the municipal battle- though man live in the present which in on fnitnnl become the poet he devote the majority of hi effort and thought to the future it u the future which judge man deed and profit from ht achievement the wwift rtwh of technological change vmch carrte all rite beore ft bean both the hope o the future and a tleadlu fear of dvitrvction s m black probably no single item is so common in municipalities today the thought time and effort directed to the expansion of the mum cipalities industrial establishments a new industry in a town brings with it an enthusiasm that breathes new life into commerce and citizens generally for mumc ipal representatives it means a new source of tax revenue in budgets that are already at limit probably this is why a recent publication ontario industrial development holds so much interest in its review of the past 10 years and its predictions on the next 10 during 1959 146 companies established new industries in ontario through buying an industrial site or renting building or pur chasing industrial premises that means of course 146 companies to be shared by all the hungry municipalities who are exerting vary infl degrees of enthusiasm and activity in en eouregmg settlement in then particular com munity metro toronto took the lion s share of 26 brampton won three hamilton took seven guelph trafalgar and burlington each two and georgetown oakville and milton one each equally important in the industrial pic rure of course is the fact that during 1959 573 ontario plants made additions to their existing facilities again metro toronto lead with 164 additions listed guelph has 12 hamilton five trafalgar five burlington six brampton three georgetown two and milton end acton one each looking ahead to the shape of things to come in the 1960s the report suggests a 25 per cent increase in the population if that held true we would have a milton population of 6 250 acton at 5 000 and georgetown at 11 000 of course there will be other factors that will alter these figures and the growth might indeed exceed the 25 per cent in this area halton s population has grown from around the 50 000 mark m the mid 1950s to over 1 08 000 today but if ontario industry is to grow not only wih there bave to be new technological de velopments but an increase in the canadian content of our natural resources before we export them we must also have the initiative to develop new products and of course seek new world markets many canadian operations defined as manufacturing operations could more proper ly be called assembly operations because so many have simply involved the putting to gether and assembly of imported parts wherever economic parts should be made in canada and canadians process their raw mat enals to a greater degree the buildup of an increasing variety of industry is canada s means fo continue the rate of growth that the country deserves and must have in the sixties all the forecasts point to increased activ ify beyond the mid sixties but few point to any great activity m the early sixties it is quite possible that the levelling off period we have all anticipated would come some day may have arrived at the moment that will certainly mean increased competition for new industries in the municipalities towns in this area do not seem to have fared badly m the past and there is legitimate hope that the share will increase as the strategic location and services available become more widely known safety is a personal thing safety rules and laws for punishing those who violate them have not prevented a large toll in traffic accidents so far this year the royal bank letter for july states safety is a personal thing and we quote in part safety is a personal thing the very sim phcity of this fact makes it necessary- to re peat it often j most accidents are caused by ignorance carelessness selfishness or impatience and all these accidcrts con be