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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1960, p. 1

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ht frftmtfttt tt eighty fifth year no 49 acton ontario thursday june 2nd i960 eight pages seven cents 90 years olo saturday charles kelly browne is pictured above wearing his orange lodge regalia mr browne who was born in 1870 has lived rn acton for the past 35 years he is proprietor of a tobacco and confectionery store on mam street north and holds many titles in the orange lodge his many friends om with the free press in wishing the nonagen arian a happy birthday merchant lodgeman c k browne celebrates 90th birthday saturday acton s newest nonagenarian charles kelly brown will cck brate his 90th birthday this sat urday a and is looking forward to reaching his loolh birthday born in vascy a small com munity near elmvalc he cnmi to acton 35 years ago to manage the bcardmore coop more where gordon s hardware is pre scntly located in 139 he started in his own business in a portion of where the i g a store is now and sold tobacco and confectionery sup plies from there he moved to hiii present local ion on mill street north below the school lane although ill health picvcnls him from tiking an acme part in the business his wife opciates the store j loves to chat occasionally he visits the store and loves to sit and chat with many of his old friends seldom seen without a cigar in his mouth he likes nothing better inn to joke with the small fry j his reguhr customers i quick tempered at limes he h is no enemies and alw lys has i friendly word for evervone i a staunch consctvilivc he has been active in the organi ilion lor ve irs and his nevci missed e istinc his vole since he was 21 iluays conscuativc he el nms until 1 isl e ir he h id never missed mnnhinc m the oi inge patade july 12 and deleiminal ion and keen interest forced htm to attend last years parade in oshawa he observed the parade from his wheelchair and chatted with many of his lodge assoclat es afterwards many titles he is greatly admired in he orange lodge and is a past mas ter of the local lodge past mas ter of the hornby district lodge past master of the black lodge olive branch guelph past com minder of the scarlet lodge hornby and honorary grand master of the ontario west reg ion he is also a member of the queen city masonic lodge in toronto and a past council commander of the woodmen of the world c k as he is better known to everyone credits his long life to hard work a serious but jovial individual he always has a joke for certain members of the free press staff but admits he looks forward to seeing the paper each week never once have smalt child ren gone out of his store disap pointed when they came in with a penny for a small purchase c k admires the youngsters and tre its them all as little ambas s iclors of good will his wife is carrying on the same tradition and learned this from a good m istcr the free press joins with his countless friends in wishing him i happy 90lh birthday and a speedy recovery to good health drive for artificial ice began monday with lions club initial 500 donation a campaign for ai lifmal ice has been sparked by the towns newest organization the lions club at a meeting monday it was agreed to immediately allo cate 500 lo a special lund for that purpose the club plans to make raising funds for artificial ice its major proiecl already ptuns are taking shape for a variety of fund raising events but the clubs is mem bers expect then will he cnthuv lusm and cooperation throughout the town set wheels rolling president alee johnson says its our hope to set the wheels tome lowai ds the artificnl ice program all inteicsted cilicns and members of all the organira ions will get behind this protect as was indicated at the local or fjiniiations meeting meetings were held last win ter to discuss the lormation ot in arena commission pointing out the club will not lake charge of the project or ad rtfcnster but just conlnbute io it he added we have no idea what ih going lo happen to the arena but we intend to sec aiti fici il ice in acton while the project has been talk ministration of arena still pauling question the lion s club allocation of 500 tu a lund lur aitilicial ice this week brings up again the puzzling question or the admmiv tratton of the arena mayor johnnv go brought the u to date vcsicrdav letters have been sent to ken hardman tentative eh iirnun ol the local orgunizit ions commit tee and r r parker chairman of the parks board sukgcslinl lite problem of anna adminis iralion be mel in the late sum mer when council the hoatd and the committee wciuld meet together possible solutions possible solutions include tot mat ton of a community centres board or i he turning over ol the arena to the parks board collapse ol the cut ling rink put o temporary hall to things mr go said we council euuldn i turn the arena ovci tu iinvbodv ill its present si lie council has sel a budget lor the aiena and intends to cle in il repair it and replace the w til crumbled in the curling rink col lapse to y1 it in reasonably cood lorni then the building would be w illinelv handed over lo another uithoritv alter ihe meeting hi lite aiius or i iilv seplcmbcr bv ihe lime the protect is in lull swine well hive some dceis ions hi w is suic the mavur also pointed oul thai funds dcitved from public subsinption must be administer ed hv ihi cluk and mivor tie spite whil giuup raises ihe mon ev hi rc ilkd this was the c isi when lunds derived trom a swim mint pool campion were used to build the change stations in the park oei it scveial lions eluh meetings the decision to si irl the fund ofl with in eneoui igmg sum of 500 was made al a hoaid of diieelois meeting mond iv even int lengthy discussions ol sev cial possible proicels concluded in in