uk ml igts mil i ick ol i itililics mult i whith thev lint lo tiu and lilt mid ol is sisl iilte limn ihnsli illled it mil hits mllll is tan nil flew by jet i ithei more ins hum uv i nun liuli i wis in il ii me hum l il mil i lo k il uhl iikislsth to c mo 1 mp to rome while tic mopped oil loi l lew llivs tile 11 ut loiulon i iiejiml mil b torn el tl i mm i lie t e lo new yoik clt whete lit wis mt i bv his untie il llu in pint 1 ulet moil in will he busv isillllg iltllettill tuitus in llu stilts and canuli doling his so- louiu lu it ebenezer easter holiday the offices of ihli newspaper will be closed friday and satur day chla weekend for obscrv ance of the easier holiday aj tmjmwfeflmcjttttfa this sundays church calendar united church or canada arton ontario rev hi iwaut bnxk minvtcr -kututt- t organist und h r mailet bunhas mnul 1 i io servlcf in thr mca 9 00 aiti mt mini p aver 1ui a sum use ii is ammomnr w i lii children iindir s m ind in thr nurhi i the 11 is hitmcc only ptesbyterian church irrcwwu knox rmmcn acton rev andrew h mckpmic da bd sunday apr 17 h i9 730 lc1t siinr 15 9 43 ajn chur h sch 10 00 am bible llw vears 1100 am tailt w p 1 tlic ta i t d junior conurckh n 3 moots durms w n pro nurvn chi drct oarort t tho mano dur ng tho mr ci- 630 pm- ps mivl ne too pn eavor t titi by tb sontt choir alban church of st the martyr an ouc an r tho ttov it b stokxecf plan future prefects during wa meeting llle listti lb inkotftims nitcl inn oft lbcnoci w a cms held tl ihc honit ol mr iiml mis lul wild with ovti 20 imniheis m sxttlllll iht mil till mis blth ltd m iktoii mis llu l hum bcun t the n mu tl jesus she also showed i lilm eimtled the i isl wtt k tcith mis mcmn thomson toiiinitii lining wa piesitknl mis dt un tnd e mduetcd the busmis petiikl which included pi ins toi i s ictcd toncctt in the chinch in 1 he ap- itl and i lc i c ul m m i mrs thoni is livc i hum nous icidinl iu son to pti sun md jmrs blvth cumd ihc incuunii with pi iti a seiil lull huur loi lowed fully organized tilt recent iv loimtd oiiiv ptsplt s ot blxntti nut in ihe thurth hisement much 27 wilh 33 in itttnd mei halton manor residents enjoy band concerts ihc ivslilum of the miinin weie cntcitained ul vciv enjoy nblu bund conceits by two fine binds itccilllv ihc mist conceit is pieseiilcd by ovci 40 bands men niul h uulswonicn ol iht btu- linnloii concuil bund on sunday ivininit aptil 1 lit j smith in uk the in mm mt nls lot the eoiitul md muln j coilell toll duilcd the bund file piouiimi which toillalileil m nunihcis optntd wilh iht stii 11111 ninth onwild iltul closed wilh the rousing miiith tieondti oy i ihc inlcnctilnit mimhtis dls pi ivttl uu it tfuitlv und pitivcd tin vusiiiliiv or iht bund thtec suitil nunihcis woe pliiytd with line cspicsslon hid timliiue ihev wilt the chouile bltssed re iliiuiii bv chillis oniil iisl hv duttltns iioiii iht 01 itoiio i li ill bv mendelssohn tld the tissi mi ilioialc o skied licit in n ieh ihe nitllly lliililbel old me tnkl ii id i hind disphyed htilh ihc summit intl pluviny id nils ol the hiutl ivto othei mil si iihiiiih numhets wcit at ipulto md iht boidcweuls ol puis oik tceik hitiou biiml v al it i noon apiil 10 fnolhti lint h uul tonttti it is prtsttiicil lot tin itsiilinis litis nun by 2s iiitmltts ol hit oikvilk cihens nimd wilh bandm istcr fi ink i nkskv tonductllk the proitt ml w is i tcpt il ot i prolrim phivid one m mill il lor ihe stniui cilicns l oikmtk iml w is idt ih milled lo the music il t isles ol ihc icsuknis ol iht minor residents ol seoltish distent weie tltligtlkil willi iht ilim num hn bliu bill i nittlkv ol stol tish ins while ibosi ol lush tits iml dt i ivtd tinl pit isute horn llit st mki nunihtt tin lttul ol the shimmek in irish medley two vu i mult it nuititkis an old titilei s will leituiinlmil sie ol the i iv nineties uul the glow worm wen heartitycn joyed b dl tht