Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1960, p. 1

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ht dn sftt ym elghtysuth year no 5 acton ontario thursday july 28th i960 sum photo against the impressive background of the stratford shakes pearean theatre fred eunnger chats about his parts in the three shakespearean plays and the production ol his play blind man s buff he s an acton high school qtnduatc- nllend ed the university of toronto and then studied drama at yale welcome spring recovery chloride drops over half tuesday even inn iuuntil luiin ed thai the waltr supply ul the south spiinn toukl be partialis utilized hy l hi limn again itil low inn tht muluiil oltkir nl healths itlisiun to shut tin sup ply oil u vim iiju whin llu will tr became ptillutcd in un mkniav mayoi john h guv this muininn thiiisday stilled il was a hikhi putt i ntws to muii iml poininl on dr binv hid indualcd w pi ltnl ot tht t ipiuiv 1 thi soul spiing supply tutild hi ustd complete walls at school bridge retaining walls havi hem mm ikied un i hi t isl suit nl llu school hiului un no 7 highway ind thi ti ide liiilkd in luid mss lui i new suku ilk turn thi sihuul inn io rmi sum a iuw t llllhj u is pi mil in llu cmml al tin bndei uu uiihlne il ieul iliinti tin ki luesdn tuning loimiil lyii d to inn i iiiiuil w ik poiiutl in this in i in pi in ol i pnipnsid isph ill luppnil wlun lompliliil llu sulm ilk 1111 loldllld mill hi on llu siith ilh bilw n h h i i lot ll iii tin hud- muses premiere euringer play dates set hell be on other stage wliun frcd tuilnhlt s pln is produced in ionium lion wiih the slrulfuid feslhul hi wun i be there he said lasl saluida that he wilt he taking his usual pnrl in thi ihrrc shakespearean roduellonji those two eiemiils uesduv august lb and satin duy augum 20 dates fur tbc two productions at hi prbewinninb plav blind man s butl win tust leietillv hltbnd easting is finally under way in stiatluid ihis wtik changing script the vounn uiiut aulhui will know tiuw ills pla is like is in appear mn though hi tsn t thi re he his him helping with nuggemions anil making a kw ih niles in ilu snip minv school li tends tut m w ilehuil his i nui wiih intit isl fleet wml lo llu ijtmusiiy ot loionlo ilin til ulualiiil iruiu ailon 1iilii sihool in wsl anil hum llu a io y ik duun i siliikil hi is tin son ol mis sophie fcuiinyer ul aiiuti his first jilav blind man s burr was intiml in a cm id i wuli luntest ind phutd loin ih ik was healili out h niiiih in lo ixpiii onto ll 111 i tns anions tin in tsni w mint i l mil sumniii sin uled his in it i isl smash hotchens screen jimmy door at legion a small aniuun itw ihimolnli3bil ih it is whit hi i ond v hopes lo this is sti ill old testis il mil h me a sin ill p ul in i u h ul i hi plavs kiiil john a miilsuiiiinn nil1ii s diiain mil roituo and juliet a fin puss pliutngiapher niel him at ihc st ijk door snturdiv attirntnin iusl nftir he fuel fin ished the mitime ol king john his hue mill uiuiilx willi hamlh luhhiil m iki up hi expl mud siltuelis wis i urv stiinuuus in tin minnine iluu w is ind hun li in mi lis in llu ilk i noun there wis itu miluui wiih i 1lim ol eoslunu illinois b six uilmk in w is outuk nui liunli hi hid no linu to n tu his loom mil m iki liuusell i meal mi hi pi uiiuil lo hi in llu hun lutls ol louiisis sukinn suppci iliiniit a ohned lo 1 sonu 1 1 llu drop k uw ltd lot md uilr mil ti a u lo llu tin ill miki up loi insult loinuiu it hul in- 1 1111 i uli tht i to h ik il ihiivts who mult m t ls lllllll morning break in at llolilun s w is t ik bakers mid llu in idian itejon i hulll un fnd i ul 1 is wn k sine ml 1 ntia was t mini it houluti 111 llu bakn tw sni islutij i simn tuuk s window anil n iwiiiil insult win wuiill lis molehill hiultil 1 si 1 itw ihikolitt hais mil pukieis hlllldllll ul naiiius wm found missing 11111 hi tin iuiiuwiiil immune 111 iik ti at thi legion bin id my iiioh ln i u txiilisiu ll uiul1 m is l msit s1hllls when a eellu window it s ml soil smashtd and llu window 1 uh 1t limn mii rmuk u llli i ij11h i llu rrv ill ii 1 iluu iii llslll k oppttiuiih h nint luui i mope mil s k unnil n s in iikkis ilw mi nun i spun in m willi ii till tvtllll i ill ills i i illusions sjs whit iui w pit haps s mn il1u eium imni till fislllll ik nimli it l in he n wt 1 1 tt n pe i mission irom the owrc thi iveovirv is remarkable slalid he mayor as he noted that the ihluiide mnienl in the water hat diminished h so pei tenl mi my pointed out i 108 parts