Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1960, p. 2

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m epin mills 6rowii ipadc given charter costume dance for hallowe en no 4l rolts tong the line through acton as telegraph operator jim inglis performs his last chores pr6r to his retirement friday night a wave of the lantern and a short blast of the whistle and mr inglis wrapped up his working duds after 50 years of service a number of his friends apd fellow workers gathered on the platform to see his last duty performed this week was ihe point at which the eden mills brownie pack hod been aiming since their first meeting lost may and a mile stone was reached in an im pressive ceremony under the leadership of brown owl mrs abram and tawny owl mrs james after examination by the district commissioner of south wellington captain atkinson imrs abram and mrs james nj5re enrolled officially captain atkinson presented brown owl with the charter of the first eden mills brownie pack twelve of the 16 tweenies were enrolled as brownies brenda ramsey isabel buehin chris abram carol bruce else bruce martha stevenson margar l james donna campbell doris tubman kathy tomlinson pat sy wright and joanne wright visitors attend the lhankoffering meeting of eden mills presbyterian wms held on tuesday afternoon was well attended with visitors of neighboring wms attending mrs k griffith guest speaker held her audienee with her in spirinj message readings bv mrs k steven son and mrs wright and a duet by mis w lisby ind mrs g macdougatl were enioyed the ladies wire invited to stay foi t 100 descendants social half hour and a cup or a hafflmrvn events hallowe tn pranks on frld iv evening in the village prompted a coll to the o p p some oulsld ers broke the mnin light switch hrowing part of the vllliigc into darkness and put barrle ides k ross a road a hallowe en dunce otltridnv evening in the hull jjroughl many weird and faney cos turn es out curries orchestra prmid ed the music spot d inte win ncrs were mr hnd mrs w mi lean jr mrs r marlm and mr moran costumes btrsltlrcsvj ed couple mr and mrs c muc cullough must oiigmat eostum es mis lin laing miss laurie burrows lumn loslunns miss pearl milcod mrs roy w irne prevents fire rockvvood file brigade were called in eden mills saturd ly afternoon marline mi phei son on her paper route not i nil smoke coming from a building mil nnlified mr thorms the gis slalion ownei who e ilkd roek wood thl owners were iw iv il the limi if it hulnl bieii fur marline a more serious 1 n e would have resulted conch ross camnhi ii i ntir timed his bill ilub sifwrcliv ivcninfc lo putv in ippreiiil ion for llnlr efforts all stimmir in bringing hie team close to the championship iming by one game sunday guests of mrs j oil berlsun were mr and mrs bob i i lhe r i son and ions ulso mrs ariliibald toronto mi md mrs bill mel uin we a in burlington sunday quests of mr and mis bub fiati eis and limily rain fails to halt children collecting shell outs monday i is tbi pissetl store in spite of driving rain and cold of distinelu north winds lostumcsoakcd ehil windows dien swurmed over the streets in collectors for unicef githcr aeliin gathering shcllouts in ihi ed it llie ymca following their liiidilion il niunner monti iv si ir e umiss h i pennies lor needy ling in i he aflernoun the rum eliildren in other lountncs and rultd lo d unpin thi spirits of cnjuveil a program uf costume young re eli is costumes udging and sinking approxim dunned luies blackened itch 70 prics were given out paeked under their aims i wa meeting at pickett home on tuisday novembir i l he wa of alton uniud chunh mil ut ihe home ol mis c piekitt owing to ihi inilemmi weaiher lln illindimt was smallir thin usual mis wilderspm president wis in ih irge ind ihe miellng opined wilh ihi ode ind prayers mis lul lambett give ihe de vol ion mrs s holmis read the scripture i torn matlhiw iliiplii veisis i 16 hvinns 182 md 243 first visit home in 54 years mrs w osland meets family ootd watch was presented to jim inglis retired telegraph operator with the cnr friday evening after he concluded 50 years of service pictured above left to rght are john goy who presented the watch on behalf of all the sectionmen and other associates of the opera tor george angell station agent mr inglis and herb helwig freight agent the group also presented a purse of money lunch was enjoyed after the presentation ncarl 100 descendants of the late mi and mis william ander son pioneers ot acton and nas sigawcvn