Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1960, p. 6

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itochbtk itam came out mcond bast against toronto tuesday evening saom pm vwo league when they lost u 7 pictured above are the players on the rochester smi front row eft to right are bobby waller allan mckenne craig perkins bob brown and tenv cote centre row garry kelly fred barnes andy dye bob anderson and vmce dunn bar row manager john creasey garry taillefer steven goy david ryder bobby lazenby mike sargent phillip drysdate and manager herb dodds e vms were edgett out of a wm by the buffalo squad tuesday evening in the mmorsports league at the m z bennett school when they lost 76 although they lost the ganvlhe boys played exoslient ball the team pictured above are front row left to right ricky iambert bobby tunvosz kevin ham manfred zundell and randy ridley back row terry churchill nei franklm devtd sproston keith dunk newton hurst harry aldrrdge and doug alien manager dick la is standing at the back acton fells mighty oaks 65 in halton intermediate loop aclona intermediate ball team i felled the mighty oak on irulr home ground wednesday junt 1 romping home with uyh5 win ovlr the oukvllli uiim huitlc and hnrd hilling won the game for the insula niul ilu mlghly drntc llndsav had ik team on tin go throuuluuil ik gumt j don slui tiil on oil moimii fur ailoti hut uun rukvul in tin i ttnh b ik hi rung mm nt john cuiiiiiholiniu who uimpkkil lite tjmiti and hikl ilu oiks down lu llw hitting kpitlniinl locals huitlc tlu hustk ol ihl lmaksiilt ed l ik host mm mul ii as ttuv might lit oitks iihimn i hituk thruugh llii hai i it i si l up don aiuiumhi sluuii ilu hill colling in ilu lop hall ol iik lirm inning wlun lu iulimii i walk micrisiitl wml tluun on u throw lo ilim loi lu out kit ihk lounskv anil i i iwson uuh iciilvitl a walk in llnl uukr and atukrson miiuii vvtun the thincx win luuikd on walk bilim lln slik wlis lintllv m llnil alimi hlniktuil llu oiks or til tin ihixl iiuiiiiti vvlun on urn was su id in hi ihi g inn tikul have hally a i illv in ilu loi tls in il totuili iniinig luiiul ill m lot unit i runs whin amuiitin im 1 ms ii llmugii mil i hi mo id oakmlk i ma i uk with hi ik illoii si intg two i mis i milk ilu si k s t ihi oiks i nn h a sliimg i ihi mill mil i klud two inn inns ill 11 i ailoti h 11 ml ii thili ilimh i m tin i hill siotlv mtliislill siilliul m iniiiiy wlin ik shl nil limit an i w is nkui horn tin g i in t i imiu lu itm tit liv in o ikulli iliu tot briii omimnl a i n w i i haul liillimj i w m i hit it gu il hoslk w n llhiti ik gum a i us pi i hi v still ins pkmv ol sluiifilh tins 1 vvilli si h ilu shmkl ik ihk lo u i ii ilk minis acton ties milton 1111 in pee wee baseball game oaks trim aclon 143 locals use 5 pitchers smarting from a fr3 defeat at the hand or the acton inter incillalts lust week the oakvlllc ilnh diubbid the loin i team 143 in ailun park sulurday afur noon i i nit s anil pikir pitching ai ioihiiki i ilu alton lim vvlilk ik oakvllli u on lotik iidvunl iii ur ivn v hnak aidiv iiski ilu pltilkis dm uiit ilu vinii mil lulled lo ilkk hi ilu liijtiiih ikpaitininl i ns win niiiniious ami ilu whiih s iw ilu u mi ikliul oikulk i ukd to jpik u sului iy i ive pllilicra i slaikil on ilu mound loi aiion hill wis soon nlkvid h dm wh i i mini imlil ilu i ai hi in h mil inn nlkvid i u jim i inils iv ippi mid i ilu simlh to hi upliiitl hv llimk jiwil m