per million ol chloride hud been in tht wall i and the last ivpoil iiiemtl indicated only s26 paits pel milliun patience and tolerance link patkiuc and tuki if anee tan he used and in lain lesirkliuns maintained we aie koiiuj i ueovu water at hi south spnny with very link nisi io tin taxpayer he remaik id i he nuivoi also renni tl he had a eoinpkti eost picture of a piopused wutei storage lysltm lot chuieliill roud north ready in present to the ewer and waler eummittee of couneil ii was indieated that two dil iiiint svsierm were being sluil ml oiu an elevated mprage tank mil ihi oiher an underground istiion hrtim this resurvoir at lhunlull rd walei mains would inn in mam si north aeruss iclds in ordu to make a iomp ill loop willi the present sys tun more for industry willi moms ol itu spiintc llu lown will be in i lion lo supply anv pruspeelivi nduslie wiih an adequate sup- plv of watt i thi soulh sphng is oul of llu st igi ol being a complete los and is now only a partial loss nun luikd mayor guy somh damage 375 in accident polite estimated damage at ap pioximatelv 375 when two tars wen involved in an aeeidenl fn il iv al in noon un churehill road soulh a lalt model ear driven b i tank sidui was haeking oul ol i dnvusay on churehill road when it was in euihsiun wiih a vehicle driven by moto ko ol churchill road constable robert moruau of l he 1ikii opp delaehmcnf in sesligated the accident holiday stores offices and this news papers office will win clos ed alt day monday for the august i civic holiday our staff will suii have as much work to do however and theyll be doing mondays work on friday and tuesday corres- pondenls advertisers snd print ing clients can assist the staif hy submitting copy as early as possible either friday or early tuesday thanks laui imoilt i eight paqoi seven ccntt portion of south spring water ok council may mix with other supply at ion coumil tuisday learned thai a poiiion of llu walei in tht south spring onu iht main wuu supply lut ailon was now usnhk and if nutkil liulil he mixid wiih oihn sup piles itu soulh spiinu was upoilid unsali foi human lunsumption lisi yeai in li a i bull mid ual olfkerul mialth loi dillon llu supply was nil oil lis mini til at thai tinu mayor j h toy tuisiliy iv initig lold ittumil he utul tin ikik adininisliattir had mlei id li iktii of tin out uii iii ksouhs oil li iiiiiii th irdtutik llu spntii h id ihi n i tlmi wikh tht w it 1 ll i tin nl1 slop nearhy spraying llu iokhiio nut hue upoilid hi i ik ihiii o i id hul lueu iskul wh imiig l two 11 ms hi soulh sptllln s i ihls had in tn lui wiih mi llu iwm piii i am in null ulli spiinu is in in lis li ol i lull k lllllltt ul u st ihi h hs 1 n llll aurr i un- five people were injured and one hospitalized in a iwo car occident on 10 sideroad five milm west ol milton thursday afiernoon and mrs cam winn ol acton is still in mdlon district hospital in reportedly fair condition above the c ir in winch mr and mrs winn wre return ing from vacation was complelely demolished when il was struck broadside by a car carrying three canadian meier co employees home io hamilton i mini miss m mux led my in isuhi uskid couhciid mii i iiioii io making pay t ol juiihh7 lo llu tuuilly lull poiil ilu i2us241 lieu itotii hi suit ol ii nv dlhtltllhs loi llu liigh mil idilllloiis al ailon dcorg iii hill 111 tllw htlllmll al mi i h sh illume 1 1 nulled ii ih h m disiuuul uii ili-b- ins sold on tin aiiicikail mi tin whi it llu town ol ailon stood liuilly in hi ima when till lowti m ik s i mlsiakt we nay imukil mt msistid tin salt ul dc ihiiiiius hid ihiii liatihueled wlun ninth hilton high sliki dislu i lloaid was in n istuii ll in- sliit lueu duhulv itl kti j m fnti inlunned ioittill llu tklniilutis ll itl been solil mt hit t iiiiadlnu innrket lor llu alton and jtuigiiuwn addil ions hul loiuily loiiiull found it ihnssaiv l sill di thiitiiie fur llu nw mil sihool on ihu ann 1 1 ul m uk i il i ilfsiituill lip to milton mayor mm i y mi k to his puis md himsltd n w is up lo milloii liny h unit i lo know lliii dell liuil uf old like ihi iki ispi ol ihu in iflsiiiss al llu illusion loi ioiiilll mt i lo issilllie tin lowns poition of llu tiliu iosl oul spu id llu llllillllll uvel livi v us wlun hit p wis t died myot foy ml uiiilloi w miliud siitniliil iluu dlsap plot d wlnl t i mu deputy tn vi j ii iifti in md loiilli ll lots i duliy and ii lowi vuled in iht illiiitialiii alisitit hum hi llloi h irbt hi a i a itls md i iupe t imlliiuf