Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 15, 1960, p. 1

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iw ttt tt elghtyslxth year no 25 acton ontario thursday december 15lh i960 twelve pages soven conti 50 years ago monday light e j hassard former acton druggist now retired oined walker lodge a f a m he was honored by fellow members on the anniversary wnen lie wis pre ienied with his 50 year veteran s jewel worshipful brother hassard was presented the medal by very worshipful brother herb ritchie righi worshipful brother a j buchanan district deputy grand master of wellington district pinned the medal on ins lapel piciured above left to nght are r w bro a j buchanan ddgm w bro e j hassard and v w bro h ritchie bfttiskiot w w j wl4 commission debate ii rough to cancel hydro bonuses now will review mellowed by soft ghniiiiuing cnlihid light and spaikhng yulelidt irtt lighting ilu itfhu acton hydro commissioiurs thursday evening detimbu 8 approved paymtnl uf fhe annu ul chnstmas tnsh bonusis to salaried cmploytts and utdtttd laige lurkvyn for ihut hydm linesmen commissium rs agiitd lo lake a sctond peck al ihe praclitc iht cail pan ol mi year and stl out a poluv lout bdonqirlmmah shoring in the iomnussions cash bonuses will bt setretarv treasurer mrs auriicy urquharl meter reader nlwi hurst and superintendent d mason lints men slated to rcttivtd a tuike caeh arc fnzztll k hodgson and d aniluson prucllee for ycnrs bilon this dttismn was rt tlwd tin uimmisskmi mat in a imglhx disuission and ai tvealled batk htlort 1947 ulieii lie ioiiiki puc ne hon uses commissinnu cjord biatl said tin basit punupk ol a boil us or iht hydro itnpltitts was unsound and than salarus should totr emtmhint hi poinittl out thai tn his book a bonus v is in givt inunhu to wmkus c it m man i 1ln si iiuwnlthi piailki ol tin toiiim plk amt told tin minibus litis had hitn going on lout klon ins itnu in mpal gouinnuni thil a different polity be sel lor nt xl vtai salary lipped hanging in e for somj months iht qiifsloin ot a sal iry imrt ist in hvdii supeiinltndtnl dong mason w is stilled and an in tuask amounting to si so pti aniiuin was approvid paymthl was inadt utiuaitim to otluh or 4 commissiutius tngagtd in a lmglh discussion ttgardmg ilk proposed capital budgcl for next tar and reviewed proetls un der eonsidcration as well as ant itipatid tosts iht military uiformid llit numbers thai a saklx displ i uqiusktl b mum would pus sihl in available somt hint llli lusi p ii of llu mar 1 amlnc evidence a ikiioi ikd lighl bulb it 1 1 ul id llu illinium ol llu lommis sum is ltli laltlllllx iminnud oiu ot llu bulbs umii is llu lai hi lot somi shupshooiii in tin ditili ana minibus iiud il wis i man i llu holts hid ruin in iik b a high mivir pun shool nfi a small pillit tand wiih irk piohlmi ol u plating moti i pi iism lpe utobis iluid ii oiind j tilt loinnussinn is il u inpltne to appiilund hit ml 111 its in nidii lo sivi lilt iik paus mils addid ipmsi 1 tikis wui ittuid liom llu onlano huho outlining mu low powtr lattin h stual indiisi ins noting ui u usls hul linn inadt anil u ports suhmiikil appioial w is gum mu mi utaiv to piv soluiloi aklo iti u di l as iht toinmissiiius slim ul opt lists loi ih dlmt llit ploi plan and galhuing uiloi milion iigaiding llu aim si piopulv puithastd rtiuitly liom tin issue warning corporal ray muon ot the acton o p p detachment tisqed a warning to citizens today lo une extra caution during uw holiday season he warned against leaving homes unlocked and parcels dis played in the open where thiev es mlghl he tempted to break into the home he also advised