decision this one would be most bcnchci il athhcal ice would be let the advantage of all the members ol the community the men agreed in the winter there would be hockev a fifcure skating club and curling club a cement floor un dcr the ice could be used for rol ler skating d ineing carnivals and trade fairs in the summer help blind club memhers nlso intend lo support olhcr proicels m the held of health ind well are com niumtv bettirmcnl edue ilion safety and eivic improvement lions eluhs in eeneral make a spenal effort lo help ihe blind what u ii do in ihcse fields depends on whil will cumc up mr johnson said meanwhile ihcvic liunchiii their campion wilh enthusiasm the club just icceived us char ter may 6 kindergarten entries below expectations to dale only a small number of parents have signified their in tention of sending youngsters to kindergarten at the two public schools i orms published in the acton hrce pi ess recently have been sent to principal g w mckenzie and principal w d elmer smith and only a small number have been received both say mr mckenzie reported only 41 ppliealions for fall enrolment at the robert little school and mr smith reported only 46 for ihe m z bennett school i i is believed by ihe two pnnup lis that before lull this list will be compicled with fig ures double what they are now the dark cloud sh idowmg the prospects of a new post office w is hrted this week when sandv best m p for hallun announced that legal negotiations lo procure a portion of the dominion hold properly and land owned bv jack smith un main street north have almost been finalized in making the announcement mr besl reporled it was ihe do minion govcmmenl s intentions to creel a ncw post office there although linal plans and designs j hayeowt been compicled it is be- erect new cairn at school use corner stone old bell an old sehool bell and i corn ci slone from the demolished sec t ion ol t hi i orme r publu school were uliliid by the am ale am tied home and school association md have been moun ted on a cement base lo form a caun al thi robert lillk school whin ihe old sehool damaged bv lire was demolished to mike w iv lor a modern new section the corner stone and school bell were saved and former students will be able tu recall manv mem tlgm- 1imxliu ones in seeing the cairn in years lo come continual pranks the bell will be recalled b in mv since il used tu summon pupils to rush to sehool lo avoid bcinc late others will remember the pranks pulled on halloween night when after darkness one of a gang would sneak past car takers and in some manner ne ver divulged tie a long rope lo i ihe bell lowering high in a lofty tower on the roof soon the ringing and clanging of the old iron bell could be heard breaking the stillness of thr nf phi trprmlrsiets slood on ihe cnr tracks listening hid den in he inkv blackness from evervone s sight manv laics ean be told about the big black hell and manv memories will be recalled as for mer studenis view it along with the comer stone ol their old school now preserved for poster itv cemented to ihe cairn the new cairn is situated near a camn was erected at the robert little public school by the home and school association and admiring the new edifice are two school inspectors and members of the school board pictured left to right are tom watson and murray smith of the school board and inspectors w f mc netll and r f bornhold the calm consists of a csment base housing the corner stone from the demolished school and topped with the old school bell the from entrance ol the new sehool section 90th birthday frank e rawltngs who re sided in acton for over 4t years and who now makes ads home in guelph will celebrate bu 90th birthday on june jar ft native of london es came to acuwaumjagfaiaang nf ihr hrst worhtwar and worked for many yean with bcardmore and cowway stul very plert and voutan tor bis years heenjoys walk hi read ing and working in ws garden mr rawllngs has tfcrree slaughters mrs w e mattocks of acton and mo h w carpi and mrs d e mapleaden both of guelph he new mill i bis home with the majilsidnii at 4 mutual avenue wa sssty friends wish bfan wellen thai occasion suit phoio slated for demolition in the near future is the home owned the entire lot owned by mr smith are under option and legal by jack smith main street north in order to make way for a i negotiations are being transacted to finalize the purchase the new post office in acton this week sandy best mp for halton smith home is shown on the r qht and the properly adpining made an official announcement the new building would be i the dominion hotel pictured at the left erected a portion of land owned by ihe dominion hotel and choose new acton post office site govt takes options on properties lievcd llnl construction will gcl undervviv as soon as the path is ilearcd ul dually two limlllcs ire living in the smtlh house with miss m id fee ch ipm in occupying ihe north side and mr smith occupying the south side the dominion hotel property being procured entails the vacant section on the north side ol the present build other sites mr best noted that seveial siles had been reviewed beforc fin il decision wis nude bv the public works dep irlment it was found the properties involved were the most economic il b ised on a square foolacx b isis although nothing dcltnite wis slated u is believed the loi il pro perty under option mvolves ap proximately 2 700 square feet mr best also noted it is hoped lo build a large p irking area at ihe rear of ihe proposed building cunosilv w is aioused i isl week when surveyors were in town taking stock of the area first post office 1844 present post office 1913 everyone welcome decorate graves honor dead sunday a i irge crowd of citizens ind district residents are expected lo take part in the innu il decora lion day service at the cenotaph and fairview cemetery