prevented there is no immunity from danger the ihing to know is how to meet it they are unfortunate people who imagine that life can be wholly secure and certain man has been living on the earth for perhaps a quarter mil lion years and during almost all of that time his life has been one continual struggle to keep himself alive and to bring up his child ren il t not e l pu a gua a the physical hazards we must put a guard around our thinking also consider our emo tions even if the conduct of other people has been the cause of our emotion it is really we ourselves who have created the resulting danger by the way in which we have reacted but we cannot allow carefulness to para lyze us if we wait always until the outcome of our movements s certain we will never move we must know how to take chances intelligently education in safety beqms with study of responsibilityresponsibility for preservation of our own lives and the lives of others it doesn i cease with stopping and looking and listening it goes on to think people who re fuse to think about safety are setting the stage for tragedy laws are not enough to preserve sociely the desire for safety is the background from which has sprung some ninety per cent of our criminal law the roman law said the safety uf the people is the supreme law but until we desire to live safely the law cannot surely there is time conada is the only country in the world which neither respects nor preserves its pio neer architecture according to a recent maga zine article in ottawa a century old stone inn was torn down last fall to provide space for a gas station in halifax wreckers demolished horsebrook house the home of nineteenth century privateer enos collins one of the city s few remaining loyalist mansions and a gem of georgian architecture at st and rews maniioba on the red river a school built in the 1830s where some of thtf wests early leaders were educated was torn down to supply lumber foi a pigpen why don t we treat our ancestors homes and public buildings as the national treasures they are anthony adamson toronto arch too and university professor felt we hadn t tie national self respect to value them ruth home director of museum research of the ontario colleqe of art and pres dent of the architectural conservancy of ontario believ ed that because our trdif on were two thousand miles away we uldn t believe that we had anything of our own that was worth while could use for not preserving our h story gen erally so little has been recorded of early halton and so little effort made o preserve its history relics that we may indeed wonder if it is because we feel our trad lions are across the sea if we could all fesake the rush of this progressive aae for a few m nutes we might find t me to mentally reconstruct some of the early history of halton the dense for ests crisscrossed b the trails of the fr end ly m ss ssaguas the ru g st earns that pro v ded a harvest of salmon the bacs break nq work of clearing the de sey fo ested land hallon has a h story as t ch romant r and worthy of preservat oo as any area in ont flio there s surely t me o make thai ei a eflort at preservat on new brief comment the ra urev there s a remedy kes that perform he cat tw jui the man seet veeveiis a1 eve k saueahng t res see c be actea o onk h the h hrnlnh qrnain wc3 buttermilk sky v sctfcvt and sfiice by either taylor by bill smiley then s alwas something to lake the nv out of lite isn t thin- ii a fellow was running buefonl through a held ol to ll k in puisml ol i ix uitilul uunj in unit limed be eei inn to ix i biokm boilk im finj ihc lluwus md ihe nvmph would linn mil tn tni bmk lulh mil i goilil when wu i iiiftrt lu i tints iht wiv li km liusli ited b i ik business ol i hint- out tn thi nlv thm lute bun m im ikl isions in ihi itst decade when i hue thcnithl il must ix hnven to ell trtit at a risiaunnt tun ih all alone our house it nu iltimi his