high school christmas ex ams start in two weeks final details of acton s uni cef collection will be given at a later date don t forget to pause at ii o clock tomorrow morning to remember the farmers ore quite pleased wilh the rceenl rams they will help with the spring planting don t furgci to plan your win ter work progiam now and keep unemployment at a minimum georgetown golf and coun try club will have its remaining nine holes open for next season fourth instalment of taxes due the middle of this month heird any other cheery news lately junior farmer from hallon arc participating in the roval winter fairs livestock judging competitions today four acton men fishing tn georgnn bav recently rjh out of gas during an off breeze ttu had to row iy shore can you imagine ibip the anglican church in georgetown has initialed a bus service for sundav school child rcn a new baptist church is un der construction there too georgetown couneil through halion mpp sian hall is seeking an audience with minis rett5thighvis ciss to state the ttjwns ease for a ninth line jc ecss to 401 highway christmas cards decorations low and gifts the re a on the eounten nijit now the bus- inevsmen arc looking well ahead and ntieipatl a busv season its unfortunate that the y ladies auxiliary was unable to locate enough assistants to start their popular nursery school ag ain this year it was too much work for toojfew we scotchtaped up an upt new motto in our news office this week anyone who can remain calm in the midst of all this eon- fusion simply docs not under stand the situation it s pretty hard to m tint un interest in politics between elect ions the attendance at the an nual progressive conservative association meeting tn milton friday was an indication our nomination for the best invention in the clothing field in vcars those gay and giudy leotards bcmcs of giggling girls skipping home from school are as fedv as summer gardens on the greyest das last week s article on the eaves at rock wood was enjoyed t readers we were glad to hear apologies though ves you re right one of the illustrations as missing some hocuspocus in the back shop david hastings partner in the law firm of haslms and panc which has air of rice here has announced he will not seek iixkttiun is mnvor of guclph he sas he will return lo his law practice since the mavors office has become more than a pirt lime job he recommended ip- pointment of a cits manager fur the sake of the baggv eved reporter writing the back u l0 column so mars from now wc miht is well record something all of us know well nough senator jack kennedy is the new president of the un ted states and television sets gave an ccrtc blue shine in dark ned houses late tucsdav night rjwf4ivia it i j 1szi tu three local men injured when car rolls in ditch three oung ac ion men were treated for minor injuries when their car plunged oil the road and into a ditch at stcwarttown carh sjturcljv afternoon driver kenneth a dodds of 109 mill st received two stitches to bis lu and facta uoeral ions wavnc spires of 18 main st required nine stitches to close a gash in the nght esx and also suffered facial lacerations and leonard porte ol 58 lake avenue received nine stitches to his jaw and luo to the ntht eve plus fac lal lacerations all were treated bv dr a e mcintosh of nearbv gourde tow n fllpi in ditch const ron t ration of north hall in opp explained iheir ear was southbound un the scvenlh line hu41 j mile suulh ol n j 17 sidcroid when il missed a curve and flipped into the ditch the e ir owned h edw nd footui of is2 ouexn st received about j500 damage the accident happened aboul 2 pm is the men were driving lo oakulk to bowl girl guide news aflcr god save ihe oucxn and the uide praver pairuls were dismissed to cornels to prepare i ir lndiv on rndav the isl aeln compam wilt be pjilie itwliiil in the piuclc in com un mil ih rciiieiiibi mcj fi foil iwinc dismissal lo p iltijl l iniels a cjuu ol guide his urn wis ortinued there wire 20 quest uns tlu questions and answers vveie il id then the ques tntns tx ici il un while the pal nils wrote the jitsvens the i mis vveix added dill i the in spi ti n points ik