this sun day june s the paride led by pindi m ir shall vic palnck will le ive ihe c1tr st ilion harp it 2 i and march tu the cenotaph were a brief service will be condueted the legion charge will be given bv max storev and the placirig of the wreath will be done bv w vt ithers re v a h me ke nzre will offer praver and names ol servicemen who lost their lives in combat will be read bv john me hugh the last posl and reveille will be sounded by charles lands takme part in the parade will be acton citiens bind acton junior pipe bind guelph se i cadets bind guelph pipe bind ind lome scots regimental band 1 minhinc in ihe pinde will be scouts guides brownies cuhs members of orginmtrons- ind town council members many sponsors sponsoring the innu il piolxim are council legion brinch 197 legion ladies auxiliary likeside chapter iodf duke ol devon shire diapler 10de the wo men s institutes of ac ion duhlm and bannoekburn acton fire de partmcnl acton cilicns band aelon junioi pine band mil ihe loyal oiange lodge no 467 this year ihe program is hi id td bv cm il leigh ton ehairni in mrs a orr secretarv and miss r clarke treasurer all eiliens dislru t residents ind fcuesls in invited to itlcnd the deconlion dav service ind take an active part in the de eorating of graves ol loved ones the committee ire providing liansportalion irom thccenolipb lo fifrview cemetery lor those unable to walk c irs will be parked it the ic ir ol the unilcil i church surrounding ihe building site rumors begin llyinc once again conservative meeting during i conseiviiive commit lee meet inf mond ly evening it ihe home ol president jack hoi rues the member of parli iment innounecd the lot it ion ol ihe new post oil ice for some tunc mgointors trom ihe deptrtment hive been looking it sevet il proposed silcs ind a iiumbci of properties have been under consideration mr best also commented on the proposed arrangement sug gesled by the department of highways for ihe intersection at mill and main sheets and noted he would person i ii v support the installation of slop lights al this snoi po crowded poslmastei fi ink leiiy point ed out this wnk tint i gencrtl mere ise in mail wis due lo addi lionil industry and added populu mr teiry suit the outside ap pear ince ol ihe present povl of tin looks very impiessive but icluilly there is only iboul 1000 squ ik leet of working space lor ihe post il eletks the posim ister poinled out lhal pre senllv addition il working space his been sel up it the mic hie in bulb pi ml on bowel ave lo h millie lheii in ul ind subtest ed evcrythiae should be housed under one roof he lonsidind it would he i i tic lime he lore ai ion would hive door todoor in u k livery is the depirlmenl would not consider il unlit theic ue 2500 eills alton his onlv i turn the present posl ofhec slaff tonsisls oi poslmisiei mr terry issistanl post m ister guidon mc kk wn mis j ch ipm in mrs chi is brit ton vie btislow dave dodson and mrs mil maslers council will bid mayoi johnnv gov s ml llns wuk loiimrl will put i bid in for the pri still building lur use is i munieipal btuktuil il would be in incclknl loc un n lor town olliies issessors fhee council chambers ind il desired hvdro commission miss chipmui ind hi smith f imilv have not ruined inv of tuiul wotd whin ihev h ive to v leile iheir pieiinscs bonmi five bands following this serin ihe parade with live binds mler spersed will proceed west on mill struct to number 2 high way and sirtithi vl itmj tr t ihe cemitirs lawn ol w will be expressed hv mavot john gov td tht larpc crowd expected alier utych the rev r a brook will read the scripture and olter prayer guest speaker for the occasion wnll be ihe rev gab mxre of rock wood and bene die hon will be given by the rev a h mckenzie acton citizens band will lead the singing ol the hvmns during the service following the service al the cemeterv veterans and oiher alliens will proceed to fairview pioneer and dublin cemeteries to decorate the graves of veterans and loved ones wins consolation prize in irish sweepstakes tnfe ptenie hi mis hue rx n sit spots ili ng no 25 a tek gi am brought glad tidings tt p co cu o acton creamery on tueada when he was informed he was a eonsulation winner in ihe insfi swve pstakes he won too pounds equivalent to j27s holder ol ticketnumber i mt wii37 he has been busing tickets tor the pasl 2i vcars and this is ihe first lime be hi been lucky asked whal nomdeplume he used he answered tight girdle he remarked his wife hid in formed hrm to use loose girdle next time and he might collect more money two things arc foremost in his mind to use his winning for he will cither sport a new matched set of golf clubs or take a plane inp to the grcv cup rugbv finals out west this year mr coleman intends tu llduat the telegram and hing it in a handy place where he can view il at anv time butter first when he had his picture taken the winner insisted on gazing al a pound of clover gold butler manufactured at his crcamerv asked whv he remarked the telegram only indicates 100 pounds but the buller is worth millions he is now looking forward to the da when be wins the jack pot in the irish sweepstakes and if that happens intends to take at least a week off work skids on curve damage is 550 an islrnglun mans cir skidded ol control on no is srdcroad ait a pa mill iist of no 25 highway t sq ue stng4uwnsh i p sundav at 6 pm cnckingittcv- i phone pole in two and hitting a tree r loose gravel the iw mcleor of paul oil bourne 22 was ravelling east along the sidcroad when he came to a curve in the road loose gravel caused the car lo slip out ul cunlrul and lo ram into two ohiects on the south side of the 1 road damage to the car was estimat ed at vs50 the driver suffered no injuries north halton opp constable bill bennett investi gated the accident

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