th aden tn mart thundiy june 2nd 1w ums hmk mutets stunt filching by denis gibbons led ttw acton midget ball club to 75 victory over the aldenhoi team tuesday cy cnini when uwy played their baxue opener in acton park gibbons hurled stellar ball and was muter or all he surveyed throughout the game his bat ten mate doug ruddick caught a steady game and picked run nen off base like flics 18 acton youngsters took ad vantage or all the breaks and kept up a steady pace as thoy stole the shirt olt the opposing pitcher bv racking up ii stolen basts in the four and a hall innings of play tbe visitors had five emirs cored against them while the home town team accounted fur twp score ural ahfershot notched the hrst marker on the score sheet in the top of the first inning when the cashed in two runs their lead was shortlived however as the acton nmc came back in the bottom hair wuh three runs the visitors were held score less to the second inning again acton broke into a rally and named home with four runs to give them a decided load one run was scored by aider- shot in the top of the third and the locals were hold scoreless a lam minute bid to win the game fell short of the mark when they scored two runs in the ton of the fifth inning before flic fcldt was retired darkness willed in and the umpires called the gnmc with acton winning their first gnmc of the season sma glancos the local play ers have a well slacked team and the managers are taking tver admintngc of the bovs abllilv a future winning team is in the making and il the learn can be held together for n few years promises to become a good homebrew intermediate unm acton pln in milton this sal iirl at u moon and hope to rik up thcii second win lineups aclimi b mccnsiatl j uath criand d lindsus t wilson p lawmmi d rie t wait i house t mnsules d pihbons a huddle r mellon and b shannon aldcrshot b ritxl j re id p albingham e wilson b hall j mitchell e canar b mitch ell b gancs r cunningham g loomr and k wilson mmtmi toroato win jilts hhtermrthaal league play and toronto emme cm oa lop dura the minor sparta bwefeah tucmuv mght in he teeraaticml leacue when tftwr ddtomrd taw opponents at nelll tioaactt school pu fas the firvt paree xkmtrcal dastwed rothecr ii under the strove pucbaac of j tkwdmg and e torixoz who between tjkasalaad 13 ariii moaneat took an earw lead ami bdu he wtnp hand thxwph- om be game a all pus ptas d beads p hau km hb handfed the oh- sg dhorcs and kept the runner oa their too itli bi tnw lambert v rid- ict k horsl k hatt d allen t qmnrntl b ztmoeo j dow dsngaad f real bcrbeoer b brow g kdh av dvc got e hubbdl b lasoabf d phdcx b anderson f bsno a mckcnac and c toronto 14 buffalo 12 a big third innings netted the toronto team 10 run and cinch ed the second game in the inter national league for them when they downed buflalo 1412 k four run kad in the hrst inn ings gat the winner- a slight edge alter buftiki hid scored three run in the top half the toronto club were on their toes throughout the tame and handled the bail with east time after lime when the buffalo hit ters ozicu some hot grounders down the line highlight ot the game was in ihc last hall of the lut innings when buffalo had two on base two out and the final hilter came to bat without a batting helmet and was called out new rules this vcar diqualifs a puvcr if he is not wearing a hatting helmet lineups toronto manager fete ale m miller n mckcllar r- price d eark d diaszak g wailiv b robertson m hams j counes j ware w rogers and b mcnabb buffalo manager k elsk b boughton b benton f morton j pnngk d garrett s wolfe 3 davidson b hart b elliott r shulm j mason and j pasma revise intermediate schedule list dates for seven teams a rented schedule of ail lnt tiiatntialr bal famds has been released and b pohttihcd below for bafi fans to keep dales in rind thfa war tcven team arc j m the halton county e acton bronte brara- campbelhilk dunda lion and oaknue- tbe complete schedule is as esto june i acton at oakride thursday june 2 campbell- kflle at bronte milton at dun- das saturday june 4 oakville at acton bronte at campbell ylue milton at brampton sunday june 5 bronte at milton wednesday june 8 acton at brampton milton at oakville thursday june 9 campbell ville at dundas saturday june ii brampton at actoo dundas at campbcll- vflle oakville at bronte sunday june 12 dundas at mlltan campbellnlle at bramp ton wednesday june is camp- beuvuk at oaksiue thursday jane 16 oakville tit puiftlh- mlltnn at rmn intermediates down milton 15- jeff fryer hurls excellent game toronto ptaysrs are plctorod prior