dwas required nines of still mil a iast iron stoni uli miils around homo wen al w is i mul nulirnii of g ijs jifctlmj jijnimcnls qui slum- wnhni uiswits lights nur iks sill jnd iliimisin pinhlims milk and id ix hick nl tin kitilun table il honk liiilpni a hoi dot iik issuunn tin will thai dl nghl hi nil llu d un 1 iun ml hui slu lo hi hun tin ii it huliil hi upl linn i llll tin ndlo i ii i lhiutih l tills wllllolll dtulup ul chillon i fiom nou h lldlil st u pussid i mil sl lilt idlll tint s win i w is looking for w ltd lo i hum oui whin 1 vunt oil lo summit situxil i i uld putuii it ill i mjjh hn ikt ist with pirh ips iisl oi uux juki insn fncon roll and horn ind loftct n spjttin lunch mnsist ill or i min oimklli t silid ind ptrhips i owlish pisin but in i ik iininj llx winks 1 pi itiniil lo nosi oui ill those ihumint link fouign nstujt mis ni fin nils m ihi nt m ilw us tilling nu lhi im st int tu oik nielli mil do llu in up blown ink loiujht s spin il oi pinikd up will 11 anil i don i v hi it i in sn m oilui ikikii i i nd pot no in iir lili and i lounl hn dus iiciti tin uutkind whin i un gi homi ind iho i u i un il u llu proper itmosphni ol kill- lighting spilkd milk ind i on piopk ill i ilkmg it oiiii ibou four dilliiint limits tndk ul 11 him ol pi i son 1 1 i conliihutid in llx sorrxlimis i usid lo iknih m luth ilosi m its ind kin il horn ihi bjtxl into om ol m f imihii clmms thm id ix in a mminlic nslaur int nisi silting down to a da7 lint spuad ol gleaming sihir ind whiti napcrx a white til mil w uiir would hi bind in oui mi soluiousl in ihi ihmb in inicnor tps musti stniid ihi snisis suml ik tsniinp women ohuousl t u h lomlv ind bond would tx niiiij nu wiih inuttsi horn ik ighbonnt nbks 1 would sip mi ipirtif iinn wiih i isu il insoknn about thi i km ind trist ihi hi id wuur linutiib is hi s u di iuv llu wmi list with im ik w mid slip nu i null trim ihi bn muss giki s ki ihi i ion i j whom i h id nikldid klh whm i uiiiud 1 would n id ii tii i shoit h ird laugh md linn tn mint itiiniiun i i s limkmg fof ird 1o ilnsoissi on i hoi uui nisiiniid with quiii ip ion and uusi hri ul in mdl hi fmrmh plan ind wishi wnl of iouisi h jolikn potilins irisp frops kgs i superb sild iht whok nl down h i liht rhini topped naluralk h i i camcmbcri ind in am ind hononbk brind itnl s dlkk liv irultks md spinalk will i dun iiki to idnui it bui somithing has goni wion m bu ikl ist has tumid mil lo ix tuost md iillii sum is it hinit lunih his hn mx i iheis sindwnh ind llu simp du nui sum ol whkh wis iktin itih muli k lour he ion uviir dn thisw in nun in hot irowtkd shoulinl dumps m whnh ihi mies an twin is ui hi is ihc w lltnss wh i x k il v u in th nih ti d n uk in indvnni pruposal il u ik thi m r i spoon bui iht n il hi irt hruvir is ihi ilmiiiiv i tiud it nisi mi uint out all m niwitl to i pi h ihp toini and wmt til ut ju kn w simnhing i w na tot i sii iihi i ukit ihc br iilhl tiii itn t 1 mrs alkr mil nk puk i te good old days back in 1910 back in 1940 taken from th tun at the tree tiikvn fmm the imiw uf the tree preu thuradny aiihimi ilo prrii thurwliiy augim i im0 lhl toids ol happy ii hi i hid hud with llu tin iviior kft t albans ihillih n little txtou two oilink mondiis iliiiiioon in humus lm nuks toi a hay ndi m niimimsbiitv iiom wluti till llll miat pknk was siludulid to h ik id a luaw thundiistoitn i iuthl llu eii in ihioh iluv had uimtid hull tin dlsiuui m hloonihiii mi rvli somuolk wllh kind in arte d gintrosliy oktud hh plfiilikiti allhouyh uttvum pi i liialv htm luld tut u would ik itn ilttinimin iviiyotii llioi oiiflilv iniovrd llu iluuitid put giim the uluttifmiti wis suiii phvlng niimeious nanus in llu ii irn swiiming on nines ind pliving in du huv mows ihi eiiovmenl toiuhulid wiih i pli nu lea altir whit h llu h ippv hi run h inmiidid hoitu the rouniil mil in spniil si s sum monday miiht lo niiihidit the cstirnitis of uiiipls mil i piruliiuus foi llu itiiiitii