Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 7, 1960, p. 7

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the salesman that reaches more homes is free press want ads classified advertising rates ho cnarce fbr rnnoonccramt m blrtha majriafw deathi mid enfageawnta in memor- imtu he plus 10c per line for vtttct article for mle i mfctc l word mini- mum caah 80c bum 75c box no to mil office 28c additional coming events t9e minimum first v lima each additional uiw 10c card of thank 73c for tor ant 8 lines each additional line 10c account are rendered monday following insertion latmt wnmon time im 9m wdnwday phone 600 raajj4r births marriages deaths etc shoemaker rhoda and bruce shoemaker are happy to on nounce the arrival on july 5 of nancy lynn a slater for swan ctjraie at south wn crloo memorial hospital on sundoj july 3 1900 o mr and mrs james 1 currle tnee ilcen ken yon i of gait ont a daughter karen louise weight 8 lbs morris art and ethel nw franldln 11 mountain vtew birlve st catharines are plent d to announce 4hc toirth of their daughter carol ruth on tues day july 3 1080 at st cnthar ihta general hospital a aister for brian mr and mrs allan r r 4 acton arc hop py to announce the birth their daughter janice lynn on thursday june 30 i960 nt guetoti general hospital a sn 4er lor- robbie sharon and jam le at her home curmbettvlue on sunday juu 3 1900 isabella acie gillies beloved iwfe of the late alexnn der j mcfhedran dear mother of kalherlne and marv mrs a n norrlsh gandmother of ian and kathryn norrish sister of mrs a h worthiturton of t ran to funeral service was held on wednesday at the mckerele fun ral home milton interment in tlawiiairafri atstaptfriaii ceraet- 1 ry b cards of thanks i wish to express to the pup l nd then parents at ss n li kramosa my sincere shank for lovely caft prenented to me nl she close of school the warm of tfection shown by the children n that occasion will be gralrfulh reme alwavs asfim7 mrs a kinburv we wish to thank our neiehtior patrons on r r 2 members ofhr post ottfce and cnr atafifs ac ton branch canadian lesion local provincial police dr w g c kanney and our many fnends for fhe many acts of kindness receiv ed durliajt our recent bcrravetm nt in the loss of a respected huaband and father john a locker mrs j a locker and famih a 2 m4s for sale ft sau cwihnwfd for sale extra lar tr eyvle originally csm s rm if er phone 073 4ht ndtng ltd i 2 49u3 to sale or rxrtianct condition fob sale lde ivnl good condwon 1001 m bee at 73 phone act r smn for sale remington rand tyoewrikt portable just like new take on payment of 17 10 per month for 8 morthts write box 103 free preus a 2 2 4633 for sale smith corona por table typewriters factory new for as low as 87903 also typewriter ribbons for all make carbon pap er etc dills stationery 36 mill st- acton phone 803 a 434372 for sale for money making milking all dairymen need surge milking equipment for sales ser vice and parts call horace tomlin son surge dealer brampton phone glendale i 1273 att for sale large glossy prints of any staff photo appearing in the acton free press 5x7 sle 75c 8 x 10 alie tl 00 enquire now at the free press officr 59 willow st or phone 600 a if personal ow rundou n octrcx tonic ti blots help pep up thousands of men women pmt 40 onlj 69 at all diuskina a 2 for satjs necchi sewing ma ch nt w rh iig zim darn mon i