Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1960, p. 4

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si guelph hamilton win in squirts intercounty tipelph edged london 53 and hamilton whipped kitchuicr 83 in squtris intercounly league bateball wtdnlsdity of last wtik tht guclpli trcw i ami through with two nms in l ik ihm inniny to break a 31 lit fot ihiii win white hamiltun whs nlvu sui ously ihulkngcd by ktlthuiu danny caldtr pilthid foi guelph and hi lacked up stun srikeouts and alloutil onl stin players to gtl on thi bastniilis his mound oppuntni bdunn put eight runners on bast ontl whifftd 10 baiters m lilt tom in ning game both teams scored single iuns in each of the first three innings but mithnel wolle ind bobb hatch scored in the fiml rami to make winners of guelph early lead in the hamilton kilehenei game the himilton tlub un up a 3m kad in the first innings trunks largely to a homerun bv pddtt massey with greg mil inn ind mike titld on the bisis bv the third inning it wis s2 kitchener scoring a piir in their hilf of the third wilh mike vale and jim lee international play- dolng the honors mike vglc s hit was a bases empty home run come the last inning and ham illon pushed three more runs kioss the plue greg mclean uslie mles ind bddie massey stonng mike jeffiies ullkd kit tin mi s timil run tdiiii m issev s well ns scoring ihree limes wis ihe winning pit eher he struck out eight batters ind w ilked two mike vile was i hilled wnh the loss ihhough he struck out eight mid w dked onl ihiee ondon r h iv b dunn i cnnoellin i vnv s pevuia g 1 ullifer p vile l deforest d seilgle guelph j churchill r jittnv r johnson d c iltler b held m wolle b broun t mcdowell b llinli h million w mclcin g mi lnn m held l mks f m is siv g diw g cook t coih i me j slecnson kilihintr w dc forest m vale j lee r butler l bulki m mirermunt k mush ill m jiffiics vv snglev start pholo plenty of action was seen in milton ball park sunday i lawson scoops to grab the bell the watchful ump is oakvilles afternoon when campbellvilles 1959 ontario a aaaor cham i b ii vaughan on the r ght slugger jack price takes a slug at a pions played with the pick of the halton loop s teams however i high one and shows some of the form lhat won him a spot with campbellville supplied the most action in the resounding 17 4 hamilton cardinals this year he toiled in a campbellville ersey walloping they handed the all stars above on the left earl last summer and helped boost the team to the championship cairns makes a safe dash to first base as acton s first sacker paul sixrun fifth inning assures juve victory bisons trample leafs 156 montreal loses by whisker international league bascbill in the at fun mmoi spoils kagiji this week stw buffilo bisons up sel toionlo m iple i eals is 6 htlc rikhes et iuii sh iitcd montrijl 12 11 in hu innmts buffilo climbed onln the bind wagon right 1 1 om ihe opening pilch i in up lout inns b i lliotl harris riddill ind heikimp in the first inning riddell heik imp and wallis seottd in the seeond frame riddill ind m is n in the third hetkimp in the i mi ill elliott riddell ind pniigli in tlu firth and hukunp ind willis in the sinnlh foi toronto cook pot ihi onh fum inning intinui h iirs cook and v ik seoi ing in the third hindu son si ml in llu fourth ind bilges jo tin hnil run in the sixtnlli onerun whisker the rixluski minlkil j imc looked hkt t unih im hu rid wings until tin top it i hi i lib mth roehcstir killing 126 then montrc d pmd by j homerun bv chuuhill ih ilked up live iuns to tome wlhm i one tun whisket ol di idloikmt i ik y inn rnhistet seoitd foui in l ich of the hist sieond mid thud in ntngs to i ip he k id up c holims with i b bi iwn hint b 1 ieilln llltii g 1 nloi thin ind c kell one uiounlid lot linn iuns foi monti til tee uilh two 1uiks with h ii