oilludil pilnd itxik the ljiiu time until eamplire llli imxtinc ckisctl with e tnip- hu getith fills the lifcht ot dj in i t px new ss lessons to start in 1964 sundav school teachers of the united church heard two guests at their regular training meet ing sunday evening first was ihe rev george james of toron to from the united church pub lishing house who suggested wavs of using the material is sued the publishing house is set tine up a completely new cur nculum which wilt be reidv in 1963 beginning next scptcmbei iherc will be new stotx papers one will still be called onward while canadian bov and cinad lan girl will be combined in 1961 and ciltcd encounter lessons for ihe first quarter of 1961 arc taken from john he said the lessons are scheduled so lar ahead ihcv arc already in lor l3 then miss wilma unwin of burlington united church spoke on group teaching sugcxstine larger classes replace the present small ones finalize details for chapter bazaar finaliinc plans lor ihe chap ter bazaar the end ol l his munlh occupied members uf lakeside clwplcr iodf at their mid ing in ihe legion hall tucsdav ivcntni mrs j mann ind mrs h hclwi is nun hk is a cjocerv shoyr nelled hems for the hampcis on the penm sale l ihle mimtxrs will assist it he blood donoi clinic november 17 and weie uieed lo like pari in t he re me inbi am e d tv p u ule innimnw the chnstnias pntv will hevin it 8 pm all incs mi l ir ihis mir hive bccun wilh a x t luck supper outuaxy active in lol wally frankum was tannery employee 50 years funeral service was held at woodbridge on thursday nov ember 3 for wallace james fran kum who passed away in york county hospital newmarket the previous tuesday mr frankum who was a leather finisher at beardmorc and co ltd here for 50 yearn had been til for four months and was irr his 78th year he wis boin in 1883 in mont real and was married in 1912 al wingham his wife survives hmv as well as two daughters and one son mrs c irelancl woodbndge mrs j m mcdonald maple h c trankum weston a brother harry t frankum harnston n sister miss lillie frankum har nslon and lour giandehildrcn he attended school m montreil belorc coming to acton he was tn charge of mixing the dves foi the lihl leathers at beardmoics tossed 36 feet he was very active in orange lodge organizations was a past member ol lol 467 acton an honorary member of loba guelph a member of 1331 orange lodge guelph and 877 royal black prcceptory and a past com mittceman ofgcand lodge of ontario west he was also a hoc key and ball fun funeral service at woodbndge on thursday novembei 3 was conducted by the rev b f and revvs and the rev dr howiek and interment was in hillcicm cemetery hdbrulgc pallbeircrs were treel sluikey ilan collet ind john rohson ol acton w street and b i laniejin liuelph and h w itson londo i attending the unci il liom ae tun were c k browne joe mt laughlin and charlie heard ind from guelph john whiteside ind tom fox by doreen gordon susan wilson rlan barbeau tv james ironside after enjoying one week in ac tun with the students from em porium it was our turn to return with them to their homes in em porium pennsylvania wc tried and tried to get all the luggage into- the car but to no avail there just wasn i enough room fortunately rolanan ron lewis in inaged to bormw a sta lion wagon and wc pulled out of aclon at ii o clock sund iy morn ing when wc inlvcd it fort erie hie sceieluy ol ihe lmpoiiuin roi irv club wis walling lo peel us he led us hick to emporium whcie our 1 usls families were waiting with a w inn welcome lor its boy suffers fractured skull when struck by skidding car leonard lcggclt 11 yearold son of mr and mrs bob letgett main street acton suite red a fractured skull and broken leg when he was tossed 36 text when struck by a ear near hh home saturday afternoon geary frederick allan eden mills driver of the vehicle told police he si immed un his bi ikes but the car skidded and struck the voung bov as he crossed the road the voungster w is earned into melvuc s garaec vvheie hi wis attended to bv di w g c kennex and liter sent to guclph general hospital loi fut liict laalmcnt cuiporil r tv m ison ol ihe aclon opp dclichmcnt