tended n mimorabte family reunion in the town h ill at eden mills recently the luist of honor u is mrs win oslind the former annie anderson of lashburn siskat ehewan who hew home lu visii her sisters mrs j d unison mrs c h insen ind miss is ibel ander son ul a i ion this is mrs os i ind s lust visil home sime she went lo make her home m the vem5ityeais ayj md she h is spent a most pleasant two months isilmg her m iny rel u ims md h lends in ihe disinel after a bountiful bullet sup per served al six o clock a social evening was spent reminiscing of bvgone davs plavme caids and daneing lor ihe younger folk spell il guests were mr and mrs ed hume of cirlvle siskalih ewan and mr and mrs j hall daughter and sun in law ot mis osland s who muoiu from saskilehiwin li take her hortu wilh ihcm guests wen present from toronto h imillon burling ton allison blaikw ul kilbiule acton eden mills and nassaja tin uu hay the custumary door knockint si u ted a number of nsidenls npoti is laifc1 a erowd is other ve us tall mg leii e nidus ulhus nutieid a dei reuse due to the wealhir toliee re port id a quiet nigh i uilli hull oi no d unagi otilsidi ol lie usual slop sign uprooting ind window souping b uuiund 10 30 the slrcets wire jlmiist hire uf ehildren and tin own resumed us usual stillness chddun diikcd out in paper i is tuinis land the worst as d imp ncs reduced ihcir attire to drip- p ng shreds many accepted plas l i bags from householders lor llieir suggv lool othei masqueraders flitted round town unaware of thi mrs chule ik ik were sunc w is pi mist in thi ibsinie ol mis m ison mrs t 1 imlurt iciid is seen laiy mis iindsiy give i vcrv salisl ietor repoil f ihe b i i ir an appeal iron i hi si john ambuhnii ass m it ion lot i do nunn hjs erantul ils for quills loi tin vut ir home lit tlfls thi denmhir mutnil will he lild al tin hum of mis biatt the roll i ill is in hi ins wind wilh i vusc eonl lining tin wind gilt 1 he meeting closed with the mip ill hemdielion lunilv wis sened bv tht youp in chary mil i son il lime enpivid take training for visitation firs i and second training mee- iings for visitors in ihe sector plan are being held in the parish hall chunh of st alban the m irlvr this week the firs was i si nthl ind the second tonight thursday in charge is the rev c k me kim direetor of christ tin fduealim ol the diocese of nuteai i who has had special training in visitation in the uni led slates george haggctt is chairman of l he visitation committee the visitors are preparing lu go out ruin on november 13 to call on all and wilh a passing swing ol a those who consider st alban hind swirled their soipy mark itteir spinlual home halton principals meet discuss school topics the halton principals assoc iation held their inaugural meet ing in the milton inn on monday evening october 24 the meeting consisted of a dinner an address by inspector w l mcneil and a business session seventeen principals from in spectoratcs halton no 4 and wentworth no 2 heard mr mc neil speak on the duties of the principals plans for remem brmnce day and united nations day a teachers convention and his coming visits to the schools group discussion after the school inspector s ad dress a group discussion period was held on the topic helping the teaehcr in the classroom chairmen of the discussion were mrs shepherd from the greens ville public school g w mcken zie from acton and e w foster from milton a steering committee made up of mrs shepherd mr mckcnzic g pnckwood of waterdown and mr foster was nominated to meet with the school inspect or and discuss future meetings speaking contest arrangements were made b the principals to get a publn speaking contest underway in the schools of the area princip als lorenzo hill e flamboro and waterdown j nesbitt w flamboro rasmond long mil hon and elmer smith acton agreed to get the contest rolling in their parmular districts bbbwilv mmmnzwrsxr vs fw omtumy speyside store proprietor mrs william douglas dies the proprietor of spevside storx for 25 vcars ellen nellie douglas had a host of fnends who mourn her loss this week mrs douglas passed away on thursda october 27 after an illness of six months she had hoped o see her first grandchild but david john douglas was bom on the da of her funeral her husband william prede ceased her in 1953 and she is sur ivid bv her son crawford of woodstock a sister mrs j me phedian uf r r 4 and a brother jae k frank ot ae ton mrs douglas was a faithful member ot knox ptvxbwcnan church and the rev a h me kenic fundus led