leaving lights on in the home when vlitltlng always tell baby sitters the telephone number of the police siruck by car youngster hurt niik l u old harry battns tjiuixh bltttl tstaptd with tuts mil hiuists when he was knock d down by a eai driven by tom anil jioigtiown wetlncsdav ivuiing dtttmbcr 14 t ml igul in a snowball throw ihe voutitsitt son ol mi and mrs ii baitns dai ltd unto mill slretl ii hunt ot ihe ymca and was sliutk by the passing vchitlt hi w is hca lid loi a biuivtd hijli itul ininoi nils by di w j c kuintx and allowed iu n hun lo ins home opp tonsldble rki llii in ss uimsligaled lilt in uduil 20 new brownies join packs saturday on saluulay ihe isl 2nd and tul hi ow mt patks joined loget ik i in an tiiiohuttil leremony lli iilui 20 titw btownits join id ihi uious patks m un iiiolhus and talhus weie pit si ul collie and tookits stived in mu sioiil mil iiiltle inothels witi mv wikouit anil apprtt l owl ii igi id lo m i iliii si imhi dtttmbu 21 lo ai hii 27 toi illusions 7 pm dttunliii m i jintiai x loi niw 1 tin lollowint mo appiovid toi p i nun thompson moiois tuili motors j r ki irnn nip win km ii and e- a r clniki o r thonipson i m is contnk i alum lilt mu of its mm iisw 24 27 hm82 4 til ih old hi nlm mi n it ould wiliotut am niti itipintd in un units in judy dwvtr i hitnus lioiinit gaum dioimia aiiill joan gibbons colkui ivikins bitml1 duiny vtui aunt eoks ixbbit rted susan glindtuning jo unit ileal k gik ross bubble ntssel miislu miknit lauiii lion suk j un wilson cbtivl lee i lltn w i ssi iii dunua laylur and ixhlno jordan store hours lutslmas sloie bonis slultd mondiv ihe first day ol added shopping unit tor tin viai s hitm mil biighltst nisli man siutts win open all dav monilav and oltins will om ihim next uiik on ihursdn ixtning to imliim sioii hums mi begin l unit l i bopjkis llu j uk dttoialid sloiis v 1 1 h illt kiimk displisid mer ihiiulisi ait ttiv tnluing as usual iht iniiihints an doing hun pul lo loininti alton 1 ills ll s hist in shop al lmillt south seeks more county power svscclaims big revenue little voice sum leeopiia imimhk al llu i deal with zoning bylaw changes allow garages business expansion at ion count il mond w itiinnti llu lusi in law is an u passtd two ami mini h i iwsf in nl iu li llu i il plan and whlth intoipoialt llu iiininiiii n duions ol the ilanuim h od hlco bylaws in mm suit i llu ontario munltipd lion mm iihu piovil bifoit iht omii will bppiovil bthnt llu om ii will fcppiou mu ehnnftsa puhlk in i fmt wdl ik lukl a wimh n 1 1 sted nc i sons nni pusini ilun pipllllis 11 liuui slltt i ist llu pi p ih ol i i mk pkus s ihiuiki ins j j 1 1 in ol i usidntiil lo 14 llu pi ih ol i skwul it mi ul v k l i ml ouii slitil is lo ih u nud 1 1 coniiiiiiuil limn prized letter received by 10 year old bobby bonnelie from presidentelect john f kennedy ib admned ovt r and over the acton youngsler wrote a idler congratulating mr ken nedy on winning the piesidency and tins week received a reply signed personally board expects years surplus to begin park flooding soon auon bujul nl rnk- mm it mini ixli- lt uiml up ihi at will 1 surplus anidiinliiv iu s77m2 ill i 11 um iihlnii- ksuunls iu p nil i his uiloi in i lion is lunlul iniini ill m linil in tin l ih ii 1 ik s ui iiiim i n ronunif h n h 11 pi hi in in in r k i uk i sutusi iiiil hkinhus i inl ii 1 si hi ml pntui is mun llus m i in hi m mi hi nl s i in m i i nl ml hi ihi miiiinl i si1mi hm mi- ni hi pnni i imiiuiik i i smpliis hum ljs uiilinii i il in i i i il i inlsi ip ssi744 ill li i iih in in r iilhi 111 1111111 i 111111s ii pnl i a tluniliiin in ih st jihn ni hul in biiil un i i i