invest tailed and st ited the allen cut skidded approximately 110 feet before ihe impact and the young bov vv is found 36 feet ahead or the point ot impact mr ond mis lcccelt uid lam ilv rcccnllv moved to acton hum huntsvillc when ihe t ninety wis dosed in the lloi ill mis icllcii is ilso i pitkiit in guelph lios pit il whcie she had her sixth hubv em sunday william stewart named central area president a number trom ihe local con t re tat ion attended the ceiili il district rallv al hillsbuteh on bundav ctcninc win stewart hid the h muii ot belli n imed the new presid nl of the district rcpoils weie an iouth fellowshipig ptcsented bv win slcwart lor the church bv miss donna kings burv piesidcnl ol onl trio christ youth fellowship bv mrs d g robertson president of the ontario christian women s fel lowsbjp the theme iddress decision determines destinv was civin b bvron f howlett locil mm istcr winter time table sci vices at the local church of christ disciples were well attend ed on sundav the winter time table commenced with worship suuec al 9 30 am lollovvcd bv sundav school the minislci bvion f h iw lell cln sc is his thellle who will llilc the wukl spceid puvcts vcele 111 ule in obstiva ho i ul kcmctubi nice sund iv s llietl concluded wilh the le id hie ot llle inniiiilil poem in handel s held plan improvements on monday evening a eoncrc gauiunaj meeting was held al the church when pi ins were made for the election of modem wish rooms ind other local unpiove nicnls the ehuich ei iletnlly ick nowledcd i recent bequcsl by i friend of the conljceation donuts ind col lee seivcd bv ihe cyt weie eniovcd it the close ol ihe business session harvey laverty heating sales and service repairs to ail makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n rockwood phone ul 69934 rockwood 24 hur sarvtc students report classes easier in snowy emporium 12 inches of snow we aw uke ihe next mi nun lo i bhzud limine which 12 niches ol snow ictl in lop il llle inoun l un making il impossible lo retell lie ncvl town i hoc was no school mund iv because ol i le iiheis iiistilule which is coin pil ihle to mil tc telle i s convcn lion so we mun igctl to catch up in i little lost sleep in the allcnioon we weie laken on i tour of ihe syh mi i plant whcie television tubes ue made this wis very interesting to us and ilsu to ihe amciican siudcnls who hid neve i visited i licit be loie tuesday morning wis spent in ihe classickims ol 0 uiieion county hinh school al noon we iltcuded the rot ity club mcclmu whcie ml h inscn ave in ex ccltenl online on ihe c in idi in system of education seniors honored an issciuhly was held in ihe dtciiwoil it wc weie i iliodlle ed tu the student body ihe most mpicssivc tunc about this as ciiibly wis ilie itcalmcnt ol t tie enior cl iss lveiyone in the aud lonum stood up ind the bind bee m lo pi iy as they inarched in th it nilhl uih ol the ui is held i piy i p ii ty this was a new c peilence for us is we had nevct lasted piza bcloie the next day we attended clas ses again in the morning and in the afternoon we were taken on a lour of emporium and the sur pounding district by one of the rotarians from one place on the mountain we looked down on ihe whole town because or the fall colors the surrounding hills were especially beautiful for supper that mcht we went to charlies tavern vvheie we had spaghetti and meatballs the propnelur and other guesls gol a real kick out of watching us wrapping ihe spaghetti around our forks and trying toii il to our mouths before dropping il i ater wu tried our hands al ten pin bowling were slill irvinl lo decide whether its easier or har iter than our bowling paint the town thuisdiy mornine we iltcrtded el isscs again and in the aflcrmxin we painted hftlovve en picluies on ihe slore windows two sin dents aie assigned to each win dow in town this helps lo eul down vindalism ind soapinj ol windows which prcv ids in most towns garbed in our painling clothes we wcnl to the loe il radio station where wc were questioned aboul canad i and our impiessions of lmponum the pirenls of the ex change sludeiils held a parly i ir us hut uighl at the moose the senior class