staff photo haiton principals of inspectorate number one held a dinner meeting at the robert little pubhc ichool auditorium wednesday tvening and heard padre w a young public relations off leer for ihe ojk c speak pictured above left to rght are w d elmer smith principal m z bennett school w klnrada georgetown association president w l mcne i inspector pedre young r f bornhold inspector and g w mckenz e pr ncipal robert l ttle school over 40 attended osprinoe t mbabwpkt cadet inspection district meet highlights community activities mrs e archibald mrs awrey mrs g grundy mrs c storey mrs r taylor mrs g young and mrs d g robertson of the local women s institute attended the district annual at bclwootl last week mr k stub blngton local secretary treasur cr received first prize for her books tor an inexperienced sec rctarv cadet inspection a number of parenls fiom this locality attended tht ejdet in spcction and citizenship dav til erin district high school tin fri day thev were delighted to set sherlock aitken receive the award presented b the erin legion for tht best all round in del fused exam miss joan aitken his received word she has passed in her tin al year at western university and will be attending gradual ion ccnynontes on saturday when she will receive her b a in genera arts joan intends going lo oce in toronto next year highland dance sandra and carolvn mcewan were awarded several prm saturday it the highl ind dunn competition held tn guctph fivev carold willie bulloch u is also a contestant being the onl boy in competition attend achievement day members ol tht 4h homtrmk tng club and their lenders miss dons fines mrs c store ond mrs k stubhington iiiended achievement dav ul the oac on saturd i sundry mceuin nd nancy grundv rccc inl lountv honors on their tompttt ion of six proiicts attend anniversary mis c storc attended the linda of toionto i5lh armiversjrv of the roschil mr and mis 0 rihill o women s institute near caltdon windsor talkd on mr and mr during the week mrs sturtv a j bulloch and i imi visiting miss m roberison of brant foid sptiit stmi d d is vviih htr niett and nephew mr and mis 11 r htm ud mr and mis george mcmillan or toronl wue weekend guests with mi and mis m mccukh ton and munel sund i visitor it tht saint liuint includtd mi ml mis hiivev divics ind son chffoid and lauinc m i oi on weekend msiturs vulh mi ind mrs w mtmillin ure mi ind mis wm stevens in m ind mi s gordon tin nu in vs men entertain ladies at treanon dinner and dancing were enjoy- i when ihe ya men club en itrtalncd ihe iodic ol treanon in guflph thumay or lam week former y men ed pootltt c leatherland h olttrbcin and their wive were gucsti j blundell and r hopper with their wives were guests of the y board these men were honor ed for the good job thev have done in bins vvoik at ihe y this past winter bill wilson was the jovial rincs- mnster during flic dlnnci and many fines were levied following dinner the group danced to fletchers orchestra spot dances polkas and square dances were highlights this wok a vcrv happv event of good fellowship to conclude tic ys mens meetings foi ihe year b ac news brotherhood of anglloaa churchmen was firsi steietarv of tht brinch mr and mrs roy parker and bouglas of campbelhilk were recent vtaitor with mr anil mrs d g robertson mrs par ker tht former lots mcdonald spent a number of vears in the community when she midc her home with her uncle and aunt the late dan and kale mttimsh sunda mr and mis g w kicmmgk ot hooltctn holland ore us iting vulh the moostcr family visitors uith the mcewan familv during the weekend in t luded mr ind mrs bobbv milts mono mills mr and mrs a read mr ind mrs h ferns ol 0rantee tile wednesday tvening saw a full compliment of members on hand lo enjox tht list regular dinner meeting until next stpltmbti tht ix will still be the annual vv iter spoil sttak fry and barbt cue lo he held al lake belwood in june 29 keep this in mind nun and vou are asktd lo talk it up with vour ttenagtd sons and h ing them along revised book of prayer tht chief attraction on wed ncsdav nilht was a vcr colorful speaker in ihe person of the rev borden c purcell ba lth rec toi of st hildas of whitby par ish in oakville who gave a most tomplett explanation of the rca sons and results of the research that has gone into the revised book of prayer tor the anglican church in canada punctuated with rare irish wit his talk held the attention of ihe members for iht most part of an hour and he handled quite ablv iht questionnaire that followed a sincere ote of thanks was txlendcd lo ken thompson for tht eipahle manner in which he h is laken care of dinnir ai range mmts conference reports vic bristow gave a splendid re- p