tin last inrihif oikvilk hul ilu whip iniul lliioiiglu ul tin it ion mil kipl ilu ul ol tin loi lis sli illlv iililmu lo unit sun mil tkinu ivillligi ol ill hu iks hrkf coninicnu a 1 n s pit lutnj still n il i jjimhi wotkoiii sunut iv wuh mm nuiiis p pi iini in ilu s in slml i ik g inn wis ii inpkli iivns d il ilu pit nous wtik 0ik villi in ml liostiuss iniy titni tluv uin 1 hu midgets drop game 98 to milton aclon midgets dropped a five run leud against milton on sut urday and suftinil a 98 dircul ul the handit ul the county luwn buy in milton wuyik miimun nlurling pitihir foi tlu locals ran into diffiiullv in ilu ktlond inning and wan n liiid by an hutkr denis oib biii is doug roddick lanu ihruugh like a vitmm wlun he hinged out u douhk with iwo nun on liny muiiiks lollowul null with l he huiiu pltloimutue seoring huddle k ailon opnutl ilu sioring i ik ing i ihiiun liil in ilu lirsl bilk willi alton pee wee baseball entry in the halton eoiinlv kagia plauil n luudy gone behind ihe lillar pilehing of r shuliis uul i inn ool wuh an ii ii lit ul imst in mdlon lads in milton last satuulav slutltis went the whok mult joi the ku lis and turned in ii stnkiouts dining ilu sivni nimit ol pi iv alton look 1 milked k ul in tin ills innitil and tmuiid tle mns heloii i hi mtllon ii uu id null ms hu ilh uk hooimui bits ol tlu loi ils win imalk stilkd wlun tin i isi mm in tlu billing unlit slunk out sclllc tor tie mitto win ik til sioukss in the bolium hall ol lu insi hul il i ik ing i ihiiun kjd in ll inning milton aim b i iwo inns in tin ixiwifi loot ihe seiond imiliig pionl ai ions dowtil ill when ilu bus i town lallied and bioted u ions aeton netted another run in the top of the fourth and held mil ft tun seorelens until l he final k inning when they stored their fltml mn aeiotis tallv in tin lop of the jl seenlh inning fell short of its mark wlun titty were cut olf fler scoring iwo nms both leums played heods up bull ii was a pliehcm batik ihioughout the game i uu up ailoti u mecilstall i prkc d shaimoii j i j allui land d glhhons i koddkk t wjler iioum i wilson b matthew t masaks w mjmm r mellon milton it llamlhori r me knsu b midulle w thnberv m ikuhu j wlm c luilks a ildulli m almion c ciuu tia c baiky sioied ihtie tuns in ilu hotl nn ol lu siiotul illu ai t in wnii up oni niou ilu g inn pio ejessed in i sn siw bulk whuli siw both i lubs ihkivm i ii position 1 virv niimli i l hu a i i il 111 pi imi 111 iklll i 111 md w is ikuni ii i i dl il ilu louuly i wi ns li it si filed i liuups w i a i 111 i 111 ms i i ii i i kitklill i u mi tl i ail i it ii ilnus si ill 11 v ilkr i i llubb ii i i ullili i ji mil k mmllis milton ii i h ls id i illlns n s i is i i uul i us momil mi c nnlu u i blukk ik in midolk sports scoreboard if you own a boat b ii ull or power w hv avalubu to yov intvfntm i ftcllitfft you tsn dtpmnd en iiruau iimliivi tovikat lomil iiiivi kaii s fxpiriincip will imokmiu isuikvikiiisb siait i irsr uass ci alvci si rvici ii will ik a hua lu vm yuu j bbit wood insurance a6bky 124 mill st i act oft 5 ii l tiin ol n1v i m i ii buffalo edges montreal in pee wee league game bulfalu st md on lu winntnt wagon tuesday exeinni wlun they deli hid tlu mondial mtiv in ihe pee wee le ilue 76 it ihe m z beniuli sehool plivtiouiul ken elskv in m ier ol tlu winning le un h id his pi imis playing position well mil sml in the poweilul hitlirs it the lop ol the balling otdei jan riddell btvinied ihe batten if