il on iaie lutf ttvmmmtmmm wmmkkmsv t0jimnmttmtirtankprasaa acton woman in hospital cars collide broadside an at luii nitn m is still in mil li n dislrul hospit d in f hi mn htion lolluwinl i hioulsuk lno ii insh on 10 siilioul him mst of milton ihu m mn likltl of list iiin ot 70 mn itfttritl hi ul ii lusr ind h u k mi- sltuik h hioiilsitlt treated i m tn c llu huso mo it is hi i isl hound pun 1 1 m ikinl a kit tin ti willi li nl i i otlllllj w i in sil ss ml ili mis find dead fish bating cause puzzles officials itom ii in ih dt ad hsh iluu tdtluttd il hast iik million limrn h on llu sin i an of i my laki ft is quiu w ik in sml md not w iti i risoums i inifiioiis to invihtnit in ihtst i llu iialloiitutililis hull pultd b rdinoti itit o i id own liktn but lo llu pom j itulhii eorittol ol tile ll isoi l iii hi w iii kuls hid llu onl iminissioii omv lit liitiniqins s mih dii i iiiliu nil hllh hul att hint ml ilu k ill u lop tnusi hi 1 th tannery in full production soon huntsville men here alu itls s lo 18 worker innn pirtnuni will be m i hunlsiille i inntrv havi slaritil opei itiou vioik tun mil more an rupee ud j set back is onertiions in huntsville shut ik notitl hmim ill ilown t uludh nui hohdiss s t tin r r puker ot the bcardmoii a v liimpinv sml on wrdnrstlav llu ilu l hi un house iusl pruisin8 pi v ll t ikis t uiii tint i i i t innirs mr piiku wi piihiss ot miking it itlu knli on i mil tin iv plant is intinh tl sul storm wrecks wall p at broolcville school nd hijih winds planl hdiih with the new bronkiillc nntril publu school on frul i mil eontiaitors suffered 4 set biik whin in inside corridor wait lollapse j wittkin ieei i blinks plumbing and window hon lo tin lilltiphine i l iii mklllll ptohlm ot tin w iti 4 f i h is after morning crash out to j ln htitv lol 11 sienc i hsh sit i u is h spitliil i uly lint in sill iii ittihiu i hllisd n i wlun i tic i sh st iiioii w ition in w i dnv nh i hsh in hon ml atkins u shoiik in rk iii ilai so answer r r iukr ol ik mini it lout iiu i v iol piisilll win 11 llll 1 1 spt mi rsi prutxnsinft pe ls is tn lull swine ts irr rnovixt innn mother everv tli mi iii 1 hillinili ma he charge nlil it i ll n l is lo 111 111 hsh lit thll n olh l tilntssl llu ul p n i olt v ii is li ittllifitt west i 20 suit tout iloinjt to m ii implutlmlk lor ilw mil mi altfuish wat uni not tli n tin sitih line i tin m iihn lis mil al the fkerl umed in mich i 11 wis sliiuk lc ili u ih dine s side tin r h k it llu snlr nl the ihiiiriinv in tht dilth vslh jmlirr the li hil n opp l lailmunt ltd dain lutiiii iquipnu ilu i tlu 1 i4ut luk tehiile 41 tn i tin anguish r i in t i ihr ac is n it knwn at prhi wis iikti by arnbol- llph incrd muspilal 3i in rinnj vtaned ihi mil it red us flrm mtbak pnnp rains and duuht w is i nmikntx mtnds thai u wmkl he ompieted in time for j he tall ilisses tu bepn i tml i s tlunapr m ciimatcd i our sltvo ind stonesnawn nm truioi r rei7kkh noted i wtmld rt hts wu s back p- iprmimiuly thrrr davs makinp i ntxfssarv repairs reorder btocfks j 1 some ot fhc hhxls sitecjed are i spctialls glared and wfl base in s ordered a pain all blocks are believed tu be smashed bevumi further u m this particular sec ih wrfattr thtkoay sttkack m the coostruciroo o1 the new central school at brook vi he was caused when high wind during a jtotm knocked down a corr dor wall last friday workmen had iust completed the wall before finishing for the day when the storm struck some of the cement blocks are specially glazed and costly and it is be ieved that ot the 900 blocks affected all are damaged beyond further use it s also believed that plumbing wir ng end door frames are smashed and wilt have to be replaced the above photo shows the section of the wall which collapsed 4 plumbing alrcach installed in ihc return was smashed and will have lo he replaced and ft is be- liesed the steel door frames were hem when the wall collapsed mondas mornmg w were hack on the scene rarfcmg at a censh pace to make op for kt time inwy t r- il csquisinc schoot area no 1 central scbool s reaebmg presently situated near speysde on no 25 highway the school completion and students n the area w ii beg o classes he fall will be ready for occupancy on schedule the school board will in the new surroundings ous de work on the buldng has be hiring a caretaker and is presently considering two new been completed and fine trim is beng completed by workmen bus routes for pupils

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