yi ii and lo stnki llu null i hi al u r eouneillor drown iliiiiimui of tin idtiiiuiiiti of hn nut pns mted hi i slim his loituill un aniiuoiisk un pud llu up ul and slunk a mill t il ol 21 null- foe hi m it ouiu il in lo ik eomimmkd foi lluil isniliiil wotk in kiiping iu mill t hi down in spiti ol i ik ukuisuil expiudiiiiiis md iintoiisin mi lontiolhhk txpinsis flu mw iiimiii hiiki o mini slml will ik opin i i piihlu h tfn in xi w k lh dining a spnial milling ir iiiuiull lhutvlnv imiihig last v j flint iv of the biaidiimi o wui ptvsint lo eonkr with oiimll khiiidliig the iihiiuhii hi n hulliliiitf now iimisttl by his mmpiuiv ol a siihsliiiitl il indus liv iiiiitiid the wool niiihinit oipoiitlion of iinad i 1 id mi ftettlly itpliihiecl llll in i issiiiv ikiiills and lold mum ii il would nu an an isiiiiiiiliil id dlllond pvloll inui isi in ae ion i ihi indus om foi an adn tml would hi nioiing iiom i iid md lluv would tinplov alioiil uk pioplr lo higltl wiih llu mw tottipiny w is pkiposing i k tsi oui mm sqiiiui jul ol sp in in llu building alou jmoiiks did hid ihe notgltowii ullv i isl lllglll ill 1 si m imiiiig h im bill gum mm ifiu gi ming iwiy to a slnkv sl ul ui ilk insi toiipk ol inn ings tin pipit lowmis took hi uh ii id ml lot i whik il ip pi hill is lllollgll al i lllllll llll io it 111 i till lollllh kididly oil it mm hilk iii lolllld lltl gollll ihiiitl lought t wluu motrins imk ovr llu pili hint dnlii s i lu hm ijlt s hi hid loiiith bu iks iiiiilk ihoppiog i gmii lo milion kill v sin inj inio iiibp lhnnijli m in ail ml ulri itxl hoiill s llimnin illol look is un i isl minis ul in th mill miss m i h a hi i mm hi ii i hill i willi il in pulls i hi hill icluiy rill n ii mi sli ml oil uil is ill llils 111 illsiiii mini lntli 11 ii i ii il ims 11 is i iii all i ni 1 i hi nil sl lull hi liiil kink ili iii sum hi isli il k ilhln is in nut ills til lisln siniil miiihii iii at tin i tin i slnnli 1 nl 1 1 llul 1 islnim ini isillt ins isl lbs isiiillliss i i 111 i pit th i iii 111 ll 111 1 ii il l s ill s iiiiii sshi 11 k ii 11 1 i ii lllllslll iiik i iss iii a jitn i si i mil ilhni t ink ph 1 11 il il 111 1 pi ills i is i mil i k anol ii il si alhins 1ln11il sh 11 an mliss ii 11111 i 111 sinn professional directory and travellers guide many local residents holiday for summer or w g c kenney phvsirnn nnd siirgfon officr in svm hi ck 4ja mill i1 f aun offirf ihont 7h roidnp 111 hiirh sl f fijnfrai nntpftohs lid thi k un i imik md mr mrs clinks miridnh h hulid is un m initoulii di i pmi i wt pud tumti 1s1led with mr md mis mill dti nut vutotn miss ik ithn arnold is hohdiv m 111 foionlo smik bobbv and tddu hnd in ire 1 uaiioninj it t 11 1 joe pilurson is si ning it si ism ins point nui binkhin f 1 1 weik ml piunts visiud ilufi on sund i mrs j smlord md mrs r ml nl in it tin u it in it uiiihishini bill sintoid iisiiid llkt dr d i1ls cw cnmef 1 1 garrett nd surgeon a r 1199 n ght or rlay brucr e bliocmokrr mgr r incc rjv acton ont phtnf 238 alctiontprivn ind ihilditn ulh 11 11 h thu 1 i thu 1 h ig iru arnold i ril iiims at oakulk mr md mrs j 1m fnlm 11 nl md b bh msiu i t 1 nus 1 mpk n silt nd v mi md mis t ai i n il t holsum n sunde mr and mis t mpkii simlm and carl haet ri lumed horn a tw 1 week motor 1 rip t 1 prime i dward island fnroutr tbtv win guests at iht- bradkvfong wtdding m hampton n b the walkr 1 inham s miomd a m lor inp to thi kmgsi m md oniwa disinits lsi wiik the cnt tlarlu usittd it t tsonburg 1 isi wnkmd mr and mrs a u run w dr robert u buckner phvticmn and surgeon 39 wellington st ac n ont phom- 679 offire hours 08 pm afternoons by appointmi nt rial tstate asd isslkaace f l wright 20 w llir st act n oih no phoni 9 appaitr rral f and inuriirc dr h ie1b don surg on ofcp c tht m ii id fdfnck strm offer hour bv app- tmcn tflfphose 19 c h tuffin fetyl autl irm fxjn mi oithai amj iifarinf aidh e l buchner ro it 1 mi ft 1 na aid rt c 1 j ilf i