ststs baktolslxmiajmmmilfc bantams whitewash hornby 180 hn league opener wednesday r pitchmf bv brute shu i u and dsaran arbu earned the actuo banliim lean tu au im vtcturv ova- the horalw ttuo 10 the halloa luutm ktpen upuui 20 acton park vkcdoeda tulit the two vounpacn tuiikud ui m tojmkrtch pcrleirmanec cm ok mound sod recerccd prilm ht b their icain mwi faey tkckl ihe hmub tcaun lu two ton actoo notched b tuu giurisi tbe appvsmua and gjut ijk padaton tbar monrv uvilh as they buktkod thrvuvoui the tuiik- ukinj adajjuji ol all uu bnrfkv uutrad cstdung dull pcw homer and ruddv holm n shated llx duties behind ihe puu and iugiil ihe babe tun imj nappiiiy ai ieiy turn aiimi suited iheii monng evr- hi the lusl liming and kipi up a ui hariagi wuh lliiu bmixmny bjls l keep llx hon b luldirs n 4r huilk tht jiih uaa plaed m aelon ulilkmjyh it was slaud or thi hirit pjik j j the host pjik ix nol nadv lor ilu mjmiii owm masaks ininigu ol the i kji iiam had ilu youngs ti if w jikiiiy like sek tans and ptae uu sismons paid oil lor ihe ae ton lads mneups a i m i llomu k llolniis i athii b shuliis misaks i ii it ns j mavtn i johnson j bullough m biouijhtoii p ikmiiil j dunn b cdiyill and i daw kins hoinl kussell o niill btooks boolhhv simpson mar un shuliis matshall sletiimati uiuvai and mailin ixkjauaaiiv atm legion wins softball opener defeats bandsmen 146 monday upon aftinor srwn combines m jidan j hulhmiah b the drum o aeli cm bahss p vak a tiwm d mofld evening miliums c janus i liw kl when thry took vta to be first game ol jutai toosofibaji league at alton part the minor sport cam pruxd too unmg lor ihe bandsmen and taking an carty lead wire never iwh haiuilion b bnnkwaller b toronto wins 117 over rochester team 1 n nli ikh uul ilu koihtsiu uitis in tlu miiiiii spcitis pn wh k utiu tuisihv ivimny ami l inu mil with tlu ii 7 win w n i u k piiihiui lot tlu d hotel team downs junior farmers 83 the dpmmion llolel entiv tn the sol thai i league plowed undei the junior farmeis te un tuis day evening when thiy look a ilc- eided 81 win in their lusl show ing ol tin vi r ld phillips tossid i sti uh tame lor ihe winneis and hul the opposition swinging il ui on his last oiks cluster pivihi handled ilu e ilelftnn duties uu ul a foul up i luttht his uu il hand and lu give up loi a posit ion on lusl i chester eame ituouith tike i veteran swinging ilu hukois unl wts ihe luavust moul hillu hill swung a me ui bit loi ihe loseis poling out i live iui oiks dodds wis a husv ho 111 ilu held loi the i minis uul pull id in quili j 1 i un iki i hud hit bills ithilkd lot hiis phillips miked up 10 sltike oulh whlk tuiiiii pilihing 1 sleadv ganu slunk out iihl bittiis 1 irli ups dominion until mn j ihn sloile medilluvv i maius ihif lips moihmi hnu m hugh casuiti miuiuhioii i iwsuii mil pi vein junioi lainuis llutilu blaek sh union itnwn liutui delamv h iw ml i iiih dmuls hal ilnus and skultmon exdlctncnl ran high and ihe fan enjoyed a ta same u bjt as both teanw haj plenty ol hittlv willi lac legion holding a aught edge uaatwo rtlcher cbarbe shutth look over the mound duties for the winners but was relieved b mel jordin ckk huricr m the fifth mn both pitcher daaksd iru bandsmen with their lasl ones and change of pace ben bavliss and pete vak pol ed ouf kmg ones for the legion boys and nuked up a good kit ting average during the game builiaiun anil j lie isev c ilirns baud a bnida c jordan i spielvogel b me tregor j frver j