the funeral scr kt at the rumlc shoemaker funitnl home on saturday octo ber 29 lodge charter mistress mrs douglas was ehancr mist revs and a life member ot bclved ere orange lodge guclph lodge members attended the sersiee to gether and acted as lower bear ers pallbcatvrs were neighbors douglas robertson frank robert son john moore goldie gilliev robert dredge and henr kellv interment was in faimeu ceme- ter two pioneer families in this district were uuted when ellen frank and william douglas were married at the brides fathers farm is nassafaweya on april 12 1912 her parents were the late catherav crawford and john frank they made their home guelph until they purchased the spevside store in 1935 mr doug- greeted their manv customers much or the time she moved to town in 19w umehouse halloween for unicef wet but fun about 150 raised weekend visitors in community homes intended tor last week the pattersons visited miss kate mekav and mr and mrs j kirkwood of georgetown on sundas miss jos patterson spent last weekend with miss anne hogg in alton mr and mr- mums hurd of weston iiited the pattersons during the week mr bill sanford was hime on sundas from pickering college mr and mrs lloyd mcenerv were guests at the sprowumal- ion wedding in st josephs chunh hamilton on saturday mr and mrs f j short ill and anne visited rev and mrs russ at sudburs dunng the weekend we extend ssmpathv to the jansen familv in the passing of mr luke janssen in st josephs hospital guelph on saturday the alvin rams of london visited his brothers here last weekend congratulations jo mr and mrs thos hamilton on the ar rival of a little sister for debbie a couple of weeks ago ret a cahkr bapdaed iittfe joan patnsia infant daughter of mr and mrs donald lmd- contlnued from page one n b mrs w mackas and mrs c ledlherlund wen gnen out in luck drawf pnes and rewards tor the latter rnlhanii leather land be i me benton and paul wolle reieied reeugnitk n tor having eolleeted tor unicef sinee its ineepliun in aelun six vears ago sails wilson had eol lected for fixe sears and this jear was assisting at the parlv the following industries donat ed monev for the prizes micro plasties corona shoe companv force lice trie beardmore com pans mason knitlint cumpans blow pre ss compans cost ol purehasini advanee literature and fliers distributed it the sehools hiring ol lilm puhluits malenal a i mtnhuted b st juseph s citholu wimens le igue ys miiletlis h k pulii otlin slitt md alton seottih d mei club olher organizations repascnted h solunteers helping were the loeal si out group avsoeiation duke ol dev onshin chapter iodf and lak si chapter iode coeome n for the hallowe en for l ef eom miltee in alton were mrs wm wilson and mrs r buckncr prize winners for most unginal costume were john bcitt brian binnes fiona gidman bill hansen 1 inda harris and heat her mkkaetlk how ii was organized an attempt was made to follow ihe suggtsti ms outlined b the dist rii i oi eanii r to enlist the suppoit it the various industries sersiee iluhs and ladies auxil laius js a i inimiimts pntieei miss helm smith areaehairman mm ted ation and was vxn plea senl wilh the wiv things were txinj hindkd sumi weeks prev iitus to ihe one night eansass this veir the boxes and tags were given out at the two public hools children were given fliers lo tike home wilh full directions printed on the back the were erv impicssed seem nglv with the film shown at the se hools assignment children featuring dannv kne s tour through the lountnes of ihe middle east in the cause of uni cef the ehildren also heard a record with the uniicef theme from mary martins song doh rah me from the broadwas plav the sound of music there w is also a stor b audrev hepburn children had everv opportunits to iudee fur themselves whether the should eolleel or not some classes wmt out 100 per eent others varud unlv iiphl partu ipjling in another peihaps all but luui say dunng the seme at lime- las was a contractor and builder house prcsbuenan church last and il was mrs douglas ttho sunday say thank you to choir servers thank vou was said to the choir and servers of st alban s ehureh tucsda evening when the brotherhood of anglican church men oetcd as hosts dunng a oc lal evening for the choir altar bovs guild and other guests the via eatcred for the dinner scr veil in the parish hall tb about 40 organist mrv frank oakes was presented with dowers bv mrs bob anderson the president of the choir kenneth knox was in ehargc of gimes md two hlms verc shown b ic rytow the