mi on the bishops laymen conference held at st george gutlph highlighting the true aim and objects of the bac in c inadu now don t forget fellows junt 29 wcdnesdov water skis surfboards steaks sulm trunks and barbecues more of this in the weekly parish bulletin see you then and on sunday next eflekassnxtss guest speaker outlines teachers duties at meet padre w young of the guelpn 0a c told the principals of halton inspectorate no 1 that training was for animals and education for children when ht addressed them ut their dinner meeting wednesdav evening at the roberi little public school in aeton rt oung speaking to the principals and their wives stress ed the teachers responsibilities and outlined the education il svs tern and what is t spotted ol leu chers ht noted hit in a few trs people would be able to look back on i960 as being one of the cheaper u irs in education he said that present h it was costing approximately 150 per person but in the future the ts pense would be greater important features good buildings test books and cuniculum were potntcd out as important features of edutahon hut the speaker told his audience if a poor teachci w is avsutiated with a school unlv mediocre work would be done b the pup us re young strtvscd the ihar aettnsiics of a good teacher and said qualifications were the love of childrtn of grade 13 students to stage banquet c idt h tnclu ilic n cl iss tht high school u looking f w ud to tht bittesi etni ol lluir enlin school i intr fndi even inc when lht si icc heir i itiua lion banquet ind dance al fun iv nilht ci ulu lies wilt be turned following hie bin quel hv the cniiie sludenl both ind thtir piunfs when a dance will ht held m ihe auditorium at fi p m the griduiits pvr cnls and spot til gucsis will en lov a binquit provided bv the students couneitand hear f a hamilton i dim lor of tdmition fiom cuelph as iuesi speaker fiestntation ind speeches will be put of tht dinner program with lauixruc dub ailing as jn isur f eeicmor les there ire 16 mudtnts in the lradu iling eljss in abundance patience a sense ol humor ind a knowledge ol how to discipline boih the minds and bodies ul pupils and how to motiv he ind inspire them the speaker noted th it one ol the irustnting aspects of teach ing was thev never knew the iruils of their labor build character in conclusion he told his in k listed auditntt it w is not import in i to keep up to russia bv building bombs and weapons ol war but to build iht proper vhiraeltr in tht future citiens the children following his titk the speak n was presented with a gift on behalf of the association newlv elected olfiters for the coming term are f brown pres idtrtl jjnd a bailout s relarv the tcithim st ilf members of treasurer btjlh principalis are the students eounul and gndua irom oakxille ting class have been busv making murnv smith chiirmin of the hsi minute pupai hums for the acton school boird welcomed evening uul the mdilonum will all the guests on behalf of the be jraih deiomed tor the escnl hoard bill klnrade of george music is hum provided bv the juwn acted os chairman for the glenn st reel tno all paints of evening high school students are tordiullv the fntndlv circle of the un- invited to eome lied thureh eilcrcd for the din ncr persona notes of adonlani vulting outoftown poind and of vltlton in acton homai tht acton frm prtii thuridty june 2nd i960 mr and mrs ross hudson of scarborough visited misses m and b rnmshow on sunday mrs ehthcr mccture of prince albeit saskatchewan is visiting with ml and mrs c davidson and fimlly rr 1 mr and mrs lun rusk and treti son mle hat i moved luit week from town lo ntw yoik thev will be missed bv friends here mr and mrs c o burns marv ann and garv f tomnlo were weekend lsllors with mr and mm h w htnion i nk avenue mr and mrs harold r hinton of new york spent saturday and sund iv with his grandparents mr ind mrs ii w hinton like ave nut mr and mis e bcckman of grossc point mich and mr and mis harold tuison ol cuelph were visitors with mi and mis wm billtntine on moinlav mi criig john r iton s m ol mr ind mis join divid f hon pud i business e ill lo the i u in idci office heie this week he as with suptivisoi mi well wood mr and mrs letio brtldu and daughter michelle visited with relatives in town on ihe week end mr bi dda had lccchcdhis doctorate at the univtrsilv ot toronto friday some 2s0 boy scouts from eden mills roekwikid bairv hill ind guclph took part in a campuitt at lden mills last weekend minv attended thureh services in lden mills on sunday dr ind mrs al ian j buchanan left by plane for lisbon where thtv begin a holiday in europe he will it tend the dental association ion vention ir dublin irttind june 19 to 26 col claude