s40 w is ippul ml i 1 llns i n illim iiuhli i liiii skiliii llns iiiiiu munhis ui ilisl in n s n inl ipoil hik ih lit i i ii i 1111 111 liiulu i iii ik tilt hvliw iiiimiiluin hi n i ih iliniinii 1 1 1 l ii nil- i i 1 ls iih i nn spmli i hi u li il s i llii piimins l li i is 1 knj m ik i mm nl s n ii nun i nklu lis iii uhssmh liuil f h us i pi i 11 1111 11111 his ln 1 h iih hv lln i i ih lhl sihi ii i i iliisis snll u n itl1il u ii i hull i i i u ih sid 1lhiilil i i i i n 1 ii ins i 41 ih hull i i hi l ail hill- must not h lst mini iii iiistmut jk i ii 1 i itut- liuui imsln hull inn 11 lulsu ii nul ih ik hiiill mi ih htiill i iii in 11 h pi itlll lllnns ll llu ii 1 is 11 i i ii uu1u t is huh i mu mium ul is must h ii i 11 1 ih hull lui ill hums ill ulv built h i mill- liuimmu iis ip iiluil i in inn h i mil il iii p i ll mi- null i- mj limn isiiknlul ilh t itn nuns i ippk si 11 ih i mil nu ullll 1 i lu pinpllv nil w ill ui an i mj liuui ml is llsn i ill 1 ih i mill liinj in ih i i i i hun u ml in hi 1111 11 pi i ll ll lmllll1 in lslll ii liil in i 111 mis in plhlli hull is i in nils hi tns in ih illks lln11 mis giuiji ui h u kill lui hit vii i i in r r iuk il i s 1 h ll instill i nl ss n ll i i nl 124 ih ml i i 111 piulll pint 1 hu ll i i lisll l n 111k mil i in minim slllhus it ii is i pn lui ih i in llu ui iu uhl h h i i pul induing ttiliisl n ll i nn111 nn ill lull pi tins 1 1 1 ii 1 i nu sk ih pp 1 p ih il il il ull l llul i i liuiiiii t i un kiuin unuil i ul un h nil iiliuc i ii kin ii i i ii i nun ik i mu s sifnsl i hi ii is u 11 i hiil uiill ii i i 11 ih lk i linn n in sun un pu pi ill i iiuu 1 h llu i n lhiutli ii ti is ul lii i hilii il s two fires in 13 minutes one pumper under repair with oiu pun ol liiclijum iiiipiiuni tiiulii i hi ind two ilitnis wiihiii m iiiiiiiilis alton mil iitihliis win inuul lo puss ihui iiiiuiiu l snidi ink hu mink mlo sunn muiki n ilk i noon a upusni urn liom iiiuu in maish pumps hnsv up imiiib numbtr oik pniiiti juiupid liom undimiialh on liiuk in iht hit hall wluti llu sum summon id lirimin al 4 02 pin lo i niiol a 11 11 n ihiiiiiiiv it llu honii l w rosill pnl si willi hi pump on iiiiinliii oiu 1 1 in k out i oidi tiiuiuii sun numlui iwo ink jlol 11 llu illll w ilu w is nmss nv iwo huinin nswuiiil hi i ll wio lilmolis lo iihmii t woik uid i bwniiki olkutl hum i hit to ilu hi lull l ihltlll llollus sttond mann kill ismlld i llil lollllol til wluhiv 111 i ntlilol llu l27 siud iiki onl i llu d is lu i i ilu su ii kli iiiur iii it liimiin i tlu hll ho nun on nomhii oiu liuik win tini- aul lo ii nn i s ond i ill had him suillin lliyh winds pic- tiiid clu m tmm in it ni the mi n n hi losill lu ih smnk nutill w s lisicl in tlu kosll linu hllll w is isl lo 1 ni hi limn liom till khi 1111 w 11 w is dollsld i 11 ijlt 111 lhl santa arrives er in wins 60 in ilow loi ihi snond tun md n hitnii i slt 1 o i ing lulu hill liiind molhtdl ihiiiis s ml i 1 nis will ir- i in llu honu ol si inliv sw uk uw m i- n ik lu lit li ptn imhi had ixui i p ilil know s d i 1 ms i t ill tns iu holf- puns o iqimiiiiiril hul hmlil m in i ills itip mu il llu rosa ii liu mil i in i imi will in spins m l in nn i m ii i k ill oi i 1 llu ir i llu puk this si son sami umi ll w uml milutilio no hart hi shonl s loi 1 th sil ainsl non uiuiin md t ploiits ii w 0 souk lilllll lll01li illlltldld hi kill ii kl mr hnrrn ttrmjnn on tin imnus iiiisiinii hoi 1 tip tki iiiiiniismon pul a huk itnikh i ips 1 sndk ii i nu tnlxt mill appi i in mium p pumpu wis disihlnl iu in ihis m n i iv ih ui m il n is wni simdu lot nun nnnpid huk in llu insl m ih ihimihi 1 mnin lu ii ii i ns i milv md