rector told i hallowven ghost tors and dine ng eomludcd the pleasant esminp club welcomes visiting scot the regular mietmt f the ac ion ys men was puniluated bv the surprise visit of mr fovus brother qf y s man bob rovers the elub responded bv extending a welcome to c inada and fcivinl him a round ol applause after an unusually brisk fines penod bovsed bv lome doner thi in the elub dealt with the re gular business ind finallv protect chairman lome dohcrlheih dis tributed the lurkev tickets the members of the club were hosts to cahm lcilch ind paul law son visitors ind prosnccliv members the elub extended its wislus fir a speedv tnoer for mrs laws in who was cum cing in guelph hospital after idjuurnmmt scleral members rcmainid to pla bridge cnbbale and t lble lennr personal devotions fellowship topic the bipnsi hith rdlovvship tioup held their wnklv mcelnig uu fiidiy it the b iptisi church president bet nn trueler con dueled the business met ling keilh dunk led a disiussion un persjinl divoii ins lie divot ton j i pcuod was i iken bv d nna uindsbut uth who closed till nieiliiit wilh pnvir did you know that in tour new 0 renewa1 th insurance policies tou will likely have 450 deductible on many of the covexaoes also many coverages you may have had previously an not there at all now you can still buy complete coveiaoe and gel many more extrai with a homeowners policy start your homeowner package today tomorrow may be too late your auto can be included- dennys insurance agency mill street business changes ownership anothe r busim ss c hangt on mill street took place this weik when the former steinberg store was taken oser bv new manage ment operating under the nairn ol ab supernnrket the store is under the ownership ol hcnrv as moam and samuel bloeh ol toronto the two owners have had pnv tous mpenence in the retail tradi an inend lo adopl new policies bs well as carrs oul some of thi former store ones a delivers set vice will be mamlained and the owners intend lo continue with pinks stamps mr avinoam stated this week his store would stress top quail i and prompt service and would keep a number bl the former em plovees ot stunbergs layaway now for christmas shop now at your leisure while our selection s at its best a deposit will hold any article until christmas acton home furnishings proclamation poppy pay p whereas 42 men of this town gave the r lives in defence of canada and the democrat c world and whereas the memory of their serv ce and saenfee is a source of inspirat on to all c t zens as our nat on faces new d ft culties and dangers and whereas the r memory s kept ever br ght by the annual weannq of memor al popp es n the r honor and the honor of all other canad ans who d ed n war service now therefore i j h goy mayor of the town of acton do hereby procla m fr day november 4h to be poppy day n the town of acton and do urge tht all ctzens observe the day by wear ng the memor al poppy of the canad an leg on j h ooy mayor if this acton creamery sign isnt overhead youre not shopping for the freshest a a a limited bre u m si akfastgems irge 64c doz ed 49c doz nail 39c doz phone 53 free delivery office and stationery supplies smith corona portable typewriters 79 95 104 50 115 50 134 50 need with small i p ivirnnl or sltyriter clipper sterling super c in he fin il m pi in f ir chrislm i reconditioned typewriters office models underwood remington and royal rrasonabi f prki s typing pads 100 sheets 39c steno pads isc to 25c scheaffer fountain pens a slk fur mrv hand siooo up ptm ii iiiks shaffer ittili lints from 1 95 and up sheaffhs script ink 207 bollle 29 cartridge 49 ball point pens in irjl slvlts pencils for all purposes 4h to 6b leads and ball point refills pencil sharpeners i widi stcilliin si 49 to 6 25 magic markers 79c to 1 10 rifillt 50c pen trays wlh ink slick several colors only s2 2s zipper ring binders several qual t es and colors special cadet stapler and 5000 staples both for 395 to 750 550 other lines si 69 to so 25 christmas cards see the f ne assortment of g bson cards that we are ihow ng assorted boxes 59c to 1 50 solid packs 1 00 to s3 00 25 cardi to bo montags writing papers a f ne assortment to choose from truly yours d si nctively d f terem social siat oney personal ed by internal onal see these for a or stmas g ft that i d fferent personalized christmas cards they are oertsland ng in jiy4 and vale pick up one of ew chrbtmm qvmts for magazin gift subscriptions mssp an supmjif phoniom

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