grims nnd embroiders tike on payment of 17 60 per month for ft months or 1v1 write box 93 free prea o 2 2 4381 for salf life aut fire theft accident mortgage injur ance for dependable srrvire with reputable companies contael syd lamb insurance agitw j p poone 124 a si 4ttll lf mill sl e acton for smf crf r libit 25 cornrr able 25 ttiepfiono tible 12 1 p tnbk sh or ennvp te sei 65 sd of fnryil ipoli i with bookcase 120 ono foldnww bed 7 limp 2 w pich odd 9tok 1 eirti oh id i ci pbojird with mavhinfi otool and 1 imo 7 1 pa r drapes 9 apply 37 mill st east n a 2 00 1960 valiant g me 1 ib5 m lp musi be ji to clear up an miitc 2 100 o ben ocftr onffinal price 2h96 appu george mason mnsoti kn t n compint acton small ahern safe id il fir smill bin 20 00 for rent wawtb l tenders for palntmg interior except celling a bhie mountain school 711 line below balllnafed tenders to close july 18 1960 lowest or any lnde n it neces sarlly accepted reply t h e batkm secy trens eiquding school area board ing school area b georgefown ont tenders t ndcrs will be received until 100 pm july 18 1960 fir the following construction work tai bath house b supply pond dam c big pond dam for plans specifications contact e f sutter field oriicer crtdil villey consirvati n autho itj terra totla ontan i low em or any lender not neces rih accepted a 2 help wanted mijctuawouj caahniml alter queen sales and servicf for s cleaner and healthier home resorts visit the real living santa may 24 to thanksgiving fun f r all tin famil ch1ldrfn 14 years nnd undir nc compamed b pinnt frt f 910 sun t 6 00 p m stindnv 100 pm t 600 pm santas village brtcvbridgt oman i real estate help wantfdglove operat ors fxpenenecd dres glove nper ilrv for trimmir machine to w rk it home applv box 110 ac ton free press a 2 4889 help wanted min or worn en pleaaint full or pjrt time w rk make 38 a weik in your iparn time full time average 30 to 100 a weok car necessarv write rawleighs dept g 111 7 4005 richelieu montreal help wanted male or female open nii tor social caseworker n ixpindimj nnd jir firessive soc ini ikirn education at univeriit ul i oential gradual in mng n icul work proferred good per sonntl pract ces appl to j paul jillimc exec ulivt director the children s aid s icietv of the county of halt in milton ont b r warren grove 3 bedr om home w hi kittli 1 piece bath hardwoid inn t li uv gis furnace nnd la indr room 4 m irlvagt t irruj f n hlv inclining ltxi limthousi rain interrupts sports at annual ss 9 picnic ind jinin 7 nnd 8 till tim tcin ii i ulis 7 and tuna ckoi 37 mon h pli lost and found lost whte hand knitted babj iw atei pk ifi phon 290w 1 a 2 4893 for rfnt l bedroom apart ment cnll it b p girwre 341 qn st 23152 for rfnt hide i h me and ten crnl tch slttip 4 phone aclon 10 u r cam t 1 utile ul ster 4 3393 b 1 4313 for rent slf c nuined heated t r vim ipr- um n i hard wood floors buili n runtwards in apuntment building ph ne 9 ctf for rfntapartm t a mint em bu id nc 1 eir n i bed in m k irtu n d n r m ii u ing rvm 1th i t 1 i t a cold wntn p n uk i inn ntl ftp 42 lf found jatr ohdds eye giass e ovwier may have same by ap plyimi at the acton free press and paving lor this ad a3 4890 lost the works out if a lad s evgin watch downtiwn kep sikt if found phone 267 m or mrs j wilds 143 maui st s a 2 5146 employment wanted employment wanted ndt 8 student with some exper ttxt would