icsulenls ihc st it n uk ol tht bills w tilth possihsts i lovtlv milmk in tbt ou u term choir and double lilu clussts the first two named received piis while ihc tlisl three weie uwaul cd prizes in oil other ciiiikch morning competitions following uie ihe results uf the muuiing eompetltlons solo glih ft- and untie i camt thomson nimiujawcyii s s 3 81 kiiien orourke bide moun lain 81 nancy malum nuhhu gawtyu ss 6 82 dtbhy rogers stone and 1 lndn rowden i luiiy 81 ntlllt vandcrvlnd niihniiuu wtya ss i 80 pifneipul 0 w mcktnie ol ihc robert utile school at inn picmiilcd the nic dais to the lirst lliice pile win nc 11 solo bos 8 and iindci limy biecn dublin 84 teddy blown llinelioust 81 allan pallet son nassagawcyu ss i 82 keith elliott nassagaweya ss 7 rob nt mckte plnegmvt and btiau wheclei nassagiiwcva s s 4 80 each nassatjawcva musii siipti visoi mis l viiktiv uwaidul ihc niltlals choir tiiinlmuil 24 and uudit guides i lo f iltugiove 8ft llmi lukkhuiu 81 niissngaweva ss 9 84 nassiuawtya s s i 81 hit million musk icsllvnl cup was nwildcd lo iliieglove by mis j w ro1hmsou pit siik n i ol iht noilh i hi 1 1 nn itiiiil division ol ihc icsllvnl buiuiockburu tlioli icccived ihc nussatjuwiya own ship st tu mil auu shield horn le i chci mts mailnnne plhut soto wiiinen solo gills ii mil illicit i j it qut hut kingdon hoi nbv 8ft belli unit nassagiwcva ss 2 85 sus m bonus nassag iwt vn ss 7 84 doutn hat i op pint uiovt 80 dawn v m buskiik nassiyiweva ss i 81 1 stpies illg music stiptlvisoi mis mai v kidniv nwildcd iht iiudils loi ihe iliss solo hos ii and iindii tom my liaiinonl hoi nbv 81 divid woihiliousi nissigiwtvi ss 8 82 david swliullihmsl ttloc mountain 81 rkkv juvis n is sigiwiva ssi biiiiii phillips banikkkhuin mil john t ir nassigawtvi ss 4 80 t uh i lot llby sihool nuisit sojittvisoi mis winnilkil niwcll iwuikd llu medals choii cnmlnitiil 14 uidiuitlii nassignvcvi s s ft 8h iimok vilk 84 oualic bias 82 l iltnv 80 mts vein ait hit noilh milton uu il music ksltv tl see ictiiy iwuikd the liophv ksi iv il i ihe ss 6 choristtis md mis rtiintek ol the festival iw irds committee awatded tin oikvilk bmk ol moniml shield lo biookvillc afternoon i vcnu the hillowing ue lit illn solo guls 12 md i hula slou hi otlll sklg iii i 111 ttt ptipul ir spring trees available now tht i nil ume ir v lo lel tlets lo is fulh oieanietl thev pi ill loqmiklv lo lcl tlets lo pi in meet uvicc a month untl hat ailns spiuic you may kct idv lu pmaiam of leli in pio- n i mphc hum hums lio t h lkpiruiicttt ss meeting i mils msduaiai fashions newest spring suits in j variety of style colors 1998 all sins pallants opposite port offlc brown plneui dredge ss 5 pinegrove ss land lindu wilson monihy 83 8 kuan betty biikei tlul with 82 sandra blylhe bmhikvllle 81 donna kt utile k dul iti in 81 mis donna manes toinici iiiuslc hupeivlsoi in nhs vigawiia prtstnled ihe medals solo hovs thungttl cokes ravmoiul bcilinguelle ss 3 84 limit plla monihy 82 i loyd davis i iguy 81 flwinoiiwcn dvke oualtt bins and jim ciotl ss 4 80 mis clllfoid ifunler past pit siik nt ol ihe ninth mai lojr nual set i ion awaidcd met in solo hoys 12 and over john saudttson ss 1 8s uillle ko inilson ss 6 84 john migti pimgiovi 81 john midonald i imchousi and makolm johnson btihikvlllt 82 itltt lieutli joulrc bias 80 medals vvue given oul by mis m ltutiuml ii mttullvl nit inbu bunk of commerce cup choli uiiolmeiit mil ovi ss 1 81 hoinbv 81 millon llcibllls ko ihe ss t tiotip ii until llu canadian bmk ol cominclti i up iioiii mis i m on iii miss svlvia howe millon iklghls km hu pi i si nli il lit hoinbv ihilditii wilh tin is qiksiug sttihil iti i bond shield douhlt ti in ss ft 8i ss 1 84 millon llilghts 81 hoinbv 82 s6 4 81 pliicgiovt 80 mis m si tuv puseiilcd hit h illou musk itttivd cup lo ki iso ind i i si it al prisidi nl mis robirt son awiidtd llu ihiuliaisi wl hopliv lo llu moll