y robert r hamilton op iwnclr l r sitm m i s r xk r n it 10 am bpm ln fi ifi b app- r tr c v stunly n om tn fn t 7 307 ittnxi id dodging round the district ml-bjlxjulas- k on sund iv mis a p nits n iiif 1 ncii mr- aim fi h i nu n wntmsdji mi hiruld nun md fr s isiicd il ormshs f m m w k f the dr a j buchanan denial surg 1 off cp mi 1 street of re h nr 9 am fc 6 p m ci id laednedav tt tnion tc4phone 148 legal c f leatherland qc baristrr s 1 cijr nolary public offc hnn 10 am 1200 s these may indeed be tbe reasons we fare icbanged he nee oi e thorough m the acton free press rubttshed bv the dti print inj and publishing co ltd founikj1 in l and publishes om thurslu ai willow si avion onlano mrmkrot ihi aiidu bunau ot cinulmons ihi t n ind thi outinooui bes division nt iht c n k advcriismt ratox on nqmst sutnptiivnrpaibk in idnni stx1 n anada woo tn the i nitcd stales i munths si single vpie i authnnnsj as sevttnd tljw mul post 01 ikt depart men ottawa tlw onhr paper ever pabibhed in 4ctaa g a dills editor inchuf daid r dilh managing editor jusiness and editorial office phone ioo acton bl ri is ton town loumilis tuqiknik in ntupitd hut srnihia ihi hsi muling to pn ot htiis pi s fill wmt huk ippn il tor run gnwip to kiip utts tiihiln jm ii lrltik n thi an l mhith ol hijhwa e iwhiu un u i irnddm tv t wn- tiitprvs ilexl with a basket ot ttpt n k ihi r ties forgetown minammi md im n tti is t pi imnl pnir ltd and mliinn paptr mi tw i il ppr niir pi mis uhih niipplv a larp share of the i i ppr usj in t injd i iri woitiisj that thi tidvr3l submit w i run u ihir utitf pr iivtt n thi om pantos wn amon 2f hrms limd in ij f pn i liviit and n iw thi cnmrnmont is throatenmg t im the tantt iims i n arxmt n men and women depend on the mils t ir tbiir lisinc in tsar ihi pnueitinn kiss might slow thur w rk ikwn streetsmlle a gnnip 1 miriul i b sjndid lofrethir to emamish a pnatc kindtrgai en m thi ulli in a im sharing basis imnl pupil costs w sn al around jl- i ti mh rtwrr cos of setting up ihe a- tut it r txpectrd the tee witt k lowtred hicr clae art tn iam on until the publu vhih i board ian pnwide assximmevdilion georgetown landmark f r man tears the csr water tower hat disappeared from ms familiar dommatmc texi ion uist south of the station platform it was mide obsolete with the raiui oomcrston from steam to dies i trams tnis was the iirst tirm m v vcai s t ra ff wn r wnh them mr and mn retsk ind hildri t miltm visited wiih the m arnolds or a tiw ts i wei k mr and mrs rusll pn rrn m diughtit siioi with mr- r rxrt pariitnn n sund david peal boosts po staff strength david peal son of mr and m s h peal chunhill road ha s irted hi duties m the at ton p st ofti i md nk s the staff t lull strength t iu wm a u nss whin frank terrs nasi postmaster left tor a new posit ion at owm smnd pplnatins arc in for the pos ition ot assistant potmastir an inmnrs of the i sal staff had sa uetavj br appo i off cr c ptx nc actov a bra ida ba tar u si if r vntary puw c 13 ma n s s aetnti oi- pbon t6 offe how 6 pm 9pm i pm 9 pn s urrta 5 cork s t olph t 4 42 of ief hour b a m s p m 1 sarardars m u a m attm0 accotvtpio lever hosktn chitrid areounuinw twa vtucks- quidc gray coach lines corttrs ltavf acton rx fa n t ft tvjunet rctt sun and 2 08prr i h 1 h 1 t hound v om 3s7 pti pm 12 pm 1132 fr sun and hastings payne bamsteft and so c rt nourtcs punc 1a mill st aeton fj- appo nlment call 99 cnnorkactok w roy rtddrl dc ptlme spccff cti npaefr i mil strt phonp 40 offie hrxi5 ihe opportum of appfvmg lor jyp a fhurj pm 6 pm the position sat 18 am 1 pm canadian national railways standard tim east bound di lv exempt sunday 34 m dlr pxcrpt surnjayi 913 am flvp 7 14 pm sunday onlj r fll p n- da fiecp sunday flv- fl- rr pm donj fh gorpin 10 06 pm wt bound daclr 12 29 am dalk rxeept sundar 830 am 644 pm sa uit mw 122 pm sunday onlv 903 am ftacsvopi sunday only flrer al guplph 0s pjn daily txerpt sat and sun sji