dunk 1 1 ink im mii i hu in kliunhill uilh ni ind mimilhn mlh two sup plied thi stonily punih bullilo 1 limit huns m ison riddill heikimp willis huns piinjlt 1 i into ril1 s limits biifiks cook mi nihil cooiitv j nks huulusoi i ill v il rhhcski c h mts b bi iwn b i iuiln inhi g kills c oki idin t bums p 0 wlli m unit i ci tutkos7 dunk 1 nklm doudmt h tcis mi mill in m ikhtt chmehill not over tucsdi evenings bant im ball game w is noj plaed to the tin ish the list mnine will be phv id hclon the nit guile it dun dis tune of 178 the peasants the peasants will soon be dc- coi iling the outfield in iheii new blue and whiti sweaters sam biunelks sthion hotel suflhill ti im ire tdimt then mw oulfils llns week iw tjtf r n sports a the acton free press thursday july 14th 1960 explosion in ninth inning snatches win from bronte band marches over legion under tinny masales baton citizens band under tin biton of lirniv misaks polished oil acton legion like a nulit ir march on monet n night tn llu acton softball kigui thi t ok the lcgionnmcs into e imp b i 178 siote lot lhil thud win against is mnm inssis is ihi hist half ol thi si hi iluli tonus to i close bulih ruhm in hmkd llu bnndsmen to then win iiitin progressn 1 1 st t oni r is ik gamt wtnl on lit wis lout hid lor two h inn iuns om from llu hit ol chu k shultis md thi oih ci b bob dnnkw ilit i share dulles jack bullough ind mtl jmdtn bhartd pi lining dulus toi tin i i gion hut llu tould il lit lit with the bindsmins hits in llu tub innings tht bunt ihtlkul up four nins in ihi first fit in holh the sitond ind thud inmniis mi softball loop standings listed onlv one game nmuns to he plavtd and the fum hill ol the alton softball it uaic vhtdult will bt tomplttid st hum md dominion holils in ihi two teams umiuid in tht jinu ind n win tor ihi domini ns tould put ihem on top nl llu i mp tht sitond hill ol tht s luduli slatted mund i whm un cm i ns bind doubkd ihi s on on tht cellar dwillinf alton liion following is i uulinj up tt juk 9th ftuits an b kouitis of league prtstdtnt jiik vwton and seertlan bill pillnson acton softball lfacif p 1 pts junior f ii mi is t f fin fijhu rs adonunion hoiil 4 i citi7tns band 4 stuion hott i 4 4 can legi in s i 4 2 m llu lout tli ind i pin in thi litth intludid welt iwo foui pl siuisihs liom tht hits ol julian 7 i it md ru willis tin ligionnuiis stutid out stn ngk wilh foui runs in thi lust ii inu hut nu iutr m ionium m ilui llu si ond in iinj llu stortd one in llu stt m i tw i in thi fourth i id pushed i single omi m llu si tilth hi phillips hindkd tht pint duties whik dm ciun w itihtd the hisis in ihi iitipin ikpirl mint upon v mistus 2b g jimis ss j bull ufli p c shul lis rl b dnnkw ill 1 11 b she i ci m j iulin p b buihmui lb b instot lb i inint lb f al kn i bnl r im nil bt udi it cib j ml in ii jim mic rtgoi lb bui h ruhm in p j 7 ijn i hit i imbitt 2b 1 1 ink spukoeil ih jim mi il bill tnlui m r n w lllls ss firemen douse dominion squad thursday 76 tin hook in 1 i iddtr n s pour id told w un m in t 11 1 k id thilktd b thi domini n hotel ti im ind nnu nsioujh with iwo tuns in thi list inning to slink llu di minion in s ifthill n i n ihuiviln mii it thi puk ii wis ihi hitnuns i hud win ml m ul thi btsl finus ol tin l is n itumm tniled s poinf into llu thud ti inu thinks lujtl m i i tun s md nniiif in whiih dimiru ms m kid piklur tiid ai hibdd t i stun hits hut tanu ihruifh with i i runs in thi 1 tin tt li u ist tin mirin to s4 tied in seventh bi h ttams smrcd in tht sitih 1 in i uk lo stoits kcmtilt mil i i obit bill ouumill blist i i t tn 1 ihi game in the trilling bv two runs when lhc t imc to bit in the ninth at ion s in ind out mtith ints txpluded loi three bit iuns in iheii hill tnablint them to tdte bronit braes 87 m a legular hallon c ouiil intel medi he h isebill inu hue slluidis it