zajac m wallan j giver b pallerson and g homewood umpias b mi hon and 1 kilby acton win aclon merchants baseball nine defeated brampton wed nesday night 45 in brampton u mclarren started on the mound for aclon but was re lieved in the third by john ctnuringham who went the real of the route mud 11 a fcoud p atui sinking out nine hitlers w ink mike s 11 n nt on the mouiul lor the losen sliuek out six bilki toronto bij inning i ime in 1 hi fifth when lluv raeked up six runs to unih ihe anie and kivt t he ill 1 win both teams phvrd herds ball and ihi ho wilh his i isi bill ooil snppotl i olll till pi iv l is a 1 1 it tu m inlii il opi u i up thi si iiinj 111 ilu lusl uininu mil lukl tin kid up l uu 1 mnli 11 nint tlu unit 1i0 squid wm too shone ii 1 iluin u il boom ttj bits s un s in bills living ovu uu lulikis lu ids m tlu m jtit 11 il linn kiikkll tuniul ii ii sli ki nils loi the winn is while luikos sli lie k out eitjll billiis lineups bull ihb btueh ion ii heikmip j mis 11 i mi hon b i ihoit k shuliis j ruklell i ginill b w ilkt mil d guiitl montti il n mm si 11 tutk os k hill k dunk n 1 1 ink lm ii akhutki m umkll 1 chmihill r kulkv k i nuutl i all in j in mil s ii umllin for appliance and tv repairs manning electric call 230 robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists loiiuulv i p hi id phone gueiph ta 4 2d71 58 st gaorge t squar express buses direct to new woodbine races each racing day junt 6th to july 16th leave acton ii 55 am 240 ktlinn i in return after last race ikku mil inlmnijlhni jt wiles confectionery phone 207 11 uucs atiil harvey laverty heating sales and sbki repairs to au makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n roocwooo phoni ul 6v9m roocwooo 14 ha silver star ranch au rdhs insured 1 h mile south of acton on no 25 highway 125 an hour for riding si 50 hour with instruction ralph smith rr 4 acton laiikind trill k pruvvx hia uir with thi nui wxaitur lllll ifti o ill tli vi loping inln kin plivus uul split itup an txtng provided with imiiint and linini bamkill skeo slip in 1 mhcdnlc ol hilton court- t intirmiiiiall hall lisicd in iam vvto s paper one jrimi was in irror on juh 6 oakvillc will pli in mil tort not alton at mil ion an reported jdf viyn l hhj p ng duties for the band but weakened hi the seventh and wa relieved by gerry home- wood hotnewood had trouble finding the plate and was rr- ptoced shortly by j fryer who cotbpttted the i the last ttmintf was the big one for the winners when thev racked up seven runs to clinch the win lesion minor sports c shut- aohabtphcahtacr concrete biocks cinder biocks sand livestock ml fertilizer farm service ml sumies dump trucks for hire concrete ukk clat muck stone kv cus fsi f phone 251 acton thunri juiw 0 tank force uture ma tun leo cur ptua klnfl of th wild staluont georjte monlgumin satmon juna 1113 the big country jcjn hirnrntis gregory ptk nua forbktdcn llerh tuawad jwna 1415 4et attack ptua ssicide battalion thursday nioht iucky ucence night 15000 for graduation select the gift that will help them through continued success in umver stty 3ims stationery see us for the new kind of house paint that cuts brushing time saves work time and money n more blurterproof uun any other type of paint dtiea to a rich velvety sheen in minutes gives all weather protection fuui yean or more i 895 gallon 285 quart tenpro distributors ltd 126 mam st n acma hi

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