like baby sillins job hi 1161j a 2 4884 miscellaneous wanted l vtm1 h i kitchener upholstery have your chisterfielu au te re irphilstired bv us and sae refin ithing one week serv ce call witon music store atf mary gibbins 274 arthur st victor mccai him rimi eitatl 8000 ihii jew 4 nom brick itorms jnd ffruiw ol funiaci 4 pi ct iwlh decorated 1000 diwn r sightly bt hk ficshh country home 300 down half milt to picd rud and ooh i i oil him ici pnsii e ss urn jn igt 3 00 full p ci john r holmes real estatf act n ph nt 108 for sale bab carriage tur quolsv bhie and whttr lik n u phone m7m a 4w4 for salevgan u 4 tnrrn and griddle automatic n pti ie 3m after 5 a i 2 k1 sale bewe pup 10 em biaek tan h tc good tmsnung stor i w tr 4m clea willtasna a 7 m49 v ct n fn p u anted hilt n p duels del ih p i n it d f ft egg win pi emtntrs 4401 a t w avtm p t- t tk i f i m m t h d k 1 h 1- i i 1 caretakers wanted f a n 4 hl s z t i 1 c r p b w i cj ica1 atd rp h f tufvln scx t dependablf w irkmanshtp on r of rcihiirs or reshingling also ch nin i diitnaniled o rebjiilt foi frit estsmates phone 385 a 2 44002 floor refinishing we now have a modern sander and edger i wf w ii rtfimsh mir n ors or nnt y u the equipment to do the iob yourstlf j b frank phone 3 47 frederick st s acton a u summer properties redoi built home and lag ed prefab and erected free i 1 lerature eafv terms see i implri genne lumber oranj spacious homes tnlevel 3 or 4 bedroom mtdil feature kirge living room mpante dn it oftftred at mu 710 down splitlevel bea itiful 3 bedn im home ill r ims of aenerm proport ini has den and scpank washnnim on lower level iltiched garage onk 1500 reqomd down call 958 acton noel reynolds ac n repress t i h e hrf kfith rfaltor meinlier t tit reil f t mr b ird tik in nun i ss no 9 punii shjilmittil in hk pun ills assim ilium uhik plat i willi lunih nl iht mihmii on wtilmsilin srls iv nils wlu hi kl uniil inltiiupliil b min itir fiaitis i intl 2 si iiulmn biund lump jh ri fitddu mi dun ild mil llowiud llubc i idt 1 rimh stoll hmiv biuwn hid btil arnold i nk 4 rubin iimlliv miipi kudtkll mil but arnold 1 uks s mid 6 siii i nl nliuii rtidtkll i irks l k mot k it n j u jin pal tii sun fi bis cilllllllll silnl mil dill runtutin hm id iiitnp ijiii i nul 2 j i qui 1 1 ik mtlhinild jot rut idvmid inulhs k itk 1 k n iikind 1 lulnid 1i itit mt don ild ltdd clukt i uk 4 uttl aiimlil rubhil roiighkv tdtil k ii n yi uks s uid o rtil nit jinssui jinutiv kmkkll rtmt ultiink iiadts 7 mil 8 gttn i k nun kim btlu aunt biuuu jm ill in son i uks 7 mil 8 bos nt u 11 sliuii hi don tuiiii dill biooks llijlt iiiinp jit uks i ind 2 httldit midomul j i iiiillint mi nmi ild louisi i ut in i si idts 1 and 4 bui arnold m iluil nobli mhm rutkkll ti uks s mil 6 jmiinii rudtkll antiliti slltlltllll ros ci mill gi tdts 7 mil 8 ml b mo1 kitn btlu amu bumii jo p it k i son p i its 7 mil x bus ci i si hoi 01 n min sltphui tt iail suk t in nl ilimiit rus itott ruinit pmsstn wlkilbuitiw i in but arnold md robbti ruiiihli mm i blown md all m arnold bib bub i hulbinn hutu shot sti imbk gnl dilmiiu j uiui toii 1 ii uuir kim bill ilm w cii kits i d 2 jh rut uliii utnink tddii imdliv y idt m iiin biown kiliu cluki li im midiiiikl ti uk 4 bui arnold bohln tmdlu sindv rmilla bovs t l s inj j rudtkll paul luiiin paul hubt t j1 i lis s md 6 ruint jans sin rum 1 tlutnk angina solium t buvs u uk 7 nnd 8 