ilun hm s du s i u nul wm dnui lo tli im in pin u i lu d imili si n ih iv kh nii horn on ririsim slul lo imd lin m ill n l lh k jims di iu n iik post llui llu oitupanl hul luiom jlnm llu i ih 11 ii ilow w ill in nij v ughls mihkling nu hums u s id wlun lu ii md wiluilid i hukv ihisoii uhi lie appiov il w is pm i pi ii i i m i 1 v i tlui livli ml si vpp uuukl nsult in imiks th w kk inihinls lillils ui pi mis li muis w is ii i pi suious in ill mh ih mi ilium and k md ilihjnv ii lurmltm ihnkiil md llu hands oui vm1 olll sdn llu imi ol llu i ml loiimv lonii dlon lui mini disius in llu was puslud mlo ot llu ihw tm iilllkll id i itin il mm iiinl i llu loin l 111 llu iuu11i iii oil olkm mllv v lolintt il i ilk ami iilii 175 county officials pay tribute to retiring warden doug sargent llallon i omit v ooiud ml d kum t ud tllv huilmtoi 1 1 un- an aiitvi i u iumi iv llns kivi liv kvikman mis a ilkh m woik wtun w imiii ii s o siinh hisi k1 il m mtvn mi l p ill rlxvi ol onflow 11 ntn j till lhl uhdv s i laimil lotukillvus nkintv k nplo nin ih p si uulis uh ixs ilvilis1 upiis tilauvvs and wll plsiml v s kloi ll 1 1 pi 1siv llu w auk n s limik il llu inn d ii it 1 ii who llu n vl 1 iv w is wmidiiis iliniht iiut in tn ukrti itmi his mil uvddin m i ll l lown liikm h dl ixuip i y mvits in itiv iiinl ip 1 l 11 1 iltuivtl lv piv iiihuu ii l ik pl ul u v iw n lot ih vv 1 i mmv p man who h s moi1 t unl old loinui w nln kn tnuo 1 i tlni cihinvll ihtoujih j husilmj w ai xl ill id will ilk w llllll- ithii p loimn pixtjirt al ik ioikuisuh ol ilu ii- gram ik wantvii uul his wii rt lionoid bv llu piviin iiion ol a si i v i u t sovivi and llxwun for mrs saiv htad ublt iiu unlinks ii il ton m p p man it x ind mrs hall riv lalhct oipi dvvuii ol ihv wankns vjiuuh in hxitioviva pitsl warikn bill card ot oakxilk csqiksin rixxx lampb ii m ilair pisl waukn rcvxc mm s mill o millon tru uaixkn v nnithtr mrs chns saitpini pn- pram thairman and tornnr town rnavor jacv rmstrong tralalgar reeve alex phillips oakxilk i tn ih isli ml iw ot hdlon mix is si willi no nd imhi ot oikvill 1 in i in itxik ol dxuiton svd isjo vs totits ol millon john mnknnt i 4rtt ot hntin ind jhn t ol i u ailoti nnhhoiitu louniv wji ikns bill wingroxcol wnuvvxilh i ind willon dow no ol 1yj ind mm uul w is k vnn u k lil lotuivr waidens who mu i mm luuh loutluiv i ik ii1vlvl cksiirfviomn harold cliaxt tul nl uairisi un- ulait kisa siin alkn tion and mpnl his hsiitnrs t m ixui hxik immdid i wil ilumti pt hilling i ul mt mud iiimt to gviptovn 01silht lmikluiij h rixu phillips hi is pmusoi twn tim gucnt speaker nthon adamson ninj tt iniviritx ot tonnio spoki on rctloition ami trult- 1 in hi mvs2l thinks t tht lion as he outlined ihe formation uruwd alttnding warden sartni imj i mni ol humor mio m m rt xsankn bill i oakxilk oullmed thv pnv i iht mai ton uncmpknvd is smkiiiion oxir he pisi th s norttxittenl orvamzi tornifd lit vcar sshtn mninpruim or mitton uini nl lqucmni and ud all losl u1 in t lection ls oi ponuns il rsxt rilalpar dtputvrccvc fred ar piismitd rht wirden tl to the retiring warden basketball p ayj an important and the monday n gty i as s wishing to lake par p cturcd mond rog front roiw lef to barens harry birens teddy sa rele inihe vvca irowdeh w th eage above is the group i ght ae pavrond sa iiz v ncent dunne er cu r culum and yolosters moi drescnl on s d tz freddie dor me waller wayne pogen ton jan rdd sait y secrei i frank i n s second row left to rgl ii and fred landry back ary and instructor jim bl sufi phnto grry walw ftfink row hairy hdkd ip lunn john price and

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