w is implt itvengc tot thi miithmls iho win buten 102 b the mint btonte leim on ihtu bull vuik i in pi t ions wllk pin li luttit chink jiwtll sint in tn llu old tox dude 1 ind s to sion i nil mil inn hum lust w illoptd a tuple deep h untie stndtng mtliriii homt with llu winning iuii a hit ti un ii irold townskt md i liti piss issued lo ptte i iwson coupled wnh a hobble on migtigoi s h ird hit bill sit llu sligt foi jtwills slot honk ending no launching pad up to this point atton hid been hiiunt the ball well ofl thi si inls of miialone ind hit sue itssoi qiugkv but failed lo huiuh tluir hits tffettith h irn lawmmi got the nod from dude to take the hill for the mu chants a port sukr liwson illowtd onk ihret hits unlil ihe fifth when jeff fryer went in lo n in m him frver finished llu locals overwhelmed by bronte pee wees bionit look at ion pti wtts hs in 111 sion last lhursda on the aeion diamond tht uk il i ids wtit iitvtr in lonttntion whik ihi msiiois pi ltd up runs in iir inning hut tin tilth imnitalh alton stond thin onl inn ol tin gum in tht fifth ining dim rdn doing ihi honns iltn bt in issued i walk tribbk pilthtd for bi mti whik sirttani mil boutht n spin mound dutits loi aeton r h f alton 000 010 0 1 f 0 bionu 212 104 1 11 11 0 i ac tin cook lf tulkfii rf wilk i ib htikamp ib ruldall jss omnntll 2b hallcf rvdir sutinl p boughlon p oil well punus in ihe park will bt i t n pk is inti i now thi puk link wis trukil list smird i ind will oiled on tuisdi tfix the boss of ill ihi stupid silts inks i 11 t ilk t i ihi minimi pnhipi hi his mon st n si thin u hi his mulim hi wnil ml is ou t ink in game with i ihret rit elfoit is well bronte spurted into in i ul 3 lead when lhi pul two hits ind two v ilks uttthti for lime nms in the lop hilt ot the first inrni atlon nplied wilh one in ihe loin th whin townskt s ik ind lollowid bv migntor md micnstill a wilk li oshonu ind m 1 1 1 oi in kit i u id put bt onli ilu id 4 i in ihi top of tin 111 t li howivit llu lot lis pul six hits tote the i i fout iuns in the hot torn lull lo l lki llu uad lor llu lusl lime s4 jilt timr piul juves victims of top pitcher defeated 114 acton jminilts minus some or their mote cxpeiienttd plivels lost in 114 illusion to milton midgels siturdav on the counlv lown diamond the lotals were iht minis ol so nit hnt pitehing in sh ii ids ol tlu honu tt im knotkmg oul onh loui hits in sivtii innings ol pi i milton took in e ul kid when tlu nuked dennis gibbons on ihe lull loi aeton foi thru hits ind i p ui ol iuns m thi firsl limine atlon lied it up wilh singletons in iht sitond and fourth hut tlu eountv towmrs tx plodtd toi tight i mis in tht hot torn h ill ol tin lourth olf six hits md win ntvir hi ukd thi id did inotlui in tht tilth tu torn nkti the storing nothing till seventh alton me inwhilt tould do not hint until thi st t n ind i in il ir i mi whin m iltolm md mi crist ill si nut in miki tlu find mum 114 dmnis gibbons w is thi ulim of in ii hit issaull hi laeed 29 hilltrs and gaxt up oni w ilk his mitts lommittttt two error bihmd him shields find 10 hilltrs in his stm inning tenure lu up foui his ind illowtd loui im hip to llu bists r h f atton 010 100 2 4 4 2 milton 200 810 x ii ii 1 atlon lnlhirlind 3b mc crist ill ss misiks 2b gibbons p mirsliill lb sh uinon t atn hoiisi if m ison rf ilsin il mikolm if i mill m himilton tf assiltmt il miktrsic ss midutfi i tim btis h fkithir lb pidulli lb foibts if shulds p baikx rf i sports shorts last night s intermediate con test was rained out the mer chants made it down to oak vllle but heavy rains prevented any baseball the game is lo be played friday night tn oak vllle 1 auson hirold townsle ptti lawson migiitor and ti uv bui itti ill till silth llu i isi live eoinuit ionseeiiliel wilh two oul bionte wis nonplussul tlu de idloi kid tlu t ln 1 1 llu