lo their game tuesday evening when tliey ikfenkd lu buffalo team in the intorcounly league of the minor spoils league fioiil rt w icll to mjhi ic don earle and billy diaszak second row wayne rogcii robeii pi e gtorqe wall bi in rol n ion merl harris and noil mctollar back row j in cooncy alcx niociui in nidgoi peler val jim ware and mike miller ailim inluiirttiiiks nvcraged mi win on i ol three mtirln last wtiktinl wlitntnfl u decided k my wr ihc milton rcdrncn id lit iltopulna umm lo bronte mil diihiihs uiiiui in ihc week witlnt hthiv innliik in aclun iii unit nlktit itiil n 4 1 vktutv nil hit iihki win ll ihc gtimc wnt i illnl mi utniinl f dnik iiiiiimiiiv tvnilnp i in dtindu ii w wuii bv i si me l ft 2 ivci llu ail ii k nil in dnnilii aclon 15 milton s iiuiil iv llu hll illtimond m is pu mid npni ini tin n imt uiiiist mllmn llu iiw inns m liinil mw 4 unitl displ iv ol his lull hv 111 ai inn it nil wlicn ll y mid llu milton kd nun 1 it it i ivit si iiliii inn lu lot llu lot ds lu lit the milton lids im m m n iiitnntis md wn n in veil uhn lu imk tin in llu liuhlh innnilt tiy vtlti in lmkt ilm nnnnniliin ll v i pitihi s liltk lot llu insi k innitius 11 illi k imi lu homer brings in 2 others i a hoinci h john clinuhill in llu liist inninj smi ln loundihl llu h ijs ilu id he lute opposing pikh i 1 hi svllkd down in 1 out ihc nest tliicc b ilki 1 1iu lips klklkll 1 sundav july 10 allstar game at milton wednesday july 13 acton at oakville thurvlas tuls 14 gimpbcll silk at bronte miltun at dun das saturday jul 16 campbell title ai acton milton at oak villc brampton at bronte sunda july 17 bronte at milton ac tun at brampton dundas at campbell villc mondas july 18 oakville at dundas hcdncvlat juu x miltun at brampton saturdav julv 23 brampton at acion oakmlle at bronte campbclkille at dundas sunda julv 24 dunda it milton ompbcuville at oak ullc cdnosdas jul 27 oakulk at acton bronte at brampton thursdas juls 28 acton at brxmlc brampton at dundas salurdas julv w dundas at oaketlle campbellnlle at bram pton v sundae julv 31 brampton at milton staff pholo buffalo team in the minor sports intercounty league are eager lo play ball and are rictuted above grouped around their manager ken elsley the boys are wailing to have lneir namei iret ed on the scoresheet prior to their game tuesday evening their eagerness was d sappomting as they lost to toronto 7 5 pictured front row are brian wilkinson john mason ken elstew and bob hart back row are brian boughton steven wolke jack pringlc jake pasma bernieben ton ray shultis doug garrett john davidson and barne elliott kitchener wins 125 over london team kitchener sticcd an ilknit campaign in the inlcrconnls league opener wcdncsdac m i 25 when ihc downed the lnn don kirn 12 s in ihc mmm snutts oncntr at the m 7 ben nctt public school plilrouiid stcadv pile hint h di rortsl and regular hie king mom his team males alloued the win ncrs lo eain a three run lead in ihc earl mages and thev coist ed hruuhout the balance ol ihc lame atoi llu hdl i ukinji ii llu i o urn unit i iryer hurls well wis huhnt cm l i ipnol h v in ll hi in s ihluie hul i hill ipph liem acton 14 lo ii ihclr melding was not up lo par with the local pincers mid their hitting wits spotty pete i awson iind llnrolil town sky shaii d tup hillinu lr ih lot lis willi two hits ipkei pi k innii ihiunyh wllh a iwoiim dniihk in ik ihtid intiitiit i pul his tc tin links at a decided ulyinl im whlsiti h inillnift 1m pikliton ikijis im the mill hi cmw vi mil to h ie ill ml time tttnl ina llu pi ik md wdkul quili i niiniht i nl bidets sideline comment 1h 1 tc tin iiimikh muu mippiit ihm llu have ixt n mllmy w i ir llns m md with iml inon pi kiim will ih riflil on lop wilh llu itsl if lh it inn ii lilt inym 1 1 v r im jiml i i on i rul mil llu it i y mm i m hull vvi ii hill in i- i u hi mill he i i n stuns and when the suit bculn in beam nttiiln the cum will be in a i condition a draw lo i use mums lor tqitlpmcnl was held iluilnit the guiilc und llu lollowttiu wcie luckv winners m irci mciiiiiu in iconic town j mccukhioii alton duhl 11 iiih i nolelowii cyiil icikiiioii aclon s mil v met t i u ill ifi n ts 1 1 il- s ill hi i ixy j w v inns in ilu hoiiom ol the hlth inn nt md elinclud llu j urn in ihc sixth wlun lluv lonnicd sis nioic i ilns tins seoied ihcir hn il connlci in the bo loin ol the uchlh rail shorl or mark millons ilhirts ml shnt llu in uk wlun llu m irid loin i tin in the lop ot llu cicjith uid one in llu mnih allhoneh llu vimiois outhit sports scoreboard 11 m ton oist1 bastrail llu a b acl 2 a ti 1 mill n 9 si 20 o