gjnton cuiru sliphin travail allan arnold ui k m uks 7 md 8 fkmoi kim buiv aunt bnmn jinit tit mrs john glvnn ttiithtr m geurfcilowii hiyh sthtxil is pre- sniilv uiiolkd nl it iilnshti tourst in i nin ut lnurcnti pink tulkykiti liironiu tiri inglis is home rnlluwing i tniimlkitoniv in cuilph hospli ul hsi wttk mis gknikii siotl was a gutsl ui iht gicuuim tv liyhlk wcildinu in mnisulk linlicd chmth on jlllh 18 iornierly uf shanghai mi md mrs giorm mililiill toimuk ol sh utifhai china pit- suilh iimiih in rntflund visited 1 1 col and mis boutin un tuts dav lasi vvtik cunyi ktililiiitis to l ik flit puss on iihiivmu ihtir 8mb bu llu iv mt mil mis win t mills uid mi md mis w i milts illuid id iht i min il ol llu hk mt ti ink j ihiisoti il onllii mi sit 1200 li on a orange i 44 4008 tf lot central voet ion jp ece l net spare he bm to free i m3s jur is sc- s rei fu id k r- georvti on 3 insirance free climate nsurance if all kinds if yiu a c nadtnnjt a chantr fr m w or ent policv or looktn for new p an contact omar h park er phne ul bw5 a401047 reimer upholstervlspec alu iui in rrupholflterinc all tvpes f fum lure bert quality material me n orkmanahip prompt service mi furnitu r reflnishinx and rug rlsn ni ph ne 88 marks grocen george gibson pys the highest prices fir dead and disabled catue and horses old healthy horvs s cents pound r toerice phone ferru s3 w ii plsn terfus 31 or guelph ta 4 j87k eollecl b r prompt service a tf auction sales extrnsif auction sale of almost new surnllure includintc 1 v room bttiroi m rnitur will bi hi id t the proprl firm 100 irds nm l torn r on n s hirhw v satt rdav jl l 9 al no o clock n ld i nt w th tfrms c i h amcodftv moorehousf pn p el r hjndify and flliott aocliin irs 1 n tr k h211 iss bi v 1 1 k v l iniltt vv ho us bu hotm vitih u mdpai mi md mis c mm on il i n s is uilh titi paitiils uid mis v lunnllk and sts bitiul i foi llu summit tht btnlons vtslltd mi mis iiiduii oiiiiilon nt ii mi i sundnv leadership course trudv stolt is u tin oiiiurio atliklit li mvishin ciunp i i aki conihiihinn lor iuo tks bnndt mil sttphtn llulim t liolul ivina vvilh tin arnolds ol giiii ttt luwn vlsllolh willi llh plitllm n s lis vvttk iniludil mi anil mrs oml dull u m ailon mis miihi hsk utlpb mis km mm roikwood mts don mini iv uilpb nnd mis don nobk of suilhuiv anniversary dinner about km win siivtd bv llu wa al llu uiimttsuv luikiv diiiiiu ol imithoust pushvliti in chmth in llu mtiiioinl hill on luisdiv tvtiiint of lust vvttk rum johiinv ind hi m v itlu ink ut ittindiii sutidiv siiikii itnliiiii stliool il llu chilshin riloiiiud chuuli this link j mssiii dirolkd thool ill ii ik i mi fi colkm on of ti bank of montreal offers scholarships two alton sludtiits art among ta7 applitanls applyinu lor iht h bink of mimikdl c mail ctiiitiini il si im ii ships vvhltli ut to ih ivv itikd m ontario duiint 0 w mtk iv lkdl man igir upoittil this vvttk thil applit 1 1 tuns loi iht stholiiships v il utd il 70 in iht iiim vt ii havi urn distil hit oiil inn bovs ind gills nt miiiit 2 208 ol this un s high sihimil i idu hts aiross can id i loinpiliti toi i ik fiisl vtai s 50 stholiiships loi iht study of ills atitl siiukis il c inadtan iiiiiuisiiiis fvuv jppl nation hid io bt aitompaniid b ihi iitottinkiid ition of iht stud mis piiiiupdl so thil thtri has ilu idv bun i msidtrabk prt siliition in ihi high sihixds choose in august