viiilli oil om hil wtnl ihi id 1 in ilu utlh in lhu ind i uk u 7 s m llu lop ol llu ninlli hh i two bist blow in nth ist it w is llu le ul oil hillit who supplied ihi imp ul il i 1 towns ley conies across timih tlulih iuilmt in h it ld fownsk his t in i el in live i ips put atton buk in llu linn it un in tin ninth pitt i iwson w is issmd i hit p iss md whin mi giiloi s bill wis lumhlid tin lotals h id lud llu t inu md sit tht si ill loi jtwills limi wn unit tuple townsk md mic ntoi ltd llu atlon hit piiack wnh dim i uh whik micust ill ind bin i taeh bmgtd oul iwo safilus gil ham was bronit s lop b illu with thitt hits atton plas host to llu k igui k ulnil cimpbilhilk tilth fun ihis siiunln their 1 isi ippi h inee hiri w is nu ol llu hist gums of ilu season wilh tin mu erupts pullmt t 4 2 upsit r ii r bronh 100 010 1117 f 1 alton 000 140 001 11 s dudt 1 mds iv ind his crew iniisl win every gime ihey e in it llitv liopt lo ttlnn pi ii off hop is lht in piulouslv close ti milton n w m the slnndings utid il is llu lop it im in ih il in nuili ill a il iss whiih luis on in ipusi ol llu oba lilk the presence of dude seems to inspire ihe locals to belter baseball looks like he s hand ing down some of the advice to his iwo sons who both play on the team jim is a smart look ing southpaw and don shows much promise as a catcher a position ihe dude used lo play wilh some distinction tluouth llu iouiils of vn misitis wi tin it it ist npirl tin si in 1 isi sun d i s bin inn t m with dinm aibit pitilm l llu lot il kids hi h mil 1 n 6 1 alton pulkd ifl i in il d uibk pin wlun mill in hid tin bisis loidid 112 slioitslop to lusl i isi lo honu 111 ii mid i in m wlun alba w is m hot some confusion in ihe soft ball game monday when ihe bandsmen stung the legion a hall between short and cen ire field set up the chant get it ray the ball fell uncaughl rdy bralda was in centre and ray wallis al short better get a code fellows acton plis host to the si im pulint cunpbilhilk tlub lien situtdn in the inkrmidiali dn isioii last lime hen tht kn ik upsil llu illijtrs in ont of thi btsl tmis of the sijsun how mr tlu msii irs irton tht trcsl ol i iidm w im fniludnt i de usiit win our tht all si us crowding she runs into a big fifth inning aeton juieniks xval loped bronte 103 in a twilight garni iuii mondav night bui sh union inn led lot i lie locals illowiug ihe tlsilors onlv ti put ol iuns in tin seeond frame mid i singleton in llu lliird off loui hits hi was relieved bv jcd rrvti m the i isi mnmg the aclon bailers dipped nine hits trum ihe of ft rings ol thin bronit muundsmtn iwo ol them three hast blows from the inns of don and jim itndsiv the pushed two runs uross in tin bottom half of tht hrst mnint olf ihm hits lo lake u 20 it id tied up bionte tied it up in the lop h ilf of the second when price ind howe hit in suectssion and scor id but the loi ds went out in hunt it on in their hall when puce w ilked scoring on lipsi horn ihe visitors infield once again bronte deadlocked iht game when biokia hu a thi ilv sm ish and scored when tht acton eatiher hohblcd ihe ihi n fruin centre held in ihe third fami although ihev failed lo hit igain in the bottom half llu loi il luies took the kad again when the brontt hurler gave thru frit passts with bu in mtcusi ill sioi ing in the bag both le ims wtnl scoreless in ihe fouith inning and atton pul ihe game in the hit n hi liftb wnh ilu ii six run iithursl ill four hits ind ihm wilks dennis gibbons si irttd lit mitneo- round loint wlun hi hil s if iv lollowid hv don i mils iv wilh i hit jifl rvti wilh i w ilk slim non w th i hit w iitihotisi i vv ilk ictthtrlind i sftt m u sh til i piss ind i hist ik inng limit in jim i indsav bionte r ult tl to register in tlu lip hilf of the sixlh when mm stop for ice cream many delicious flavors to choose enoy an here ce