attended ak we spent u d iy friday m cl iss with lunch in ihe school c ileteiia wc wcnl to ycarbimik dance ill it nigh i in the school vmnasiiiiii sp insured by the pt a tive clock on sillit l iv mini ing e uile much lixi so in loi iui lik i tip wc sliueglcd u ol ind ind inlvcd at ihe schxd il s x i j cluck lo leavelot feiinswvania slate university it was i ihice haui duve fioin fmpoiiuin on ihe w iy one ol the buses had us iui view min ir knocked and was neatly luincd ovel 60 h s bands al lllllelhiitv ihcjx w is a p ir adc of f0 liikh school buds i un ill over pennsylvania slate in the afternoon we saw pcnn stile play the university of west vir ginia at the new beaver stadium which holds 60000 people at half lime the pcnn state bide band led ihe sixty high school bands on lo the field where they formed the letters psu then they played five selections mclu ding autumn leaves amine i and the pcnn stile alma m iter fins was the climax ul our wonderful week our general opinn n e met nine their school system wis i il we work much hirder ihm ilev do alt of their text and work books are supplied on one d iv we it undid classes on problems of democracy band chins chi r ind irt these are all considers i subjects for their gi idualion dip lorn i they have s minute cl isscs with 2s minutes fir lunch in sle id of huvine their muks ut of 100 ihcy ue euided in itic cuivc these nie ms thil ihe hih csl mark in the class receives in a no need for la this was a very enlightening visit for both canadian and amcr ja icon students as one of the em porium teachers remarked if stu dent exchanges were continued and ihe exchange of ideas carried on more cxcnsively there would he no need for the united nations- today thank von rolarv girl guide news intended tor hsl week ihe mictuil this evening open cd wilh god sue ihe queen and the nude pflvcr following roll e ill ihe compiny was dismissed l puiol corners for a discussion pe i lod the senior piliol was in charge i times until e imp luc the rise pill il took over c impfirc we closed wilh softly talis the liehl ol dw ind tips tax notice i960 municipality of acton fourth instalment now due altenlion is driwn to the payment of i960 taxes which arc n iw pa iblc in four instalments taxes are payable to the municipal treasurer at the town of acton municipal office ymca building instalments arl due as follows fourth instalment november 15th according lo he tax collection bv hw a pen ills of ol i per cent per month will be added on the amount remaining unpud after the ifrth day of mav this penalty ipphcs to each instalment in i similar manner the attention of ratepayers is directed to the pcniitics ind other clauses is printed on ihe reverse side uf ever tax notice and cxpl lined in detail on every tax bill make payment now and take your tax notice with you when making payment j mcgcachie collector sut all returns fmni the n 1 b canvass ale in vel sun life a progressive company m a progressive industry wm w gray ab supermarket formerly steinberg s our motto 107 court st tr 82421 personalized service opening specials soiai sucid 20 ol tins pineapple 2i43c moot 300 kleenex pkg 15c watch our top quality meats at low prices 14 oz jar ea strawberry jam 39c ayimik m ol ja ea peach jam 35c mttsswoods compass brand sliced lb c lb side bacon 59 potatoes 39c we are continuing with pinky stamps free delivery 911 mill st acton toys toys lor goad little girls and boys kindergarten sets dou prams and strollers wooden and ctttom rocking chamts desk sets kiddie cars dou cubs layaway now for christmas a depotit will hold your selection acton home furnishings well guarantee you dep ontime deliveries of cleanerburning texaco fuel chief heating oil duwatuified with he fuel oil youre getting or the amice then tall ua texaco fuel chief backed by the prev tire of the company that gives you famous texaco sky chief and fire c hief gasoline it a the finest fuel oil you can buy bar none it burns completely w cleaner wnokelewn non corrosive and free flowing in cold weather m1 important u nchedule delivena to nurl our need vou ii never run short heating oil bill bailey the oil man number 7 hwy 5 milm east of acton