h gioiip dm l donna kingdon md i in di wilson llotnhv 84 itiny mihon md maillvn wilson ss t 81 do riimitk md annie kiniiniiii dul it tin 82 diiiniu bonus md k ucn liul ss 1 id c ho 1 iwson md john mt git ilmtjiovc 81 lit uhti hi ku md lit ii v bike i ss 4 80 a hulk hoi g i fkiiikt muk llu pit si nl 1 1 ion ol mid lis to hrsl su aid md i in r tl pnc win l 1 llllll llilil inl ii ii w il iii i 1 iii pniii in i si juhii ainliiih ilkl nips mt mini on ill 11v wli i ml v 111 iii miv llu ii wil im iitiilun mis milih ill hill lin in mil mis mil il ii hki ivi tho aclon freo pfoil thurldas april ulh iv60 price goes up banks gather american coins uieul rtsldfiits huldlng aniti it an loins amidst the canadian stuff in theh wallets grumbled this wttk when banks aunoiint id hathigh ihuk ol cwl would ih thai gul nn tin iis coins itu wotd sutad llk wlldfih md h ally mrv stint olllu and liiishitss liirn in lowii wis giahhlng an extra petition county on deer season uu million sporlsintns as suelailon will atuiii ptiilion mil oil oillilv olillill lo bold in optn dm st isii ih mill n ihis hilt al a mtiiing lliuisdiv tun mg oiu mniihtt nolttl hil dm aic so oiiintri us in iht h hilt snake point ait i that lluv uu n ii i to moloilsls hit pi i it inn will piohalilv hi submit id it llu apnl liiii ly hilling in vl vvtik award trophy ah it huts lav s iiuh ly llu iloh pitsidtnl puiv hill wd td iht koluils ti ii i tiiikn ha li ipshooliiil in phy i jihtt ri alhi id stvel ll lllslllltll is itom llu i lull iilldidid i iw l iilil sdt kim hindliiig ion s in ii spilt i spoiisoiul hv it lapujmtnl of i amis ami loithis lluhling tlitttti i am ilil nils n i polled etuvllitiib v is in ii iduiiv loi ihc in iiiiiu lh inn md linkcv shool foi ti ip uul latgtl il horn hs this sliinliv s in ptupli bet nigger hit the iuli cent lot tvtiv yankeit nickel dime iwo et ills lor u ipiarit four tints on a and in unptti nis in a is ann in in htlh tin ml unl nlcci tdtnttd eight jim dillai hut tin n it red as hanks swooped divtti till it ipcd in tits itihiitgc i hold is sul iioss c m ula mi the us tilt i in i south is i h hint stuff tonus iht mi i i mlv plan lotak 1 1 i iht iiiivv mud ann w is in nv liliplm md p ip ti a hints mil iht ixisi nllkt si ana i it ioppiis i i 11 mi pollock and campbell m mill i tu is 1 uk m gumil mimoklais mfmohial fn having 62 wtar si north galt ituplitiu 2m8 concrete well and culvert tile and septic tanks lop jiihlv lovvtsl hut erin tile works duke of devonshire chapter iode delicatessen luxton memorial hall friday april 22nd 10 am to 9 p m cooked meats and poultry sausage rolls meat patties jellies potato salads cakes pies cookies bread candy place your order now phone acton 618 or 255w morning coffee afternoon tea hot dog stand fnloy nhvilin mdlo and ordinary inv mail n ih wty you cimd i wlih world fmmiu arouiil in nhf urlnkil frlti iw kll n ily hhawl ilhw tin it vlflm urlljr elbuchner ko oplomefritt and hrlng aldt 4imiust e acton ont eyes examined hearing tested wednesdays only ollcc hour 2 00 6 00pm evenings by apro ntment telephone 115 i jnsvvtr phone wurloo oil ice c licet sllcrwuod z4s67 thompson fuels apttst church acton rev gordon m holmrv ba bth 115 bow avniuc s i7lh 1m m5 m- church school ii am and 7 d eascr mrvw c in wtttmxi nd son res m bcnnctc former musionarv tin india vcnll prrac vednoday 7 n m service for prijei bible study nd wit all an wkamt sund pr1l 1 wl im sunrise s v lev 10 00 a m sunday schotil 11 00 am mnrnini wirship 31 pin w lur biipnnul h j lidrhjl tf t r i will be the cur spcakci a iv mornine na cvcnrtr rvicts tucdar 8 pm prayer and bible study thursday 8p m christ ambassa dor you arc always welcome rev j nutma ba bd- minister soi queen st box pbooe 698 sunday april 17th 1060 1000 am english 230 pm duuh the churcli of uie back to cod hour 1ah q est soytin

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