cream break or take home to g ve the whole fam ly a re fresh ng cool ng treat watsons dairy bar ager und coach respectively ruv weil and lloyd masales juggled their lineup lo give plavtrs on llu benih i ihitmt lo woik oul r ii r branic 021 000 3 4 2 aeton 211 06010 i 1 broil le broki 1 ss brown ct lopola p mil toil p mtktnie t putt 3b hovvt 2b i itsimmons lb mtltod rf millet if atton leulhtrl ind 3b mtcns till ss m irsh ill 2b jtm lmdsiv th d cihhon if ruddu k 1 don lmdsiv t tivn if p sh union p masiks 2h pun tl wikiliousi il mikolm tl victims of uprising after steady lead alihoulh thev led all the wiv through iht gamt at ion pec wees were ihe vittims of 1 two run upiising by the home millon team in hit list mnint ind thiv came home on the wionj md ot 1 s4 stort silurd ly holmts ridd ill mil iktkamp give iht at ion tlub 1 10 hrst mnint d ind thiv kd 40 wlun ridd ill stond inolhti in iht third millon lami buk with two tuns in llu louiih ind inollui in llu sixth but it wish i until tlu seventh iht v wnippjd il up on tuns in p illtis 1 ind suds a kl ih mikt rob tl i n pikli id i 1 millon illwint anon six hits r ii r ailon 101 000 04 6 0 mijfon m 201 2i 7 0 aiiiinbfiillniii holmes rid dill hiikunp uk hill ro pers fiillifir siilinl milt n br ish p iiurson seeds uildfont n us nivlor he un c it minis i ibis moun inn ik umpir s pi ik r nt n bisis aih i jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks concrete mick cinder blocks clay brick sand stone livestock and fertilizer farm service and supplies n dump trucks for hire pcv ci fs t f fully iniurad firemans trophy for bill quennell fin mm hi id i put fndiv evening lor bill ouintull who 1 moving with his wiu ind lamitv to listoucl he was prtstnicd with i les xt and pen mil i liumin hgur ine cngranl with hi ninu and in approiiiliin if strvuts fireman loi ihi pisi t hu vt h ho has bctn sttrelarv ot the bngadt mr ouinmll kim- juk 1 beenginctr n tht m cimpnii soup fat ton in listowtl his familv moves tht wtxk ifkr a ball fin he uinvntlv plus with ind ttiathcs ihi fuxmins team -ao- h a4k outiuitll it stot with what piui il t in ihi winning run p hi n phdi ps diiwiii r i nnun lo jtt on bisc vihilt aubbild nsiniif thi domm ii ii i 14 his ninnt rs bill oumnill plivttl i spirk lin iimi it ihud t r thi winiuis h in llml min hinns flit men 112 001 1 14 1 d ni h ill oso 001 0 10 4 finnnnmtv nst ill oumnem d an hi ha id andt 1 son mason trrill spulvop f anhihald h inn pn i di kids kl pik tm i m i dominion hotel d grcin r 1 mrin 11 i iwsm c pi hi f phillip- d minis cisann mi gillowiv bvn johnson mi cuuhctn biwm mihugh silver star ranch instruction available in both western and english riding eoy an afternoon of r d ng over cen c a is all riders insured ltt mile south of acton on i no 25 highway 1 25 an hour for riding 1 jo hour with instruction for the fisherman c rigs 12 ft fibreglass boat 5 hp new 59 scott motor w th ba i a mat c and slow away tank ralph smith rr 4 acton lrtodl 39800 ttrms 33000 13 ft fibreglass boat w th new 59 3 6 scott motor and for pleasure afloat 16 ft weymouth fibreglass boat canvas top 40 h p rebu it scott motor- elect r c starter gator traderall accessor es ready to go at the breezes r r i acton phone 284r5 165000 ttrm phone 151 acton vw golf ra i0 practice driving devon ice cream soft drinks golfers supplies 1 mile east 25 highway where the base line crosses 401 hours 4 30 10 30 pm weekdays 1 00 10 30 p m saturday sunday and holidays for information phone milton tr 86228 tr 89229 only 4 left brand new 1960 renaults 1487 full price including gas licence undercoat- ing windshield washers heater spare tire and all tools full six months factory warranty no down payment while they last first come first served halton motor car 459 main st e milton tr 82401

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