final siktlion will bl m idt in august b iht 10 pruvimial sil ttliuii totnmi litis ath torn posid ol kadtng tilutalionaliiis ftom univtrsiius in llu ptov intis tonttrntd tht stholirships lo bt iw ird id this vt ir in tht tirsl slip in i simiivtu plan announttd bv iht b ol m in m iv lo providt binkaukd umvtrsitv stud tht protrim will tulmmik in 1967 it iomii mondiv jhiks nobli s ilium i utkuid mil ihi dtikt mulik in hut on momliv mis glvnn ol si c lib nuns isiiiii iht j ihn glvim s three bovs attend united church camp junloi bovs camp slnrlctl ihls wnk nl iht united thurch cump ul bollon and thrtt alton boys ir iilltiulintl johnnv mcgcath ii robhy idrt mid mtrl harris ihtv will bt tlu ii for oiu wetk bovs i imps in ik id nil dur us j li k mil kiiis t mips in aug list stvtiul tin is from luwn mt gimik i ut i womens v shorts regular large and extra large 198 to 398 newtons 5c to 1 store e l buchner optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted contact lenses fitted hearing aids and batteries optical hearing aid repairs sun guasses 48 mill st e acton wednesdays only office hours 2 00 6 00 p m for appointment phone 115 acton itk l ilk icnnnl ul c in id in conftdtr ui n am llu b ink s isolli mimirs ll v vhu iwo h nl b ul m c i iih cm itiiniu iw lids will fx m uk ont i t ml will hi in irts mi oik 111 si it hit l it l m tin iiiioun of js 000 for sludv anv whtit m tht world tin sthtnu providts for d l 124 iw irds in llu v u o7 tinging from j70 whin llu pi m wis uinountifj j arnold hirt pttsidlnt ol iht b 1 1 m siul tht b ink hoptd lilt si hul uships would prm uk i t mj hk ind worthwhik observ un i i hi n uioiial untttiniul ii tin fuluit nation d ulvan lat voice of fxperience mtrs who sav iht oung tttncralion is on iht vva io ilatnn in m bow wows most l kn iw whu thiv it hiking ut is thiv ifuubikss holidays why not spend them at lake george ny queen of american lakes playground of the north 1 sullivans rexall drug store sow prescriptions drugs cosmetics stop and shop gift shop oifts souvenirs curios house of nations gift shop gifts of distinction imports curios 222 canada st lake george n y helen wolozzie sullivan owner for sale urd elerrr tk panel 4 cirrurt xnd ir panel uatd top purublf o r lilrt nw phone im a i 4rb0 volt sale first quitltv ilum limm atorma doors window nm mt nmtakca oduvc ve k pneta vhnnt m 36w83 3 ixmt sale brtroiux v xvnim cit tlw on payment of js 11 r month for 5 month or sis rite box 100 fre prw a z rq for sale rubber stempt made to order stamo pads and gmmp btln fa delkeir dilk station wt 36 mu st acton oml phone atft t bb l for sale trirvuion bed 00 t vanity dresser nut flbimr bad rhh tjew box fpnittrj bed a arid chair tindr bedl cojnowrie reral odhmcnts ah reaaonable fbone iittr j315 applications fall enrolment sunshine school for retarded children m n on 930am tn 1im m j 1 930am to 230 pm sn t anportat on on vidxl contart mrs mjen howard 53 robert st milton ttepa rt lo all nukes rent mach mea bit hie week ivi tables ul from s3sm see the latest stne- cewinomachma ftf homf demon tratiorm dton rew1nq cevtcr gcorgvtown tr 1 4331 acton gordon hardware ltd a tf dead stock service highest cash prices for dead or disabled horvs and emit old he 6c a ih for prortwt ice c 1 long distance aid ack for zenith 99m chars ro vou paconi deadstock removal hannon ont

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