crnv is n patieni in st joseph s hospital cuelph marian dav celehrallons weie held sundiiv afternoon at ham lion civic stadium and some from st josephs parish attend ed tht program tricludcd a pat ade and display addresses bund music and the living rosaiv pel formed by 700 girls about w enioved the five counties art association skeich ing trip at bolion salurduv mis bud evans and mr george bnw man went irom town acton uilhl school insirucfoi ftapk black ind mrs black ol geoi g town allelic cd ind he had ihe ob of ciiiui ing ihe canvases loi ihe aillsis recent visiiois at the home ol mi and mrs tred west vvcu mrs clva spence of su tile i aha her daughter miss isahelte who had recently returned from fi met wheie she hid spent i lire veils is in ail roue muse mis miiv mcmillan ol fun mis i s thompson geotcelowii liiul indleslie logan st cltitshoic mic tug in ind mi hid mrs v j linsn foi nun london woman it killed near speyside saturday a london woman died und hti the painicnger was mm aimtla hlend sufreivel minor wiiileso rhvwwn of huntsvlllo whu he i em missed iht curve on nu 2s hfghvva ust south of sney dt al about 3 2i am salurduv the deccaseil was mrs ltirnim ell uilt 17 who diuve ihe l8 i mctcoi coach south on the high until she missed die luin h ni id the cm hit l ik vvhieh sent ii skidding oil highway sldew ivs 101 kd where ii then hii a clump ol cailh and slimes luining ihe v t hie it ove i 1 lie two vvome n weie llmiwtl lice ot the esy und tmilll car hid kcupuils i hi led 111 ihe elllch i i was t iikcn to hospital suffering minor inurles damage lo the r csilimiuxl al 11500 north llallon const able bui bennett in vistlgalid al the drutli scene pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 63 wrtr 81 nth oait tvkphtftm 204t shortill sheet metal mumbino t hiatino oar wood fumacot eavottroughlng 184 churchill road phoni 464 lovell bros modern meat market where quality is higher than the price free delivery in acton phone 178 oraouation cards congratulate ft graduate ol 1960 with an appropriate gibion card see ihe complete tefeclio on ei tplay al our ilore dills stationery color color color r- see the hundred of beautiful shades w can offer for interior and exterior bom decorating 40 years in tw rev a ob swda rr st priesthood s callaghan heart chureh roekwetod and st peters chureh oustie and num erou others asmblcd to em gratulate rev a s cutittghan on his 40 vcirs m the priesthood from mev 28 1920 to i9a0 a large number go l hi ltd for the occasion both aftrrnoon and evrnrng in the parish hall ot st johns chureh people from pam sound i arthur proton dundalk shcl- 1 burne alliston brunt ford acton lnfa elora and fenms includ ed trietlrsi couple who were un- ited in mamagc bv him mrs charles rpbrrtson had mrrn rftn rtnsfjt i train is champ tliere is a gnm conststenerv in ihe wajr ontario automobile dn i vers challenge trains for the right of wi in 1959 there were 443 collisions at railroad cross- tngs compared with 44 529 503 in the three preceding years no or has won yet rh of t gues bouk a th door and greeted all who came in mrs gtorge saunders poutxd tea along with mrs john svn noli the table wis decoraled 1 i with spring rowers and tvu mh lighted candles members of both hurches veined on the guests notice my acton office will be closed next wednesday june 8 since i must atteno a contact lens seminar on that date the office will be open again on the following wednesday june 15th e l buchner optometrist i mill sm e aciwi for appointment phone 115 acton robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formcrh e p head phone oubph ta 41071 5t st gavs sqvai visit our fou plenty of rut treats in store see whit a wonderful van ety of founts n dtsher are available here such yurrxny goodies sfcp in watsons dairy bar for precision precs on s our watchword in every step from typography to preiswork we take part cular care to turn out pr nt ng to do you proud for top quality at sensible pr ces call us the acton free press 5 willow st phone 600 your color centre in three simple steps the color you want is yours choose your color match it under the exclusive trombolite lamp and let the cil stylist color blender take care oi the rest stop in and ht this personalized color service in action tenpro distributors limited 136 main st n acton phoni 3i hatter of factit probably all started with a date made by a phont eaflt and when it cornea to detailed arranfementa planning orders and tiw inevitable lastminute changcathen yoar telephone really become eoav pletely indispensable actually that u true for ao many things we do the telephone li always there always ready to help and to serve we take it for ranted its ao handy and ao inexpenaivt qf