hv up s m ii 1 sjl iidit o kvlllr flt c 111 ptnllnllr mill express buses direci 10 new woodbine races each racing day june 6th lo july loth leave acton 11 55 am 240 return after last racl ticket md liifomaion it wiles confectionery phone 207 ii wiles auenl now itwest pfkt mr victor electric adding machine t01aummf 19950 kp plus w bnad vctor ma n utdu v 114 dills stationery i nshii i m iks sinjc saturday june 18 campbrll ville at acton dundas at bronte oakville at brampton sunday june 19 brampton at mutod acton at campbell vule bronte at oakville thursday june 23 bramp ton at bronte acton at dundas saturday june 25 dundan at acton milton at campbell vibe brampton at oakville sunday june 26 acton at titton bronte at brampton cr low 30 anon at expect large turnout for golf tournament detail- have horn completed and cvcrvthine i shipshape lui the acton open loh loumamtnt salurdis june 18 at fain uw golf courve giulph food hi bcin in uijrul i n pitc houjhl md punk ol iin shine oidcred toi the d i oul c ompc uioi ihi m ir ire i pccled to be plentilul nul last ear s iruph uintutn he dclcr mined lo kcep the it pile last year i winner the coon aic irouh lot lo ins more u as on h mil k holmes eiih in 82 and he chirm he utlt he hard to dethrone jul lan zajdc iv hanging on to the j b mukcnic imphx ind he stales he is hitting the ball larth- i this ear d inns ntu mio iki h line i loi th cllolt c inie base milled b kitchcna tc i on their tin turn ind his in j m in ictr ii di i on ihc ci bill it ill tiiin t i t le mcduv ml k ss duller km mx 11 x m dinm s i rulm 1 isln u leslu 1 ii n id ted ithonl piivlis iinoch in i n hid hi- pi i thioiieh nit kept op frank carney and sons ltd hardwake plumbing and heating rockwood ul 69501 for appliance and tv repairs manning electric call 230 mnn a i m m the ru du harvey laverty heating salts and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n rockwood phone iii 69934 rockwood 24 hour servic j b mackenzie son ltd we wish to thank everyone who participated in our 60th anniversary and made it a success no nails 1216 lucky winners on nail guess mr tid tkr ii ml kmi kliimil mis stuilu miss dl uk cillklk lucky draw winners mi km ikls ml tt itni kll mi s ini n 1 hi ii ii 111- ijjkuv drop in nytima nd enoy th wrvice and oxpcnnc hav to offer bronte brampton at dundas fhday jury 1 oakville at campbdlvine saturday inh 2 dundas at brampton moton al acton saaiday july 3 campodl- irthe at lahton dundas at oak july 6 acton at ibarsday july 7 bronte at saturday jury 9 v ttwp s cmpbclmlk v 1 k ro a n m wedncsdas august 3 dun ktntic jnd the pit took i das at acton with n oojk handicap tl 14 io thursdas- august 4 bronte pit him a ihi ol 68 jack me at duncbu oaksillc at bramp- geaehie is sidl clutching ihc j lu ben wood tmph initn i ivi x u salurdas augum 6 aelon at lor hi kw net svnc ind all m campbclhillc dundas at ncrx ik npt lo e ipiure the brqntc hemnv aiin sundav august 7 aclon at mans nrwoni hive m ud milton bronte at oakvtllc to town since last vcar md eserx brampton at campbellsillc nc i imiltxj to nanicpale m the tihimanunt anssuie wishing misses stipsiji cmmstso r c i istnd l it an frrdctkk c buschhm of clm- lon huron counts iis charred with failing to stop at ja stop sign after he crashed into 4 car driven bv mrs florence lapp ofrr i moffat at the intersection ol huthwav 25 and the base ltnc esqucsuig township mr busch- ten was later convicted and fined the collision occurred 345 pan an thursday of last week mem her of llu esceum lie let praelkc scvsions haw been plentiful among ihe keal golfers and ihc emmittce cxncvi large turnouand pkmts of urcst for thictcat tourncs committee member anrone desiring tickets can oh lam them from the follossm gord beatts phone 704 jask dohcrts 1 178w ros kirkness 1 729j csnl leightun 198j ron lewis 480 and julian zajac 5j9j big car comfort big car performance small car economy and handling ea north americas no 1 compact car rambler the new stadrd ol mmc i u i 1 i ml mom lo vimtos i mm vm iic i tt s i star so pel the eai i the m i k t n i i i i todav and pr il i i v i vil j g davidson sales ltd oour l rinihkt ivili 124 guelph st georgetown or call tr 74571 we have ready buyers for good used cars and are temporarily out of stock so gel tbe deal ot tbc sear todat open evenings ivrn oiclock mtt thrl fki a little moore paint makes a big difference i wt have the perfect moore exterior paints for your home amazingly long lasting finishes tremendous color selection all are easyttvapply economical to uk moored 179 855 325 h cal ol gordon hardware limited jcskoeije-